To’laboyeva Shaxlo Sobirjon qizi
Master's student of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology.
Xoliqov Qurbonali Madaminovich
Professor of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ph.D.
Annotatsiya: Kiyimni sifatiga o’rnatilgan talablar asosida matoga va ayollar milliy kiyimiga
bo’lgan talab shakllantirildi. Ushbu talablar kiyimning sinfiga, maqsadi va turiga qarab,
foydalanish, shuningdek, iste’molchi va texnik -iqtisodiy sifat ko’rsatgichlari shartlarini
hisobga olgan holda tavsiflandi.
Аннотация: Исходя из требований к качеству одежды, сформировался спрос на ткани и
национальную женскую одежду. Эти требования описаны в зависимости от класса,
назначения и типа одежды с учетом условий использования, а также потребительских и
технико-экономических показателей качества.
Annotation: Based on the requirements for the quality of clothing, a demand for fabrics and
national women's clothing was formed. These requirements are described depending on the
class, purpose and type of clothing, taking into account the conditions of use, as well as
consumer and technical and economic quality indicators.
Kalit so’zlar: kiyim, ijtimoiy, estetik, milliy, so’rovnoma, respondent, moda, mato, uslub.
Ключевые слова: Одежда, социальное, эстетический, национальный, опрос, ответчик,
мода, ткань, стиль.
Keywords: Clothes, cocially, aesthetic, national, survey, respondent, fashion, the cloth, stale.
Clothing creates a uniform alternative environment, a microclimate of heat for a
person, which is extremely important for human life activities, maintaining a high level of
work capacity and health. Therefore, the demand for a product is determined by the
interaction of the "clothing-man-environment" system. Consumers, on the one hand, and
manufacturers, on the other hand, have different looks and functions. Therefore, the diversity
of this requirement is assessed by two groups of indicators - consumer and manufacturer, or
technical and economic indicators of quality.
Consumption indicators of demand and quality of national clothing determine the
direct, social and personal evaluation of clothing for a person. These indicators include:
Social - The size and range of clothing meets the needs of consumers, the
competitiveness of the domestic and foreign markets for clothing, promotes the prediction of
consumer demand.;
Functional- determines the conditions of use of the product, as well as the degree of
suitability for a specific purpose; determines the level of fullness or thinness of the consumer,
age, size, as well as his appearance and psychological qualities;
aesthetic -determines the artistic concept of clothing and the degree of conformity to its
social aesthetic ideal, the novelty of the model and design (ie, conformity to modern taste and
fashion), the perfection of the composition of the model; clothing should be a mirror of its time;
5th Global Congress on Contemporary Sciences & Advancements
Hosted from Singapore
10th May 2021
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