Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
moves the code somewhere else.The real problem with this member function isn't
its size but its
. It hard-codes the maze layout. Changing the
layoutmeans changing this member function, either
by overriding it
reimplementing the whole thing
or by changing parts ofit
which is error-prone
and doesn't promote reuse.
The creational patterns show how to make this design more
, not necessarily
smaller. In particular, they will make iteasy to change the classes that define
the components of a maze.
Suppose you wanted to reuse an existing maze layout for a new gamecontaining (of
all things) enchanted mazes. The enchanted maze game hasnew kinds of components,
like DoorNeedingSpell, a door thatcan be locked and opened subsequently only with
a spell; andEnchantedRoom, a room that can have unconventional items init, like
magic keys or spells. How can you change CreateMazeeasily so that it creates mazes
with these new classes of objects?
In this case, the biggest barrier to change lies in hard-coding theclasses that
get instantiated. The creational patterns providedifferent ways to remove explicit
references to concrete classesfrom code that needs to instantiate them:
If CreateMaze calls virtual functions instead of constructorcalls to create
the rooms, walls, and doors it requires, then you canchange the classes
that get instantiated by making a subclass ofMazeGame and redefining those
virtual functions. This approachis an example of the Factory Method (121)
If CreateMaze is passed an object as a parameter to use tocreate rooms,
walls, and doors, then you can change the classes ofrooms, walls, and doors
by passing a different parameter. This is anexample of the Abstract Factory
(99) pattern.
If CreateMaze is passed an object that can create a new mazein its entirety
using operations for adding rooms, doors, and walls tothe maze it builds,
then you can use inheritance to change parts ofthe maze or the way the maze
is built. This is an example of the Builder (110) pattern.
If CreateMaze is parameterized by various prototypical room,door, and wall
objects, which it then copies and adds to the maze,then you can change the
maze's composition by replacing theseprototypical objects with different
ones. This is an example of the Prototype (133) pattern.
The remaining creational pattern, Singleton (144), canensure there's only one
maze per game and that all game objects haveready access to it
without resorting
to global variables orfunctions. Singleton also makes it easy to extend or replace
the mazewithout touching existing code.