In the textbook, in accordance with the standard curriculum on the modern history of Uzbekistan, on the basis of a large amount of factual material, taking into account the latest achievements of domestic historical science, certain topics of the course are revealed. The textbook reveals the scientific and practical aspects of such issues as the emergence of statehood on the territory of our Motherland, the Renaissance in Central Asia, the newest history of Uzbekistan, that is, the difficult situation on the eve of Uzbekistan’s gaining state independence, the declaration of the republic’s independence. And also, issues related to the reforms carried out during this period in the socio-political, economic, cultural and spiritual spheres and the stages of these reforms, the comprehensive integration of Uzbekistan in the world community, international relations, ensuring security, religious tolerance and interethnic harmony, the implementation of a balanced, mutually beneficial and constructive foreign policy. A comprehensive and in-depth study of the history of our homeland, based on primary sources, is vital for educating the younger generation through teaching them the true history as individuals of great spirituality. The textbook can become a source for studying the history of our people. The tutorial is supplied with presentation materials and a glossary. It is intended for use by students of higher educational institutions, as well as a wide range of readers interested in this subject.
1-mavzu. Kirish. “О’zbekistonning eng yangi tarixi” о’quv fanining predmeti, maqsadi va vazifalari, nazariy-metodologik tamoyillari………..4-14
2-mavzu. Yuksak intellektual salohiyatli, ma’naviy barkamol avlodni tarbiyalash, komil insonni voyaga yetkazishda tarix fanining o’rni ………….…………………………………………………………………….15-29
3-mavzu. Mustaqillikka erishish arafasida O’zbekistondagi ijtimoiy-siyosiy jarayonlar……………………………………………………………………30-40
4-mavzu. Mustaqil O’zbekiston respublikasining tashkil topishi va uning tarixiy ahamiyati……………………………………………………………..40-51
5-mavzu.O’zbekistonning o’ziga xos istiqlol va taraqqiyot yo’li…...51-62
6-mavzu.O’zbekistonda demokratik, fuqarolik jamiyati asoslarining shakllanishi, amalga oshirilgan siyosiy islohotlar…………………………62-78
7-mavzu. Iqtisodiy islohotlar, xususiy mulkchilikning shakllanishi. O’zbekistonda bozor munosabatlarining rivojlanishi…………………….78-89
8-mavzu: O’zbekiston respublikasidagi ijtimoiy o’zgarishlar…....89-107
9-mavzu. Mustaqillik yillarida O’zbekistondagi ma’naviy va madaniy taraqqiyot………………………………………………………………….107-125
10-mavzu. Mustaqillik yillarida O’zbekistondagi ma’naviy va madaniy taraqqiyot…………………………………………………………………125-138
11-mavzu. О’zbekiston respublikasida ta’lim sohasida amalga oshirilgan islohotlar. Mustaqillik yillarida ta’lim va ilm-fanning rivojlanishi……138-145
12-mavzu. Mustaqillik yillarida qoraqalpog’iston respublikasi…146-158
13-mavzu. O’zbekiston va jahon hamjamiyati. O’zbekistonning tinchliksevar tashqi siyosati va uning jahon hamjamiyati tomonidan tan olinishi……………………………………………………………………158-178
14-mavzu: Yangilanayotgan O’zbekiston: milliy tiklanishdan – milliy yuksalish sari. 2017-2021 yillarda O’zbekiston respublikasini rivojlantirishning beshta ustuvor yo’nalishi bo’yicha harakatlar strategiyasining ishlab chiqilishi, hayotga joriy etilishi va uning ahamiyati…………………………….…179-195
15-mavzu. О’zbekiston respublikasining xalqaro reyting va indekslardagi о’rni va nufuzini ortib borishi……………………………………………195-203
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