Planning - its list of works. Its first work for your future projects. Because its way you can writing all steps which you need for achive goal. Usually plan need everywhere. The often humans who want start new business, they need plan, because by this is plan they are can take kredits in banks.
Organise - it is step when you must creating and made work when you wrote your planning list. You must create new work for your workers, new conditions or new something for your technology of produce new goods...etc
The main - this step you must find answer: "what I will do?"
Directing is activity which you must allocate all resources ( human, technologies, money, documents...atc) where is need in your company or enterprise.
Control - it is you must looked all plans when you organized before began work, this is step you must look how is work all your sistemy in company. If someone have breaks you need immediately find someone way to fix it problem.