CONCLUSION The reasons why they should not be seen as EXCLAMATIVES are that they are not scalar and
do not express deviations from norms. I call them EMOTIVES. There seem to exist a number of
borderline cases between exclamatives and emotives. I think, however, that it is possible, but
difficult, to distinguish between exclamatives and emotives in this way, building on Rosengren’s
(1997) definition of an exclamative.
REFERENCES 1. Rosengren, I. 1992. ‚Zur Grammatik und Pragmatik der Exklamation’, in Rosengren, I. (ed),
Satz und Illokution. Volume 1. (LinguistischeArbeiten 278.), pp 263-306.
ISSN: 2278-4853 Special Issue, March, 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 6.882