“Jockeying for Position: What It Means and Why It Matters to Regional Development Policy When Places Compete,” presented at the Regional Studies Association conference, Reinventing Regions in the Global Economy, Pisa, Italy, April 2003.
“Ohio’s Economy: Warning Signs,” presented at the Ohio City-County Managers Association 2003 Winter Conference, Dublin, OH, February 2003.
With Darcy W. Hango, “Business Development in Minority Areas of Three Ohio Cities,” presented at the 2003 Ohio Urban University Program Public Policy Forum, Columbus, February 2003.
“How People, Places, and Firms Learn from Networks: Hard and Soft, Inside and Outside, Global and Local,” presented to the Department of Geography, University of Iowa, November 2002.
“Ohio’s Economy: Warning Signs,” presented to the Ohio Legislative Service Commission New Member Orientation, Mt. Sterling, OH, November 2002.
“Telecommunications Competition since 1996: Is It Happening? If So, Where?” presented at the 2002 North American Regional Science Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 2002.
“Cities in the Internet Age: What New Technology Means for Urban Life in a Global Economy
,” presented at the International Symposium on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Regional Development and Public Policy in the Emerging Digital Economy (Uddevalla Symposium 2002), Uddevalla, Sweden, June 2002.
With Angela McIntee, “Making the Connections: A New Industry Emerges to Interconnect the Networks of the Internet,” presented at the International Workshop on Entrepreneurship in the Modern Space-Economy: Evolutionary and Policy Perspectives, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2002.
“Predicting the Future: Comments on Berry’s “The Geography of the United States in 2000,” presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, March 2002.
“The Fate of Cities in the Internet Age: What New Technology Means for Urban Life in a Global Economy,” Center for Urban and Regional Analysis Roundtable presentation, The Ohio State University, March 2002.
“Building a Bridge Across the Digital Divide: Learning from Experience,” presented at a symposium of the Southern Information Exchange Group on Rural Infrastructure, held at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) meetings in Orlando, Florida, February 2002.
“Is the Internet a Railway or an Autobahn? Issues for Research,” presented at the STELLA/STAR Workshop on ICT, Innovation and the Transport System,
Arlington, Virginia, January 2002
“Bandwidth and the New Economy: What We Need to Know, How We Hope to Find Out, and How Finding It Out Will Benefit Your Business and Tallahassee
,” presented to the Telecom Infrastructure and Tech-Readiness Committee, Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce, Tallahassee, FL, January, 2002.
“Where is the Infrastructure of the Internet? And Why Does it Matter?” presented at the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Charleston, SC, November 2001.
Edward J. Malecki and Angela J. McIntee, “Making the Connections: Interconnecting the Networks of the Internet,” presented at the Digital Communities 2001 Conference, Chicago, November 2001.
“The Digital Divide: Development Issues for Rural Areas
,” presented at the workshop on E-Commerce: Impacting the Way We Do Business, Nashville, October 1, 2001.
Edward J. Malecki and Hazel Morrow-Jones, Ohio: A Profile,” presented at the Governor’s Cabinet Retreat, Shawnee State Park, September 6, 2001.
“Regional Innovation Systems,” “Innovative Regions,” and “Learning Regions,” three presentations at a seminar on “Innovation and Knowledge in a Regional Perspective,” Nord-Trndelag University College, Steinkjer, Norway, August 23-24, 2001.
“Fiber Tracks: Explaining Investment in Fiber Optic Backbones,” paper presented at the International Workshop ‘Entrepreneurship, ICT and the Region’, Amsterdam, June 2001.
“Going Digital in Rural America,” invited paper presented at the conference, Exploring Policy Options for a New Rural America, Kansas City, April 30-May 1 2001.
“The Infrastructure of the Internet: Some Preliminary Findings,” Colloquium presented to the Department of Geography, Arizona State University, Tempe, April 2001.
“The Internet: A Preliminary Analysis of Its Economic Geography,” presented to the Department of Geography, The Ohio State University, Columbus, April 2001.
“Hard and Soft Networks for Competitiveness,” presented at the ESRC Cities Programme Research Workshop, Innovation and Competitive Cities in the Global Economy, Worcester College Oxford, March 2001.
Sean P. Gorman and Edward J. Malecki, “Fixed and Fluid: Stability and Change in the Geography of the Internet,” paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, NY, February 2001.
“Telecommunications and World Cities: The Best Cities for International Business,” presentation at an Interdisciplinary Research Workshop of the Center for International Business Education and Research, University of Florida, February 2001.
“The Internet: Where Does Florida Stand?” paper presented at the meeting of the Florida Society of Geographers, Tallahassee, February 2001.
“The Internet: Its Economic Geography and Policy Implications,” paper presented at the Global Economic Geography Conference, Singapore, December 2000.
Edward J. Malecki and Angela J. McIntee, “Access Ramps to the Internet: The Geography of Telecommunications Gateways in the US,” paper presented at the Applied Geography Conference, Tampa, Florida, October 2000.
“Local Competition in Telecommunications in the United States: Supporting Conditions, Policies, and Impacts,” paper presented at the International Workshop, ‘Entrepreneurship, ICT and Local Policy Initiatives: Comparative Analyses and Lessons,’ Amsterdam, May, 2000.
“The Variable Geography of Telecommunications in the USA Following Deregulation,” paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Pittsburgh, April 2000.
“Stretching the Boundaries of the Firm: Making Connections with External Resources,” invited presentation at the Workshop on The Firm in Economic Geography, University of Portsmouth, UK, March 2000.
Edward J. Malecki and Päivi Oinas, “Technological Trajectories in Space: From ‘National’ and ‘Regional’ to ‘Spatial’ Innovation Systems,” presented at the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Montréal, Québec, Canada, November 1999.
“Knowledge and Regional Competitiveness,” presented at the International Symposium on Knowledge, Education and Space, Heidelberg, Germany, September 1999.
“Regional Policy in the Internet Age: The Effects of Technological Change on Regional Development,” presented at Uddevalla Workshop 99: Evaluation of Regional Policies – Methods and Empirical Results, Fiskebäckskil, Sweden, June 1999; also at the Conference of the IGU Commission on the Organisation of Industrial Space, Haifa, Israel, June 1999.
“Spatial Variations in Telecommunications Infrastructure in the United States,” presented at the meetings of the Southern Regional Science Association, Richmond, VA, April, 1999.
“Spatial Variations in Telecommunications Infrastructure in the United States,” presented to the Department of Geography, State University of New York at Buffalo, April, 1999.
“Old and New Geographic Centers of Power in the American Economy,” at the 640th Geographisches Colloquium at the University of Bonn, Germany, January 25, 1999.
“High and Low Technology in the United States Space-economy,” to the Geographical Institute of the University of Cologne, Germany, January 26, 1999.
“Creating and Sustaining Competitiveness: Local Knowledge and Economic Geography,” presented to the Department of Economic Geography, University of Cologne, Germany, January 27, 1999.
Edward J. Malecki and Gordon Kingsley, “Networking for Competitiveness: The Role of Informal Linkages for Small Firms,” presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Research Conference, New York, NY, October 1998.
Edward J. Malecki and Carlton R. Boush, “Digital Communications Technologies in the Rural South: An Analysis of Tennessee,” invited paper presented at the Workshop on Rural Telecommunications, sponsored by the US Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service, TVA Rural Studies, and the Western Rural Development Center., Washington, DC, September 1998.
Edward J. Malecki, “The Conditions for Success,” invited presentation at the Symposium on Industry-Laboratory Partnerships, Board on Science, Technology and Economic Policy, National Research Council, Washington, DC, April 1998.
“How Development Occurs: Local Knowledge, Social Capital, and Institutional Embeddedness,” paper presented at the meetings of the Southern Regional Science Association, Savannah, GA, April 1998.
“Thinking about Networks: Formal and Informal, Active and Passive,” paper presented at the North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International, Buffalo, New York, November 1997.
“Manufacturing in the Sunshine,” invited presentation at the Meeting of the National Council for Geographic Education, Orlando, October 1997.
with P. Oinas, “Technology in Space: Tracing Spatial Systems of Innovation,” paper presented at the Conference of the IGU Commission on the Organisation of Industrial Space, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 1997.
with C. Boush, “Telecommunications Innovations: Regional and Local Variations in New Technologies and Challenges for Regional Research,” presented at the meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association, Memphis, Tennessee, April.
“Network Models for Technology-Based Growth: Lessons from Japan,” paper presented at the IC2 Institute, University of Texas, Austin, February 1997.
“Small Manufacturers in Florida: A Snapshot View,” presented at the annual meeting of the Florida Society of Geographers, Tampa, January 1997.
“Technology in Urban and Regional Development: Issues Raised by Telecommunications,” presented at the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Arlington, Virginia, November, 1996.
“Science, Technology, Economic development, and Small Economies in the 21st Century,” invited presentation at the Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, May 1996.
“Technology in the Process of Regional Development: Issues Raised by Telematics,” paper presented at the International Workshop on Telematics and Regional Development of Rural Regions, held on the Island of Bornholm, Denmark, May 1996.
Edward J. Malecki and Deborah M. Tootle, "Small Manufacturers in Flexible Networks: Examples from the US Wood Products and Metal Products Sectors," paper presented at the Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, North Carolina, April 1996; and at the Meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association, Baltimore, Maryland, April 1996.
Edward J. Malecki and Deborah M. Tootle, "Networks of Small Manufacturers in the USA: Creating Embeddedness" paper presented at the 1995 Conference of the IGU [International Geographical Union] Commission on the Organisation of Industrial Space, Seoul, Korea, August 1995.
"Networks of Small Firms in the USA: Empirical Findings and Policy Implications," invited presentation to the Department of City Planning, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, May 1995.
"Networks of Small Firms in the USA: Theory and Empirical Findings," invited presentations to the Department of Geography, University of Georgia, Athens, and Georgia State University, Atlanta, May 1995.
Edward J. Malecki, Deborah M. Tootle, and Eric M. Young, "Formal and Informal Networking among Small Firms in the USA," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, March 1995.
"Telecommunications Technology and Business Location: A Review," presented to the Southern Extension Research Activities Information Exchange Group 16 (Rural Infrastructure as a Cause and Consequence of Rural Economic Development and Quality of Life), meeting with the Southern Association of Agricultural Sciences, New Orleans, January 1995.
Edward J. Malecki and Deborah M. Tootle, "Networks of Manufacturers: Productive Flexibility or Mere Fad?" paper presented at the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, November 1994.
"Networks and Bottom-Up Economic Development," presented to the Department of Geography, University of Iowa, December.
With Deborah M. Tootle, "Networks of Manufacturing: Productive Flexibility or Mere Fad?" presented at the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Niagara Falls, Ontario, November.
With Deborah M. Tootle, "Manufacturing Networks and Local Community Development," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Portland, Oregon, August 1994.
"Technology, Competitiveness, and Flexibility: Constantly Evolving Concepts," presented at the Conference on Flexible Accumulation, Bloomington, Indiana, June.
With Deborah M. Tootle, "The Importance of Networking to Business Survival and Growth," Meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association, Orlando, April 1994.
"Japanese Technology Management: Lessons for the West," at the Department of Geography, University of Oslo, Norway, January 26, 1994.
"Information Networks, Technology, and Regional Development," with the Staff of the Centre for Research in Economic and Business Administration (SNF), Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway, January 25, 1994.
"The Role of Technology in International Business," to the Institute of Geography, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration and the University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, January 24, 1994.
"Networks of Firms and Regional Competitiveness," at the Department of Economic Geography, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, January 21, 1994.
"R&D Organizations and Regional Development," at TNO INRO (Institute for Spatial Organization), Delft, The Netherlands, January 20, 1994.
"Networks of Firms and Regional Competitiveness," presented to the Department of Geography, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, January 19, 1994.
"Networks, Competitiveness, and Regional Development," to the Institute for Economic and Social Geography, University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna (Institut für Wirtschafts- and Socialgeografie), January 18, 1994.
"Technology: A Constraint on Development in the 21st Century," presented to the Dipartimento Interateneo Territorio, Faculta di Architectura, Politecnico e Universita di Torino, Turin, Italy, December 6, 1993.
"Constraints on Development in the 21st Century: Technology and the Global Order," presented as part of the Interuniversitäres Koloquium aus Geografie, Wirtschaftsgeografie, Raumplanung, Regionalentwicklung und Umweltwirtschaft, University of Vienna, November 24, 1993.
"The Geography of Technology and Innovation in America" and "North American Cities in the World Economy," both presented at the Fulbright Seminar on American Studies, Altenmarkt, November 18-23, 1993.
"Flexible Manufacturing Networks: Can They Help Make Rural Firms More Competitive?" presented at the 1993 conference of the International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission on the Organisation of Industrial Space in Tokyo, Japan, July 1993.
With D. Mulkey and J. Burkhardt, "A Functional Community Perspective on Rural Development Policy," presented at the meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association, Tysons Corner, Virginia, April 1993.
"Can Theory and Research in Economic Geography Keep Pace with Changing Realities?" invited paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Atlanta, 1993.
With Marlies E. Veldhoen, "The Innovativeness of Small Firms: A North Florida Survey," presented at the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Chicago, November 1992.
"Competitive Manufacturing in the 1990s: Implications for Rural Communities," presented at the Workshop on Rural American and the Changing Structure of Manufacturing: Spatial Implications of New Technology and Organizations, sponsored by Economic Research Service, USDA, and the University of Guelph, Washington, D.C., September 1992.
"High Tech, Mickey Mouse, and Oranges: The Development and Coexistence of the Military-Space Industry and Tourism in Central Florida," presented at the 1992 Conference of the Commission on Industrial Change, International Geographical Union, Howey-in-the-Hills (Orlando), FL, August 1992.
"Constraints on Development in the Twenty-First Century: Technology and the Global Order," Presented at the Conference on Empowering Political and Economic Transformations, Boulder, Colorado, April 1992.
"Culture's Impact on Technological Development and Economic Growth," presented at the Conference on Human Resources, Development and Industrial Change, IGU Commission on Industrial Change, Penang, Malaysia, August 1991.
"The Competitive Advantage of Regions," Presented at the Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Miami, April 1991.
With Susan L. Bradbury, "Locational Decision-Making of R&D Facilities and Professional Labor," presented at the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Boston, Massachusetts, November 1990.
"Entrepreneurship in Regional and Local Development," presented at the Soviet-American Seminar on Regional Economics and Planning, Yalta, USSR, May 1990.
"Location Choices for R&D Facilities: Geographical Preferences and Urban Attributes," presented at the meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association, Washington, D.C., March 1990.
"Geographic Location of R&D Facilities: Does it Make a Difference?" presented at the Second International Conference on Management of Technology, Miami, FL, February-March 1990.
"Facilitating and Inhibiting Factors for Restructuring Economics," presented to the Institute for Policy Studies, Johns Hopkins University, March 1990.
"New Firm Formation in the USA: The Role of Local Conditions and Sectoral Strategies," presented at the Conference on Business Behavior, Markets, Finance and Industrial Change, IGU Commission on Industrial Change, Eppenhain, West Germany, September 1989.
"Facilitating and Inhibiting Factors for State Economic Development," Invited paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, January 1989.
"Promoting and Inhibiting Factors in the Regional Environmental System," invited paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Innovation and Regional Development. Berlin, December 1988.
"Research and Development and Technology Transfer in Economic Development: The Role of Regional Technological Capability," Invited paper presented at the 1988 Summer Institute of the Regional Science Association, Arco, Italy, July 1988.
"Regional Development in a Somewhat Free Market: Locational Choices by Firms and Policy Choices of State and Local Governments," Paper presented at the US-USSR Seminar on Regional Economics and Planning, Morgantown and Terra Alta, WV, May 1988.
"Technological Innovation and Paths to Regional Economic Growth," Invited presentation to the Department of Geography, University of Washington, Seattle, May 1988.
"Technological Innovation and Paths to Regional Economic Growth," Invited presentation to the Department of Geography, University of Iowa, Iowa City, April 1988.
With Susan L. Bradbury, "R&D Facilities and Professional Labor Location Preferences," Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Phoenix, Arizona, April 1988.
"Options for Local Economic Development," Invited presentation to the Indian River County Council of 100, Vero Beach, Florida, February 1988.
"Technical Workers and the Location of R&D Facilities," Paper presented at the International Conference on Technology Management, Miami, FL, February 1988.
"Technological Innovation and Paths to Regional Economic Growth," Paper presented at the Workshop on Growth Policy in the Age of High Technology, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Research Conference, Bethesda, Maryland, October 1987.
"Regional Economic Development and State Science Policy," Paper presented at the National Science Foundation PRA Workshop, "An Agenda for Science Policy Research," Washington, DC, September 1987.
"What About People in High Technology?" Panel comments presented at the Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Portland, Oregon, April 1987.
With Susan L. Bradbury, "Dual Career Couples and Geographic Mobility," Paper presented at the Meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association, Atlanta, March 1987.
"Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: A Preliminary Assessment of the Issues," Paper presented at the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association, Columbus, Ohio, November 1986.
"Locational Determinants of High-Technology Industry: Implications for State Policy," Paper presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Research Conference, Austin, Texas, November 1986.
"The R&D Location Decision of the Firm and 'Creative' Regions," Paper presented at the Anglo-American Workshop on the Location and Growth of High-Technology Industries, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, June 1986.
"The Research and Development Decision of the Firm," Invited seminar at the Department of Geography, Boston University, Boston, March 1986.
"Local Linkages of Florida High-Technology Firms," Paper presented at the Meeting of the Florida Society of Geographers, Fort Myers, February 1986.
"Emerging and Neglected Issues in Regional Science Research," Invited paper presented at the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association, Philadelphia, November 1985.
"Economic Growth and Economic Development in the Sunbelt: Regional Transformation in the Context of Technological Change," Invited paper presented at the Conference on "The Sunbelt: Region and Regionalism in the Making?" Miami, November 1985.
"Regional Patterns of American Technological Capability," Invited presentation at the Department of Geography, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, October 1985.
"Regional Patterns of American Technological Capability: The Case of R&D," Invited paper presented at the Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Los Angeles, May 1985.
"Cities and Firms: Change in Selected Sectors in Large Metropolitan Areas, 1973-1983," Paper presented at the Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Detroit, April 1985.
"Regional Change in Corporate Location Patterns," Paper presented at the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association, Denver, November 1984.
"Technological Imperatives and Modern Corporate Strategy: Regional Development Implications," Paper presented at the Second World Regional Science Congress, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 1984.
"Technology and Regional Economic Change: Theory and Empirical Regularities," Paper presented at the Symposium on Innovation and Urban Development: The Role of Technological Change, Munich, West Germany, May 1984.
"R&D and Regional Development," Paper presented at the Symposium on Technology and Regional Development, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, April 1984.
"R&D and U.S. Regional Development," Paper presented at the Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C., April 1984.
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