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Nagmatova Marjona Nag’mat qizi
Master’s degree 2019-2021 Linguistics
Uzbekistan State World Languages University
: The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by its inclusion in the scientific
paradigm of anthropological linguistics, which today is “another defensive science in the field of lin
guistics. Its place is where linguistics intersects with psychology and sociology». The central point of
anthropocentric linguistics is the concept of linguistic personality, manifested in the development of
relationships. Linguistics is “a complete representation of a
person who includes the mental, social,
moral, and other components of the person, but whose language is broken through speech”
Linguistic personality, verbal-semantic, linguopragmatic, linguocognitive, dis-
Given the interdisciplinary relationship of linguistic personality research in modern Russian stu-
dies, issues related to its study should be given the status of a methodological problem: “Such con-
cepts cannot be given by definitions, they can only be created.” “as a consideration of the relationship
between” heterogeneous “worlds. individual, social and cultural” [TN Snitko, 1995: 201].
The problems of the linguistic personality are “the problems of the space in which this linguistic
person perceives himself” [TN Snitko, 1995: 201]. At the same time, space is understood as “a certain
organizational form, for example, a certain form of organization of cognitive or
cognitive activity that
determines the specific features of the behavior of a linguistic person focused on certain cultural par
adigms” (o ‘urban, p. 36). Therefore, the “Russian” character of the linguistic-social methodology is
followed, which provides a linguistic description of the Russian linguistic personality by identifying
the characteristic and arbitrary content given to the linguistic sign - the word, sentence and text. as
an idio-ethnic component in contrast to the necessary component in linguistic cognitive models, it is
a linguistic universal [Gizdatov G.G., Shelyakhhovskaya JI.A., 1995: 62]. In modern linguistics, the
linguistic personality is studied in several directions.
The person is examined in the psycholinguistic direction as a subject of cognitive processes.
Linguistic ability of a person (innate or social nature of language ability, its structure) [Vygotsky
LS, 1996: 55, Leontiev AN, 1969: 120, Shakhnarovich AM, Yurieva NM, 1990: 241], generational
processes and speech perception - speech activity (the role of mental processes
in the formation of
speech) are the main problems of research in this area. Language and speech are seen as a means
of knowing and mastering the truth. The main methods of this direction are experimental methods
(associative, “semantic differential” method, etc.) and modeling of cognitive processes in the form
of frame structures, propositions, concepts. The text serves as a unit of speech creation, allowing to
reconstruct and imitate the process of speech creation, to study the laws of
its movement and its rela-
tion to mental processes
Linguistics linguistic features, characteristics - phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactic, inter-
related with its social features, linguistics as a carrier of a person belonging to a particular linguistic
speech community, social status, role in communication in the socio-linguistic direction. The main
sociolinguistic methods are field observation methods, correlation analysis, and interpretation with an
assessment of the nature of similar correlations. The text in this direction works as a material that al-
lows for the restoration of socially conditioned linguistic and verbal personality traits that are typical
for the linguistic or speech community Linguistic personality is described in linguistic ethnography in
the cultural direction in terms of national and linguistic features [Bgazhnov B.H., 1991: 29, Veresh
chagin EM, Kostomarov VG, 1983: 50, Klyukanov N.E., 1999: 101]. In this case, the ethnospecific
linguistic features of the individual are studied and expressed in the texts as products and features of a
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particular culture. The identity of national linguistics is reconstructed through
a comparative analysis
of the texts of both one culture and different cultures, and a description of the fund of linguistic and
verbal values inherent in ethnos and culture. In this regard, the method of interpretation is important
when providing additional information about the extent and areas of use
of words or phrases that re-
flect the reality of ethnic culture, as well as the different concepts specific to that culture. (experience
in compiling linguistic and cultural dictionaries).
The emergence of linguistic personality as an information system in linguistic-so-
cial methodology has allowed the search for a chain of identification, where the primary link is the
sociological feature of the linguistic personality manifested in the selection and organization of
linguistic features.
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