August | 2020
Esanbekova Mohinabonu Ulug'bek qizi - Student
Uktamova Navruza Botir qizi - Scientific advisor;
UsZWLU Faculty of
Lower Courses
Abstract. This investigation is directly related to the current process of globalization. The
origin and history of the term globalization, the positive and negative effects of this process
on the world, their prevention and what research is being done by scientists in this regard.
In addition, this study discusses how this process of globalization is affecting global tourism
industry, and how it is bringing us good and bad consequences for the economic, educational,
and political spheres.
Key language: culture, imperialism, internet, industrialization, capitalism, united nations,
economics, trade, tourism, technology, multinational, production, internationalization,
consumerism, innovation, protectionism, inequality.
Introduction. In the 21st century, radical changes have taken place in world civilization.
It is difficult to imagine any sphere of our lives today without new inventions. In fact,
what is globalization and how does it affect international relations?
Russian scientist L.E. According to Green, "Globalization is the result of the integration
of regions and the world as a whole. In fact, it is a process that results in the world
becoming more connected and inclusive of all its subjects.
In addition to the above, it should be noted that the term Globalization was first used
by Giddins in the 1960s 1. The term was almost never used until the 1990s. However,
by 1985, the American sociologist R. Robertson defined the term "globalization" 2. The
term globalization was first used by economists in 1981. From the above definitions, it
is clear that the process of globalization still exists in its diversity and significance. There
is no clear and unambiguous analysis of it. Globalization is a multidimensional process
that encompasses all areas through a variety of methods and tools. In particular, it is safe
to say that the concept of integration is included in the dictionary of each nation.
It should be noted that globalization has also affected the tourism industry. In modern
times, tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of the world economy.
Its vast
potential is becoming a major source of income for thousands of countries. According to
the United Nations World Tourism Organization, 1 billion 184 million tourists were
registered worldwide in 2015, and in 2016 this figure reached 1 billion 235 thousand.
That means 3.9%. The total value for attention paid to travelers in 2015 was $1.5 trillion.
It is clear that these figures will increase significantly in 2016-2017. Of course, this is not
without the effects of globalization.
For example :
Under the influence of globalization, transnational corporations are integrated, which
means that a tourist can have full information about any destination he wants to visit. You
can also use the navigator program through Google.
By bringing the world closer, that is, by globalization, people's thinking expands. This
means that anyone who wants to open a travel agency has the opportunity to follow the
example of the world's leading agencies.
Contrary to the above, however, in today's age
of technological advancement,
globalization, also known as spider web, is wreaking havoc on the entire world with its
negative consequences. We can cite a few examples as proof of our point.
In order to increase the potential of tourism, changes and improvements are being