Office Address: Department of Geography
The Ohio State University
1036 Derby Hall
154 North Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210-1361, USA
Telephone: Office: (614) 688-5688
E-mail: malecki.4@osu.edu
Date of Birth: November 28, 1949
Present Position: Professor of Geography, The Ohio State University
Education: B.A., International Studies, Ohio State University, 1971
M.A., Geography, Ohio State University, 1973
Ph.D., Geography, Ohio State University, 1975
Academic Positions: Professor of Geography, The Ohio State University, since 2001
Also Affiliate Faculty, the John Glenn School of Public Affairs; Courtesy Professor of City and Regional Planning; Professor, School of Public Policy and Management; Affiliated Faculty, Battelle Center for Science and Technology Policy
Director, Center for Urban and Regional Analysis, The Ohio State University, 2001-2005
Professor of Geography, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1987-2001
Chair, Department of Geography, University of Florida, 1988-1995
Visiting Professor, Interdisciplinary Institute for Urban and Regional Studies, University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, Austria (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien), October 1993-January 1994
Associate Professor of Geography, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1983-1987
Associate Professor of Geography, University of Oklahoma, Norman, 1981-1983
Visiting Researcher, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle, England, January-February 1982
Assistant Professor of Geography, University of Oklahoma, Norman, 1975-1981
Research Fellow, Science and Public Policy Program, University of Oklahoma, Norman, 1975-1979
University Fellow and Graduate Research Associate, Ohio State University, Columbus, 1971-1975
Fields of Interest: Urban and regional economic development, technological change, regional policy, research and development, telecommunications and the Internet, technology policy, corporate location, entrepreneurship, rural development
“Entrepreneurial ecosystems: environments and infrastructures for entrepreneurship,” Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, June 2016-December 2017, $24,970.
“Tracking the Rise of China and India,” Mershon Center, The Ohio State University, July 2006-June 2007, $7,933.
“Analysis of the Non-Profit Sector in the Columbus Economy,” The Columbus Foundation, September 2004 - March 2005, $16,500 (co-PI with Robert T. Greenbaum).
“The Global Structure of the Internet and Its Critical Infrastructure: World Cities and Telecommunications,” National Science Foundation, September 2003 – July 2006, $89,964.
“Internet Broadband Service Demand Analysis: Qualitative Choice Models of Household and Firm Behavior,” SBC Faculty Research Program, The Ohio State University, July 2003 – June 2004, $28,681 (co-PI with J.-M. Guldmann).
“Interurban Competition in the Global Economy,” Mershon Center, The Ohio State University, July 2003 – June 2004, $10,800.
“Assessment of Telecommunications and Tech-Readiness in Tallahassee, Florida,” Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce, December 2001 – May 2002, $13,000.
“The Infrastructure of the Internet: Telecommunications Facilities and Uneven Access,” National Science Foundation, April 2000 - March 2003, $121,752.
“Doctoral Dissertation Research: Entrepreneurial Networks in Mwanza, Tanzania,” National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant for James T. Murphy, August 1999 - July 2001, $10,000.
“Telecommunications and World Cities: The Best Cities for International Business,” CIBER [Center for International Business Education and Research] Competitive Research Grant, May 2000 - June 2001, University of Florida, $6,475.
“Telecommunications Infrastructure in the Southeastern United States,” TVA Rural Studies, August 1998-December 1999, $19,968.
“Digital Communications Technologies in the Rural South: An Analysis of Tennessee,” TVA Rural Studies, via the University of Kentucky Research Foundation, September 1997-December 1998, $ 9,887.
“An Assessment of Manufacturing Extension in Florida,” Enterprise Florida, Florida Manufacturing Technology Center, September 1997-January 2000, $5,670.
“Florida Component of Information and Technical Assistance Sources for Rural Manufacturing Firms: A Three-State Study,” subcontract from Purdue University, funded by the US Department of Agriculture National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program, October 1996-September 1998, $41,399.
“Global Finance and Offshore Financial Centers: A Case Study of the Isle of Man,” National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant for Sharon Cobb, May 1996-December 1997, $7,330.
“Manufacturing Networks as a Vehicle for Enhancing Competitiveness in Rural Areas,” U.S. Department of Agriculture National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program, August 1993-June 1996, $101,431.
“Support for the 1992 Conference of the IGU Commission on Industrial Change,” National Science Foundation Grant SES-9109733, October 1991-September 1992, $5,000.
“R&D, Professional Workers, and Geographic Mobility," National Science Foundation Grant SES-871329, August 1987-December 1989, $39,836.
"The Spatial Division of Labor and Regional Economic Change," National Science Foundation Grant SES-8308901, October 1983-September 1985, $40,000.
"Data Base for the Study of Regional Economic Change in the U.S. Computer Industry," University of Florida, Division of Sponsored Research New Faculty Research Support Program Award, September 1983-September 1984, $3,000.
"Federal and Industrial R&D: Locational Structures, Economic Effects, and Interrelationships," National Science Foundation Grant PRA-8019861, January 1981-July 1983, $46,758.
"Corporations and Industrial Systems in Economic Geography," University of Oklahoma College of Arts and Sciences Summer Fellowship, June-July 1980, $2,500.
"Regional Economic Effects of Federal R&D Spending," National Science Foundation Grant PRA 78-24020, January 1979-June 1980, $26,582.
Van Cleef Memorial Medal, American Geographical Society, 2014.
Dr. Martha L. Corry Faculty Fellow in Geography, The Ohio State University, 2011-2016.
Elected AAAS Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2007.
Distinguished Scholarship Honors, Association of American Geographers, 2004.
Joan N. Huber Faculty Fellow, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, The Ohio State University, 2003-2005.
Visiting Professor for the Third International Seminar in Economic Geography at the University of Hannover, Germany, January 18-22, 1999.
Visiting Scholar, University Center in Georgia, May 1995.
Awarded Fulbright Fellowship to Austria, October 1993-January 1994.
Member, U.S. Delegation to the Soviet-American Seminar in Regional Economics and Planning, May 1990.
Recipient of Outstanding Research Award, Southeastern Division, Association of American Geographers, 1989.
Member, International Editorial Advisory Board, Regional Studies, Regional Science, since 2014.
Member, Editorial Board, Quaestiones Geographicae, since 2011.
Member, Editorial Board, I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, since 2004.
Member, Editorial Board, European Spatial Research and Policy, since 2002.
Member, Editorial Board, Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography, since 2001.
Member, Editorial Board, Regional Studies, since 1994.
Member, Editorial Board, Growth and Change, since 1993.
Member, Editorial Board, Economic Geography, since 1992.
Member, Board of Editors, Center for Urban Policy Research Press, since 1990.
Member, Editorial Board, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, since 1988; Associate Editor, since 1995.
Member, Editorial Board, International Regional Science Review, 1989-2004.
Member, Editorial Board, Review of Regional Studies, 1991-2012.
Member, Editorial Board, The Professional Geographer, 2009-2010 and 1988-1992.
Member, Editorial Board, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1996-2006.
Member, International Advisory Board of Advisors to the Editor, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 1990-1999.
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Environment and Planning A, 1983-1987.
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Texas Business Review, 1981-1983.
Member, study team, OECD LEED Review on Local Innovation Systems and Entrepreneurship of the Agder Region, Norway, October 2008.
Advisory Group, Center for Rural Entrepreneurship, since 2001.
Advisory Board, Regional Research Institute, West Virginia University, 2003-2010.
Advisory Board, Regional Entrepreneurship Catalyst, Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, 2001.
National Science Foundation, Special Emphasis Panel for Infrastructure for Cross Directorate Activities (SBE Infrastructure Panel), 2000.
Expert Panelist, Alternative Economic Futures for Spokane: Implications for Higher Education, for the Higher Education Coordinating Board, State of Washington, August 13-14, 1998
Invited participant, Symposium on Industry-Laboratory Partnerships, Board on Science, Technology and Economic Policy, National Research Council, Washington, DC, April 1998.
Member, Review Panel, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant Program, Geography and Regional Science Program, National Science Foundation, 1996-1998.
Member, Rural Development Panel, National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1995.
Member, Advisory Panel, Thirtieth Year Anniversary Socioeconomic Review, Appalachian Regional Commission, 1995.
Member, Panel of Advisors to The Center for Rural Studies, 1995.
Member, Advisory Committee to AAAS EPSCOR Project, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993-1996.
Advisory committee for Ford Foundation-sponsored project on Research Parks and Economic Development, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1988.
Member, Advisory Panel on Data Base of Work Organizations, Division of Social and Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation, May 1988.
Member, Review Panel, Geography and Regional Science Program, National Science Foundation, 1985-1987.
Testimony on business climate for technology-related development, before the Committee on Technology and Innovation, 1986 Commission on the Future of the South and the Southern Growth Policies Board, Columbia, South Carolina, May 1986.
Member, Special Review Panel, National Science Foundation, Division of Social and Economic Sciences, November 1984.
Testimony on the geography of federal research and development, before the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress, Hearing on Federal Laboratories and Regional Economic Development, Washington, D.C., August 1984.
With Bruno Moriset, The Digital Economy: Business Organization, Production Processes and Regional Developments, London: Routledge, 2008, 274 pp.
Edited with Päivi Oinas, Making Connections: Technological Learning and Regional Economic Change, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999, 282 pp.
Technology and Economic Development: The Dynamics of Local, Regional and National Competitiveness, 2nd edition, London: Addison Wesley Longman, 1997, 460 pp.
Edited with Sergio Conti and Päivi Oinas, The Industrial Enterprise and Its Environment: Spatial Perspectives, Aldershot: Avebury, 1995, 247 pp.
Technology and Economic Development: The Dynamics of Local, Regional and National Change, Longman, London: John Wiley, New York, 1991, 495 pp.
With Michael D. Devine et al., Energy from the West: A Technology Assessment of Western Energy Resource Development, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1981, 362 pp.
Chapters in Books:
Malecki, E.J. and Spigel, B., “Innovation and entrepreneurship,” in H. Bathelt, P. Cohendet, S. Henn and L. Simon (eds.) The Elgar Companion to Innovation and Knowledge Creation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (in press).
“Economic Competitiveness and Regional Development Dynamics,” in R. Huggins and P. Thompson (eds.) Handbook of Regions and Competitiveness: Contemporary Theories and Perspectives on Economic Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2017, pp. 136-152.
“Economic Geography,” in J.D. Wright, ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, vol. 7, pp. 33-37. Oxford: Elsevier, 2015.
“Hub Cities in the Evolving Internet,” in S. Conventz, B. Derudder, A. Thierstein, and F. Witlox (eds.) Hub Cities in the Knowledge Economy: Seaports, Airports, Brainports. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014, pp, 123-144.
“The Information Age and Technological Change ,” in M. Tewdwr-Jones, N. Phelps and R. Freestone (eds.) The Planning Imagination: Peter Hall and the Study of Urban and Regional Planning. London: Routledge, 2014, pp. 179-187.
“The Geography of Innovation,” in M.M. Fischer and P. Nijkamp, eds. Handbook of Regional Science. Berlin: Springer, 2013, pp. 375-389.
“Creativity: Who, How, Where?” in P. Meusburger, J. Glückler and M. el Meskioui, eds. Knowledge and Economy. Berlin: Springer, 2013, pp. 79-93.
“Internet networks of world cities: agglomeration and dispersion,” in B. Derudder, M. Hoyler, P.J. Taylor and F. Witlox, eds. International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012, pp. 117-125.
“Cities and Regions Competing in the Global Economy,” in Stuart Elden, Trevor J. Barnes, Michael Batty, Robert J. Bennett, Jamie Peck, Nigel Thrift, and Paul A. Longley, eds. Environment and Planning, Volume C: Government and Policy, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011, pp. 385-405; reprinted from Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, vol. 25, no. 5 (2007), pp. 638-654.
“Technology Clusters,” in P. Cooke et al. Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011, pp. 315-329.
“On Diamonds, Clusters, and Regional Development,” in R. Huggins and H. Izushi, eds. Competition, Competitive Advantage and Clusters: The Ideas of Michael Porter. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 193-210.
Michael C. Ewers and Edward J. Malecki, “Megaproject: A Four Decade Perspective on the Arab Gulf Development Model,” in S. Brunn and A. Wood, eds. Engineering Earth: The Impacts of Megaengineering Projects. Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, pp. 533-550.
“Research Institutions in Agder,” in J. Potter and G. Miranda, eds. Entrepreneurship and the Innovation System of the Agder Region, Norway. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2009, pp. 173-224. [http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/10/20/44542425.pdf]
“Higher Education, Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms and the Promotion of SME Innovation,” in J. Potter, ed., Entrepreneurship and Higher Education. Paris: OECD, 2008, pp. 213-233.
“Social Capital in a Regional Context,” in P. Jakubowska, A. Kuklinski, and P. Żuber, eds. The Future of European Regions. Warsaw: Ministry of Regional Development, 2007, pp. 135-139.
“Networks, Knowledge and Capital: The Role of Hard and Soft Networks in Regional Development,” in Mikel Landabaso, A. Kuklinski, and C. Román, eds. Europe – Reflections on Social Capital, Innovation and Regional Development. Nowy Sącz: Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu National-Louis University, 2007, pp. 143-151.
E. Malecki and G.-J. Hospers, “Knowledge and the Competitiveness of Places,” in R. Rutten and F. Boekema, eds. The Learning Region: Foundations, State of the Art, Future. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2007, pp. 143-159.
“Science and Technology: Policies for Competitiveness in the 21st Century,” in R.A. Ajami and M.M. Bear, eds. The Global Enterprise: Entrepreneurship and Value Creation. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 2007, pp. 15-40.
“Technology, Knowledge, and Jobs,” in Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen and Helen Lawton Smith, eds. Economic Geography: Past, Present, and Future. London: Routledge, 2006, pp. 244-250.
“Cities in the Internet Age,” in B. Johansson, C. Karlsson and R.R. Stough (eds.) The Emerging Digital Economy: Entrepreneurship, Clusters and Policy. Berlin: Springer, 2006, pp. 215-237.
“Higher Education and the Promotion of SME Innovation: What We Know and What We Don’t Know about Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms,” in Background Papers for the International Conference on Fostering Entrepreneurship: The Role of Higher Education. Trento: OECD LEED Trento Centre for Local Development, 2005, pp. 143-163.
“Jockeying for Position: What It Means and Why It Matters to Regional Development Policy When Places Compete,” in Association of Regional Observatories, Regional Competitiveness. London: Association of Regional Observatories, 2005, pp. 25-29 [extracted from article originally published in Regional Studies, vol. 38, no. 9 (December 2004), pp. 1101-1120.]
“Creative Regions and Mobile Firms in a Global Economy,” in Regional Attractiveness in the Knowledge Economy: Proceedings of the XXI IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks, Bergamo, Italy, September 2004. Dalmine (Bergamo): Servitec, 2004, pp. 51-62.
With Zoltan J. Acs, “Entrepreneurship in Rural America: The Big Picture,” in M. Drabenstott, ed. Main Streets of Tomorrow: Growing and Financing Rural Entrepreneurs. Kansas City: Center for the Study of Rural America, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 2003, pp. 21-29; reprinted in Z.J. Acs (ed.) Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy: Prelude to a Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008, pp. 279-287.
“Cities in the Internet Age: What New Technology Means for Urban Life in a Global Economy
,” in I. Johansson (ed.) Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Regional Development and Public Policy in the Emerging Digital Economy. Uddevalla: University of Trollhättan/Uddevalla, Department for Studies of Work, Economics and Health, 2003, pp. 313-332.
“Regional Policy in the Internet Age: The Effects of Technological Change on Regional Development,” in B. Johansson, C. Karlsson, and R. Stough, eds. Regional Policies and Comparative Advantage. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002, pp. 49-75.
“Economic Geography,” in N.J. Smelser and P.B. Baltes, eds. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 6: 4084-4089. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001.
“Going Digital in Rural America,” in M. Drabenstott, ed. Exploring Policy Options for a New Rural America. Kansas City: Center for the Study of Rural America, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 2001, pp. 49-68.
“The Internet Age: Not the End of Geography,” in D. Felsenstein and M.J. Taylor, eds. Promoting Local Growth: Process, Practice and Policy. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001, pp. 227-253.
“Hard and Soft Networks for Competitiveness,” in J. Simmie, ed. Innovation and Competitive Cities in the Global Economy. Working Paper No. 191. Oxford: Oxford Brookes University, School of Planning, 2001, pp. 219-247.
Edward J. Malecki and Sean P. Gorman, “Maybe the Death of Distance, But Not the End of Geography: The Internet as a Network,” in T.R. Leinbach and S.D. Brunn, eds. Worlds of Electronic Commerce: Economic, Geographical and Social Dimensions. New York: John Wiley, 2001, pp. 87-105.
“Creating and Sustaining Competitiveness: Local Knowledge and Economic Geography,” in J.R. Bryson, P.W. Daniels, N. Henry, and J. Pollard, eds. Knowledge, Space, Economy. London: Routledge, 2000, pp. 103-119.
“Network Models for Technology-Based Growth,” in Z. Acs, ed. Regional Innovation, Knowledge and Global Change. London: Pinter, 2000, pp. 187-204.
“The Conditions for Success,” in C.W. Wessner, ed. Industry-Laboratory Partnerships: A Review of the Sandia Science and Technology Park Initiative. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999, pp. 56-58.
Edward J. Malecki and Carlton R. Boush, “Digital Telecommunications Technologies in the Rural South: An Analysis of Tennessee,” in P. Stenberg, ed. Telecommunications in Rural Areas: Proceedings of a Workshop. Lexington. KY: TVA Rural Studies, 1999, pp. 7-13.
Edward J. Malecki and Päivi Oinas, “Making Connections: Introduction,” in E.J. Malecki and Päivi Oinas (eds.) Making Connections: Technological Learning and Regional Economic Change, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999, pp. 1-4.
Päivi Oinas and Edward J. Malecki, “Spatial Innovation Systems,” in E.J. Malecki and Päivi Oinas (eds.) Making Connections: Technological Learning and Regional Economic Change, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999, pp. 7-33.
Edward J. Malecki, Päivi Oinas, and Sam Ock Park, “On Technology and Development,” in E. J. Malecki and Päivi Oinas, Making Connections: Technological Learning and Regional Economic Change, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999, pp. 261-275.
Edward J. Malecki and Kathy Long, “Case Study: Breidert Air Products, Jacksonville, FL,” in Manufacturing Extension Partnership, MEP Successes: Exemplary Projects Case Studies. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998, pp. 17-27.
Edward J. Malecki, “Telecommunications Technology and American Rural Development in the 21st Century,” in D. Freshwater, ed. OTA Follow-Up Conference Report: Rural America at the Crossroads. Lexington, KY: TVA Rural Studies, 1998, pp. 65-91.
“Entrepreneurs, Networks, and Economic Development: A Review of Recent Research,” in J.A. Katz, ed. Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, vol. 3. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1997, pp. 57-118.
with D.M. Tootle, “Networks of Small Manufacturers in the USA: Creating Embeddedness,” in M. Taylor and S. Conti, eds. Interdependent and Uneven Development: Global-Local Perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1997, pp. 195-221.
“Telecommunications Technology and Business Location: A Review,” in J. Schmidt, ed. Rural Infrastructure as a Cause and Consequence of Rural Economic Development and Quality of Life (SERA-IEG-16). Mississippi State, MS: Southern Rural Development Center, 1997, pp. 107-142.
“Technology in the Process of Regional Development: Issues Raised by Telematics,” in B. Jaeger and K. Storgaard, eds. Telematics and Rural Development. Bornholm, Denmark: Research Centre of Bornholm, 1997, pp. 12-51.
“Technology, Competitiveness, and Flexibility: Constantly Evolving Concepts,” in D.C. Knudsen, ed. The Transition to Flexibility. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1996, pp. 15-32.
With F. Tödtling, “The New Flexible Economy: Shaping Regional and Local Institutions for Global Competition,” in C.S. Bertuglia, M.M. Fischer, and G. Preto, eds. Technological Change, Economic Development and Space. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp. 276-294.
With Deborah M. Tootle, “An Evaluation of Networks and Group Services for Small Firms,” in Philip Shapira and Jan Youtie, eds. Evaluating Industrial Modernization: Methods and Results in the Evaluation of Industrial Modernization Programs. Atlanta: Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Public Policy and Economic Development Institute, 1995, pp. 128-143.
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