Lesson 13. The types of prepositions. Text: Home Sweet Home
Predlog deb ot (yoki olmoshning) gapdagi boshqa so‘zlarga munosabatini ko‘rsatuvchi yordamchi so‘zlarga aytiladi. Ingliz tilida kelishik qo‘shimchalari yo‘qligi uchun ular ko‘p hollarda o‘zbek tilidagi kelishik qo‘shimchalari vazifasini bajaradi:
He lives in London. U Londonda yashaydi.
He is sitting under a tree. U daraxt ostida o‘tiribdi.
Har bir predlog bir nechta mustaqil ma’nolarda kelishi mumkin. Masalan, in predlogi quyidagi ma’nolarda ishlatiladi:
-da (joyga nisbatan ishlatiladi):
He lives in London. U Londonda yashaydi.
-da (vaqtga nisbatan ishlatiladi, oy va yil oldida):
He will arrive in May. U may oyida keladi.
keyin ma’nosida:
He will return in an hour. U bir soatdan keyin qaytib keladi.
-da, ichida, mobaynida:
The house was built in three Uy uch oy ichida qurildi.
2.Ko‘p hollarda u yoki bu predlogning ishlatilishi undan oldin kelayotgan fe’lga, sifatga yoki otga bog‘liq bo‘ladi. Masalan, to depend fe’li o‘zidan keyin on predlogini talab qiladi:
It doesn’t depend on me. Bu menga bog‘liq emas.
To laugh fe’li o‘zidan keyin at predlogini talab qiladi:
He laughed at me. U mening ustimdan kuldi.
Sure sifati o‘zidan keyin of predlogini talab qiladi:
He was sure of it. U bunga amin edi.
Objection oti o‘zidan keyin to predlogini talab qiladi:
I have no objection to that. Menda bunga e’tiroz yo‘q.
3.Ba’zi fe’llar turli predloglar bilan kelganda, ma’nosi o‘zgarib kelishi mumkin:
He is looking at the child. U bolaga qarayapti.
He is looking for the child. U bolani izlayapti.
He is looking after the child. U bolaga qarayapti (g‘amxo‘rlik qilayapti).
4.Predloglar ko‘pgina iboralar va birikmalar tarkibiga kiradi — in vain
behuda, bekorga, at last nihoyat, for ever umrbod, abadiy, on the one (other) hand bir (boshqa) tomondan va boshqalar.
5. Predloglar quyidagi guruhlarga bo‘linadi:
6. sodda (in, to, at, va hokazo);
7. qo‘shma (into, upon, throughout va boshqalar.);
8. predlog vazifasini bajaruvchi so‘zlar guruhi: (according to, by means of, instead of, in front of va hokazo).
Preposition of place (O’rin-joy) predloglri
At -yonida, Into-ichkarida; ichiga, in- icnida, Behind-orqasida,
Under-tagida, On-ustida, Near- yaqinida, In-ichida, Front of-qarshisida, over- tepasida
Exercise 1 Look at the picture and fill in the blanks
1. There is a sofa, two armchairs and three chairs i>; the living room.
2. There is a table and there is a vase the table.
3. There is a T.V. set a small table.
4. There is a window the door.
5. There is a pccture the wall.
6. There is a tabte the picture and a telephone the table.
7. There is a man the window.
8. There is a cat the sofa.
9. An old woman is coming the living room.
Exercise 2 Look at the picture and fill the blanks.
There is a bed 1)….the bedroom. There is a table 2)…. the bedroom. There are some books 3) …the table and there is a bag 4)….the table There is a chair 5)…. the bedroom. The chair is 6)…. the bed and there is a picture 7)….wall There is a cat 8)….. the bed. There are two snoes 9) ……the bed 10) the…..floor.. There s a small table 11) ……..the bed. A dog is comng. 12)……the room.
There is a woman 1)…. the house There is a man standing 2) …the door. He has got a bottle 3)…. His hands. A boy is siting 4)…. A tree There is a boy 5) …….a horse.There are some ducks 6)…… the horse There is a dog 7)….the girl.There is a bird fying 8)….. the girl’s head There is a cat 9)…the woman.
Look at the picture and read the text. Then cover the text and try to answer the questions that follow it
Look at the picture and read the text. Then cover the text and try to answer the questions that follow it.
There is a boy between the two girls. There is a cat under the tree and a bird is flying over the cat’s head. There are some birds among the leaves of the trees. A cyclist is going along the street and an old man is walking across the street.
Where is the boy? Between the two girls
Where is the cat?
Where is the bird?
Where are the birds?
Where is the cyclist going?
Where is the old man walking? ...:
Look at the picture and fill in: “in”, “beside”, “behind”, “into”, “out of”, “under”, “in front of” or “on”.
Two boys are playing with a ball 1)
..in .the swimming pool. The old
Examples have got - long form 16
Have got negative - long form 16
have got - short form 16
Examples have got - short form 16
Have got - short form negative 16
Questions short answers - have got / has got. 17
Verb Conjugation & Spelling 20
Negative Sentences in the Present Simple Tense 20
Negative Contractions 21
Word Order of Negative Sentences 21
Questions in the Simple Present Tense 22
Word Order of Questions with Do and Does 22
Short Answers with Do and Does 23
Daily Activities at Home 23
Daily Activities at Work 24
Countries & Nationalities 31
The word 'Nationality' is not often used in spoken English. It is a formal and official word and it appears more frequently in written English. You will find the word 'Nationality' is used a lot in the travel industry and for immigration. (Nationality- millat so’zi ingliz tili og’zaki nutqida tez-tez uchramaydi. Bu so’z rasmiy so’z bo’lib ko’p hollarda yozma nutqda duch kelinadi. Nationality –millat so’zi ko’proq sayohat sanoatida va immigratsiyalar bilan bo’lgan vaziyatlarda nutqda ishlatiladi.) 31
List of Countries, Nationalities and their Languages 31
3. Tashkent - The Capital of Uzbekistan 34
charge – zaryad 75
piston – porshendan valga kuc 75
blower – dam beradigan mashina o’tkazadigan dvigatel 75
crank – bo’g’inli richak 75
assists – yordam berish 75
inlet – kirish 75
intake - suyuqlik 75
exhaust – chiqaradigan truba 75
revolution – schotchik aylanishi 75
valves - klapn 75
compression – kompressiya 75
injection pump – nasos 75
nozzle – forsunka 75
fuel injection – injector 75
charge - kengaytirish 75
pure air – toza havo 75
ignites – o’t olish 75
ascending – balandga ko’tarilmoq 75
gaseous - gazli 75
Fanning ishchi o`quv dasturi OO`MTVning 10.06.2020 yildagi№____-sonli buyrug`i bilan tasdiqlangan № БД- -29.08 raqamli “Horijiy til” fanining o`quv dasturiga muvofiq ishlab chiqildi. 85
Sam is sick and he is lying
….in… bed2)…… hospital. His friends Sue and Tom are visiting him. Sue is sitting 3)…..the bed and Tom is standing 4) …………..
the bed. There is a picture
5)….. Sam’s bed.
Sam is putting his hands
6)…. his mouth
because he is coughing. A nurse is coming. 7)……..the door 8)……It’s time for Tom and Sue to leave.
Look at the picture and fill in: “above”, “behind”, “over”, “on”, “under”, “at”, “out of”, “near” or “down”.
Tom is sitting 1) on a rug 2)…. his bed. His mother is standing
3)….the door shouting at him. His clothes are all 4)…. The bed. There are empty bottles of Coca-Cola 5)…..the table 6)…. his bed. His toys are
7)…….the floor 8)….the chair and his books are 9)…. the bed. The poster 10)….. his bed is falling 11) . His socks are hanging 12)….. the drawer. His room is a mess and his mother is very angry.
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