2. Perifeks va Sufixlarga ta’rif va misollar
Prefiks - bu so'zning ildizidan oldin qo'yilgan harflar guruhi. Masalan, "baxtsiz" so'zi "baxtli" so'zining ildiz (yoki ildiz) bilan birlashtirilgan "un-" [bu "emas" degan ma'noni anglatadi] prefiksidan iborat; "baxtsiz" so'zi "baxtsiz" degan ma'noni anglatadi.
Prefikslarning qisqacha ro'yxati:
A short list of prefixes:
Prefix Meaning Examples
de- from, down, away, reverse, opposite decode, decrease
dis- not, opposite, reverse, away disagree, disappear
ex- out of, away from, lacking, former exhale, explosion
il- not illegal, illogical
im- not, without impossible, improper
in- not, without inaction, invisible
mis- bad, wrong mislead, misplace
non- not nonfiction, nonsense
pre- before prefix, prehistory
pro- for, forward, before proactive, profess, program
re- again, back react, reappear
un- against, not, opposite undo, unequal, unusual
Prefiks ma'nosiga misollar
de- dan, pastga, uzoqda, teskari, qarama-qarshi dekodlash, pasaytirish
dis- emas, qarama-qarshi, teskari, uzoqda rozi bo'lmaslik, yo'qolib ketish
ex- tashqarida, uzoqda, etishmayotgan, oldingi nafas chiqarish, portlash
il- noqonuniy emas, mantiqsiz
im- emas, imkonsiz, noto'g'ri
in- emas, harakatsiz, ko‘rinmas
noto'g'ri, noto'g'ri yo'ldan ozdirmoq, noto'g'ri joy
badiiy bo'lmagan, bema'nilik
oldingi prefiks, tarixdan oldingi
pro- for, oldinga, proaktivdan oldin, professional, dastur
qayta-qayta, orqaga reaktsiya, qayta paydo bo'lish
un- qarshi, emas, qarama-qarshi bekor qilish, tengsiz, noodatiy
Suffix- bu o‘z o‘zagidan keyin qo‘yiladigan harflar guruhidir. Masalan, lazzatsiz so‘zi “-less” qo‘shimchasi bilan birlashgan “lazzat” o‘zagidan tashkil topgan [bu “siz” degan ma’noni anglatadi]; "lazzatsiz" so'zi "xushsiz" degan ma'noni anglatadi.
Suffixlarning qisqacha ro'yxati:
A short list of suffixes:
Suffix Meaning Examples
-able able to, having the quality of comfortable, portable
-al relating to annual comical
-er comparative bigger, stronger
-est superlative strongest, tiniest
-ful full of beautiful, grateful
-ible forming an adjective reversible, terrible
-ily forming an adverb eerily, happily, lazily
-ing denoting an action, a material, or a gerund acting, showing
-less without, not affected by friendless, tireless
-ly forming an adjective clearly, hourly
-ness denoting a state or condition kindness, wilderness
-y full of, denoting a condition, or a diminutive glory, messy, victory
Suffiks ma'nosiga misollar
-qodir, qulay, portativ sifatga ega
-al yillik komiksga tegishli
-er qiyosiy kattaroq, kuchliroq
-est superlative eng kuchli, eng kichik
-to'la go'zal, minnatdor
-ible olmosh yasovchi teskari, dahshatli
-ily qo'shimchasini yasovchi, baxtli, dangasa yasagan
-ing harakatni, materialni yoki gerundni bildiruvchi, harakat qiluvchi, ko‘rsatuvchi
-siz kam, do'stsiz ta'sir qilmaydi, charchamas
-ly aniq, soatlik sifatdosh yasash
-holat yoki holatni bildiruvchi mehr-oqibat, sahro
-y to‘la, shart yoki kamaytiruvchi shon-shuhratni bildiruvchi, tartibsiz, g’alaba
Fill in the Prefixes
More Fill in the Prefixes Worksheets
Bank of Prefixes:
dis- ex-
in- mis-
re- un-
Har bir sozni toldirish uchun prefixeslardan foydalaning.
____ fix ____ sense ____ happy
____ mind ____ pert ____ respect
____ equal ____ legal ____ fiction
____ prove ____ frost ____ ceed
____ lucky ____ lead ____ fat
____ fair ____ gust ____ hold
____ place ____ usual __ portant
____ draw ___ logical ____ trieve
___ visible ____ play ____ cellent
____ view ____ code ____ flex
Fill in the Prefixes and Suffixes
More Fill in the Prefixes and Suffixes Worksheets
Bank of Prefixes
pre- re-
Bank of Suffixes
-ion -ly
Use the bank of prefixes and suffixes to complete each word. There may be more than one answer for some words.
Prefix - Root Word - Suffix Prefix - Root Word - Suffix
____cover____ ____predict____
____like____ ____proper____
____agree____ ____success____
____logic____ ____comfort____
____order____ ____equal____
____expected____ ____construct____
____act____ ____reason____
____luck____ ____honor____
____trust____ ____usual____
____connect____ ____new____
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