Describe your favourite shop.
You should say:
and explain why you like the shop so much.
[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:
Thank you very much for this nice cue card topic. Zara Home is my favourite shop. This is an international brand and has its branches in different parts of the world. It is specialized in home decoration stuff. The shop is located in a shopping mall named Mall of Arabia in Juhayna Square, Cairo. I like the shop for some specific reasons and a wide variation of the products are really adorable. This is the shop which sells a good number of products to decorate a home with a modern look. This is a nice cue card for me and I will answer the remaining questions here.
This is a special shop for home decoration. It sells a wide range of products to beautify a home. The range of products include - duvets, pillows, cushion pads, duvet covers, top sheets, bottom sheets, pillowcases, quilts, bedspreads, blankets, cushions, rugs, curtains; bath accessories like towels, bathmats, bathrobes, baskets, shower curtains; table accessories like tablecloths and napkins, table runners, placemats, kitchen textiles, dinnerware, plate charger, bowls, mugs, serving dishes, glassware, cutlery, trays, napkin ring; loungewear, home fragrances and more.
Most of the customers of this shop are females like me. In fact, it is only the females who have the right sense to decorate the home. They know what to get and where to place inside the home which is not possible for the males to decide. So, a notable number of women flock to the shop every day to get their essentials.
I like the shop too much as it serves with the best quality products. Besides, the after sales services are also adorable and they have a nice return policy. The prices are reasonable as well and they often come with some discounts too which made the shop popular. I frequently visit the shop to know about their latest products.
Model javob 1:
Ushbu chiroyli ishora kartasi mavzusi uchun sizga katta rahmat. Zara Home - bu mening sevimli do'konim. Bu xalqaro brend va dunyoning turli burchaklarida o'z filiallariga ega. Bu uyni bezashga ixtisoslashgan. Do'kon Qohiraning Juhayna maydonidagi Mall Arabiston nomli savdo majmuasida joylashgan. Do'kon menga ma'lum sabablarga ko'ra yoqadi va mahsulotlarning xilma-xilligi juda yoqimli. Bu uyni zamonaviy qiyofa bilan bezash uchun ko'plab mahsulotlarni sotadigan do'kon. Bu men uchun juda yaxshi ishora kartasi va qolgan savollarga bu erda javob beraman.
Bu uyni bezatish uchun maxsus do'kon. Uyni obodonlashtirish uchun keng turdagi mahsulotlar sotiladi. Mahsulotlar qatoriga quyidagilar kiradi: ko'rpa, yostiq, o'tiradigan joy, ko'rpa choyshablari, ustki choyshablar, pastki choyshablar, yostiq choyshablari, ko'rpalar, ko'rpa-to'shaklar, ko'rpalar, o'tiradigan joylar, gilamchalar, pardalar; sochiq, hammom, xalat, savat, dush pardalari singari hammom jihozlari; stol choyshablari va peçeteler, stol yuguruvchilar, joy tagliklari, oshxona to'qimachilik buyumlari, ovqat idishlari, plastinka uchun zaryadlovchi, piyola, krujkalar, xizmat ko'rsatish idishlari, shisha idishlar, vilkalar pichoqlar, tovoqlar, ro'molcha uzuklari; uy kiyimlari, uy atirlari va boshqalar.
Ushbu do'kon xaridorlarining aksariyati men kabi ayollardir. Darhaqiqat, uyni bezatish uchun faqat ayollar to'g'ri his qilishadi. Ular nimani olishlarini va uyga qaerga joylashtirishni bilishadi, bu erkaklar uchun qaror qabul qilishning iloji yo'q. Shunday qilib, ma'lum miqdordagi ayollar har kuni zarur narsalarni olish uchun do'konga kelishadi.
Menga do'kon juda yoqadi, chunki u eng sifatli mahsulotlar bilan ishlaydi. Bundan tashqari, sotishdan keyingi xizmatlar ham yoqimli va ular qaytib kelish siyosatiga ega. Narxlar ham maqbul va ular tez-tez ba'zi chegirmalar bilan birga keladi va bu do'konni mashhur qildi. Do'konga tez-tez tashrif buyurib, ularning so'nggi mahsulotlarini bilaman.
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