The National Position Paper presented by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami to Environment Canada provides both general and specific comments and recommendations on the proposed framework and regulations. Specific recommendations pertaining to Nunavut include:
More consultation should occur in the three regions in Nunavut and the timeframe for rolling out the framework and regulations should be expanded significantly and in response to demonstrated capacity.
All of Nunavut should be considered “Arctic” under the regulations and all communities should be managed within the same regulatory framework. A climatic definition that would exclude some communities should be avoided.
All of the proposed framework and regulations should be adapted to Arctic conditions and capacity – not solely the National Performance Standards. Consultation should occur on adapting the EQO and EDO framework to suit Arctic conditions and capacity. Other proposed requirements such as monitoring and risk assessments should be re-evaluated for the Arctic.
Research on wastewater treatment technologies as well as social science research should occur in each region in Nunavut where wastewater research conducted to date by Environment Canada’s Northern Research Working Group is limited. Research priorities should be set in consultation with NTI and regional representatives.
Funding is needed to enhance training in Nunavut and a realistic and achievable plan for infrastructure and operation and maintenance is needed for the region.
There should be a 5 year public education campaign for each region in Nunavut, designed with input from the communities regarding the content, target audiences and method of delivery.
This is not an exhaustive list of recommendations and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. reserves the right to make additional comments and recommendations pertaining to the proposed Canada-Wide Strategy for the Management of Municipal Wastewater Effluent.
14 References
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Baker Lake
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Cape Dorset
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Chesterfield Inlet
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Coral Harbour
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Grise Fiord
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Hall Beach
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Pond Inlet
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (2006). Municipal Water Use Inspection Report for the Hamlet of Pond Inlet, NWB3PON0409. August 8, 2006. Iqaluit: Author.
Natural Resources Canada (2007). The Atlas of Canada. Accessed January 3, 2008 at
Nunavut Water Board. (2004). Municipal Water License NWB3PON0409 for the Hamlet of Pond Inlet. Gjoa Haven: Author.
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Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (2006). Municipal Water Use Inspection Report for the Hamlet of Qikiqtarjuaq, NWB3QIK0712. August 2, 2006. Iqaluit: Author.
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (2007). Re: July 12, 2007 Municipal Water License NWB3QIK0712- Report. November 30, 2007. Iqaluit: Author.
Natural Resources Canada (2007). The Atlas of Canada. Accessed January 3, 2008 at
Nunavut Water Board. (2007). Municipal Water License 3BM-QIK0712 for the Hamlet of Qikiqtarjuaq. Gjoa Haven: Author.
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Rankin Inlet
Natural Resources Canada (2007). The Atlas of Canada. Accessed January 3, 2008 at
Nunavut Water Board. (2002). Municipal Water License NWB3RAN0207 for the Hamlet of Rankin Inlet. Gjoa Haven: Author.
Statistics Canada (2007). 2006 Community Profiles. 92-591-XWE. Accessed January 4, 2008 at
Repulse Bay
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Nunavut Water Board. (2004). Municipal Water License NWB3REP0409 for the Hamlet of Repulse Bay. Gjoa Haven: Author.
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Resolute Bay
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Whale Cove
Natural Resources Canada (2007). The Atlas of Canada. Accessed January 3, 2008 at
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Statistics Canada (2007). 2006 Community Profiles. 92-591-XWE. Accessed January 4, 2008 at
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