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Constructing the myth of the national leader over the centuries
Denis Vuka
Following the linear historical narrative established during the communist regime, the Albanian people, descendants of the “Illyrians”, who during the late Middle Ages were called “Arber” and resisted the Ottoman Empire, were once again found on the eve of 20th century struggling for independence. These noteworthy historical periods will culminate in the memorable National Liberation War during the WWII when the Albanians, guided by the ideal of freedom, fought against the invaders, sacrificed their lives and as a result succeeded in liberating their “fatherland”.
In such a way, the nation became the driving force of the society that managed to unify the people around a common aim. That supreme collective goal was to be transformed into the myth of the permanent national struggle (Malcolm 2002) successively supplemented by another even stronger, that of the enlightened leadership. The cultivation of the myth of the leader, as the only competent figure to guide the nation through its own destiny is a common path that reached often exaggeration proportions. In the aforementioned nation’s “golden ages” the narrative draws recurrently attention to the close tie between the people and the leader, while emphasizing the cohesive and unification values that derive from the latter.
This article focuses in the core of the leader’s myth over the centuries by analyzing the way it is depicted through the images in schoolbooks. It will be primarily used a comparative and visual analysis in my approach. Considering the collective aspects in the mythmaking procedure (Schopflin 2002) and the “national/-ist communist ideology” implemented by the Party of Labor of Albania, I will try to discern its function and purposiveness within such a framework. At the same time, the consistent set of beliefs that this myth represents is also to be identified, as well its features and usefulness in consolidating and stabilizing the Albanian society from the very first years of communist domination until the post-communist era.