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Gombrihs E. Mākslas vēsture. R., 1998. Modernisms mākslā.R., 200-

Jūgendstils: laiks un telpa. R., 1999.

Kačalova T. Mākslas vēstures pamati. R., 2005.

Mākslas vēsture un teorija. R., 2003.
Arts and humanities throught the eras. Detroit, 2005.

Bower M.A. Magic(al) realism. London, N-Y, 2004.

Myrray P., Myrray L. The Penguin dictionary of art and artists. – London, 1989.

New international illustrated encyclopedia of art. – N.Y., 1998. Vol.1.

Rewald J. The History of Impressionism. – N-Y, 1980.
Аполлон. Изобразительное и декоративное искусство. Архитектура. (Терминологический словарь). М., 1997.

Взаимодействие искусств в современном художственном процессе. Сб. АХ, Л. 1988.

Власов В.Г. Большой энциклопедический словарь изобразительного искусства. СПб., 2000.

Дмитриева Н.А. Краткая история искусств. – М., 1996. Кн.1.,2.

История импрессионизма. – М., 1995.

Кареев А. Классицизм в русской живописи. М., 2003.

Лазарев В. История Византийской живописи. – М., 1986.

Малая история искусств. /Средние века. – М., 1980.

Малая история искусств. Искусство XVIII века. – М., 1977.

Малая история искусств. Искусство ХХ века. – М., 1991.

Степанов А. Искусство эпохи Возрождения. М., 2003.

Энциклопедия живописи. – М., 1997.


Title of the course: LOGIC
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
The author of the course: assoc. prof. Drphil., Vsevolod Kačans
Abstract of the course: during the course the students get acquainted with the issues of logical theory which will help them in their further studies of other subjects. The course gives an opportunity to apply human thinking laws consciously, as well as analyse one’s own and other people’s arguments, evaluate their logical correctness or faults, thus, lets the students distinguish truth from false.
Aims of the course:

  1. To learn to apply the laws of logic, its methods and operations into practice.

  2. To develop these skills, the students should practice working on logical tasks.

Course credit value: 2 CP
Form of assessment: exam
Course pre-requisites: Solving three sets of tasks
Course content:

  1. The subject of logic. Thinking, its logical form.

  2. Overall characteristics of notion. The content and volume of notion. Logical relationship between notions. Classification of notions. Definition of notion.

  3. Overall characteristics of arguments. Simple attributive argument. Complicated arguments and the requisites of their truthfulness. Logical square.

  4. Logic laws. The law of likeness. The law of contradiction. The law of the third exception. The law of the sufficient grounds.

  5. Conclusions. Deductive conclusions. Direct deductive conclusions. Simple categorical syllogism, its structure. Deductive conclusions with complicated pre-requisites. Inductive conclusions. Analogy.

  6. Argumentation. The structure of argumentation. Denial. Sophism, paralogism, paradox.

  7. Hypothesis and theory.


  1. Havas H. Prata spēles.R.,2003.

  2. Ivins. Dzelžainā loģika, R,1991

  3. Ivins. Pareizas domāšanas māksla, R,1990

  4. Vedins, J.Golde. Uzdevumi loģikā. R. I992, 53 uzdevumi.

  5. Vedins I. Loģika. R.,2000.

  6. Vilks A. Ievads loģikā. R., 2003.

  7. Берков В.Ф., Яскевич Я.С., Павлюкевич В.И. Логика. Минск, 1997.

  8. Ивлев Ю.В. Логика: учебник. М.: МГУ, 1992.


The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
The author of the course: Doc. J. Goldmanis
The abstract of the course: the course pays attention to the characteristics of historical sources and the interpretation of problems in historical literature. The students should be aware of the basic issues of Latvian history to the extent of the secondary school curriculum and should be able to characterize historic personalities of different centuries.
The aims of the course:

  1. To give the students basic knowledge and overall information of the main issues of Latvian history, which is an integral part of cultural studies.

  2. To develop the students’ practical skills in working with historical sources and historical researches.

Course volume: 3 CP
Form of assessment: exam
Course pre-requisites:

To improve the students’ practical skills in working with historical sources and historical researches, the students should prepare two reports in the form of a summary on the given theme. Its evaluation will be taken into consideration when putting a final mark for the course. The students who have not met this demand are not allowed to pass an exam.

Course content:

  1. Latvian ancient history. (9 BC – 1200). International relations in the 9th-12th century.

  2. The most important Latvian medieval sources of history (Livonia chronicles of Henric, ancient Livonia chronicles, Egil’s saga and others)

  3. Conversion to Christianity of the ancient Latvia (12th -13th centuries)

  4. Livonia in the 13-16th centuries. Medieval Riga.

  5. Latvian territory under the dominion of Poland-Lithuania (Rzechpospolita), Sweden and Russia.

  6. The Duchy of Kurzeme and Zemgale; state status, economic development, colonial politics.

  7. National movement in the 50-70ties of the 19th century. National political actions and aims of the new Latvians.

  8. The development of the idea of Latvian independence (1903-1918). Latvian state and development alternatives in 1917-1919. The formation of Latvian state.

  9. International acknowledgement of Latvian state and its place in Versailles – Riga system. The priorities of Latvian international politics in the 20-30s.

  10. The development of the national politics of the Republic of Latvia. Parliamentary democracy and the authoritarian regime of K. Ulmanis.

  11. Minorities in the Republic of Latvia.

  12. Latvia during the 2nd World War. Soviet and German occupation. Latvian military forces on Soviet and German sides. Resistance and collaboration.

  13. Terror against Latvian citizens; punitive measures and mass deportations, the Holocaust.

  14. Latvian exile in the West after the 2nd World War.

Regaining of Latvian independence and its development nowadays.

  1. Plakans A. The Latvians. A Short History. - Stanford: Hoover Institution Press Stanford University, 1995.

  2. Kurlovičs G., Tomašūns A. Latvijas vēsture vidusskolai. I - R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 1999., II - R., Zvaigzne ABC, 2000.

  3. Zeids T. Senākie rakstītie Latvijas vēstures avoti (līdz 1800.gadam). - R.: Zvaigzne, 1992.

Additional literature:

  1. Latvijas senākā vēsture. 9. – 1200. g. – R.: Latvijas Vēstures institūta apgāds, 2001.

  2. O.Zanders. Senās Rīgas grāmatniecība un kultūra Hanzas pilsētu kopsakarā (13. – 17. gs.). – R.: Zinātne, 2000.

  3. Latvija 19.gadsimtā. Vēstures apceres. J.Bērziņš. - R.: Latvijas Vēstures institūta apgāds, 2000.

  4. 20.gadsimta Latvijas vēsture. I: Latvija no gadsimta sākuma līdz neatkarības pasludināšanai. 1900. - 1918. V.Bērziņš. - R.: Latvijas Vēstures institūta apgāds, 2000.

  5. Latvijas okupācija un aneksija. 1939. - 1940. Dokumenti un materiāli. I.Grava-Kreituse, I.Feldmanis, J.Goldmanis, A.Stranga. - R., 1995.

  6. A.Ezergailis. Holokausts vācu okupētajā Latvijā. 1941. – 1944. – R.: Latvijas Vēstures institūta apgāds, 1999.

  7. Latvija Otrajā pasaules karā. Starptautiskas konferences materiāli, 1999.gada 14.-15.jūnijs, Rīga. - R.: Latvijas Vēstures institūta apgāds, 2000.

  8. Totalitārie režīmi un to represijas Latvijā 1940. – 1956. gadā. Latvijas vēsturnieku komisijas 2000. gada pētījumi. – R.: Latvijas Vēstures institūta apgāds, 2001.

  9. Latvija divos laikposmos. 1918. – 1928. un 1991. – 2001.


Title of the course: Basics of thetheory of culture and

Conception of the cultural researc
Course compiled by MA N. Pazuhina
Abstract of the course: The course explores the culture from the aspects of anthropology, sociology and phenomenology. The course will focus on studies and use of conceptions and methodological principles of analyzing the processes of culture.
Aims of the course:

  1. To present the students to essential aspects of culture dimensions both statistic and dynamic.

  2. To give the overview of mechanisms of functioning of culture.

  3. To develop the students’ skills of independent analyzing the processes of culture.

  4. To stimulate the students’ critical and analytical skills’ development.

Credit value of the course: 2 CP

Requirements to the students:

  1. To give the dynamic analysis of the present processes of the culture in Latvia.

  2. To give the structural analysis of present processes of the culture in Latvia.

  3. Active participation in the 5 seminars.

  4. Writing task (3-5 pages) which deals with one of the course themes.

  5. Successfully acomplished exam.

Exam aseessment:
40%– assessment of the writing task (around 8 000 signs),

20%– assessment of the seminar work;

40%– theoretical question about one of the course themes.

Course content


Theory of culture, methods, tasks.

Culture and cultures.

Notion of culture. Possibilities of the definition of culture. Crafifications of culture: ciceronic tradition (artificial/natural opposition), its development and modification; enlightment model (culture/civilization/nature).


Seminar: Notion of culture. Possibilities of the definition of culture.

Game conception in the interpretation of the cultural processes. Heizinga J. Spēle – mūsdienu kultūras elements.// Kentaurs XXI. Nr.11. 118.- 136.lpp. or Хейзинга Й. Природа и значение игры как явления культуры. // Хейзинга Й. Homo ludens. М., 1994. с.21-44.

Culture and symbol. Teksti: Kasīrers E. Apcerējums par cilvēku. R., 1997. II, VI nod.

Basic questions: different understanding of the notion of culture, specific character of different approaches; the notion of game, rules and functions in the cultural environment. The notion of symbol and function in the cultural environment; specific character of the human thinking; creation of the cultural environment as learning the world.

Formation and genesis of culture. Linear and cycle conceptions of the formation of culture. Evolutionism and its problems in culture. Sociological approach to the clarifying of the cultural processes. Mechanisms of the cultural functioning. Stratification of culture. Concepts of the dominant culture and subculture. Notions of mass and elite culture.


Seminar: Culture and socium,

Zimmels G. Saskarsmes spēle.// Kentaurs XXI. Nr.7. 84.- 95. lpp.

Basic questions: comparison of the game comprehension in the Heizing and Zimmel conception; game in the social interaction.

Сорокин П.А. Кризис нашего времени. //Культурология. Под ред. Н.Г. Багдарасьян. М., 2001. С.242-256.

Antropological approach to the clarifying of the cultural processes. inculturalization, socialisation, acultarization. Art, religion and science as the cultural phenomena.


Specific character of the cultural research. Interdisciplinary approach to the culture researches. Models of the new time philosophers’ humanitarian models. F. Becon, G. Vicout conceptions. Comprehension of culture in the Enligthment age. “Natural” and “Artificial” world. J.J. Russo conception of “degradation of culture”. Culture as the process of the human perfection in the philosophy of J. G. Herder. Interaction of culture and language in the concept of V. von Humbolt.


Seminar: Herders J.G. Idejas par cilvēces vēstures filozofiju. //Herders J.G. Darbu izlase. R., 1995. 228-242 lpp., 259-270 lpp.

Vai mums vēl ir sentautu publika un tēvzeme? I d. //Herders J.G. Darbu izlase. R., 1995. 149-166 lpp.

Humbolts V. Par vēstures rakstītāja uzdevumu. u.c. //Humbolts V. Izlase. R., 1985. 53-58 lpp., 66-75 lpp., 91-96 lpp.

Philosophy of life and positivism experience in the interpretation of culture. Culture as organism (conceptions od O. Schpengler, A. Toinby). Extencialism approach to the culture. K. jasper “sharp time”, J. Heizing, H. Ortega-i-Gasseta conceptions of the cultural game.


Дильтей В. Науки о духе и науки о природе. Науки о духе – самостоятельное целое рядом с науками о природе. (с.280-287)// Дильтей В.

*Тайлор? Ницше Об истории

Nīče F Teksti: Ecce homo. (fragmenti)

Шпенглер О. Закат Европы (fragmenti) Lat.val. Kentaurs (Špenglers,Tойнби А. (fragmenti)

Jasperss K.

Psychoanalytical interpretation of culture (Z.Freid, K.Jung conceptions).


Freids Z. Kādas ilūzijas nākotne. I, II, VI, VII, X nod.

Freids Z.Totems un tabu. R., 1995. II nod., 30-39 lpp., 86-97 lpp.; 112-127 lpp.

Jungs K.G. Mūsdienu cilvēka dvēseles problēMA//Jungs K.G. Dvēseles pasaule.


Semiotical approacg to the culture(R.Bart, U.Eko, J.Lotman). insight into the structuralism and poststructuralism methods (K. Levi-Stross, M. Fucuo, J. Bodriar approaches to the studies of cultural processes).


Леви-Стросс Кл. Раса и история. //Леви-Стросс Кл. Путь масок. М., 2000.

Lotmans J. Kultūra un sprādziens.// Kentaurs XXI. Nr.33. 82. – 99.lpp.

Bodrijārs Ž. Simulakru pirmsākumi. Tēlu dievišķā nepiesaistība. Ramzess jeb rozā augšāmcelšanās. Supermarkets un superprece. Hiperreālais un iMAinārais.//Bodrijārs Ž. Simulakri un simulācija. R., 2000.


  1. Klifords G. Kultūru interpretācija. R., 1998.

  2. Kultūra. Teksts. Zīme. R., 1993.

  3. Ионин Л.Г. Социология культуры. М., 1996.

1. Kūle M., Kūlis R. Filosofija. R., 1997.

2. Kasīrers E. Apcerējums par cilvēku. R., 1997.

3. Encyklopedia of Cultural Antropology. N-Y, Vol.1-4, 1996.

4. Encyklopedia of Social and Cultural Antropology. London, N-Y, 1996.

5. Культурология ХХ век. Энциклопедия. СПб., 1998.

6. Лотман Ю.М. Культура и взрыв. Таллинн, 1992.

7. Флиер А.Я. Культурология для культурологов. М., 2002.

  1. Kasīrers E. Apcerējums par cilvēku. R., 1997.

  2. Kūle M., Kūlis R. Filosofija. R., 1997.

  1. Encyklopedia of Cultural Antropology. N-Y, Vol.1-4, 1996.

  2. Encyklopedia of Social and Cultural Antropology. London, N-Y, 1996.

  1. Ионин Л.Г. Социология культуры. М., 1996.

  2. Культурология ХХ век. Энциклопедия. СПб., 1998.

  3. Лотман Ю.М. Культура и взрыв. Таллинн, 1992.

  4. Флиер А.Я. Культурология для культурологов. М., 2002.

Фуко М. Слова и вещи. Археология гуманитарных наук. СПб., 1994.


Title of the course: Problems of the world’s culture: history of culture in medieval times and Renessanse
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
Course compiled by: Nadezda Pazuhina, MA humanitarian art science
Abstract: offered course includes the systematic review of the European culture in V-XVI century. It is planned to get the students acquainted with different methodological approaches in the research of medieval and renessanse culture in form of both lectures and seminars by analysing theoretical works of the researches. The course stresses the importance of the everyday culture (everyday norms and rules, great deeds and entertainment), in the context of maintaining culture. The development of the idea of medieval philosophers and theologists is considered due to the expression of differen forms of art. The course deals with the fate of the medieval and renessanse heritage in the modern culture, that is postmodern situation.
Aims of the course:

  1. to give the students an idea about different methodological approaches to the cultural research.

  2. to give a systematic review of the V-XVI century culture.

  3. To give the students the idea about the community and main peculiarities of this era of culture.

  4. To help to find parallels and orient in the world of symbols in the dialog of modern and medieval culture.

Credit value: 2 CP (32 contact hours, 20 academic hours – lectures, 12 academic hours- seminars )
Examination: exam
Requirements: participation in all seminars: active participation in the group work and discussion of the effered questions; participation in the argumented discussion based on the text materials; short summary of the discussed problem (writing); individual work (writing); successful completing of the test (writing).
Exam aseessment:

20%– assessment of the writing task (aroun 3 000 signs), to be handen in electronic format during the last study week;

40%– assessment of the seminar work;

40%– 30%– theoretical question about one of the course themes.

Course content:

1. Iintroduction into the problem. Notions of the “medieval”, “dark age”, “medieval Renessanse”. Approaches to the research of the nedieval culture: sociologic and historic, “Anal” school, archeology of knowledge by M. Fucuo.

Picture of the world of a medieval human. Notions of the time and space. Macro- and microspace. Ambivalent (symbolic) nature of the world: divine and down-to-earth reality. Cultural ppositions: barbarian- Christian, temporal- sacred. Seminar: perception of time and space in the medieval culture. Questions:

Notions of “time” and “space”. Main aspects.

Oppozitions: Christian- paganic, Wesst (Europe)- East (Byzantine Empire). Interpretation of the sourses by G. Le Goff. Sourses for the seminar discussion:

Пространственные и временные структуры (X-XIII вв.).//Ле Гофф Ж.

Цивилизация средневекового Запада. – М., 1992.
2. God and human. Christian philosophy of the medievel times from the perspective of culture.

Development of the philosophical and theological thoughts from the late antique times (Augustin Aurelius) till the late medieval times (speculative misticism and offsprings of humanism). Seminar: Filozofiski teoloģiskās domas attīstība no antīkas laikiem (Augustīns Aurēlijs) līdz vēlīniem viduslaikiem (spekulatīvais misticisms un humānisma iesākumi). Seminar: God and human. Christian philosophy and the medievel culture. Sourses for the seminar discussion: Augustīns Aurēlijs. Grēksūdze.Eko U. Rozes vārds./Fragments/

3. Everyday life in the medieval times. Rhythm of life and behavior norms, relationships in the society and family, fashion and entertainment. Notion of the “Courtoise culture”. Knighthood ideology, traditions, and role in the medieval culture. Seminar: Everyday life in the medieval times. Questions: sphere of emotions and ethics- basic aspects. Social and religious factors in the medieval life.

Approaches to the reconstructions of the peculiar psychological aspects of different social groups.

The Hazing approach to the interpretation of the sourses, similarities and differences with “Ansl” school. Sourses for the seminar discussion: Ментальность, мир эмоций, формы поведения.//Ле Гофф Ж. Цивилизация средневекового Запада. – М., 1992. Хейзинга Й. Осень средневековья. – М., 1995./1 part at one’s choice/
4. Notion of renessanse: origin of the term, chronology, approaches to the research of the phenomena. Seminar: main features of the Renessanse world view. Sourses for the seminar discussion: Rubenis A. Dzīve un kultūra Eiropā Renesanses un

Reformācijas laikmetā. – R., 1997. ./Fragmenti/

Баткин Л.М. Итальянское возрождение. Проблемы и люди. – М., 1995.

5. Antropology of renessanse. The human problem and the “other side of the titanism”. Renessanse forms: game, dialogue, quarrel. Academic philosophy and science during the renessanse time. Seminar: the human problem in the renessanse culture. Sourses for the seminar discussion: Лосев А.Ф. Эстетика Возрождения. – М.,

1978. ./Fragmenti/

6. Artistic method of Renessanse. Art and creativity, new language of art and its symbolics. Problem of the Nothern Renessanse. Importance of the Reformation and protestanism in the culture of Northern Renessanse. Seminar: peculiarities of the culture of Nothern Renessanse.

Medieval culture.

Misāns I. Klosteris, pils un pilsēta. R., 2004

Rubenis A. Viduslaiku kultūras vēsture.

Vara un valsts pārejā no viduslaikiem uz jaunajiem laikiem. R., 2002.

Blomkvist N. The discovery of the Baltic. Boston:Brill, 2005

Christianitiy and paganism, 350-750: the conversation of Europe.


Holsinger B. Music, body and desire in medieval culture. Stanford, 2001.

Бицилли П.М. Элементы средневековой культуры. – СПб., 1995.

Гуревич А.Я. Категории средневековой культуры. – М., 1972.

Ле Гофф Ж. Цивилизация средневекового Запада. – М., 1992.

Ле Гофф Ж. Другое средневековье. Екатеринбург, 2000.

Пастуро М. Повседневная жизнь Франции и Англии во времена рыцарей Круглого стола. – М., 2001.

Порьяз Ф. Мировая культура: Средневековье. М., 2001

Флори Ж. Идеология меча. – СПб., 1999.

Ястребицкая А.Л. Западная Европа. ХI – XIII в. – М., 1978.

Renessanse culture.

Agrā renesanse. R., 1981.

Avotiņa A. Renesanse: Konsultants kultūras vēsturē. R., 1999

Cielava S. Vispārīgā mākslas vēsture. – R., 1998.

Gombrihs E.H. Mākslas vēsture. – R., 1997.

Kačalova T. Mākslas vēstures pamati. 2d. – R., 1976./u.c./

Rubenis A. Dzīve un kultūra Eiropā Renesanses un Reformācijas laikmetā. –

R., 1997.

Spence D., Mikeļandželo: Renesanse. R., 2001.

The Renaissance in Europe: an antology. London, 2000.

Баткин Л.М. Итальянское возрождение. Проблемы и люди. – М., 1995.

Бицилли П.М. Место Ренессанса в истории культуры. – СПб., 1996.

Burdah K. Реформация, ренессанс, гуманизм. Ь., 2004

Данилова И.Е. Искусство Средних веков и Возрождения. – М., 1984.

Лосев А.Ф. Эстетика Возрождения. – М., 1978.


Title of the course: History problems of the world’s culture: European and USA culture in the 2nd half of the 19th century- beginning of the 20th century
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
The author of the course: Irina Markina, doc.
Course abstract:

The offered course is dedicated to the considering two main problems: 1) specific character of the USA culture maintenance, 2) basic tendencies in the development of Western European culture in the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century. The course also deals with the USA and Western Europe interaction, gives a description of the universal cultural processes in the industrial society.

Course tasks:

  1. to give the students an idea about the most important stages of the USA culture. To stimulate the comprehension of these cultural peculiarities and development specifics.

  2. To present to the students a complicated paradigma changes context in the Western culture in the 19th century.

  3. To draw the students’ attention to the processes which took place in the everyday culture in public and private sphere.

Credit value: 2CP (1/3 of the studies– seminars and analytical work)
Assessment: exam
Course requirements:

  1. Participation in all seminars.

  2. Accomplishment of 2 practical tasks.

  3. Analysis of 2 art films or bellet-lettres texts (according to the affered scheme).

  4. Writing test.

Exam assessment: 30%– assessment of the practical and analytical work, which is to be handed in electronic format during the last study week; 30%– assessment of the seminar work;

40% – theoretical question about one of the course themes.

Course content:

  1. Peculiarities of the arising of the Americal culture (emigrants’ culture). Development of the cultural traditions of the South (southern colony) and the North (northern colony). The influence of the Protestants and Catholics on the formation of the American colonial culture.

  2. Fight for independence and consolidation of the American culture. Relation to the European culture, influence of the European thinkers on the development of the American culture. Public character of the American culture. Farmer and cowboy as the cultural subjects.

  3. Civil war and its inluence (“fruits of culture”) on the development of the American culture. North- Yankee culture. South- rudiments of the aristocratic culture. Negro culture.

  4. The specific character of the cultural processes in the USA in the situation of the industrial society. Histoy mythology. American romanticism and its peculiarities. Problems of originality and identity in the USA culture. Social myths and mass culture.

  5. European culture in the end of the 19th century. Expansion of the artistic world and degradation of the art paradigmas. Problem of art publicity and taste. Heritage and modernism in the European and USA cultures. Academic and “free” art. Samples and epigonism. Problem of an artist’s independence (Europe and USA).

  6. Everyday culture. Culture of the public sphere. Education. Markers of prestigue. Creation of a “businessman” image. Snobism and snobs. Entertainment industry. Private life as a special area of culture. Professional art and diletants. New mythology.

  7. Discreteness and continuity of culture in the beginning of the 20th century. Breakdown of a paradigma of united art. Heterogenity of styles and search for the adequate art forms. Agression of non-European cultures: interest in the “periphery” culture, the influence of Japan, India, China on the European cultural processes. Negro and Indian cultures in the USA: “white” and “color” cultures and their interaction. Heritage preservation mechanisms in culture. “Museum” culture. Notion of “masterpiece” in the new comprehension.

  8. Decadence as the cultural border. Problem of progress- regress in the Western European culture. Memory about traditions and harmony, allienation theme in the decadence culture. Crisis and renewal of the basic cultural systems. Interest in mythology. Revealing the myth in the human “internal part”- psychoanalytical paradigm.

Course literature:

  1. Bonnet A. The idea of the west. N.Y.,2004

  2. Fukujayama F. The Primacy of Culture. // Journal of demokracy, 1995, V.6,1.

  3. Griwold W. Cultures and societies in a changing word. 2004

  4. Priedītis A. Kultūras teorija un kultūras vēsture. D.,2003.

  5. Rubenis A.ūra Eiropā. R., 2000.

  6. Rubenis A. kultūra Eiropā. R., 2004.

  7. Rietenberg P. Europe: A Cultural History. L.,N-Y., 1998.

  8. Silinš E. Lielo patiesību meklējumi: Esejas.R.,1999.

  9. Sinfield A. Literature, politics and culture in postwar Britain. London, 2004

  10. Батракова С. Искусство и миф. М., 2002.

  11. Беньямин В. Произведение искусства в эпоху его технической воспроизводимости. М., 1996.

  12. Искусство нового времени. Опыт культурологического анализа. СПб., 2000.

  13. Культурология ХХ век. Антология. М.,1995.

  14. Культурология. ХХ век. Энциклопедия в 2-х т. СПб., 1998.

  15. массовая культура на рубеже ХХ-ХХ1 веков.М.,2003

  16. Новая технократическая волна на Западе. М., 1986.

  17. Ортега-и-Гассет Х. Восстание масс. //Ортега-и-Гассет Х. Эстетика. Философия. Культура. М., 1991.

  18. Первый век кино. М., 1996.

  19. Тоффлер А. Футурошок. СПб.,1997.

  20. Юнг К.-Г. Архетип и символ. М., 1991.

  21. Ясперс К. Смысл и назначение истории. М., 1994.


Title of the course: Finances: Basics of book-keeping
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
The author of the course: Tatiana Andrejeva
Abstract of the course: the course gets the students acquainted with the theoretical basis of the book-keeping, book-keeping organization principles in the entrepreneur’s structures which function on the territory of the Republic of Latvia.
Aim of the course: to get the students acquainted with the most important theoretical questions of book-keeping, as well as to teach the order of book-keeping records in compliance with the LR legal system.
Course tasks:

  • To master the normative documents which determine the modern book-keeping record system in Latvia;

  • To give the practical skills in the work with book-keeping organization in the enterprises, including the active supervision of an enterprise, determination of the finance results, creation of the book-keeping bilances.

Credit value: 1 CP (40 contact hours)

Assessment: test
Course content:

  1. Basics of the book-keeping record theory. Methods of the book-keeping records.

  2. Book-keeping bilance. Double record.

  3. Forms of book-keeping record.

  4. Record of payment by cheque.

  5. Record of payment by cash.

  6. Calculation of the work remuneration and keeping back a part of it.

  7. Record of the long-term investments.

  8. Record of good (accumulation record).

  9. Operation accounts: profits and expenses of the economic activity.

  10. Profit record. Usage and division of profit.

  11. Types and content of an enterprise’s account. Annual account of an enterprise.


  1. LR Likums “Par grāmatvedību”. – 1996.

  2. LR Likums “Par uzņēmumu gada pārskatiem”. – 1996.

  3. LR Vienotais grāmatvēdības kontu plāns, 1996.

  4. Latvijas Republikas grāmatvedību reglamentējošie normatīvie akti līdz 1999.g.

  5. Afīns R. Grāmatvedības organizācija un grāmatvedības tiesu ekspertīze: Māc.līdz. Rīga: Turība, 2000.

  6. Benze Jānis. Finansu grāmatvedība. – Rīga, 1998.

  7. Darba likums un citi normatīvie dokumenti. R., 2002.

  8. Grebenko M. Gramatvedības prakse. Rīga 1996.

  9. Grāmatvedības bilance un konti : māc. Palīglīdz. Rēzekne.RA izd., 2003

  10. Grāmatvedības jēdzienu skaidrojosā vārdnīca. R., 2005.

  11. Grāmatvedības normatīvie dokumenti: Latvijas Republikas normatīvie akti. R., 2003.

  12. Grāmatvedības pamati R., 2002.

  13. Latvijas nacionālie standarti grāmatvedības jomā. R., 2005.

  14. Licenko N. Grāmatvedības uzskaite tirdzniecībā. Rīga 1998

  15. Zaiceva I. Grāmatvedības prakse. – Rīga, 1999.

  16. Zariņa V. Grāmatvedības sistēma: attīstība, standartu prasības. R., 2004.

  17. Danons, Paul. Introduction to financial accounting. Burr Ridge, 1994.

  18. Drake, Susan M. The practical guide to finance and accounting. Paramus, 2001.

  19. Большой бухгалтерский словарь / Под ред. А.М.Азрилияна. – М., Ин-т новой экономики, 1999.

  20. Манальская M.Л., Денисов A.Ю. Самоучитель по бухгалтерскому учету. Учеб-ное пособие. M. 1997


Title of the course: PHILOSOPHY
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
Compiled by Dr of Philosophy, Doc., I. Fedosejeva

Credit value of the course: 2 CP, Contact hours- 32
Course abstract: The course “Philosophy” consists of lectures and seminars. During the lectures the students are provided with the most important aspects of the problems of philosophy, with the accent on the questions important for the cultural research and administration sciences. The course is aimed at being a starting point for the students by serving a methodical base which would result in the students’ independent further reseach of the discipline. The seminars are based on the students’ independent work: comprehension of philosophical texts, analysis of particular problems, discussions, preparation of the reports and their collective assessment.
Course aims:

  1. To give the students the idea about coincidences of the exsistence of the nature, human, society, and culture.

  2. To develop the mastering of the professional knowledge in broader context.

  3. To develop the students’ skills in analytical thinking.

  4. To provide with the fundamental methodological orientation for the students’ independent research.

Assessment: exam.
Requirements: 1. Mastering the particular volume of the philosophical texts.

2. Independent solution of a particular philosophical problem.

Course content:

  1. Subject of philosophy. Philosophy origins and development: from myth to logos. Philosophy and culture. Philosophy as the quintessence of culture. Specific character of philosophical knowledge. Philosophy and the world view. Philosophy and sciences. The methodological role of philosophy in sciences.

  2. Philosophical antropology. The human problem in the interdisciplinary view. The notion of human in modern and classic philosophy. Philosophical interpretation of the notion of nature by a human. “Natural and cultural” in the human being. Modern philosophical antropology about the situation of a human in the world. The role of a human conception in the humanitarian and social sciences.

  3. Philosophy of consciousness. Psyche, consciousness, and spirit notions. Conscious and unconscious in the human psyche; philosophical aspects of freidism. The problem of relations between counsciousness and uncousciousness. descriptiOn of the cousciousness process. Thinking as the form of the activity of cousciousness. Thinking in the formal and categorial structure. Types of thinking. Types and culture of thinking.

  4. Onthology. Notions of substantion and attribute. Monism, dualism, and pluralism. Materialism and idealism. Unity of being and ideas of interruption, methodological meaning of these ideas. Causuality. Determinism and indeterminism.

  5. Epystomology. Description of the notion process. Comprehension and clarifying, its place in the nature and social sciences. Sensitive, rational, intuitive, and evaluating in the notion. Main trends of the notion theory: rationalism, empirism, iirationalism, intuitivism. The problem of the knowledge authenticy and reliability.

  6. Philosophy of science. Knowledge in the everyday and scientific notion. Its inter-relation. Paradigmas as the determinante in the notion process, its role in the scientific notion. Inter-relation of paradigmas and culture. Structure and functions of science. Problem of the criteria of a science. Connection of science and culture.

  7. Philosophy of the language. Language as the sign system. Language in the perception of semiotocs. Natural language, natural language’s functions. Logical positivism and lingvistic and analitic philosophy of the language. Culture and language.

  8. Acciology. Values, interests, norms, their inter-relation problem. Value as a subjective or transcendental phenomena. Types of values: moral, religious, legal, aesthetic, political, etc. Problems of maintenance of the values hierarchy. The role of values in maintaining the cultural identity.

  9. Philosophy of action. Human action as a specific type of activity. Structural elements of the action: goal, means, results. The types of actions. M. Webber and J. Habermaas about the pre-requisites of a rational action. Technological and acciological assessment of the results of an action.

  10. Social philosophy. Notion of social reality. Culture and social reality. Modern theories of the society development- partriarchal, industrial, and post-industrial society, information society and theories of the socially economic formation. Social Utopia.


  1. Jasperss K. Ievads filozofijā. R., 2003.

  2. KūleM., Kūlis R. Filozofija. R., 2000.

  3. Vilks A. Pasaules filozofija. Antoloģija.1., 2. daļa. R., 2002.

  4. Vorbertons N. Filozofijas pamati. R., 2001.

  5. Burr J.R., Goldinger M. Philosophy and Contemporary Issues. New York, 1992.

  6. Stumpf S.E. Philosphy. History and Problems. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1989.


Title of the course: Finances. Finances and credit
The course includes of the professional BA program in Cultural administration part A
Course compiled by: Boris Heimanis,, Dr Oec.
Aim of the course:

  • To educate the students in the processes of monetary and finance relations, to give the basic notion of finances and understanding of finance and monetary systems, to show the ways of financing the cultural projects

  • To give an insight in the theories and notions of finances and budget

  • To get the students acquainted with the state profits and expenses

  • To abserve the entrepreneurs’ and establishments’ finances in the field of culture

  • To get the students acquainted with the taxation system of the Republic of Latvia and teach its practical application

Course tasks:

This course gives the students the knowledge about money and its functions, role of money in the process of the administration of cultural projects, money emission and economical circle, cash money and transfer turnover and its organization, necessity for the credit and its essence, functions, laws, forms, and types, its role in the cultural establishments, international currency, basics of the relations between credit and finances, banks and their role in the modern life. It is necessary to form an understanding about the creation of the taxation system and necessety for the taxes. The students are to be teached the principles of the state budget creation and the system of the tax collection.

Credit value: 1 CP
Contact hours 16 contact hours ( lectures - 10 hours, seminars - 6 hours )
Assessment: exam
Requirements: participation in 3 seminars: active participation in the group work and discussion of the offered questions; individual work (writing work- 3000 signs); succesful completing of exam (writing).
Exam assessment: 20%– assessment of the writing work (around 8 000 signs), to be handed in in electronic format during the last study week;

20%– assessment of the seminar work;

60 %– theoretical questions about one of the course themes and practical task at the exam.
Course content:


Money, its essence and necessity.

Essence of money. Functions and types of money, its mass. The role of money in the manegement of the cultural projects. Emission of money. The essense and mechanism of the bank multiplier. Exchange equation. Money turnover.


Money turnover

Content and structure of the money turnover. Peculiarities of the money turnover in different economic models. The cash money and transfer turnover in the financing of cultural projects. Inflation, devalvation, revalvation.


Finances: essense and functions

Notion of the finance system. Functions of finances. Mastering of economic finances: subjects and objects. Financial control in the cultural establishments.


State and self-government budget

The budget structure, process, principles, and organization. The deficit of budget and state debt. The profits and expenses of budget. Taxes and taxation. Essense of taxes and role in the field of culture. Taxation system of the Republic of Latvia.



Necessety for the credit and its essense in the process of the administration of cultural projects. The functions and laws of credit. The forms and types of credit. The role of credit in the financing the administration of culture. Loans and banks rates.



Notion of the bank system, its description and characteristics. The role and functions of the banks. Peculiarities of the modern bank system. State bank, the bank’s tasks in the regulation of money and credit. Commercial banks, their operations and services in the field of culture.


International relations of finances and credit

The role of finances in the Latvia’s integration into the European Union. Balance of payment and currency rates. International payment systems. International credit. International finance flow and centralized currency funds.


  1. Bitāns M. Eiro ieviešanas ietekme uz Latvijas tautsaimniecību. R., 2004.

  2. G. Gončarovs. Finansu teorija. Latvijas Universitāte, 2002

  3. Ekonomikas un finanšu vārdnīca. R., 2003.

  4. G. Libermanis. Nauda, inflācija, valūtas kurss. - Rīga 1995

  5. M. Rurāne. Nodokļi 2000. – Rīga: Uzņēmējdarbības biblioteka, Biznesa augstskola “Turība”, 2000

  6. A. Zvejnieks. Nodokļi un nodevas. - Rīga: RTU, 1996

  7. Drake S. The practical guide to finance and accounting. Paramus (N.J.), 2001

  8. Finances and credits: problems, conceptions, administration. R., 2001.

  9. Bertoneche M. Управление денежными потоками. М., 2004.

  10. Деньги. Кредит. Банки. под ред. О. Лаврушина: Москва «Финансы и статистика», 2002


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