Child Education in Islam

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.I. •• 1\ 1-'-' "('1:' ~.J (.,,. ..4"'..J,' 1~.' ,-'.,. .'. i.;: '-}-J" I >.1

"And it is 1I0t (proper) for the befiutTs 10 go out to fight (Jihiid)

aU together. Of e. ery Iroop ofth.m, a party ollly should go forth,

thll/ Ihey ( lI'ho are Irfl hehind) may gel instructions ;n (Islamic)

rdigioll, and thai Ihq may lI'arlll"";, JH'0ple when Ihey rdurn 10

them" (At-Tawbah, 122)

At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud both reported a l-!adith in which

the Prophet .$. says, "Whoever was asked abolll knowledge. then

concealed ii, on Ihe Day 0/ Judgement he will be bridled with the

fire of Hell."

- Pclitical Jihiid by exerting effo.i5 In the establishment of the

Islamic State on the basis of the principles of the general

comprehensiveness of Islam. In brier, Allah is the Sole Sovereign

and Law-Giver as Allah says in lhe Noble Qur'an:

J;1 t.,;,:; s;. -(1; ::: J ~~.J.:.l; ;:';~I eP -1; ~I J) ~ • ~: ~I .. I; ~

o( :. r.-"" '.,: ~ 't ,- ~ ~ J '~( :.: :"1 .:"kt; i '~"" ~l ~

"" ~ ~ '"'Y I'f.-" ~ ~ .,/. "",.-- ",-"~; •

.-I,.; .~... ~.-.-v,. ".p¥,"i- & J<"I ~~ ",''."-j ,,y--) "~",--' ",

"And so judg~ (you 0 Muhammad $) amonK them by what Afliik

has rev~aled and /IJI/IJW nIJI their ,ain desius, buI he"'au IJf the",

leSl they turn you (0 Muhammad ,,*,l far all'ay from sIJme o/Ihal

1I'lrich AI/tih has sellt dm" 11 to yIJU. Alld iftlley turn away. lhen kilO ...

flrllt Alfli"', Will is ro pun;"h them for SOme Jin>' of theirs. And

truly, most of men IIU Fusiqun ( rebellious rllfd disobedient ro

IIf1lib) . Do they then .• eell: the judgment of (the Days of)

Ignorunce! A.nd ,,'lro is betler in judgment than Alfalr f or Il people

K·ho ha.e firm Fuilh. " (AI·Ma'idah, 49-SO)

e n the olher hand, Muslim narrated that never a Prophet had

been sent berOTe me by Allah towards his nation who had not

among his peoples (his disciples) and companions who rollowed

his ways and obeyed his commands. There came after them

successors who said whatever they did not practice, and pracilced

whatever they were not commanded to do. He who strove against

them with his hands is a believer, he who strove against them

with his tongue is a believer, a nd he who strove against them with

his heart is a believer; beyond that there is no raith eveo to the

extent of a mustard seed."

- Jihiid by force by exerting utmost eITorts to face any transgressor

who stands as a stumbling block against the Law of Allah ml

whether such transgressors are during times of peace or in the

baltlelield. In the Noble Qur·an we read the rollowing verses: « ~ ~ t.:~i £~~ ~~\ .;:::,)3 1 ~ ~):,<,; ,

"And fight them unril th~re i& no more Fitnuh ( disbelief und

pol)·'heism, i.e. worshipping ollu!rs besides AIlIih) and the religion

(worship) .. ·iIl all be f or AIlIih Alone (in the whole o/the world} ... "

(Al.Daqarah, 9J); a nd

.:"" ' " "1 "/ ,- ".-, .:,' . ,"( '"'I ,1'

'J ,'-'p.)J .. r--- .. ". .... ,f. 'J.r.: -1-y. 'J 9> "'-'-'. .....-.. Y. ' '-"<., .,

~ ~k-'-: ~; "*.; ~%-il ~ ~ ': ':5 n ~J1 /I~i ~ ~\ Zt.!- .:::JJ.:,i;.

"Fight against those ",ho beliere lOOt in Alfiih, nOl" in llu! LASt Ouy,

nOr /OI"bid thut which has been forbidden hy AI/iih and His

Messenger (Muhammad $) und those w/w ucknowledge not the

religion of truth (i.e . [sfam ) among the people of the Scripture

( Jews and Chris/ions) , until Ilrey plly the Jizyuh "'ith "'illing

suhmission, and feel tlremse/~es $uidued, (At-Tawboh, 29)

Here we have what Rib'iyy Ibn 'Amir said during the encounter

between Muslims and Rustum, the leader of the Persians, He said:

"Allah has sent us forth to release mankind from the servitude of

human beings to the worship of AlIih, and from the narrowness of

life to ils ample ness, and from the injustice of other religions to the

JuMice of Islam,"

3. Constantly reminding the child of some heroic situations of the

sons of the Companions in order to make him proud of Iheir

greatness and follow their example. Here are some ellamples:

A. When Muslims marched outlO U~ud. the Prophet $ sent back

some of the Companions due to their very young age. Amon~

those were Rilfi' Ibn Khudayj and Samurah Ibn Jundub. Then,

the Prophet $ accepled Rati' when it was said that he was a

good archer. Later Oil, Samu, .. h c, il;>.[ u"d sa i<.l tu iIi, father-inla"

l. The Prophet .II: accepted Rail' though I was able to brin~

him to the ground in wrestling. Then, the Prophet #. wa!

in formed of this. As a result, the Prophet ordered them 10

wTestle with each other, and Samurah defeated Riiti'. Hence, Ihe

Prophet .II: accepted Samurah.

B. When the Prophet ~ and his Companion Abu Bakr 40

migrated to Madlnah and stayed three days in the cave of

Thawr, 'Aishah and Asmii. the daughters of AbO. Bab •

played a prominent role in carrying provisions for them. Asmii,

cut her girdle (an undergarment worn around the waist) and

fastened the opening of [he Jirab (vessel of food), in order to

caTry food to them. Thus she was called the woman of two

giTd les. Further 'Abdullah Ibn Abu Hakr also worked in

communicating news. No sooner had he heard something evil

plotted by Quraysh against the Prophet and his Companions

than he came 10 lell them l>y night. Then he used [0 stay SOmt

time with them !:>crore going out !:>cfOTe dawn. In the morning,

Pan Throe

he looked as if he had never been absent from Quraysh. It is

well-known that 'Aishah and 'Abdullah" were not yet of age.

4. To help the child memorize Sarah At-Tawhah and Slirah AIAhzab

and other texts of the Qur'an that deal with Jihad. In

addition to memorization of the Qur'anie texts, the child

should be taught the reasons for each revelation and

interpretation of the Qur'anic verses along with e~plaming

the heroic situations represented by the Prophet .$ and his

Companions ... during the battles of Badr, U~ud, the

Trench, I:Iunayn, and others.

5. IncuLcating belief in fate and destiny into the child's mind. He

should have firm belief that whatever affiicts him is a matter of

destiny. He should also know that if all the people of the world

gathered together to offer him some benefits, they would not

benefit him except with something that has been pre-destined by

Allah. Likewise, if they gathered together to harm him, they

could not harm him except with something Allah had

prescribed. When death comes, none shall be able to postpone

it for an hour, nor put it forward. He should believe in AIUlh as

the Only One Who gives bfe and death, might and humiliation ,

benefit and harm, low and high ranks; and He is the Best

Determiner of all affairs.

o instructors! These are the most important points in the process

of inculcating the spirit of Jihad into the child's mind. What is your

duty'l lt is to follow these precepts and leach them to your (students)

so that they will be able to respond to the call of JiJuid when it is

announced. Then, they will be ready to sacrifice everything and fear

nonc but Allah. Also, they will not give up Jihlid until the banner of

!shim is raised and victory is won. At that time, the believers will

exalt in victory from Allah. He gives victory to whosoever He wills,

and He is the Ever-Mighty, the Ever Merciful.

Final Word

From whal we have discusscd, above, concerning raising the

children in Islam, you, my fellow teacher, may rea lize the

following. It is clear Ihal Islam, wilh its complete methodology,

distinguished manner and unique style in educating children, and

in rearing them physically and socially, would equip them with

good manners and a message 10 achieve. Thus, children would be

able to undertake responsibili ties with the supreme goal of

obtaining the blessings of AI15h 1ft. Then, they would gain

Paradise and be far from Fire in Ihe Hereafter.

Among the issues that the scholars of ethics, sociology, and

education have almost agreed upon is Ihe fo llowing. If the

inSlructor, wbether a teacher, father , mother, excrts his utmost

effo rt, and does his best to implement the above Divine Message

that has been revea led to the Messenger of AlIiih, the inevitahle

objcctive would be as rollows. TIle child would be brought up in

faith and fear of Alliih, and the ndoption of virtue and morality.

Then, he would be the best among his community, being a wellmatured

person with balanced behavio r, good dealing, high

reputation, and companionship.

Finally, you should be close to A1l5h to strictly adhere to the

Islamic way of raising children. Further, you have to resolutely

and detenninedly carry out the arorementioned methodology wi th

all its stages and aspects. If you accomplish this goal, you will sec

your children not only as leaders of refonnation and guidance, but

also as pious people Ireading on earth. They will be well-known for

having pure hearts, great morals, good dealings and maturity.

I believe that if the present gencralion observes the principles of

Islam faithfully ~,"d practically and adheres 10 ils tcachings, we

would reclaim the status of our pious predecesso rs in glory and

honor. We would be able to build up a strong solid international

412 Child 1',d\lC,l1;"" in IsI.m

Isl~m ic community matching our pIOUS prooc<:cssors in their

dignity and nobil ity.

0 , fathers, mOlhers, and educators, the above methodology is

the way of Islam In raising your children, and the most proper

method for their well-being and guidance to straightforward ways,

Therefore, you must undertake your responsibility so that the

Muslim community may witness the reformation of your children

and fami lies, and YOll muSI do your duty so thai the Muslims may

witness the forces of strife and triumph in order 10 play their part

in guiding the world away from error, pre-Islamic practices. and

materia li sm, tow~ rds Ihe ligh t of truth and the mission of Islam.

Allah we says:

I:: ):1.~'.i .l;':!I~ .,;JI ;; III SJ~J::.~ L; ~;'.JJ tJ; ~ ~ \,Ll j; t

~ C)::i ;r

"And say, 'Do righteous duo; so Alllih ... iII sOOn sa )'our doing ,

and lIis Messenger. and the btdiel'er5: Qnd you ... iII SOOn be reverted

to the Knower of the Umun iUld the Witneued, then fie "'ill fully

inform )'011 of ,.,1If1l1oever you ,,'ere doing '," (A.-Tawbah. lOS)

OUT final words are: praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.







Ay""", AI.Ta.hrUj:


&i,. u/.Maqdir:


(.h\') Th. coil '<> SiJlal (p .. ~r) pron<>unccd loudly to

;,"'i""," ,h., ,1,< ';'00 or pr. y;n¥ i. due.

~ 'iI) "Leg.1 , t.tu,·. A= tdill3 1<> lolamic llw. lhere I,.

five k;nd. <>r AM"",;

I. C<>mpulso ry (Waj'" ....... 'iJ ) .;-;.")

2. D<::Ur.bk bUI not ~mpulS

3. Forbidden (MuJumam , ..... )

4. Di,liked hut no, forbidden (MaAruh .,;:e,)

S. Lawful and .U"",«I (lla/a/ J",,",)

(,M) A k.nowkdgtab:. penon or!inus ICholar in Islam.

(,.n"') A II.h i. ,1>< M ",t G,,",,,.

(.:.--I} 0 Allah. I

().....o....:'iI) The Com.,.nion. or tile !'

inhahitan .. of AI·M.dinah. who embra""d l>lam and

supported it and "'be rea:i..w ond cttlcnained lhe Muo);m

emigrant. rrom M.k

( ...... ) II is lbc .. erifocm& of """ or Iwo sheep on lbc occasion

of the birth of a child. a. a loken of gratitude to Allah.

('"A Th. nin'h day of the month Dhu/·h;iJah. on which

(day of) the pilgrims "ay in 'AraJ", lill 'un"l.

("u"') The fOUf comple" of Alladilh Abu oa·wud. No

Tirmidhi. Ind Ibn Maj. h.

(.:J-.O ...........) The compile" of ,he I'ropllotic AHadilh on

Io)'mic juri.prudence.

( •• ...,:.u) The 10th of the mon,h of Mulw"am ('he r,,,,

monlh;n Ih. l o)anticcalendar).

(,-',) Afternoon. ' ,1 ... prayer tin><.

(-"I"') p,,,,,r •. evidencu, ........ k

(~~ !t i • • lern> used for (he eleven lh. t .... lfth Ind

Ihirnenth of Dhul· Hljjah

W) " pl. "" about 150 k il""'~lo" 10 'he south of AI ·

M. dinah. whe.e the first a .... ' !:>aule in [5llmic hi"ory

'''''k pl."" btlween tbt early Muslim. and the infidel. of


c..,""", "-<) ilait literally mea n. ·Hou .. ·: I mosque i.

Bid'a ~




froqLlCndy called baitullllh (the Hou .. of Allah). &ril' u/M"'

IJi, i. the famous m""l"" in k nwkm wbicb i •

...... dro a. lite thi.d sacred mosque in IsJam. tho fi."

and occond boin8 A/.MtujiJ.. a/·/Iaram at MaUah Ind the

"'''''ILIC of tbe P.ophet '" at AI· Madinah. (and it ...... I

Jewi'h ceI'Itre).

( ...... ) Any inIlovated practice;n relilion

("-.ilO) A non·Mu,lim living under the p'Ol<"Ction of on

1. I.mic Government

( ...... ;) l1H: TIoclfih mODlh or Ihe Islilll1i • .al.od.r.

(i.WP. A Tho ele",nth monlh of the Islamic calendar.

("'U) The fir" Su.ah in lhe Qur'on

( .... ) 1,Iamic juri'prude""".

(;,,;II) l~u .. l: FiuUl) Trill" persecution. confusion in tho

religion. conf1~ and "rifc, among the Mu.lim,.

h"') Plural: Gha, ,,,,·,,t). A holy baUle: Or fishlin, in the

cau .. of Allah con. istin, of a largo army unit with thc

Prophet 4= bim .. lf leadin, thc anny.

(J...oI) A oxreroonial ba th. Thi. i~ fl=ry for nne who "

JUllub, and also on olho. QCC.O.,ion'. Thi •• xp.essi"" li king

a balh i. u


A/.Jladalh AI-

AI· /lodalh A/.A"'8haT: (j...'11"",,",) r .... ng wind Or urine or answering Iho call or



D,, 'lf ( ... ""k j:

(~,) PhUl ,l: AllaJilh (.:.., .... ~ Th. saying>, deed. and

app,oval •• ccuralely na'''' led f,om Ihe l'roph<1 4=.

FoUo",;n, ..,.. lhe f ..... clo .. if",ohon1 of AIf""ilh:

( ......... ) An ;naccura'e nafTation .. hich dOd nol quali fy to

be cither Sahih (sound) or II",,,,, (fa i.) .• nd he""" cannol

be used as • ba,i. of on Islamic opinion.

(..,...,...) (unr.milixr Or rare}a Ifadj'h or ",,,ion repo.ted by

one rel i.bloc or unreliable """a!Or .... hich diffe" in cont."

wilh anolhc< Had/lh or vc"';on reporl.d by a g'<;Hlp of

reli.ble nlnolofl. A GhIl,ib Ifadilh can be Sahih (sound) or

D.:r·lf( ..... k).

(.;,-J-') {f. ir}A iJ.Sltad Ifadilh narmt«i by . reliable cltoin.

but nO! reaching Ihe B,ade of oahih (sound) /lad/lh.










(J~) (uRkno"-") - If there ;. an unknown I"'t«>" in the

< ~ ain of narr.ted of . /fwi,h.

(tf'"'ry (dilCOmlt",ed) - (il II Ifudi,h eNling .. a TaW', by

I>QIh a«;on and words. (ii) II If",/i,h "';Ih i.comrle •• chain

of narrato,.. (iii) A Ifadi'h in which a ,,,/>db; dcoc,ibe$

.oout ..,m

(U}I)(I,..=bk). A lIadilh rcferr«llo Ihe Prophet 11;. be .

it . uying or an ."tion whether Mu!laJi/ (conne

.1/""'1"" (in lt""pl ed) or M.,Sd/ (di ... .c.ned).

(">h"l (untraceable) It i • • /ladirh abou, • Sahabi

(Companion of the Prop/lct 4:). 1\ drscriplion. 'OJ"'" or

an infonnation !p,.n by a St.habi. A lIIo",!"/ i. al


(~,:....u) (oonfound;ns) - 1\ lIadllh in which ,h. na .. >10f<

di ... " .. on' panicular ",,\Ira: or on anf Oln.. "I'<"t with

equally OIrong ground . with no """ibilily of preponderating

01>< opinion again'l lhe olher, Thi. difT ... nce could be

eilher on the chain of norratOr o. in the tut .

(p> (di,."nnected)_A lIadirh with incompk:te of

nartOlO" or containi", in its chain an ~ nkn o,.. n r.ponet.

( .... ; 11 (di,referred) - A lIadilh with the chain of"

ending at. TQbi·i. without the rcr ... ence of th. Companion.

quoting from the Prophet # .

(.L...l.) (.ubjecti •• ) _ (i> A /ladirA with a complet. of

narrators ", •• bing the Proph.t # - Oil A HlJiijrh collection

in "'hiell all the narral;ons of a rcporler .rc: g~l hered


(..J...->I) (connc<:led) 0, / . A H~JilA wi,h a

complele eh. in of no.",tors unti l i, reach •• it. ""U""'. It

can . ithe, be a Marfu' (t,aceable) referring to Ihe Prophet

$. Or a Mauq.y(untnoccable) end ing at a SoMhi.

(~) (sound) . A ""Wllad HlJiiilh with an "nb,(lke" of na"alO". 0""' na".,,,ed from 'r<: and .11 reliable

,el" "l

being 0 Sh - odd) or. "'w'ol/a/ ( f.ult~)_

~II l' to MaHah

(J",",) Lawful.

(r)-I) Unlawful. forbiddrn and punlshabk: from Ihe

.iewpoint of relipon,







( ........ ,) !I. Io n8 dren preso;ribod for Mu.lim wOmen 10 "'>..

,heir ",hole body from head t<> f",,_

(,>"") (Plural of Ihuld) Allah', oou<>

(lawful) and Haram (uolawful).

(.r.>"" .... ) The four day', fe'ti,'. 1 of Mudims , ta"in8 ""

the tenth day of Dhu/.llifjah (month).

()olIO .... ) The Ihree day', reSlival of MU$tim. otarting from ,h. r,.-., day of SIID ....... I. the mO

n" lil.rally mea", 'bruiting lhe Sou'" (fas') Mu.lim.

observe rOOm (fall) Ihe wholo: of II.iI",ad(Jfl. lhe ninlh month

of th. I.!ami<: calendar and wbtIl Sh"",~",' comes. 'hey

break their"""" (f • .,)

1r' .... )"I) A. ,\1'e in which One i. prohibiled 10 praeti .. oe<1ain

.<><1 /lajj .re porformcd dwin. ,uch ,lale.

(.01.-)') The penon wh<> leado olher> in lhe Sokr, (prayer) or

lhe Mu,'im ""'iph (0' ruler).

( .... n Th. wording of A"""" i. reduced >0 that ,h. wording

IhOi i. repe.",d ,wi"" in the lI"""n is .aid once in /qtmliJh,

txctp' lhe laO! ph, ... of AI/ohu Akbar, and ,be p,ayer i.


('''"'') Late evenins Solal (puye,), II. time . tart. abou, 01><

and. half hou, .fIe, ou"",, ,ill the middle of _he night.

(, ........ ~~ 1\ sa/ar (prayer) con';S!ing of two ,ak'aru in ",hjch

lhe praying per .. m appeals to Anah 10 luide him 1m lhe

right W'Y. "'Iardin, a ctrlain matt~r he won .. 10


(."---VI) A $alal (proyer) cono;"ing of lWO rak'w inV<)kinl

Allah for rain in ... """ of drought.

( • (, ."j Sech .. ion in a mooq ... for the purpOSe of

",,,,,hippinS Allah only. The on. in such. slole uould

not h." _ual reloliOl1o with hi, wife, and one io not

allowro to Ie."" tbe mooq"" except for I ~ry short period.

and Ihlt io only for every urgenl rIOC"";ty e.8- an""",ring

tlte ""II of oulure or joining. fun.ra l pr""'>sion <1<(_)


(;,t.II.') Ignora""" belonging I" lb. poriod befoTt the .d .... n'

of tbe Prophel ii) Un-lsI. mic p~ wbich either Ol'i"ed

or ,,'ore inherited from lite en briore lbe advent of the

Gloua~o=========================================" 417













Propl><' a:.

('Jol") plurolja",,'i, #11 Fun

(UJ) Par.di ...

("""j Holy r'ghting i. ,I>< D.uo< of AII.h o. a ny o,h.r kind


"garded •• onc of Ike f" n

lj--o) A c .... !ion, crOlted by AII.b from f, ... , liko hum.n

beio&, from du .. , .nJ ,nReI, fTom light

(V'l H •• d!ox impo!<:d by lsl.m O".U """,Muslim, living

unde-r the prol«:tion. of,n I.lamic gov

(~I) '" peTson "'ho i. in .... 1. of Jana/tah

(<,.s») '" "" .... re " on. building in A/·Masji

lire", m"",,"< at Malek.h) 10 ..... rd ..... hich all Muslim. f.""

in Sui'" (pno)'.r),

~) plural: k,.ga',() The 0"" ",'ho di,bdi."", in Allah,

Hi. M", .. ngors, all the angels.. ~ 11 lhe holy Kook>, d.y of

Re. urr«:lion and in the AI-Qalkr (Divino p«ordainmon"l,

1-""') H ..,.. , ~

.... hich has nol ba:n p:rid.

k)f.l) Th. people ... ho di ... n,e

di .. g.-.od wi,h lho,...! of lhe .....

(W ) D.lling. man, '0 f.,her of SO ·a nd"",!' or calli ng.

woman, '0 mOlhe. of SO -. nd·so!', 'Thi. i,. «&

", .. br..

(...>,,-01 Sol., «:Iil'$<

(~I) Woll·known city in Saudi Arabia. whe ... the

Prophet's mosque " lit u01ed . It .... a. formerly ""lied

Ya lhrib,

( ... ,' '') Sun

(,.11) Bridal money "vetO by 'he ku.b

lime of n,.rriage,

('-rI') A SOrl of lift in lhe form of a .he-camel Or a "

which i1 "yon 10 som~l>ody temporarily .., ,hal ilS milk

m.y be used and lhc ,he animal i, ... !u.ned 10 ia OWner.

~ .....,J') The moot o",,,ed m""""" ;n J<1usalnn,

( .. ,.}l) An animal healen 10 &alll wi,h a ",k~, a ",one or

the lik. wilhout prorer sI . u~b!erin,.



Mu 'aJh dJri~ :











and body),

(:lOr-I .. ) A lOOlh bru>h made of A",Ie_Ire< tool<

(,;;") A call,,,,,, ••• "'ho pronou""cs Ih. AdA"" loud ly

calling pwplt 10 COme: and perform the &I~. (prayer).

(.tl) A mea'ure or lwo-lhird. of a kilog •• m (approx,) II

may be ~ or more.

(,0)0,) Til< fLfSt monlh of Ihe Islamic calenda ..

( ... ~1) (plural: AlMjdJoiJwo) A Mu.lim Ii&hl« in Jihad.

(~"""') Independenl rtligiou. ""bola" who do nol follow

rtli,;on. opin;o", "'''''Pi with p.oof from lhe Quran and

lbe Proph<'\'s S_h.

(>f"ru) PolYlbeim. 1"'« ..... idolal." and dil btli .... n in

th. Onenus of AI~h and Hi. M .... ngr' Muhammad ~ .

("""1 A Itmporory mamage which was allo ... ed in the early

period of blam .,h.n on< w., .way [.om hi, home. bUI

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asosiy adabiyotlar
fakulteti ahborot
ahborot havfsizligi
havfsizligi kafedrasi
fanidan bo’yicha
fakulteti iqtisodiyot
boshqaruv fakulteti
chiqarishda boshqaruv
ishlab chiqarishda
iqtisodiyot fakultet
multiservis tarmoqlari
fanidan asosiy
Uzbek fanidan
mavzulari potok
asosidagi multiservis
'aliyyil a'ziym
billahil 'aliyyil
illaa billahil
quvvata illaa
falah' deganida
Kompyuter savodxonligi
bo’yicha mustaqil
'alal falah'
Hayya 'alal
'alas soloh
Hayya 'alas
mavsum boyicha

yuklab olish