An important disadvantage, is that the final solution depends on the initial conditions of the network, and, as stated before, it was until recently not possible to "interpret" the solution in traditional, analytic terms, such as those used to build theories that explain phenomena but now techniques and algorithms have been evolved develop to analytical equations from the machine learnt models. Three broad classes of statistical pitfalls can be considered. The first involves sources of bias.These are conditions or circumstances which affect the external validity of statistical results.The second category is errors in methodology, which can lead to inaccurate or invalid results. The third class of problems concerns interpretation of results or how statistical results are applied or misapplied to real world issues. Pitfalls of classification modeling techniques:
Classification models predict events into categorical classes, say, "risky" or "safe".Classification methods are supported by decision tree, SVM, neural network, etc.
However, there is a serious drawback in applying classification techniques to credit risk management.The problem lies with the fact that credit defaults are in general very low ratio events say, less than 10%. Developing predictive models with skewed data is very difficult; especially with decision tree classification.Decision trees develop predictive models by segmenting populations into smaller groups recursively.It uses the dominant category or most frequent value of each segment as the predicted value for the segment.Dominant categories are the values represented by over 50% segment population.Credit users are already well screened.It is possible that no segments may contain risky customers in excess over 50%. Even if it exists, it may be slightly over 50%. Segments in which 49% customers have default-history will be predicted as "not" risky, although they are in very high risk segments. This type of models will have very low accuracy in predicting risky customers as "risky".
Much worse is that, as a consequence, more non-risky customers may end up being classified as "risky". Not much useful properties.It is important to note that all classification techniques have this limitation.To overcome this problem, one may be tempted to use tricks by introducing extra instances.However, such tricks will necessarily distort overall representation of population.Still the problem remains; A better approach is credit scoring using statistical probability.
As is well known, the use of logistic regression for classification usually involves the application of ROCs (Receiver Operating Curves), and the use of the latter is not fully understood in terms of optimal classification.The curve helps determine the cutoff probability p* that separates class predictions (in the binary classification case).If the estimated conditional probability of being a ‘case’ exceeds p*, the individual is classified as a ‘case’, and a ‘non-case’ otherwise.However, the rules governing the choice of p* are not clearly associated with any single optimality criterion.
Causality: Probably nothing has caused as much mischief in research and applied statistics as unclear thinking about causality. Assessing causality is the raison d'être of most statistical analysis, yet its subtleties escape many statistical consumers.
The bottom line on causal inference is this: there must be random assignment. That is, the experimenter must be the one assigning values of predictor variables to cases. If the values are not assigned or manipulated, the most that can be hoped for is to show evidence of a relationship of some kind. Observational studies are very limited in their ability to illuminate causal relationships. Take for example a hypothesized relationship between number of health-care visits and socioeconomic status (SES), i.e. the higher the SES, the more the number of visits to the clinic. There are three possible explanations for this: one is that people with high SES have the means to pay for frequent clinic visits (SES -> visits); another is that people who visit their doctor frequently are in better health and so are able to be more productive at work, get better jobs, etc. (visits -> SES);the third is that something else (e.g.size of city) affects both clinic visitation and SES independently(larger cities have more clinics and offer better paying jobs), making them go up and down together (visits <- X -> SES).
This factor of causal inference (i.e. random assignment) is the key regardless of the statistical methodology used. It has been drummed into our heads that "correlation is not causation". Unfortunately, some people seem to interpret that as implying that correlation and regression can't be used for causal analysis; or worse, that experimentally oriented statistical designs (e.g. ANOVA) are necessary and sufficient conditions for causal inference.Neither of these interpretations is correct; if values are assigned to a predictor variable (e.g. by manipulating drug dosages), it is perfectly legitimate to use a correlation coefficient or a regression equation to generate inferences about the effectiveness of the drug.
Now, of course, many of the things we might have studied are not subject to experimental manipulation ( problems/risk factors). If they have to be understood in a causal framework, great cautioun must be exercised. It will require a multifaceted approach to the research (it might be thought of as "conceptual triangulation"), use of chronologically structured designs (placing variables in the roles of antecedents and consequents), and plenty of replication, to come to any strong conclusions regarding causality.
It may be helpful to consider some aspects of statistical thought which might lead many people to be distrustful of it.First of all, statistics requires the ability to consider things from a probabilistic perspective, employing quantitative technical concepts such as "confidence, reliability and significance".This is in contrast to the way non-mathematicians often cast problems: logical, concrete, often dichotomous conceptualizations are the norm: right or wrong, large or small, this or that.
Additionally, many non-mathematicians hold quantitative data in a sort of awe.They have been lead to believe that numbers are, or at least should be, unquestionably correct.Consider the sort of math problems people are exposed to in secondary school and even in introductory college math courses: there is a clearly defined method for finding the answer, and that answer is the only acceptable one.It comes, then, as a shock that different research studies can produce very different, often contradictory results.
If the statistical methods used are really supposed to represent reality, how can it be that different studies produce different results?In order to resolve this paradox, many naive observers conclude that statistics must not really provide reliable (in the non-technical sense) indicators of reality after all.And, the logic goes, if statistics aren't "right", they must be "wrong".It is easy to see how even intelligent, well-educated people can become cynical if they don't understand the subtleties of statistical reasoning and analysis.
The best thing that can be done in the long run, is make sure we're using our tools properly, and that our conclusions are warranted.
A questionnaire has been prepared to capture the additional factors covering psychographic variables and detailed aspects of demographic and economic factors.This could be administered to good customers and bad customers.
A Survey conducted among good as well as bad customers covering demographic, psychographic and economic factors using direct, indirect and projective techniques would further give a comprehensive model.
Analysis of the resulting data can be used to test several hypotheses that have been developed in the qualitative research phase.
Decision Tree analysis and path analysis could be used for identifying a combination of attributes which lead to a good customer or bad customer.This information inturn cound be used for arriving at clusters.
Using mixed data; data that incorporates structured, transactional and textual information; for predicting customer behavior has proven to increase model accuracy across a wide range of modeling problems. Hence a combined data mining and text mining could be used to get more insight into customer behavior
Bagging (Voting, Averaging): The concept of bagging (voting for classification, averaging for regression-type problems with continuous dependent variables of interest) applies to the area of predictive datamining, to combine the predicted classifications (prediction) from multiple models, or from the same type of model for different learning data.It is also used to address the inherent instability of results when applying complex models to relatively small data sets.Suppose the data mining task is to build a model for predictive classification, and the data set from which to train the model (learning data set, which contains observed classifications) is relatively small;one could repeatedly sub-sample (with replacement) from the dataset, and apply, for example, a tree classifier (e.g., C&RT and CHAID) to the successive samples.In practice, very different trees will often be grown for the different samples, illustrating the instability of models often evident with small datasets.
One method of deriving a single prediction (for new observations) is to use all trees found in the different samples, and to apply some simple voting: The final classification is the one most often predicted by the different trees. Some weighted combination of predictions (weighted vote, weighted average) is also possible, and commonly used. Sophisticated machine learning algorithm for generating weights for weighted prediction or voting is the Boosting procedure.
Greater weights are assigned to those observations that were difficult to classify (where the misclassification rate was high), and lower weights are assigned to those that were easy to classify (where the misclassification rate was low). In the context of C&RT for example, different misclassification costs (for the different classes) can be applied, inversely proportional to the accuracy of prediction in each class.Then the classifier is applied again to the weighted data (or with different misclassification costs), and the next iteration is continued with (application of the analysis method for classification to the re-weighted data).
Boosting will generate a sequence of classifiers, where each consecutive classifier in the sequence is an "expert" in classifying observations that were not well classified by those preceding it.During deployment (for prediction or classification of new cases), the predictions from the different classifiers can then be combined (e.g., via voting, or some weighted voting procedure) to derive a single best prediction or classification.
Boosting can also be applied to learning methods that do not explicitly support weights or misclassification costs. In that case, random sub-sampling can be applied to the learning data in the successive steps of the iterative boosting procedure, where the probability for selection of an observation into the subsample is inversely proportional to the accuracy of the prediction for that observation in the previous iteration (in the sequence of iterations of the boosting procedure).
Bagging: The concept of bagging (voting for classification, averaging for regression type problems with continuous dependent variables of interest) applies to the area of predictive data mining to combine the predictive classification from multiple models or from the same type of model for different learning data.It is also used to address the inherent instability of results when applying complex, models to relatively small data sets i.e., the datamining task is to build a model for predictive classification and the data set from which to train the model is relatively small.
Monte Carlo Simulation: Using this, the accuracy of various methods like multiple regression, logistic regression, decision tree, factor analysis combined with decision tree factor analysis combined with neural network could be simulated.The inputs to these calculations could be random from the data.
Game Theory: Another analysis framework could be developed using game theory approach.Game theory could be very well applied in this loan situation. The lender wants to maximise his profits and minimize his costs while the borrower does not want to repay if possible.This conflict could be of varying degrees.This is best captured by clustering the borrowers depending on demographic, psychographic and other socio economic factors and then applying game theory.
Markov transition matrix: On the basis that customers transform to defaulting state with a probalisitic pattern, probabilities being derived from the data these probabilities could used to predict when they will default.This should be tried with aggregate and disaggregate models. Clusters of customers should be formed depending on their demographic and psychographic profiles and markov probabilities used to predict transition to default state.
Joy V. Joseph, ”An Alternative Method of Measuring Direct Mail ROI” May2007, Marketing, Direct mail accounts for up to 20% of total advertising spend, and it might be well worth the effort to compare standard direct mail ROI measurement to methods used in measuring ROI for other vehicles.
How do DM campaigns typically measure ROI?
Typical DM campaigns use control groups to evaluate performance of campaigns. A control group is a subset of the total population that is to receive mail in a campaign. This control group is set aside and not sent any mail as part of that campaign, which gives marketers a measure of what sales would have been in the absence of direct mail.
The population that receives mail is called the test group. Revenue per customer is calculated for both groups over a time period that includes the promotion period and a sufficient amount of time afterward to rule out purchase acceleration impact (revenue per customer = Total Revenues in group / Number of people in the group).The higher the number of responders in a group (control or test) the greater the revenue per customer.
Incremental revenue per customer is calculated as the difference in revenue per customer for the test group and revenue per customer for the control group. Incremental revenue per customer is a measure of revenue that is above and beyond revenue that could be expected in the absence of the direct mail campaign.
Dividing this number by the campaign cost per customer (calculated as campaign cost / number of people mailed) yields the ROI of the campaign.
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