Education of the republic of uzbekistan samarkand state institute of foreign languages the english faculty I

Designing and Development of Teaching-Learning Materials

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2.2 Designing and Development of Teaching-Learning Materials

In the designing and development of teaching-learning materials, there are three major aspects that need to be taken into account. These are, collection, preparation and maintenance.

The individuals within educational institutions belong to diverse backgrounds. They are different from each other in terms of factors, such as, caste, creed, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, educational qualifications, skills and socio-economic background. The viewpoints and perspectives of individuals differ from each other. In the designing and development of teaching-learning materials, when the collection step is taken into consideration, then it primarily is referred to collection of materials. These materials can include, sticks, bamboo, plastic, rubber, wood, wires, pins, papers, stationary items, colors, paints etc. The collection step is the first and foremost step in the preparation of any teaching-learning materials or any project. For example, when researchers are engaged in research projects, they are required to collect data from the sample population. When the data is collected, only then, it can be analyzed to obtain the results. Before the collection method is put into practice, it is essential for the individuals to generate awareness in terms of what they are preparing. In other words, they need to be aware of their goals and objectives. The participation of students in collection is meaningful and useful in the achievement of desired goals and objectives.

When the collection process is to get initiated, it is essential to conduct an analysis of the materials that are required. The individuals collect materials from various places, these include, primarily marketplaces, home, or environmental conditions. After the collection process is completed, it is vital for the individuals to store the materials in safe places. In some cases, the individuals make use of tools and other equipment. Therefore, it is essential for the individuals to be aware of precautions, especially when they are making use of tools and materials that may cause injury. When students are making use of them, then it is vital for them to obtain assistance and support from experts and trained individuals.


After the collection of materials, the next step is the preparation of teaching-learning materials. When the preparation of teaching-learning materials takes place, then various aspects need to be taken into account. These are the grade levels of the students, subjects and concepts, learning abilities and academic goals. One of the major aspects is to ensure is, students are able to enhance their learning and acquire a better understanding of the academic concepts. The teachers need to guide and instruct the students to develop simple TLMs. In the preparation of TLMs, it is vital to ensure that they comprise of all the points that are relevant to the concepts. As it has been stated above that posters and charts are also various forms of TLMs, the preparation of posters and charts are common. When the teachers teach a lesson plan to the students regarding mathematics, English, Hindi, science or social science, they normally assign them the task of preparing a chart or a poster.

In higher educational institutions, normally in colleges and universities, students as well as educators give presentations. In order to prepare presentations, they make use of Power Points. These are prepared on the computers. When the individuals need to prepare Power Point slides, they should be well aware of concepts. The slides can be made attractive by adding images, pictures, and other written materials. When the educators as well as students are acquiring information regarding technology and computers, then they are provided efficient information regarding preparation of Power Point slides.

When the individuals are engaged in the preparation of models, it requires diligence and resourcefulness, as well as, it is fun. Preparation of models is not an easy task. To acquire an efficient understanding in terms of preparation of models, the individuals are required to attend training programs and workshops. When teachers want the students to prepare models, they need to train them efficiently. There are implementation of proper strategies and procedures in the preparation of models.


Once the TLMs have been designed and developed, it is vital to maintain them for future use. When one is engaged in the preparation of TLMs, they make use of skills, abilities, financial resources and time. When one feels that TLMs are required to be used in future as well, then the educators even instruct their students to maintain them. When they are making use of them, they need to be careful that they do not get damaged. In the case of maintenance, there are certain principles that need to be taken into account. These are, proper space should be made available for storing them, these should be neatly arranged and maintained, they should be checked from time to time and repairs need to get carried out, when required. When the TLMs are prepared or purchased, it is vital to maintain their entry within the stock registers. When students find that any part of TLMs or anything is damaged or broken, they need to bring that immediately to the attention of the teacher.

Maintenance is an important activity. When the individuals are vested with the responsibility of maintenance of TLMs, they develop among them the significance of sustainability. In some cases, even after adequate maintenance of materials, they may get damaged. For instance, when chart is used various times, then it is apparent that it may get crushed or edges may get torn. When the teachers feel that it cannot be used for future display, they simply ask the students to prepare another one. Whereas, other TLMs, which are made use of i.e. wood, wires or other materials, can be lasted for a longer duration. Therefore, it can be stated that maintenance of TLMs should be carried out in a well-planned and appropriate manner. It is strongly advised that spending a small amount of financial resources on the rapid and timely repair of TLMs is a wise decision. Therefore, in schools, colleges, universities. it is the responsibility of educators, students as well as the other members to ensure that TLMs are well-maintained.


The main objective of highlighting recommendations is to provide information in terms of strategies and measures that are used to promote teaching-learning materials within educational institutions at all levels. These have been stated as follows:

When the educators are putting into operation the teaching-learning methods, they need to ensure that they are in accordance to the needs and requirements of the students and grade levels. Research has indicated that due to lack of proper teaching-learning methods, the students are unable to acquire an efficient understanding of the concepts, nor are able to develop the basic literacy skills of reading, writing and numeracy. From the stage of early childhood, it is vital to ensure that teaching-learning materials should be implemented in such a manner that students feel motivated and augment interest and enthusiasm towards acquisition of education. When the teaching-learning methods will be in accordance to their needs and requirements, only then they will be able to augment their learning.

Preparation of a framework of textbook revision and renewal in accordance to the phase of emergency. During emergency it is essential to maintain a production of textbooks as a priority. During the early reconstruction phase, a national plan of action is prepared, which includes, the training of the staff members, needs assessment, training of the individuals, procurement of necessary equipment, textbook revision workshops and so forth.

\To implement these tasks and functions, it is necessary for the individuals to form communication and collaborative terms and relationships with the other individuals in other educational institutions. Generating awareness in terms of modern and innovative methods and approaches regarding other educational institutions is essential for achieving the desired academic goals.

In order to implement the teaching-learning methods in an appropriate manner, it is vital for the educators to be well-prepared and aware. When the educators come to the classrooms to give their lectures, then it is vital for them to possess adequate information in terms of lesson plans, concepts and other questions that may be put forward by the students. They need to ensure that students acquire an efficient understanding of the concepts, before they get promoted in the next class. The main reason behind stating this recommendation is, it has been researched upon that students, studying in class five are unable to read class three textbooks, nor they are able to solve numerical problems involving division by two digits. Therefore, previous concepts regarding all subjects need to be understood better, before seeking admission in the next class.

Teaching materials need to be developed by the teachers. When the teachers themselves develop the teaching-learning materials, they are able to generate adequate awareness in terms of implementation of their job duties. The different teaching-learning materials, which the educators can develop on their own are, posters, charts, articles, reports, projects and so forth. In higher educational institutions, educators are vested with the responsibility of writing research papers and books. They usually make use of their own papers and books, especially, when delivering lectures. Therefore, when educators prepare their own teaching materials, they are able to generate sufficient awareness in terms of concepts and subject knowledge. This would enable them to facilitate student learning in an appropriate manner.

The development of plans for the supply of education materials is regarded as an important aspect. When the plans are formulated, then it is essential to take into account certain aspects. These are, financial resources, number of classrooms, number of students and the overall school environmental conditions. When the adequate financial resources are not available, then assistance is obtained from non-government organizations. There have been formulation of programs and schemes that have the major objective of ensuring the development of the system of education. In rural schools, the teaching materials are not developed in an appropriate manner. Therefore, it is essential to formulate measures and schemes to ensure that within schools in rural communities, there are development of materials to enhance the system of education.

Development of an equitable distribution mechanism and to make provision for the maintenance and replenishment of materials is also important. In this case, there are certain aspects, which are considered vital. These are, geographic locations, socio-economic considerations, and linguistic inclusions. Furthermore, it is vital to consider the ways that would promote the participation of community members in designing and implementation of the distribution system for the materials, as this would help in making the system more transparent. Another important point that needs to be highlighted is, through the development of the information campaign, the individuals and families can be informed of the materials that would be provided to them. In other words, when the individuals will acquire knowledge in terms of appropriate teaching-learning materials in schools, then they would encourage enrolment of their children.

Another recommendation is, using teaching and learning evaluation schedule. The teaching and learning evaluation schedule is used to assist the individual teachers and groups of teachers to identify the areas of teaching. In addition, they are also able to identify the pedagogy and practice units that would be most appropriate for teaching. The individuals are able to make use of teaching-learning materials in a best manner by sharing it with others (Pedagogy and Practice, 2004). Others mainly include, other teachers, and colleagues. When other individuals are able to acquire knowledge, then further improvements can also take place by obtaining ideas and suggestions. The head mistress in schools and the heads of the departments in higher educational institutions are the individuals, who evaluate the teaching-learning methods and materials.

Implementation of study units are regarded indispensable as they can be used by teachers with different competence and skills. The study units need to be designed with the maximum flexibility in mind. They do not require attendance at external courses. The educators with varying skills and competence can make use of them. They can be used in a best way by the teachers of varying skills and competencies. Classroom lectures are regarded important, as individuals possess this viewpoint that through classroom lectures, professional development of the students can be promoted. The study units offer the means through which the educators can conduct research and develop a teaching competence or skill in a practical manner that will have an immediate impact upon classroom activity and student learning.

Sharing of learning objectives and learning outcomes is essential for assisting students in the achievement of academic goals. A significant feature for the assessment of learning is sharing with students in terms of both learning objectives and the expected learning outcomes in a clear and explicit manner. The educators need to make it clear that the learning objectives are, what the students intend to learn. Whereas, the learning outcomes define how the achievement can be demonstrated by the learners. In other words, the students need to be aware of the methods and strategies that are used to achieve the desired academic outcomes. For this purpose, the educators need to be aware of learning objectives and learning outcomes. Only then they will be able to impart adequate knowledge among students.

It is essential for the educators to act as leaders, guides and counsellors to the students. In some cases, with the use of modern and innovative teaching-learning materials, the students feel vulnerable and apprehensive and are not able to understand academic concepts. In such cases, it is the job duty of the educators to instruct them adequately, so they are able to make use of teaching-learning methods in an appropriate manner to enhance academic outcomes. On the other hand, there have been cases of students, who experience learning disabilities and are not able to understand the teaching-learning methods used. In such cases, it is vital on the part of the educators to provide them sufficient support and assistance. It is necessary for educators employed in educational institutions at all levels to possess leadership skills, needed to guide and direct students.

What types of materials can I create for the EFL classroom?

For the physical ESL classroom

Paper tests

When it comes to creating materials for the EFL classroom, paper tests are a classic choice, as there’s nothing more adaptable to students’ learning needs, the lesson or unit goal, time limitations, and the skills you want to teach. Creating your own quizzes and tests also gives you a great opportunity to let your students succeed and feel motivated to keep learning!


Even though some might argue that worksheets are becoming a little outdated, they can still get your students focused and help them retain the knowledge they just learned. Try and adapt your worksheets by adding some popular characters using clip art, or by incorporating authentic materials, such as newspaper articles, as a reading extract!

Warm-up activities

Warm-up activities can set the tone for each lesson, introduce the target language, or pre-teach vocabulary that’s needed later for other activities. Warm-ups give your students time to get their minds into English study gear. Even though the list of warm-up activities is endless, here are some examples:

Cut up comic strips and have your students put them back in order. You can even spice things up by breaking your students into groups and having them compete to see who can complete the comic first.

Let your students listen to a song that contains the target language (words, idioms, phrases, or a specific grammar point) and ask them how much of the lyrics they’re able to understand. You can build a whole lesson around one song! Be sure to choose age-appropriate ESL songs, though, and maybe avoid taboo topics.

Gather Basic Teaching Items

These will make planning and teaching easier.

Good textbook or lesson (perhaps from the Internet)

Small white board with pens, if you don't have access to a classroom board

Blank paper (a student may ask for some)

Regular or picture dictionary

List of extra activities to fill leftover time (see the Activities section of this guide)

Collect Useful Materials

Be sure to protect your materials because they may be handled many times. Slip paper materials into page protectors or magnetic photo album pages, glue them onto card stock, or laminate them.

Cut out magazine pictures

Select photographs of a vacation, family members, etc.

Collect travel brochures and public service pamphlets

Save interesting newspaper or magazine articles

Save cartoons or humorous drawings

Borrow library books with pictures, such as children's stories or travel guides

Collect blank note cards or postcards for students to write on

Consider board or card games

Bring children's building blocks or legos

Bring objects like clothing, fruits, a clock, canned food, etc.

Find relevant handouts on the internet (see the Lesson Materials section of this guide)

Make Your Own ESL Materials

Creativity helps, but you don't need to be a creative genius to make useful materials to accompany your lessons.

Write simple quizzes

Write dialogs and role plays

Write tongue twisters to focus on a problem sound

Create crossword puzzles using vocabulary words

Make alphabet or vocabulary flash cards

Create games, drawings, posters, etc.

Use a craft with your lesson, such as cutting snow flakes or decorating Easter eggs

Use Available Technology

If you have access to a TV and VCR, cassette/CD player, overhead projector, or even a computer, use them to bring variety to your lessons. Always be prepared with a non-technical backup activity should your equipment unexpectedly fail.

Videotape TV commercials or news clips, or borrow a library video

Copy outlines, diagrams, cartoons, etc. onto overhead transparencies

Tape record a few minutes of radio talk

Choose a popular song to play and make a worksheet of the song lyrics with missing word blanks; if you use a cassette, record the song 2-3 times for easy playback

Play background (instrumental) music while students work on an activity

Find a website your students can use for ESL activities (see the Further Resources section of this guide)


Games are especially useful for younger learners when it comes to keeping their attention. From ice-breaker games (like “Pass the ball and ask a question”) to conversation games (like “Interview a classmate and take notes,” “Who am I?” or role-playing games) and board games, the list of options to choose from is endless. Take your pick, and be sure to adapt the games to the level and age of your students!

Try these games and activities for young learners and teens.


Whether you’re teaching fruit vocabulary to young learners or restaurant and service-related content to hospitality professionals, using authentic materials for teaching English is an excellent way to adapt what you already have to your students’ needs. Realia, or real-life items, can be actual fruits that you show to your students or the restaurant menu from a local establishment. When students can make a connection to their own lives, their learning success is often much higher.

Use realia in the ESL classroom.


A great way to get your students’ opinions and feedback is via questionnaires. It gives your students an opportunity to practice their writing skills, share their feelings and opinions, and be heard. It gives you, the teacher, an opportunity to reflect on your lessons and to, if necessary, adjust and improve them.

As soon as teacher enters in the classroom, he starts using materials which already exist in the classroom. S/he starts talking about last classes which gives a platform to the students for getting out something and teacher tries to link up that interaction with his/her upcoming class and it becomes a material for a teacher. A teacher digs out the material from the classroom and uses accordingly. Like, Students were scolded by a teacher of last class and an ELT teacher can ask few students to come up and share the experience of last class and from there that ELT teacher tries to hone the speaking skills of the students. These materials can be used to chisel the speaking skills of the students and students will be speaking whole heartedly which can be a good material to be used by any ELT specialist. Teacher can use himself/herself to project anything in a better way by his/her gestures, postures, facial expressions and voice. For example, a teacher can teach the presentation strategies to the students by his/her voice modulation and facial expressions. It is the power of speech that may turn a dull topic into an interesting one whereas poor delivery may spoil significant presentation. So once the speaker has planned and developed the content he should begin practicing because it is not important what to say as it is how to say. There are a variety of delivery methods. A speech with same pitch delivered with stating pitch becomes monotonous so there should be variation in a pitch. The voice should be well modulated with proper pause at the right place along with normal rate of speech and fillers should be avoided. It can be easily practiced by these materials used by teacher in the classroom.

We express our emotions through words but often the feel of emotion is expressed through our various body parts. We can communicate by nodding our head,blinking our eyes, shrugging our shoulders or working our hands. When we study body language we look at the symbols of meaning that the physical movements of the body are communicating. Through body movements true inner conditions are reflected. For the expression of these inner body states faces, eyes, gestures & physical appearance are to be studied. For self- control the presenter should pay attention to his body language. These things can be easily learnt by the students when they observe their teacher in the classroom and try to imitate the teacher. Guidelines for Teaching Learning Materials: Littlejohn and Windeatt says, “Materials are hidden curriculum that includes attitudes toward knowledge, attitudes toward teaching and learning, attitudes toward the role and relationship of the teacher and student, and values and attitudes related to gender, society. Materials have a basic instructional viewpoint, approach, method, content, including which provide linguistic and cultural information. As Jolly says, “Materials should also be contextualized to the experiences, realities and first languages of the learners. An important part of this involves awareness on the part of the teacher-designer of the “socio- appropriacy” things such as the designer’s own style of presenting material, of arranging groups, and so on.”

Graphic Organizers

A second type of instructional material is the graphic organizer, which is any type of visual representation of information. Diagrams, charts, tables, flow charts, and graphs are all examples of graphic organizers. For instance, in a math classroom, it is essential to use graphs on a coordinate plane when learning about the equation of a line so that students can actually see how a line is graphed. In language arts, Venn diagrams and plot diagrams are clear instructional tools to use when comparing or analyzing events in a piece of literature. All of these graphic organizers allow students to physically see relationships between ideas. This is imperative for learning, especially for students who are more visually oriented. Seeing a clear relationship is always easier than an abstract idea in your mind.

In fact, having students create their own graphic organizers can be a great way to incorporate active learning. For instance, you can have students read a short story or even an informational article and then create their own visual representation of the information. This pushes students to internalize and apply the information, which requires more thought than simple recall.

To evaluate your graphic organizers, the most important aspect is to make sure they support learning and are not merely creative distractions. Some materials can be very fun and interesting, but if they do not support learning, they should not be included in your lesson. For instance, a Venn diagram on two characters in the novel, A Tale of Two Cities, can be a nice visual, but this is a higher-level novel and needs a more in depth type of graphic organizer. At this level, a Venn diagram is just too simple.

Teacher-Made Resources

A last type of instructional material comprises any teacher-made resources. These include anything the teacher creates, like handouts, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and projects. Many of these are used for assessment in the classroom, which is determining the level of learning on any given topic. For instance, different handouts or worksheets can be used throughout a unit to see which students are getting it and which students are struggling.

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