Centre for Alternative Wastewater Treatment

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Arctic Bay


Repulse Bay

Coral Harbour
















Population in 2006







Wastewater License #






Unlicensed (license application process began with GN-CGS in 2005)

License type







Effective date of license

Sept. 7, 2007

Nov. 1, 2002 (emergency amendment Mar 2, 2005)

Nov. 28, 2003 (previously had never been licensed)

June 11, 2004 (amendment Sept. 27, 2007 for solid waste upgrades)

Nov. 1, 2002

Expiry date of license

Dec. 31, 2012

Expired Oct. 31, 2007 (new application filed Oct. 5 2006, application in review)

Nov. 15, 2008

May 31, 2009

Expired Oct. 31, 2007 (amended Feb. 17, 2005)


Water source

Kugajuk River

Marcil Lake

Sanikiluaq Lake

Nuviq Luktujuq Lake

Rock-blast reservoir; Post River

Water Supply Lake

Annual quantity of water use licensed

35,000 m3

45,000 m3

34,000 m3

24,000 m3

35,000 m3

Annual quantity water used

22,312 m3

27,394 m3 projected for 2003; 31,231 m3 projected for 2008

22,000 m3

40,000 m3 (size of reservoir)

578,871 gallons (2005); 373,798 cubic feet (2004); 29,998 (2002)

Sewage collection







Annual quantity of wastewater

22,312 m3

27,394 m3 projected for 2003; 31,231 m3 projected for 2008

22,000 m3

Treatment system

Facultative lagoon (new lagoon to be constructed, and will have wetland treatment area, and packaged two-stage temporary treatment plant to be used)

Primary lagoon with very limited wetland (new lagoon will be constructed 2008 next to old lagoon, commissioned 2009)

Natural lake (Annak Lake), undefined wetland

Natural wetlands

Natural wetlands, small pond

Lagoon and extensive wetland

Number of cells

Two (original cell construced 14 years ago, second cell added by Hamlet crews and has little capacity)






Discharge type

Continuous onto land




Lagoon retention time

Very limited


Lagoon capacity and dimensions

Capacity not confirmed; noted that capacity too small, as per design in 1980s

21,600 m3


37,500 m2 area

Location relative to community

1.0 km

2.9 km W

1.4 km E

3.6 km north

2.5 km NW

Wetland area and flow path

Wetland flow path from new lagoon will be 160 m, contained by rock outcroppings and consisting of multiple channels with 3 to 4 ponding areas

64,000 m2 area; 1400 m flow path

70,000 m2 area; 1150 m flow path to small pond area

Not confirmed

Receiving body



Hudson Bay

Hudson Bay

Hudson Bay


Industrial input

None known

None known

None known

None known

None known

None known

Freeboard requirements

1.0 m

Not specified

1.0 m




Geotechnical inspection requirements

Annual geotechnical inspection to be carried out in July by a geotechnical engineer

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Maximum effluent fecal coliforms

1 x 104 CFU/100 mL at PEL-3 until wetland is commissioned; 1 x 104 CFU/100 mL at PEL-4 after wetland is commissioned

1 x 106 CFU/dl

1 x 106 CFU/dl

1x10 4 CFU/dl

1x10 6 CFU/dl


Maximum effluent BOD5

120 mg/L at PEL-3 until wetland is commissioned; 45 mg/L at PEL-4 after wetland is commissioned

120 mg/L

120 mg/L

80 mg/L

120 mg/L


Maximum effluent total suspended solids

180 mg/L at PEL-3 until wetland is commissioned; 45 mg/L at PEL-4 after wetland is commissioned

180 mg/L

180 mg/L

100 mg/L

180 mg/L


Maximum effluent pH

between 6 and 9

between 6 and 9

between 6 and 9

between 6 and 9

between 6 and 9


Oil and grease requirement

no visible sheen

no visible sheen

no visible sheen

no visible sheen

no visible sheen


Acute toxicity requirement

No toxicity to rainbow

trout or daphnia

Raw sewage volume monitoring stations

PEL-2, raw sewage from pump-out truck

Not specified

SAN-3, raw sewage at truck offload point

REP-3, raw sewage at truck offload point

Not specified


Effluent quality monitoring stations

PEL-3, discharge from the sewage disposal facilities at the controlled point of release following treatment (including the temporary packaged sewage treatment plant operation during construction);
PEL-4, final discharge point of the wetland treatment area;
PEL-5, ocean water 5 m from point where effluent enters ocean

ARC-3, effluent from the sewage disposal facilities

SAN-4, final discharge point of the sewage disposal facilities at Annak Lake

REP-4, final discharge point

COR-3, final discharge point


Volume monitoring requirements

PEL-2, monthly and annual volumes of raw sewage; annual quantity of sewage solids removed from sewage disposal facility

Monthly and annual volumes of freshwater collected as proxy of measuring sewage volume; annual quantity of sewage solids removed from disposal facilities

SAN-3, monthly and annual measurement of quantities of raw sewage

REP-3, monthly and annual quantity of raw sewage

Monthly and annual quantity of raw sewage


Effluent quality monitoring frequency

PEL-3, PEL-4, PEL-5, monthly May to August inclusive

ARC-3, monthly May to August inclusive

SAN-4, monthly May to August inclusive

REP-4, monthly May to Aug inclusive

COR-3, monthly May to Aug inclusive


Effluent quality monitoring parameters

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel, chloride, total organic carbon, total cobalt, total hardness, total aluminum, total alkalinity, total manganese

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel


Toxicity monitoring (Rainbow Trout and Daphnia magna)

PEL-4 once annually midway through discharge

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified


Toxicity (Daphnia magna)

PEL-4 once annually midway through discharge

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified


Ground temperature

Thermistors within each berm structure and foundation; frequency of readings as necessary to allow for thermal modeling of the berms

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified


Location of parameter analysis

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst


Reporting requirements

Annual report; advise inspector 10 days before decant

Annual report

Annual report; advise inspector 10 days before decant

Annual report

Annual report


Clyde River

Gjoa Haven

Cape Dorset


Pond Inlet
















Population in 2006







Wastewater License #







License type







Effective date of license

Sept. 15, 2003

Jan. 8, 2004

Sept. 1, 2002

Nov. 20, 2003

Jan. 15, 2004

Dec. 1, 2002

Expiry date of license

Sept. 15, 2008

Jan. 31, 2009

Expired Aug. 31, 2007 (amendment issued Sept. 22, 2004 for disposal into emergency sewage facilities; license renewal submitted in 2006 for the old facilities, until the new lagoon at P-lake is constructed and commissioned. License application in review.)

Nov. 20 2008 (Amendment submitted Jan 1, 2004, approved Aug. 20, 2007)

Jan. 31, 2009

Expired Nov. 31, 2007 (new license applied for Nov. 19, 2007)

Water source

Water Source Lake

Swan Lake, reservoir

Tee Lake

Coppermine River

Salmon River and Water Lake

Duval River

Annual quantity of water use licensed

38,000 m3

62,000 m3

70,000 m3

64,000 m3

67,000 m3

100,000 m3

Annual quantity water used

2003 projected 32,086 m3; 2008 projected 36,638 m3

44,487 m3 in 2003; 19,484 m3 in 2001; 29,728 m3 in 2000;

70,000 m3 (2006 water application); 44,148 m3 (2006 annual report); 2007 projected 61,448 m3

27,200 m3

Sewage collection







Annual quantity of wastewater

2003 projected 32,086 m3; 2008 projected 36,638 m3

19,484 m3 in 2001; 29,728 m3 in 2000

70,000 m3 (2006 water application); 44,148 m3 (2006 annual report); 2007 projected 61,448 m3

67,000 m3

100,000 m3

Treatment system

Single-cell engineered exfiltration lagoon and undefined natural wetland

Primary lagoon and undefined treatment wetlands

Multi-cell lagoon

Lagoon with gravel berm and undefined wetland; new lagoon will have lined top and slope (not bottom), fenced.

Primary (modified natural water body); discharge in stream to ocean (very limited wetlands). At time of 2004 license, the Hamlet was discharging to a temporary area (Kitingujaat) under an amendment to its 1999 license, in order to repair and expand the lagoon.

Mechanical WWTP (originally constructed in 2003) modified from a rotating biological contactor to an activated sludge system. Upgrades planned over the next 7 years; design phase scheduled to begin shortly.

Number of cells




One; new lagoon will be adjacent



Discharge type


Discharge over three months (summer)


Bagged sludge disposed of in landfill.

Lagoon capacity and dimensions

19,500 m3

22,700 m3 (at capacity)

Current lagoon: 4,648 m3 capacity, 60 m (L) x 40 m (W) x 2 m (D). New lagoon: 130,000 m3 capacity, 223 m (L) x 223 m (W) x 3 m (D)

New lagoon: 90,000 m3 capacity (construction/commission date unknown)


Location relative to community

1.5 km W

1.5 km SE

5 km W

1.6 km N

Wetland area and flow path

1000 m flowpath

10 ha; 3 km flowpath


Receiving body



Telik Inlet

Coronation Gulf



Industrial input

Not confirmed

Not confirmed

Not confirmed

Not confirmed

Not confirmed

Commercial fish processing waste stored at municipal dump (licensed) next to bagged municipal sludge, with some washout from the area. Input of fish processing waste into municipal wastewater unknown.

Freeboard requirements

1.0 m

1.0 m

1.0 m

1.0 m

1.0 m


Geotechnical inspection requirements

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified


Maximum effluent fecal coliforms

1 x 106 CFU/dl

1 x 104 CFU/dl

1 x 106 CFU/dl

1 x 106 CFU/dl

1 x 106 CFU/dl

1 x 103 CFU/dl

Maximum effluent BOD5

120 mg/L

80 mg/L

120 mg/L

120 mg/L

120 mg/L

120 mg/L

Maximum effluent total suspended solids

180 mg/L

100 mg/L

180 mg/L

180 mg/L

180 mg/L

180 mg/L

Maximum effluent pH

between 6 and 9

6 to 9

between 6 and 9

6 to 9

between 6 and 9

between 6 and 9

Oil and grease requirement

no visible sheen

no visible sheen

no visible sheen

no visible sheen

no visible sheen

no visible sheen

Acute toxicity requirement

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified


Raw sewage volume monitoring stations

CLY-3, raw sewage at truck offload point

GJO-3, raw sewage at truck offload point

Not specified

KUG-3, raw sewage at truck offload point

PON-3, raw sewage at truck offload point

Not specified

Effluent quality monitoring stations

CLY-4, effluent discharge point of the sewage disposal facilities

GJO-4, effluent discharge from the final discharge point of the sewage disposal facilities

CAP-3, effluent discharge from sewage disposal facilities

KUG-4, point of effluent discharge from the sewage disposal lagoon onto the wetland treatment area; KUG-5, effluent discharge for the final discharge point of the wetland treatment area, immediately prior to discharge to the marine receiving water

PON-4, final discharge point of the sewage disposal facilities

PAN-3, effluent from the sewage treatment plant; PAN-4, runoff from the sludge disposal facility

Volume monitoring requirements

CLY-3, monthly and annual volumes of raw sewage; annual quantity of sewage solids removed from sewage disposal facility

GJO-3, montly and annual volumes of raw sewage; annual quantities of sewage solids removed from the sewage disposal facilities

Monthly and annual volumes of sewage discharged

KUG-3, monthly and annual quantities of raw sewage

PON-3, monthly and annual volumes of raw sewage

PAN-3, monthly and annual volumes \raw sewage; annual quantities of sewage solids removed from the sewage disposal facilites

Effluent quality monitoring frequency

CLY-4, montly May to August inclusive

GJO-4, monthly May to August inclusive

CAP-3, monthly May to August inclusive

KUG-4 and KUG-5, monthly May to Aug inclusive

PON-4, monthly May to August inclusive

PAN-3, monthly; PAN-4, monthly May to August inclusive

Effluent quality monitoring parameters

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel

Toxicity monitoring (Rainbow Trout and Daphnia magna)

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Ground temperature

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Location of parameter analysis

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

Reporting requirements

Annual report; inform inspector 10 days before decant

Annual report; inform inspector 10 days before decant

Annual report; inform inspector 10 days before decant

Annual report; inform inspector 10 days before decant

Annual report; advise inspector 10 days before decant

Annual report

Cambridge Bay


Baker Lake


Rankin Inlet
















Population in 2006







Wastewater License #







License type







Effective date of license

Sept. 1, 2002

Sept. 1, 2003 (original license Oct 21, 1998 to Sept 1, 2003)

Oct. 1, 1999

Jan 9, 2004

Dec. 1, 2002

May 15, 2006

Expiry date of license

Aug. 31, 2007 (renewal application submitted Aug 28, 2007)

Aug. 31, 2008

Expired Oct. 1, 2004 (renewal submitted Nov. 16, 2005)

Dec. 31, 2008

Expired Nov. 30, 2007

May 15, 2011

Water source

Water Lake

Reservoir; water pumped from South Lake and supplemented in summer with Airport Lake

Baker Lake

Wolf Creek

Steel reservoir; Nipissar Lake

Lake Geraldine

Annual quantity of water use licensed

70,000 m3

70,000 m3

81,000 m3

400,000 m3

1,100,000 m3

Annual quantity water used

87,600 m3

57,756 m3 projected for 2003, 66,142 m3 projected 2008

64,693 m3 (2005)

64,871 m3

721,680 m3

Sewage collection

Trucked; 5 buildings served by pipe




95% piped (collection by HDPE mains), 5% trucked

20,000 metres of sewers and forcemains and 4 sewage pumping trucks. 62% of the population has piped service and 38% serviced by truck.

Annual quantity of wastewater

87,600 m3 (20 trucks per day, 9000 L tank per truck)

57,756 m3 projected for 2003, 66,142 m3 projected 2008



449,710 m3 but current plant only operational starting May 2006 - estimate would be 720,000 m3 per year given average of 60,000 per month; approx. 648 m3 of sludge generated

Treatment system

Series of natural lagoons joined by creeks/wetland area; proposal developed in Apr 2007 to add some engineered features (runoff diversion berms, retention berm, seasonal discharge, move outfall)

Multi-cell exfiltration lagoon system, undefined wetland

Holding cell, exfiltrates through series of wetland and pond areas (200 m wetland, Lagoon Lake, 300 m wetland, Finger Lake, 1000 m wetland, Airplane Lake, Garbage Creek, final discharge into Baker Lake)

Engineered lagoon, exfiltrates into natural wetland area

Treatment plant (wastewter pumped by 2 lift stations through a 1 mm mesh drum screen), outfall 450 m into Prairie Bay, depth of 10 m. Screenings landfilled.

Primary lagoon and preliminary and primary treatment plant. Phase I of the treatment facility will provide primary treatment of sewage (will also violate the Fisheries Act.) The second phase (not yet planned) will provide secondary treatment and the third phase to expand the capacity of the plant to service a population of 12,000 and meet regulated parameter limits.

Number of cells

Six ponds of varying sizes; first is largest

Four (only 3 approved by NWB)

Four (one holding cell, three ponds along wetland flow path)




Discharge type

Continuous July/Aug, limited in winter





Discontinuous for lagoon and continuous for WWTP both to bay in ocean

Lagoon retention time

Very limited

Not confirmed


Not specified - Lagoon is now only to be used as an emergency overflow.

Lagoon capacity and dimensions

72,000 m3 capacity (sum of all ponds)

17,000 m3 + 2000 m3 for 4th cell



Location relative to community

1.5 km NE

1.4 km N

2.8 km


Within community

Wetland area and flow path

Not confirmed

97,000 m2 area; 2100 m flow path

200 m flow path



Receiving body

Cambridge Bay

Foxe Basin

Baker Lake

Hudson Bay

Hudson Bay

Frobisher Bay

Industrial input

None known

None known

None known

None known

None known

Not specified but past practices may have seen some industrial inputs existing industrial inputs occurring to some extent.

Freeboard requirements

1.0 m

1.0 m

1 m

1 m

Not specified

Geotechnical inspection requirements

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified


Maximum effluent fecal coliforms

1 x 106 CFU/dl

1 x 106 CFU/dl

1x104 CFU/dl

1x106 CFU/dl

not specified

Maximum effluent BOD5

100 mg/L

120 mg/L

80 mg/L

120 mg/L

120 mg/L for lagoon; 30 mg/L for WWTP

Maximum effluent total suspended solids

120 mg/L

180 mg/L

100 mg/L

180 mg/L

180 mg/L for lagoon; 30 mg/L for WWTP

Maximum effluent pH

between 6 and 9

between 6 and 9

between 6 and 9

between 6 and 9

between 6 and 9 for both

Oil and grease requirement

no visible sheen

no visible sheen

no visible sheen

no visible sheen

no visible sheen for both

Acute toxicity requirement

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Rainbow Trout test for undiluted effluent

Raw sewage volume monitoring stations

Not specified

IGL-3; raw sewage from truck offload point

Not specified

ARV-3, raw sewage at truck offload point

Not specified

effluent is monitored at WWTP, estimated at lagoon

Effluent quality monitoring stations

CAM-3, effluent discharge from the sewage disposal facilities

IGL-4; effluent discharge from sewage disposal facilities

BAK-2, inflow into Airplane Lake (compliance testing point); BAK-3, outlet of Airplane Lake

ARV-4, final discharge point

GRA-3, discharge from sewage treatment plant

IQA-02 final discharge point from sewage lagoon; IQA-03 influent to sewage lagoon; IQA-04; final discharge point from WWTP; IQA-05 influent to WWTP; IQA-06 sludge at WWTP;

Volume monitoring requirements

Monthly and annual volumes of raw sewage; annual quantities of sewage solids removed from sewage disposal facilities

IGL-3, monthly and annual volumes of raw sewage

ARV-3, monthly and annual measurement of quantities of raw sewage

GRA-3, monthly and annual quantity of raw sewage

Flow to be measured at IQA-02, IQA-04, IQA-06; monthly

Effluent quality monitoring frequency

CAM-3, monthly May to August inclusive

IGL-4, monthly May to August inclusive

May-Aug ARV2, ARV-4

May-Aug ARV2, ARV-4

May-Aug GRA-3

IQA-02, IQA-04, bi-monthly; IQA-06 monthly;IQA-02, IQA-03, IQA-04 and IQA-05 annually

Effluent quality monitoring parameters

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel

BOD, TSS, pH, FC, NO3-NO2, conductivity, NH3-N, oil and grease (visible), sulphate, potassium, calcium, total phenols, sodium, magnesium, total arsenic, total copper, total iron, total mercury, total zinc, total chromium, total cadmium, total lead, total nickel

BOD, FC, pH, conductivity, TSS, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrate, Total Phosphorus, Orthophosphate: IQA-02, IQA-04, bi-monthly; IQA-06 monthly; Total ICP metal scan shall include the following at a minimum: Al, Sb, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Sn, Ag, Sr, Tl, Ti, U, V, Zn, Hg at IQA-02, IQA-03, IQA-04 and IQA-05 annually; IQA-04 quartlerly; IQA-06 monthly

Toxicity monitoring (Rainbow Trout and Daphnia magna)

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

IQA-02, IQA-03, IQA-04 and IQA-05 annually for rainbow trout only

Ground temperature

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified


Location of parameter analysis

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

CAEAL or other approved by Analyst

IQA-02, IQA-04, bi-monthly; IQA-06 monthly;IQA-02, IQA-03, IQA-04 and IQA-05 annually

Reporting requirements

Annual report; inform inspector 10 days before decant

Annual report; inform inspector 10 days before decant

Annual report; inform inspector 10 days before decant

Annual report; inform inspector 10 days before decant

All laboratory analyses shall be performed at a laboratory accredited according to
ISO/IEC Standard 17025. CAEAL not specified in license.

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