Course: tic supervisor: Tursunova Gulchehra Group: 326 Student: Rahmatullayeva Nozima Homeassignment
Sana 29.12.2021 Hajmi 17,97 Kb. #82176
Rahmatullayeva Nozima.326-g.hometask3.TIC
Course: TIC
Supervisor: Tursunova Gulchehra
Group: 326
Student: Rahmatullayeva Nozima
Create your own electronic book with the expressions of classroom language and collect them under the each headings. As
introduce the lesson
giving feedback
giving instructions
close the lesson
Taking the register (= roll call)
Initial chitchat
Waiting to start
Getting started/ getting down to business
Unusual starting tactics
Stating your aims
Students responses
Do the tasks on handout 5
Handout 5. Homeassignment
1. Translate the examples of classroom language into English.
Kitoblarni shkafdan ol va tarqat. Take books out of bookshelf and distribute them.
Daftarlarni javondan oling va uzatib yuboring. Take notebooks of the shelf and hand them out.
Bu qog’ozlarni tarqating (gir aylantirib). Hand these papers out.
Bittadan olib qoling va qolganini uzatib yuboring. Take one and pass the rest.
Hamma bittadan olib qolishi uchun bularni uzatib yuboring . Pass these on so that everyone can take one.
Ularni o’zingiz bilan olib qolishingiz mumkin. ( Вы можете их себе оставить) you can leave them to yourself.
Uchtangiz bitta kitob bilan ishlashingizga to’g’ri keladi. The three of you have to work with one book.
Butun guruh uchun faqat bitta lug’at. Only one dictionary for the whole group.
Har biringiz mashqni (nushasini) oldingizmi? Did everyone get a copy of the exercise?
Bu safar Nodira bilan bo’lish ? Being with Nodira this time?
Keyingi safar uni uyda qoldirma. Don’t leave it at home next time.
Biror kim Shahloga kitob berib tura oladimi. Can anyone give a book to Shahlo?
Har bir qatordan bittangiz turib test varaqalarini yig’ib chiqing. Have one student from each row for collecting the test sheets.
2. Make up as many classroom phrases as possible.
Make sure
Be sure
Don’t forget
not to
you hand in all your papers
you return all the papers.
put your name on it.
hand in your answer sheet.
forget it next time.
you write your name on it.
Make sure that you hand in all your papers.
Be sure that you return all the papers.
Remember to put your name on it.
Don’t forget to hand in your answer sheet.
Try not to forget it next time.
Don’t forget that you write your name on it.
3. Change the direct Wh- questions into indirect questions using phrases as do you know…, have you idea…, can you tell me…, let me ask …, do you think… You can write several possible options.
Why is this answer better?
What does this word mean?
When did the lesson start?
Who invented the transistor?
Do you know why this answer is better?
Have you any idea about what this word means?
Can you tell me when the lesson started?
Let me ask who invented the transistor?
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