MULTIPLE MASTERMINDS You can have more than one mastermind network. Some people
will have a mastermind network in their families. Others will have
mastermind alliances with people who participate in the same hob-
bies or sports. You should definitely have a mastermind network
that is specifically focused on your work or career. You can even
have interlocking mastermind groups with people who are involved
with you in more than one area.
The more you interact with other positive people, the more pos-
itive and productive you will be. Constantly talking with and shar-
ing your ideas and experiences with others will give you a steady
flow of ideas and insights from their experiences, and help you keep
a healthy perspective on what you are doing.
GUARD YOUR TIME Your most valuable asset is your time, and relationships with people
are enormously time-consuming. The number of high-quality rela-
tionships you can form and maintain is limited. There are simply
not enough hours in the day or enough days in the month.You must
be selective about the people with whom you associate. You must
choose them carefully.