
Computing Services for Students with Disabilities

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Computing Services for Students with Disabilities

Questionnaire # _____
1) Type of institution: 2-year only[ ] 4-year[ ] other[ ] (specify)____________

2) Institutional funding: Public[ ] Private[ ]

3) Total number of students currently enrolled in your institution:

less than 1000[ ] 1001-5000[ ] 5001-10,000[ ] 10,001-15,000[ ] 15,0001-20,000[ ] more than 20,000[ ]

4) Total number of students with disabilities currently enrolled in your institution:

zero[ ] 1-25[ ] 26-50[ ] 51-100[ ] 101-200[ ] more than 200[ ] don't know[ ]

5) Which computing services, if any, are provided for disabled students on your campus? Check all that apply.

Adaptive devices for computer access within campus facility [ ]

Computer consulting services for adaptive equipment selection and use [ ]

Training in the use of adaptive equipment and/or special software [ ]

Computer user/support group for disabled students [ ]

Sales of adaptive computer equipment and/or special software [ ]

Repair of student-owned adaptive equipment [ ]

Loan or rental of adaptive computer equipment to disabled students [ ]

Other (please specify) [ ]

6) How involved are the following in initially selecting computing services for students with disabilities on your

campus? Circle the appropriate responses where 1 = not involved and 5 = extremely involved.
not involved extremely involved

Disabled students 1 2 3 4 5

Office of disabled student services 1 2 3 4 5

Central computing services organization 1 2 3 4 5

Departmental computing services units 1 2 3 4 5

Faculty 1 2 3 4 5

Library services 1 2 3 4 5

Government agencies 1 2 3 4 5

Other (please specify)_____________________ 1 2 3 4 5

7) How involved are the following in the daily management of computing services for students with disabilities on

your campus?

not involved extremely involved

Disabled students 1 2 3 4 5

Office of disabled student services 1 2 3 4 5

Central computing services organization 1 2 3 4 5

Departmental computing services units 1 2 3 4 5

Library services 1 2 3 4 5

Government agencies 1 2 3 4 5

Other (please specify)_____________________ 1 2 3 4 5

8) How much funding do the following provide in support of computing services for disabled students on your campus?

none about half all

Disabled students 1 2 3 4 5

Office of disabled student services 1 2 3 4 5

Central computing services organization 1 2 3 4 5

Government agencies 1 2 3 4 5

Private donors 1 2 3 4 5

Other (please specify)_____________________ 1 2 3 4 5

9) a. Listed below are various types of adaptive computing equipment and software. Indicate what adaptations, if

any, are available to students with disabilities at your institution. Check all that apply.
yes no don't know

For students with visual impairments:
Speech synthesis to read text displayed on computer screen [ ] [ ] [ ]

Large print monitor and/or software to enlarge characters on the screen [ ] [ ] [ ]

Braille display [ ] [ ] [ ]

Braille printer [ ] [ ] [ ]

Braille and/or large print user guides and handouts [ ] [ ] [ ]

Optical character reader [ ] [ ] [ ]

Device to enlarge text of printed documents [ ] [ ] [ ]

Access to library on-line system on at least one system adapted for

use by those with visual impairments [ ] [ ] [ ]

Access to electronic bulletin boards, databases, mail and other

network services from at least one system adapted for use by

those with visual impairments [ ] [ ] [ ]

Other (please specify)_____________________________________

For students with mobility/orthopedic disabilities:
Mini (small) keyboard or expanded (large) keyboard [ ] [ ] [ ]

Keyboard guard [ ] [ ] [ ]

Morse code input with special switch [ ] [ ] [ ]

Scanning input with special switch [ ] [ ] [ ]

Voice input [ ] [ ] [ ]

Word prediction software [ ] [ ] [ ]

Abbreviation expansion software [ ] [ ] [ ]

"Sticky keys" software [ ] [ ] [ ]

Special access device to replace mouse [ ] [ ] [ ]

Access to library on-line system on at least one system adapted

for use by those with mobility/orthopedic disabilities [ ] [ ] [ ]

Access to electronic bulletin boards, databases, mail and other

network services from at least one system adapted for use by

those with mobility/orthopedic disabilities [ ] [ ] [ ]

Other (please specify)_____________________________________

For students with learning disabilities:
Specially selected software to help them use computers [ ] [ ] [ ]

Specially selected software to help them complete academic work [ ] [ ] [ ]

For students with other disabilities:
(please specify equipment and disability addressed)

If you checked any items in 9a, complete items 9b and 9c below. Otherwise, proceed to question 10.

b. What is your general policy towards providing access to the special adaptive computer equipment and software

listed? Check all that apply.

Students with disabilities are given/loaned equipment/software to take to their residence to use. [ ]

Students use equipment/software in special facility for disabled students. [ ]

Disabled students use special equipment/software in the same facilities used by all students. [ ]
Other (please specify) [ ]

c. Indicate how desirable you think the following locations are for placing adaptive technology for disabled students. Circle the appropriate responses where 1 = undesirable and 5 = very desirable.

undesirable very desirable Students with disabilities should be given equipment/software

to take to their residence to use. 1 2 3 4 5

Students should use equipment/software in special facility for

disabled students. 1 2 3 4 5

Disabled students should use special equipment/software in

the same facilities used by all students. 1 2 3 4 5

10) How significant are the following as barriers to providing computing services to disabled students on your campus?

not significant very significant

Inadequate funding. 1 2 3 4 5

Difficulties in coordinating efforts with the central computing

organization and other units. 1 2 3 4 5

Lack of commitment/concern on the part of the administration. 1 2 3 4 5

Lack of a campus committee to develop and implement a plan. 1 2 3 4 5

Lack of interest of disabled students in using computers. 1 2 3 4 5

Lack of expertise in selecting/supporting special equipment

and software. 1 2 3 4 5

Other (please specify)_______________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5

11) How would you generally rate the abilities of students with the disabilities listed below to make productive use of

computers when adaptive equipment is provided?

very low very high don't know

Low vision 1 2 3 4 5 [ ]

Blind 1 2 3 4 5 [ ]

Mobility/orthopedic disability 1 2 3 4 5 [ ]

Learning disability 1 2 3 4 5 [ ]

12) How much do you feel computer access can contribute to the academic success of individuals with the disabilities

listed below?

nothing very much don't know

Low vision 1 2 3 4 5 [ ]

Blind 1 2 3 4 5 [ ]

Mobility/orthopedic disability 1 2 3 4 5 [ ]

Learning disability 1 2 3 4 5 [ ]

13) Are any student or non-student employees specifically assigned to providing computing support to disabled students?

yes[ ] no[ ] If yes, do any of these individuals have disabilities themselves? yes[ ] no[ ]
14) How would you rate your current skill in using computers?

very low very high not sure

1 2 3 4 5 [ ]

Please make additional comments about issues related to providing computing services to disabled students.

I would welcome any additional information regarding your services to disabled students and/or the results of internal studies in this area. Thank you for your time in completing this survey. Mail in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope to: Sheryl Burgstahler, DQ-12 (Miller 416), University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.

Appendix B: Summary of Responses
Note: To protect the anonymity of respondents, a "*" is used to replace school, city and state names included in the comments.
1) Type of institution:
2-year 546

4-year 638

2) Institutional funding:
Public 847

Private 337

3) Total number of students currently enrolled in your institution:
less than 1000 49

1001-5000 605

5001-10,000 232

10,001-15,000 120

15,0001-20,000 72

more than 20,000 106

4) Total number of students with disabilities currently enrolled in your institution:

zero 27

1-25 294

26-50 145

51-100 154

101-200 182

more than 200 279

don't know or no response 103

5) Which computing services, if any, are provided for disabled students on your campus?

Adaptive devices for computer access within campus facility 666

Computer consulting services for adaptive equipment selection and use 363

Training in the use of adaptive equipment and/or special software 475

Computer user/support group for disabled students 150

Sales of adaptive computer equipment and/or special software 53

Repair of student-owned adaptive equipment 25

Loan or rental of adaptive computer equipment to disabled students 159

Other: 84

No Services and/or Need

28 - None or no special services available

4 - N/a or not applicable

3 - I don't know or unaware of any

Ad hoc basis - no requests so far

Computer access offered with assistance / there have been no requests for adaptive equipment.

Have not had disabled students whose handicap prevented computer access. If this arises, we will do whatever is necessary to provide access.

None - Students already possess their own equipment as needed

None currently, most of our students have their own computers which they can plug into the campus network.

None available specifically for learning disabled population

None requested by students

Open door institution; no specific program for disabled std, all treated the same.

Sadly, as of yet, we do not have a program for providing adaptive computer equipment.

We have had no request.

We have no needs that I am aware of.

Other Services

2 - Student Services

4 computers specifically designed for disabled students.

A high-tech center serving 200 students

Access to all computer equipment and instruction on campus. We have not had requests for adaptive equipment for computers.

Access & Accommodation Committee composed of faculty, staff, & student

Adapted keyboards & software

Adapted keyboard class for students with disabilities provided by the Business Division



All of our "disabled students" currently are using computers - "Adaptive devices" is ambiguous.

All students must be medically qualified to serve on active duty in the Air Force.

All students have PCs

Assistive devices & training are provided by Rehabilitation Services. All the above is provided by this agency.

Classes offered for training on equipment and learning word processing

Classes in adaptive computer access/word processing

Computer work tables adjusted for wheelchair access

Computer Learning Lab testing on computer

Computerized Language Lab for the Deaf

Computer Assisted English & Computer Lab for remedial reading

Computers for student use

Computing Services needs to be defined; the meaning of the term seems to change in the next page.

Computer lab for all students

Computers available for student use but not "loaned"

Consortium referral with University of *

Coordination with campus departments. to provide distributed access

Credit courses in adaptive computer technology

Currently networking to provide computers on campus for students with disabilities

Currently College provides no service (computing) for disabled students. There have been no requests.

Currently none of the disabled students have requested adaptive devices. We are prepared to purchase whatever equipment is needed but only as the need arises.

Depends on student's need; we work with the Commission for the Blind Vocational Rehabilitation

Disabled students have priority for using computers in the Library and Learning Center.

Disability appropriate software

Document Transcription Service (Braille printing file conversion & scanning)

Done as needed


Extensive library of area specific software

Furniture in computer labs to accommodate wheelchairs

Handled on individual basis in conjunction with voc rehabilitation

Have a V-Tech & enlarging software program

High Tech Center for Disabled

High Tech Center

I'm hoping to get a computer lab with adaptive equipment on one terminal.

In process of acquiring

Individual needs satisfied as necessary

Individual assistance from admin.

Just beginning adaptive workstations

Kurzweil Personal Reader

Kurzweil reading machine

Lab (computer) for disabled students

Lab to support mainstream classes

Modem (at home)

No disabled students - services will be provided when needed.

Not a computer-based program

Not a formal group but help provided as needed through special services on campus in our small lab which has 1 computer with Zoom Text.

Only one laptop computer with voice synthesizer available for loan.

Only one computer has adaptive devices

Open lab with tutor available

Personalized instruction by the instructor

Planned for Fall '92

Planning to open computer lab to meet specific needs of learning disabled, 7 physically disabled. students.

Prescriptive tutoring with program & tutor

Program being developed this year

Purchased for use by students within campus facilities on a need basis

Referrals offered, purchase funding is somewhat available

Referral to government agencies who assist the student in acquiring needed equipment to use on campus or at home

Rehabilitation Tech Program

Resource Materials Center with Adaptive Equipment for student use as well as in classroom.

Same as students who currently do NOT have disabilities

Services checked above have been provided occasionally & are in no way part of an established program.

Services are provided by the Blind Association when we have a blind student.

Software design

Space for storage of special equipment

Special orientation course for learning disabled students to computer lab & word processing

Special Computer Lab

Special classes for persons with head on spinal injuries - to learn computer use

Specialized software is available.

Special classes in adapted computer studies for disabled students

Stations at Center and Undergraduate Readers Library

Structural (computer tables)

Students have their own, usually paid for by OVR, CBVH. We are now investigating the purchase of additional adaptive equipment in the computer labs.

Students use campus computers & assigned tutors if needed

Students will not come in for training to use what is available.

This community college has a new computing center that has top notch equipment.

Those that come with a Macintosh

Through the Academic Resource Center - WordPerfect

Thru State Vocational Rehabilitation

Training to use Apple & IBM

Tutorial audio cassette tapes

Upon request; contract for services

Use of equipment for faculty, students, class

Use of computer housed in the student services department.

Vista, Vantage

Vocational Rehabilitation State Agency takes care of needs on individual basis.

Voice synthesizer & scanner for blind students

We have set up one disabled student with the equipment necessary to dial in from home.

We do not have special equipment on campus but we utilize other agencies that have borrowed equipment to us.

We have no computing services for disabled students.

Word processing classes for students with disabilities
6) How involved are the following in initially selecting computing services for students with disabilities on your campus? 1 = not involved and 5 = extremely involved.
1 2 3 4 5 No Resp

Disabled students 246 163 226 168 191 190

Office of disabled student services 194 49 101 167 429 244

Central computing services organization 294 147 181 133 176 253

Departmental computing services units 373 117 178 108 74 334

Faculty 328 187 206 120 81 262

Library services 411 170 178 109 49 267

Government agencies 467 93 115 99 78 332

Other: 141 7 12 18 46 960

No Services and/or Need or Uncertain

21 - N/a or not applicable.

3 - None

But we've only investigated possible equipment to date

I cannot answer since no services are provided.

I don't know

If and when they are requested

N/a since no computing services are provided for disabled students

N/a. No students require special services.

No one

None - Students already possess their own equipment as needed

No request

No disabled students

Open door institution; no specific program for disabled std, all treated the same.

The question has never arisen to my knowledge.

The issue has not arisen.

This has not come up yet!!!

This does not apply - computing services are accorded to all students.

We have no formal computer services for disabled.

We have no special equipment to my knowledge

We only have 1 disabled student who uses own adaptive equip.

We have no special computing equipment yet (as that term seems to be defined by question 5). This reflects how the issue could most likely be handled.

We have no special computing facilities or services. Classroom aides are used as needed.

We don't have any computing services on campus so this is n/a.

Involvement of other Groups

8 - State Department of Rehabilitation, Vocational Rehabilitation, VR, DVR, Rehabilitation, or state rehabilitation agency

7 - Learning Assistance Center, Learning Support Center, Learning Lab staff, learning support services, Tutoring Center, Academic Skills Center, or learning strategies L.S.C. Center (tutoring)

7 - High Tech Center, * C.C., High-tech center, High Tech Center training unit in * - part of * Community College, Hi-Tech Ctr. at * for disabled students, High Tech Center, or HTC Training Unit

3 - Student Services

3 - Vendors

2 - Counselors or Counseling department

2 - Consultants

2 - Gifts or private $ donations

Vocational ed Director

* High Tech Center

Academic Support Staff

Adaptive Tech Lab


Adaptive Computer Lab




Bureau of Blind, etc.

Campus staff

Center for Information Computer Usage Committee Assist Systems also assists.

County agencies

Consortium with University of Buffalo

Courage Center or company input

Coordinator for Special Students. (an OTR faculty)

Computers & software totally reviewed & purchased by DSPD

Counselors - DSS

Community Resources, i. e. GRCC Foundation, Lion's Club Title III

College's Computer Access Center

Deans; Registrar

Department Services for the Blind; Seattle Speech, Deafness, Hearing Center

Disabled User Services Specialist

Disabled Advisory Committee

Division of Blind Services (government)



Equal Opp. Office

Equipment salesman; supplies of adaptive equipment

HTC's for the disabled

I can't answer for departments other than my own.

IAT Staff

IRM (Information Resource Management Department)

Lane Trust

LD Advisory Committee

LD specialist

Library for the Blind


Other universities who have computer centers for disabled students with extensive experience.

Personnel Services

Rehabilitation Engineer (private)

Service clubs

Special Education Department

Special needs dept.

Special needs office

Special funding from a private organization has assisted us greatly in the purchase of computer for the DS Resource Centers.

State Innovative Technical Training Grant

State agencies services for visual impaired

Staff at Disabled Access Lab

Student body vote for spending of funds

Task Force on campus to promote diversity

Technology loan center - part of our College Vitae System

Tech Loan Center

Tech Access for Life Needs (TALN) Project

University Consultants

University Nurse; Dean of Students

Various support councils, i.e. Council for the Blind


VR - DCC (Department of Comm Colleges)

We have an adaptive computer lab; we do not have an office of disabled computer services

We have a Computer Center for Students but no Special Services with Computing for students with disabilities.

Other Comments

Computers are purchased through Perkins Grant.

No Office of DS

On * campus, the only computer equipment that is designed strictly for handicapped students is VisualTek Magnifier.


We have no Office of Disabled Students

7) How involved are the following in the daily management of computing services for students with disabilities on your campus? 1 = not involved and 5 = extremely involved.
1 2 3 4 5 No Resp

Disabled students 370 134 167 137 128 248

Office of disabled student services 271 86 117 134 305 271

Central computing services organization 376 127 149 113 137 282

Departmental computing services units 431 133 131 96 69 324

Library services 498 139 140 64 45 298

Government agencies 637 84 56 36 23 348

Other: 205 10 12 7 34 916

No Services and/or Need or Uncertain

21 - N/a or not applicable

4 - None or no one

3 - I don't know or unknown

Don't understand the question

I cannot answer since no services are provided.

I'm not sure what the question means

No distinctive services for disabled students offered.

None - probably would be through Learning Center

Nothing is organized

None - Students already possess their own equipment as needed

Open door institution; no specific program for disabled std, all treated the same.

This has not come up yet!!!

The question has never arisen to my knowledge.


We don't have enough disabled students to be concerned with daily management.

We have no special equipment to my knowledge

Involvement of Other Units

10 - Tutoring Center or Learning Assistance Center or Academic Skills Center or Learning Center or Learning Support Center or Academic Assistance Center

6 - Faculty

4 - Student Services

3 - Vocational Rehabilitation. VR - DCC (Department of Comm Colleges) or VR

2 - High-tech center or HTC's

Academic Support Staff

Academic Computing Center

Academic Advising secured 1 machine for 1 visually impaired

Adaptive Tech Lab

Adaptive Tech Specialist

Adaptive Computer Lab

Campus staff

Center for Information Computer Usage Committee Assist Systems also assists.


Counseling department

Coordinator for Special Students (an OTR faculty)

Computer Science Academic Instructors & Instructional. Aides as needed

Disabled User Services Specialist


IAT Staff

ITT Resource Center Director

LD Advisory Committee

LD Specialist

LD Lab

Learning lab staff

Other students

Our student can go to the Writing Center; they can be very helpful.

Our Management Info Systems (MIS) Department is very involved & helpful.

Special Education Department

Staff at Disabled Access Lab

Tech Access for Life Needs (TALN) Project


Very involved but only in referring to computer facility with specialists; computer facility happens to be located in library but staff are at Central Computer Center

Vocational ed Director

We have little in the way of computing services for students with.disabilities.

We have a Computer Center for Students but no Special Services with Computing for students with disabilities.
8) How much funding do the following provide in support of computing services for disabled students on your campus? 1 = none, 3 = about half, and 5 = all.

1 2 3 4 5 No Resp

Disabled students 719 99 37 22 17 290

Office of disabled student services 364 98 135 139 153 295

Central computing services organization 504 125 83 60 68 344

Government agencies 443 119 105 106 95 316

Private donors 586 148 42 33 7 368

Other: 204 27 28 32 42 851

None, Not Applicable, or Uncertain

18 - N/a or not applicable

4 - Unknown or I don't know

2 - None

Don't have any

Don't know total so cannot answer.

Haven't purchased any equipment

If needed, would provide (institution)

Not asked

No figures available

Not available.

Open door institution; no specific program for disabled std, all treated the same.

This has not come up yet!!!

We have not purchased equipment yet!

Other Funding Sources

23 - College, University, Institution, Central Administration, or general fund

20 - Grants

5 - State or State agencies

5 - Library or library services

5 - Carl Perkins Federal Funds

3 - Student Services Budget or Student Activities Funds

2 - Department of Rehabilitation Services

2 - Special fund or special funding commission

2 - Departments (academic)

2 - District

$ from gov & private flow thru Disabled Students Services but, we have no $ of our own.

A Trust fund for disabled students managed by Coordinator for Special Students

Academic Skills Center

Academic Departments

Assoc. Students grant start up money

Auxiliary. Aids (Fed/State)

Chancellor's Office

Computer Library Services (loan)

College & State funding

College purchased computer with large print monitor & CCTV

Community organizations

College Foundation Grants

Computer Science Department

Corporate grants

College services

Computer Science Academic Instructors & Instructional. Aides as needed

Cooperative agreements with agencies

Departmental Computing Services Organization

Developmental Studies

Department Computing Services

Department & Library

Disabled students pay a $20 per sem. user fee just like all other students - if they use campus facilities

Disabled User Services Specialist


Federal funds


Fund raising events

Funding varies depending on the equip. & the dept. responsibility, e.g. computerized library system will be funded primarily through library; computers (which would be in main computer center.) would be funded primarily by Comp. Services Center.

General Campus Funding

Grants obtained by ODSS

He has his own thru BVR

IAT Staff

Individual should


Lab Modernization Funds for *-System budgets

Learning Center

Learning Disabled program is not funded at all - done via Counselling Center

Local budget

Matching funds

Moraines Foundation

Money allocated from state, college effort

Office of the President and Provost and VP for Academic Affairs

Office serving students with disabilities purchased with assistance for Dean of Students. ZOOMTEXT - to date this campus' only computer assistive tech

Our funding comes from Perkins money or Student Services (for handicapped students' needs of any kind)

PA Office of Visual Services provides computers for visually impaired students.

Plant operations/academic affairs

SCAP funds (college awarded) from student fees.

Schools/Colleges Academic Affairs

Section 13 funds

Services offered with basic student fee / no special requests have been made

Some students have their own equipment which they either receive thru Vocational Rehabilitation or have purchased privately. DSS lands out some portable equipment, such as Braille n Speaks.

State & Federal grant programs

State System for Comm Coll

State/Grant Funds

State categorical funding: 60%; College district funding: 40%

State allocation to DSS

Student government

Student Senates Organization on Campus

Student Service Fees (everybody)


Systems Dis. Allocation

Tech Access for Life Needs (TALN) Project

The funds for the Adaptive Computer Lab & the E. TN. Center for Assistive Technologies are from grants.

Usually some agency provides the service as money for the service.

Vocational Education Funds

Vocational Rehabilitation grant to DSS

Vocational-tech $

VP of Academic Affairs

VR - DCC (Department of Comm Colleges)

We have a Computer Center for Students but no Special Services with Computing for students with disabilities.

We have a special fund used for multi-purposes including computers/equipment for disabled students. We use a variety of services - much depends on the individual case.

We have no specified/designated funding. Some students have special/designated funds.

Other Comments

Depends on individual student

Depends on the specific service
9) a. Listed below are various types of adaptive computing equipment and software.
Indicate what adaptations, if any, are available to students with disabilities at your institution.

Yes No Don't Know

or No Resp.

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