Card №2
Task 1
1. C 6. C
2. A 7. C
3. C 8. C
4. B 9. C
5. B
10. B
Task 2
1. D 6. D
2. A 7. B
3. B 8. A
4. C 9. D
5. B 10. D
Task 3
4. C
5. B
6. A
Task 4
Iqtisod nima?
Iqtisodiyot fizika emas balki u ijtimoiy fandir. Afsuski hamma iqtisodchilar
ham buni to’laqonli tushunishmaydi. Ba’zan ular insoniyat iqtisodiy harakatiga
fizik olimlarning atom harakatiga bergan bahosi kabi loqaydlik blan munosabatda
bo’lishadi. Iqtisodiyot bu – insonning moliyaviy bilimi, ishlab chiqarish,
ehtiyojlarni qondirish, mahsulotlarni sotish va xizmatlarni talabga javob beradigan
holatda bo’lishini ta’minlovchi fandir. Bu keng qamrovli tushuncha o’z ichiga
qator axloqiy me’yorlarni oladi. Jumladan iqtisodiy tarix, moliyaviy tushuncha,
tejamkorlik, ishchi va ish beruvchi o’rtasidagi o’zaro munosabat, tadbirkorlik,
boshqaruvchilik salohiyati, xalqaro iqtisod va ekologik iqtisodlarni jamlaydi.
Shuning uchun iqtisod bo’limi 2 ta; mikro va makroiqtisodiyotga ajratiladi. Bir
qarashda ular o’zaro bir biriga bog’liqday ko’rinadi. Biroq, zamonaviy iqtisodning
ustun tarafi an’anaviy iqtisoddan ko’ra murakkabroq ko’rinadi. An’anaviy
iqtisodiyot takomillashgan ishlab chiqarish va iste’mol qilish o’rniga ichki bozor
va tovar ayirboshlashga asoslangan bo’ladi. An’anaviy iqtisod tushunchasi faqat
bozordan keladigan savdo aylanmasi foydasiga tayanadi xolos. Bu esa o’z o’rnida,
iqtisodiyotning birlamchi tor doiradagi barqaror foyda tushunchasiga aylanadi.
Katta daromadli iqtisodiyot esa maksimal daromadga tayanadi. Ya’ni ishlab
chiqarish savdo aylanmasining kengayishiga asoslanadi. Biroq, ba’zi iqtisodchilar
tor doiradagi daromad bilan kifoyalanish g’oyasini ilgari suradilar.
Makroiqtisodiyot insonlarning mehnatidan keladigan daromadini o’rganishdan
tashqari boshqa sohalarga, jumladan, tarix, texnologiya, an’ana, oila, kuch qudrat
hattoki nizolarning ortida ham iqtisod tushunchasi yotishini hisobga oladi.
Islomova Dildora
Father of Modern
It is not from the
benevolence of the
butcher, the brewer or
the baker that we expect
our dinner, but from their
regard to their own
Adam Smith
Adam Smith (1723 – 1790)
Known as father of modern economics
Wrote the first and most important books on the
subject of economics, An Inquiry into the Nature and
Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776)
Smith believed in “free market”
(free market is one where consumers may buy what
they like and producers may produce what they like,
with no government interference) .
Smith suggested that a laissez-faire (don’t
interfere) approach should be followed, leaving
customers and producers to make their own decisions
What is
Economics is a study of
rationing systems
Planned Economies
Free Market Economies
It is the study of how scarce
resources are allocated to fulfill
the infinite wants of consumers.
Macroeconomics is the branch of
economics that studies the behavior and
performance of an economy as a whole.
Its primary focus is the recurrent
economic cycles
and broad economic
growth and development.
Microeconomics analyzes how and
why goods are valued differently,
how individuals make financial
decisions, and how they trade,
coordinate, and cooperate.
Macro vs micro
NEEDS: are the basic
necessities that a person
must have in order to
e.g. food, water, warmth,
shelter and clothing
WANTS: are the desire that
people have.
e.g. things that people
would like to have, such as
bigger homes, iphones, etc.
The Economic Problem
Resources –
Land, Labour,
-Resource Use
A wind
The Economic Problem
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