Course work theme: Humor and satire in Shakespeare’s comedies. Done by: Abdurakhimova Nilufar Research adviser: Gaziyeva Saida Chirchik 2022 Content introduction chapter I. Shakespeare’s life and works

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The Jew, Shylock is a man who has made a mistake and been forced to pay dearly for it by losing everything he values, including his religious freedom. It is almost like two plays – a comic structure with a personal tragedy embedded in it. The ‘comedy’ is a frame to heighten the effect of the tragic elements, which creates something very deep and dark. Anyone who hasn’t been to Venice is unlikely to know this. Shakespeare from Stratford is likely to be the author of The Merchant of Venice, his relationship with another religious minority – his relationship with another religious minority living in London. From 1602 to 1604, Shakespeare was very adorned with men's curtains in Christopher Minneapolis, north of London. This is one of the most convincing proofs of Shakespeare’s life. In 1604, the English disciples Stephen Belllot married Uncle's daughter, and in 1612 he sued for not giving the promised dowry to his daughter. William Shakespeare was summoned to court. He swore under oath that he was familiar with the other side and even believed he would marry Belotot, but he could not remember anything about the size of the fat. Shakespeare signed his testimony and left the boat court. In short, the content of the trial, later called «Against Balbo Moy joy.» At three hundred years old, no one knew this little thing. And in 1909, the Living Charles William (1865-1932) and Hilda Wallace were found in the national archives, not a well-known claim. This document also added another little Toil who knew about Sheepfold from Shakespeare. (Almost a lawsuit between the bloc and the uncle found only a block of information about Shakespeare for the whole of the twentieth century. Not reported Shakespeare. The significance of this discovery is that William Shakespeare undoubtedly lived for some time in a family of French Protestants – Huguenot. In the 16th century, the Huguenots had to suffer a lot. They saved their lives and fled to England, forming a successful, prosperous colony of merchants and traders. It seems so remarkable that Shakespeare witnessed the horrific events in which they lived in France, especially on the night of the famous Varoom, especially on the night of the famous Varoom (August 15, 1572), during which thousands of French Protestants were killed. Among some – there was a mountain between them – he managed to run abroad. Shakespeare can be compared to some English-speaking writer of the sixties or tenth millennium of the last century who lived in a refugee Jewish church in London. It is unbelievable that the Nazis knew nothing about the persecution of the Jews in Germany and did not use their horrific events in their work. And by the way, if Shakespeare from Stratford is the author of the plays that belong to him, then, this is what we know for sure: He wrote about the Jews in his works. Considering the inclusive Shakespeare district (sympathy) as well as «political correctness» as well as «political correctness» (no scattered Protestant persecution is required), it is very g ' said one of Shakespeare's pies. After 1602-1604, the French theme disappears from Shakespeare’s plays with the nation. Needless to say, this Orthodox stratosphere emphasized that this fact lacks logic in the authorship concept of Stratforia. At the same time, the Orthodox Shakespeare, the work of «Bell vs. Bellboy» clearly states that Shakespeare was influenced. According to Anthony Holden, Shakespeare, for several years, sent Gench Verold to Gench Verold, France, to name Genchir vein venuenote, and Gerden in Genich V in Genrich V. At the same time, Shakespeare made it clear that Metjoev had not been before since 1602. Shakespeare’s biographical representatives express the opinion expressed by the actor Stephen Bellot, who has been playing the actor and writing “crown” and “measurement”. In the park, Hanan even says, «I had to rest to relax.» But the fact that he didn’t look like a bachelor (the starting point of a comedy comedy) to get under the crown (the starting point of a comedy comedy) made the waistline very sad and caused him not to get married. Shakespeare, who was sworn in ten years later, said it was hard to remember anything about Bella-n's marriage. And this is clearly not consistent with the London court's statement influencing the creation of two Shakespearean tragicomedies. Either way, the plots of both plays go back to other sources, and Stephen isn’t associated with flowers and won’t miss Monocyte events described in «The Merchant of Venice» are a struggle against hardship and distantness. Invested £ 3,000 to finance. The expedition failed and the rest of his life paid off the debts. According to Oxford, the 3,000 pieces recorded in the play. I covered 2,000 pounds, and more than that, hesitated. Victory, his thousand pounds. Not after twenty years. During this time interval de Tre lost in other similar enterprises, in 1582 and 1584. One more thing: 1604 o ' a trusted person until the limit, Michael Low was with his nephew – Henry.»We also have a well-thought-out opinion that the 'Venetian merchant' is a response to Rodrigo Lopez, executed in June 1594; may have things that can be a monetary investment.
The «Venetian merchant», as probably mentioned, was Neville Rodrigo Lopez (ca. 1525-1594) – a Portuguese-born Jew born in Portugal, who took first place in 1586. The chief medicine in the courtyard of Queen Elizabeth. He was with Essex and Essex participated in the investigation. Under torture, the queen admitted that she had indeed tried to poison him in order to provide Spanish service. On June 15, 1594, he was hanged, finished, and fourth on the fourth counter. Needless to say, Lopez is innocent. Apparently, Essex wanted to stir up anti-Western (and in general an monism) sentiment. However, while the «Venetian merchant» was in response to Lopez's performance, perhaps Neville's purpose, perhaps Neville's purpose, was less clear; The comedy reflects mixed emotions. He condemns Sheila and the Jew’s “lookism” on his face, while at the same time defending him as a man of resentment. Moreover, Sheilok-Roshovst is not a doctor accused of a state crime. And yet: Lopez The origin of the Iberian Catholic Jews and hostility to him is based solely on anti-Semitism.
Perhaps the main idea of ​​the “Venetian Merchant” is that business and friendship can work together successfully as well. It was Neville’s position in life. He seems to be saying that Christians are capable of being friends and business partners – unlike Jews who live by this principle: friendship is friendship and money. But think again in the game, fortunately, fortunately, I have salted myself: a Christian, even if they are business partners, will not be friends with a Jew. The woman is portrayed differently in terms of Jewish performance: she is a friend and beloved Christian. After all, today Neville calls on Jews in any way to convert them in faith (Sheila’s charm) or in any way to convert them from marriage (Jessica). Here Neville is not very racist as an dentist Christian; It’s ideal – as far as we can judge – to fit his character. Neville called it the «brain of the Christian bone.»6
Neville was the British ambassador to France – even a Christian reading residence. All of this seems to have been contracted with a brief appraisal of Sir Henry, as we argue that he was mentally and spiritually hesitant; But the past is not evaluated in terms of today’s knowledge and ideas. Luther lived in Neville when he won in Europe. Neville, who had met many European philosophers and did not know a single language, could not read Luther’s works. Luther wrote of those who wrote about the Jews: he played in the genocide for them today. Unfortunately, Luther really wrote that Jews should be killed and burned. Neville must have been very disturbed by humanism and Christianity – the doctrine of Luther in the Elizabeth period was discussed everywhere and was more popular than in our time. Undoubtedly, Neville felt compassion and anger when he listened to Father’s massacres and Protestant fodder to the Maria Sourdough administration. The same encourages Luther to work with the Jews. So, if you look at it from a historical perspective, Neville is about repenting to the Jews and converting them to Christianity (by coercion or marriage).Neville and life were merciful – if, if, if he did not require the law from Him; So he repented of his generosity in two and tried to slander the guilt. John Chamfrain, author of many letters and court gossip, noted that Neville «… if you can't help it, it has never affected suffering.» On diplomatic correspondence, Robert Selina reported that Sir Henry had conversations for philosophical topics. According to Neville, the king agreed to pay the Christians in their faith, not by their faith and coercion. It is a monologue of Sheila, where he speaks of the attitude of Christians towards him, not always with the intention of imitating Christians well in their actions. In the Christian understanding, compassion is at hand with this character and compassion. Reading Shakespeare’s play, we are truly, truly compassionate in his misfortune, devoting the whole of philosophical morality to the monologue of morality. Protestants are traditionally less Catholic than non-ceremonial, but follow the commandments of Christians every day. The works of Shakespeare, and especially of the Venetian merchant, reflect this absolutely Protestant ethic. We don’t know anything about Shakespeare’s attitude towards compassion and mercy, but you contemporaries are representatives of the theatrical and literary world, and then he was unknown. Shakespeare’s current biographers describe it as a ruthless lender and a peacemaker. At the same time, Neville's contemporaries always admired kindness; This was noted even by the most violent and safari pagans, including Ben Johnson, who received several compliments. Johnson knew Sir Henry well – the poet belonged to the circle of Sayville and Cadmium, and Neville was with the Metra Tavern. Composing this poem was of no use: Neville did not face any inconvenience from King James, I did not complain to the proponents of absolute power. Thus, Johnson’s praise can be treated with confidence.
Over the years, Neville continues to write historical chronicles. He is improving in the art of drama – Shakespeare is a new way of portraying characters. Later in the annals, memorable protagonist characters appear (this is first Prince hel, then Henry V), which is very different from the actual ones in the early days. Prince Hel undoubtedly had a policy quality – it looks like Machivanelli is descending from the pages of Saracen because it has not yet been translated into English. True, it was translated by Neville's father, but it is known that it was published only for personal use. However, Neville reads Machiavelli, and in fact Shakespeare does not exist – modern foreign languages ​​are not taught in grammar schools. In Shakespeare, however, Machiavelli's passages are mentioned three times: in Enrich Vi and in Windsor Ruskin.
Characters May Venice. Prince Morocco Basses, his friend. Salami | Salaaming | Friends Antonio Grazing and Bassaosan. Solio | Lorenzo, love for Jessica. Shelok, a wealthy Jew. Repentance, Jew, his friend. Luncheon Gobbo, Jester, servant of Shiloka. Old gobbo, father Lanchelot. Leonardo, servant Bassasio. Balthazar) Servants of the Department. Part of Stefano, a rich heritage. Nerissa, his servant. Jessica, daughter of Sheilok. Venetian senators, members of the judiciary, prisons, charities, and more. The movement is the property of parts of Belmont in Venice, on the mainland. Action I. Scene 1 Venice. Street. Enter Antonio, Salutation and Salanio. Antonio I don’t know why I’m so upset. I am in a difficult situation; You can hear it too. But when I got back, I found the gled. What does he do when he is born – I want to know! My wine, which is hard to know for myself, is a meaningless sorrow. Salaparson you are in the spirit of the ocean, there are wonderful waters, there are wonderful ceremonies, there are weaving merchants, they look at the weaving merchants, when they fly on the weaving wings, they have to look for them for them. Salanio, if I was too dangerous, almost all the emotions I had were there – hopefully. I constantly mow the grass to know where the wind is, looking for ports and blinds; Anything that didn’t make me think in advance, I was definitely saddened. Salaaming I examine the breath of my breath, trembling from the stormy fever in the stormy sea; I couldn’t see the hourglass without remembering the sand and reefs; I pull the ship harder into the sand, and Bob bowed less in the bucket to kiss my grave! In the church, looking at the sacred building stones, because I barely pushed my ship, all the spices rose into the water and the waves, saying that My wealth was nothing? If so, can I think about it without thinking, without thinking? I know, I know: Antonio worries about his goods. Not Antonio, don't believe me.I am thankful to destiny – that I am not alone, that I have entered the ship, not one and the place; My state doesn’t measure this year: I’m not upset about my wealth. Saorino you, that means in love. Antonio is empty! Is Salaparino in love? So let’s say: you get upset. Then unemployed and alone! You're hard, «I'm funny, then I'm not upset!» Two-bedroom yanlus! I swear to you, the nature of strange people emerges: some laugh like a pig hearing a carotid; Others are like vinegar, like sour, so the teeth are not visible, swear by Nestor, what a funny joke! Bassasio, Lorenzo and Gratian. Salanio is here your Bassasio your noble Rhodium; With him Gratian and Lorenzo. Farewell! We will leave you in the best society. Salaparino used to be exciting, but here I see the ones that are more expensive for you. Antonio in my eyes you are on the road. Give me your name and we are happy with the excuse. Savion Hello, gentlemen. Bassasio Sage, but when do we laugh? When? Unlike anything! We want to rest in Saorino. Salaparino and Sala departure. Lorenzo (Bassasio) Signor, for you have found Antonio, we will leave you; But don’t forget I ask you where we should go. Bassasio may come. Grazioso Signer Antonio, you look bad; You are also about the benefits of the world. Whoever buys their work loses them. How you have changed! According to Antonio Men, Grazioso: The world is a scene with a place; I'm sad. Gratian I put on the role of Gesture! Let laughter all be in wrinkles; Burn wine from heaven rather than heaven. Why does a warm-blooded man look like a marble ancestor? Sleeping in yellow out of cowardice Listen, Antonio: I love you; The love in me. There are people in the gaps covered with a clear film: they have tiny molar seriousness, wisdom and deep intellect. And as they say to us, «When I'm old, don't bother the dog!» Oh my Antonio! All I know is that they only hear in vain. Don't catch in the crops, unfortunate fish! – Now, Lorenzo. – Well, well! And I'm confused by the combination. Lorenzo So leave you before lunch. I'll have to be quiet sage: he won't give Grecian!
Gratian yes, they live with me – the sound of the voice you forget. Antonio Well, for you I will be for you! Gratian is great: because silence is great in limited languages. Gratian and Lorenzo left. What does Antonio mean by his words? Bassasanio Graziano says so many trivial things endlessly, more than anyone in Venice; His evidence is that two-year-old wheat grains are hidden in two meals. You’ll have to look all day to find them, but you’ll find – you’ll see what I’m not looking for. Antonio is good, good. Tell me, who is the woman you are going to worship? You promised me. Bassasanio isn’t too excited for you, Antonio, how frustrated I am with my business and the lifestyle I lead, so it allows for the modesty of my finances. I’m not a pope to cut the source of luxury: One concern is how big the debt is from the big debts, what kind of motocross it brings me. You, Antonio, most and money and friendship. This friendship loves me so much, it means my intentions and plans, how to clear the debts altogether. Antonio tell me, my Bassasao! If, like you, you have plans, I trust you, I am your wallet, I am myself, all of you are open enough to help you. Bassanio read in school days, losing the arrow, I had another goal, - and for the same purpose, to pursue only the first goal – to take first place; Turning to the latter, I often found both. Take the example from childhood – so my plan is Envies. I owe you so much, like an old child, something I lost. But since you decided to send an arrow to send the first time, if I find food, I, I, will return the debtor to the second because I was the first. Antonio You know me; Look for the area of ​​my love, don’t waste time. You are hurting me more in my strongest feeling than I have broken you. Tell me what to do and then I’ll work on the power in your mind – and I’m ready for anything. Tell me! Bassasio is a rich man in Belmont life; Beauty is more beautiful than high quality; Sometimes his eyes went silent to me. His name is; She is not inferior to her husband in Brutta, the daughter of Cato. Everyone knows the price for it: Four winds from different countries define its seekers. And sun demons like a golden lamp; Belmont, they turn to Lochay, but Yazon is not inclined to go there. OH, if I, Antonio, would compete well enough with any of them – my soul predicts that I will surely win. Antonio You know, my whole destiny is at sea: I have no money, no goods to get capital; Find out what my debt can do in Venice. I like everything and the border to send you to a piece for Belmont. Stay – we’ll get to know both: both, of course, I’m a credit ill in the form of Lentia. Boring. Scene 2 Belmont. A room in a charity house. Party and Nerissa included. The department is telling the truth, Nerissa, my little man is tired of this big world. Nerissa, so my dear, if you are wrong, unhappy. But it can be seen that a person who eats a lot is as sick as a person who suffers from hunger. That’s why Happiness Gold is in the middle: the occasional exception leads to gray hair rather than moderation, which soon leads to endurance. Good manners and perfect narration. Nerissa will be better if they are needed. If you need to know this easily, then how to do it, the temple will be a temple, and the poor huts – royal palaces. A priest who came to his own teachings. It is easier for me to teach twenty people what to do to be one of the twenty and to follow their instructions. The reason may dictate the laws of blood; But the most horrible temperament over all the cold rules. Young people are a crazy rabbit, this is a treacherous traitor. But all of this evidence doesn’t help me choose a place! Poor thing! «Choose»! I don’t want to choose whether I want to reject someone I don’t like: the will of a living girl enslaved the will of her late father! Isn’t that cruel, Nerissa, that I don’t choose my foot and refuse? Nerissa, your father was always a good man, but he was open-minded people have good minds because it’s a lottery, gold, silver and lead, the will is to trust you - trust, trust, maybe someone who truly loves you. But tell me: is there even one of the royal grooms? Please send them by your name; If you call them, I will describe them to you, and you can judge your will according to your definitions. First Nerissa, Prince Netolitan. Here, the truth is, he only talks about the horse and thinks he can take his main talent with him. I’m afraid his light mother sinned with a little blacksmith. Nerissa then pfalzGraf. This part only knows fried eyebrows, and I just want to say, "I don't want to be your wish." It is one of the most interesting events without a smile. Since he was young, I am afraid he will easily become a nail philosopher. Yes, I would soon have woken up a dead head with a bone in my teeth. Lord, save me too! Nerissa and French greeting, what about Mansour Le bone? Serving God created him, so let him hear for man. From the right, I know we are mocking sin. But this! Yes, he has a better horse than the Neapolitan; Gadko frowns, he may be better than a plate; He is nobody. It’s worth it, he’s already ready to jump ... he’s happy to be hindered by his own shadow. I go to him, I immediately go out in twenty men. If he had insulted me, I would have forgiven him, because I love me foolishly, I will never respond to him with love. Nerissa, what about Foconbridge, this young English baron? You know the part, I don’t say anything to him because he doesn’t understand me, I don’t do it. He does not speak Latin, French or Italian, and you can swear in court that you do not speak English. He is the epitome of a worthy man; But, unfortunately, who can talk to a dumb person? And what a strange dress she is! I think he bought a hat in Italy, a wide population, a wide pants – in France, a hat in Germany, and manners in all the countries of the world. Nerissa, what do you think of your neighbor Lord? He has a good neighborly compassion: he took out a loan from an Englishman to slaughter and swear. Apparently the French were his guarantor and subscribed to him. Nerissa, how do you like a young German who is the nephew of Saxon’s Histology? He is awake in the morning, awake in the morning, and even more disgusting and disgusting than depression. At best, he’s a little worse than a man, and at worst, a little better than an animal. In the worst case – I try to get rid of it. Nerissa, if she wants to take part in the contest and guess the koft correctly, you will agree to marry her or break your father’s will. To avoid putting this on, please use a large glass of colored wine without specification; And then – if it’s out of temptation, out of this temptation, I know, the German will choose it. I go for everything, Nerissa, just don’t marry a sponge. Nerissa, don’t be afraid, Sigma: You won’t get any of these gentlemen. They told me of their decision: they want to disperse at home, and you can’t get your hands on it any other way, other than being chosen by your father – with the help of these. I’m a part of life until the old days of Civil, I’m like Diana, I’m like Diana, I die like Diana when I don’t want Daian. But I am very glad that this bridegroom's party turned out to be very careful, for among them I have sincere regrets; And I ask the Creator to give them a happy way. Nerissa and remember you, a legend and a warrior when your Father was still alive – did he come to us with Markuta Monfrat? Oh, yes. It was Bassasio. Does it look like that? Nerissa is the truth, the original cent. All the people who look into my stupid eyes, he deserves beautiful Silhids. I remember him well; And I remember that he deserves your praise. Includes servant. What's in there? What's new? In Sera, four foreigners are looking for you, to say goodbye to you. And in addition, the fifth – the prince – received ballots from Morocco; According to him, Mr. Prince will be here tonight. They told me of their decision: they want to disperse at home and you can’t get your hands on it any other way, other than being chosen by your father – with the help of these. I’m a part of life until the old days of Civil, I’m like Diana, I’m like Diana, I die like Diana when I don’t want Daian. But I am very glad that this bridegroom's party turned out to be very careful, for among them I have sincere regrets; And I ask the Creator to give them a happy way. Nerissa and remember you, a legend and a warrior when your Father was still alive – did he come to us with Markuta Monfrat? Oh, yes. It was Bassasio. Does it look like that? Nerissa is the truth, the original cent. All the people who look into my stupid eyes, he deserves beautiful Silhids. I remember him well; And I remember that he deserves your praise. Includes servant. What's in there? What's new? In Sera, four foreigners are looking for you, to say goodbye to you. And in addition, the fifth – the ballots came from Prince Morocco; According to him, Mr. Prince will be here tonight. If I say it is one-fifth, here it is: «Hello» - when I say «I'm sorry» as much as I want, I would be happy to come. He has the face of a saint and the Devil, and it is better for me to take him to spiritual girls than to my wife! Now, Nerissa. «You're moving forward.» Just one navigation, at your other gate! Boring. Scene 3 Venice. Square. Go through Bassasio and Sheilok. Smooch three thousand errors? Okay. Bassasio yes, signature, three months. For three months? Okay. Bassasio orders Antonio for me, as I said. Will Sheilok charge Antonio in the bill? Okay. Bassasio can you help me? Do you want to force me? Can I find your answer? Three thousand Chardon Shelok for a guarantee for three months and Anton? Bassasio is your answer? Shelok Antonio is a good man. Bassasao has heard you’ve never heard of, hasn’t it? Shelok Oh no, no, no, no! By the words, «He's a good man,» I mean you, the rich man. But his capital is hopeful. He sent one ship to Tripoli, the other to India; I also heard in Rialto that Rialto is now the third in Mexico, the fourth in the UK, and the rest of the courts are spread all over the world. But after the fold, the ships are just planks and the sailors are just people. But ceramic rats and water rats, i.e. pirates, i.e. pirates; There is also the risk of water, wind and rocks. Still, he’s a rich man … three thousand Cher vans … maybe you can get an account. Bassasio make sure you. Sheilok wants to make sure I can do it; And to be sure, I have to think. Can I talk to Antonio? Bassasio would you like to dine with us? Sheikh ha? Pork to SCHIF? Is there a vessel in which your prophet casts out demons by magic? I will buy from you to sell, walk with you, talk to me, but I will not be with you and drink and pray. – What is Rialto? Who's leaving? Antonio enters. Bassasanio is here and Antonio Conversation. Shelok (on the side) Here's the truth about the slave my tar species! He treats me as a Christian, but so simply, he gives me no money and the growth of Venice is slowed down. Oh, if I climb to the side! I enjoy the old. He hates me for the sacred and merchant weight, and my deeds, Bearish, my honest calls are more than that. Damn my whole type because I forgive him! Bassasio So what, shay? Sheilok I will discuss my reserve money; In memory, I reckon I will not immediately collect the full amount in three thousand shams. What is this? You youkan, rich my relatives help me. But wait! What is your depression for you? (To Antonio.) Hello, has a signature; We commented on you. Antonio I, Sheilok, I don’t give and I don’t take it to interest or reconcile, but I feel the need for a special friend, I spread the rule. Does he know how much you need? Sheiloka yes, three thousand Cherdonals. Antonio and for three months. Sheilok forgot! Three months: you said. And your account. Think about it … but the thing is: you can’t borrow and you can’t grow? Antonio yes, never. When Jacques Jacob passed through the lavender (Jacob is the saint Abraham), so his mother arranged his wisdom. What is he with Antonio? Was he interested? No North, not interesting … i.e. not directly interested in the meaning of the word; But look at what he did, he said he would take the battle of Pores Tre with Laban. The sheep, as they grew, when autumn sometimes went to the ram, went to this glorious breed, and the main part of the birth, they experienced the head of the uterus; Upon arrival, their ranks were absolutely dull; Everyone has Jacob. The way to profit here is – He is blessed … blessed Barysh, for not stealing! Antonio IAKOV helped in happy affairs; None of it, its outcome depended: it was conceived and achieved by heaven. Was your story justifying the interest? Your money – sheep and rams? I don't know Shelok; I'll put them on quickly. Oh, what a lie! North three thousand Chertonevev! Kush is so big … Three months ... and how long is it? Antonio is good, shelok, do you want to force? Sheilok Signori Antonio, many times I am in disarray at Rialto because of my money and interest. I was all set apart by the fact that I was painted shoulder-to-shoulder: patience is the gender of our characters. I was called a bad dog, wrong, they broke Jidovsky Kaftan that it was very useful. And so; But now, as you can see, you need it. Well! You go to me, you say, you say, «We need money,» you ask, «Whose face are you in, like a dog, up a hill like a dog, with a dog like a hill, I, like a dog, up a hill like a dog, like a dog, whose who from the porch? You need money! What should I tell you? Don't tell me; «Where's the money in the dogs? How does the dog lend three thousand chervonans?» Ilil, low, bow, slave tone, I can barely breathe: «You gave in to my pink day on Wednesday, then I called the dog; I'll give you money.» Antonio You are ready to call you again and spit and kick you. Kohl wants to give us money so friends don’t like them. What is friendship looking for in a vast metal? Instead, tell them that if I bankrupt them, I will recover from it in peace. Attractive people see how they are! I want to be friends with you, to see something nice, I’m a believer, to help you, and if you don’t get a penny with you – you don’t want to listen. I speak from the bottom of my heart. Is Bassasio kind? I prove it: go to the notary with me and write the account; In the form of a joke, - if you don’t pay me that day and there’s a set amount of debt, we’ll order a penalty for me to pick a part of the body, cut any and meat I want. Antonio is very good, I will sign this bill; I would also say that the flu is very kind. No bass, you don’t give me this bill; No, I will need it! Antonio Fearless, my dear friend, I will not be too big. In the next two months – a month before the term, that means it should be ten times that amount. Shelok father Abraham! That’s all Christians: their cruelty is suspected of them and others! Judge for yourself: if he prolongs – what is he pleased with this punishment?
Helping to be worthy of mercy; I agree – No, sorry if you want; Don’t pay for friendship for the sake of friendship. Antonio Yes, Sheilok, I will sign your bill. The slap goes to the notary. Laws that want to slow down from it, and I collect and collect the ducat; I will enter the house at the will of a careless servant, and will come to you soon. Antonio Go, good fluid. Shelok leaves. The Jew comes to Christ. He was the best! Bassasio I am afraid of the kind words of evil people. Antonio Go. Dangerous in every way: ships arrive thirty days before the term.

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