Academically grammar
it is a grammar which confirmed by scientific organization
Akademiyalıq grammatika
eldiń tiykarǵı ilimiy shólkemleri tárepinen dúzilgen yamasa maqullanǵan grammatika. Mısalı: Házirgi qaraqalpaq ádebiy tiliniń grammatikası. Nókis, 1992, 1994
it is a combination of letters
(alfavit) háriplerdiń belgili bir izbe - iz tártipte jaylastırılǵan jıynaǵı
it is Greek word which it meant “Hearing”
(grektiń akustikos – esitiliw) degen sózinen alınǵan
Back vowel
a vowel which is pronounced with the back part of the tongue higher than the rest of the tongue
Qospa gápler
eki yamasa bir neshe jay gáplerdiń máni hám intonaciyalıq birliginen dúzilgen gápler: dizbekli qospa gáp, baǵınıńqılı qospa gáp
Complex sentence
A sentence consisting of one independent clause and
at least one subordinate clause. The independent clause in a complex
sentence is usually called the main clause.
Although Frank pleaded with Ida [subordinate clause], she would not give
him any money [main clause]
Baǵınıńqı baylanıs
sóz dizbegindegi hám gáptegi sintaksislik jaqtan óz ara teń bolmaǵan eki sózdiń biri-birine baǵınıp baylanısıwı