Lansdowne Borough Council
General Meeting
June 17, 2015
The Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting was held on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in Borough Hall.
Present were President Schleigh, Ms. Byrne, Ms. English, Ms. James, Mr. Radich and Ms. Williams Councilman Aubrey was absent. Also present were Mayor Campuzano, Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Secretary Henry, Borough Solicitor Scott, Finance Director/Treasurer Bartley and Police Chief Donegan.
The televised meeting will be aired at 6:00 p.m. the following Monday on RCN channel 52, Comcast channel 5 and Verizon channel 44.
Mayor Campuzano led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Campuzano asked for a moment of silence in memory of Councilman Aubrey's father.
Approval of agenda: Ms. Byrne moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Williams seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Approval of Minutes: Ms. Williams moved to approve the minutes of the May 20, 2015 Borough Council general meeting. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Announcements and Presentations:
Mayor Campuzano presented certificates of recognition to Police Chief Donegan and Officer Larry Albertoli for the successful implementation of the eight week Police Academy program that was developed to foster better relationships among borough youth and the police department. Chief Donegan thanked Borough Council and Officer Albertoli for their support. The Chief also thanked a variety of people who gave their help to this effort including Sgt. McCaughan, Officer McGowan and Bobbi Harris.
Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Bartley presented the May 31, 2015 Treasurer's report as follows:
General Fund: beginning balance $465,267; ending balance $2,938,249.
Sewer Fund: beginning balance $925,072; ending balance $1,472,349.
Liquid Fuels: beginning balance $556,295; ending balance $768,068.
Capital Reserve: beginning balance $63,138; ending balance $40,721.
Non-uniformed Pension: beginning balance $2,855,109; ending balance $2,934,738.
Police Pension: beginning balance $8,167,087; ending balance $8,209,752.
Mr. Bartley mentioned that the borough has sufficient funds on hand to meet its current obligations.
Solicitor’s Report: Mr. Scott had no formal report.
Mayor’s Report: Mayor Campuzano read a summary of the fire company report issued in connection with the recent fire at the Stratford Court Apartments, 58 N. Lansdowne Avenue. In total, 140 firefighters assisted and emergency responders included 20 fire police and 14 area fire companies.
The Mayor thanked a large number of residents who assisted during this time, including but not limited to President Schleigh, Councilwoman Byrne, Vince Gerspani of Stratford Avenue who opened his home to help displaced residents, Paul Revere Pizza, Avenue Deli and Quality Pizza for providing food and beverages and the Hennessey law firm. Additional thanks went to Fire Chief Russell, Assistant Fire Chief Tim Moore, Fire Marshall Tom Young, the Lansdowne Police Department, Police Chief Donegan, Officers Eisenhart, McDermott and C. J. Schiazza, Upper Darby fire department, Red Cross local chapter, Animal Control and Red Paws, Animal Friends of Lansdowne and the borough Codes Department.
The Mayor read a list of calendar events as follows:
July 4th - parade starts 9:00 a.m. with fireworks at night. Rain date: July 5th.
August 4th - National Night Out
Lansdowne Fire Co. is starting their annual fund drive.
David's Breakfast and Lunch - 201 E. Plumstead Avenue. Featured borough business at next Council meeting.
The Mayor thanked American Legion Post 65 and the LEDC for sponsoring the Memorial Day parade. The Mayor also thanked President Schleigh for filling in at the Flag Day ceremony,
President Schleigh thanked Mark Anthony French and the Mayor for their help during the Stratford Court fire.
Council President’s Report: President Schleigh noted that the Lansdowne Fire Company needs volunteers. President Schleigh reported that he recently attended Daughters of the American Revolution flag ceremony wherein a new flag was presented to the borough. President Schleigh will be meeting with Representative Margot Davidson this Friday to discuss the Walk shed project and will report on it at next month's general meeting.
Public Health and Safety: Ms. English reported the Public Safety Committee met on June 10th. Septa representatives were on hand to discuss the upcoming trestle work on Scottdale Road. Ms. English reported that no changes have been made to the Revitalization Program currently in progress along Baltimore Avenue. Ms. English mentioned that the Human Relations Commission is looking for candidates to fill some vacancies. The Committee also discussed Health Inspector fees and there will be no changes in the fees at this time. The light for the Rite Aid store is on order. Committee discussions regarding theater parking is ongoing. President Schleigh asked the Committee to review the present emergency response plans and make updates if needed for circulation to the new Borough Council members.
Finance and Administration: Mr. Radich reported that the F&A Committee met on June 1st. Topics for discussion included reviewing the Lansdowne Folk Club's new rental contract with the 20th Century Club, replacement of fire apparatus and the impact to the borough if participating in the employee's health "Cadillac plan" The Committee also met with Board members of the Diversity Project to discuss their mission statement and proposed events. Mr. Radich reported that the FOP contract expires December 31, 2015 and discussions are underway in this regard. The next F&A Committee meeting will be held on July 6th at 7:00 p.m. in borough hall.
Economic Development and Code Enforcement – Ms. James reported that the EDandCE Committee met on June 15th. Ms. James commented that The Icery will be celebrating its first anniversary in business on June 20th. Ms. James noted that monetary donations are needed for the upcoming National Night Out events. The completion of the Aldi's store is projected for completion by year end 2015. President Schleigh mentioned that Habitat for Humanity recently bought 4 vacant lots on Dudley Avenue and asked that Ms. James' Committee follow up with the proposed changes for that site.
Mayor Campuzano asked if the shredder event had been discussed and would like to announce it in an upcoming borough newsletter. Ms. James indicates that the cost would be $750 for East Lansdowne and Lansdowne's participation.
Mr. Radich moved to authorize the borough to absorb 1/2 of the cost ($370.00) of the shredding event with East Lansdowne. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Environment: No report was given in Mr. Aubrey's absence.
Community Relations: Ms. Byrne reported that the application for the InsideOut Project had been submitted to the PA Museum of Art.
Library Liaison Report: The Lansdowne Library Board is looking for a Secretary and Treasurer. The library is not continuing its summer meals program for children 18 and under. The library will provide snacks and the Lansdowne Presbyterian Church will support the summer meals program. The summer reading group has started at the library.
Infrastructure and Public Works: Ms. Williams reported that the IandPW Committee met on May 26th. The Committee discussed the amount of sewe3r work that had been completed this year and the budgetary impact. Scottdale Road closes tomorrow for 3 months as Septa is starting trestle repairs in that area. The Committee is reviewing the current proposed paving and road work list. President Schleigh asked if the Stratford Avenue pavements had been repaired to which Ms. Williams responded "yes".
1. Upper Darby Township letter re: use of CDBG HUD funds
Guidance letter to Stratford Court Apartments residents re: living arrangements until fire damage repairs are completed.
Veterans Park Fair will be held on June 18th.
Mr. Radich moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear visitor comment. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
1. Mary Ann Surla - resident of Lansdowne. Ms. Surla asked when line painting would be completed on Marshal Road. Councilwoman English noted that it was planned for August. Ms. Surla commented that more visibility is needed in the left lane shoulder on Marshall Road near Lansdowne Avenue. President Schleigh commented that PennDot engineers had looked at this site but can't change it. Ms. Surla asked if Lansdowne could promote its businesses on the billboard on Marshall Road as you approach Lansdowne. President Schleigh commented that this billboard is in Upper Darby, is considered private property and Lansdowne could not utilize it.
Mr. Radich moved to resume Robert Rules of Order. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Old Business: No items for Old Business.
New Business:
DUI Regional Task Force mutual aid agreement - This will be addressed under Action Item #2.
Representative Davidson's use of 20th Century Club - Rep. Margot Davidson is requesting a rental fee waiver for an event to be held at the 20CC on July 23rd or July 30th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. regarding the Septa trestle work and repairs along the R3 Media Local train line. Expected attendance is 30-75 people. Mrs. English moved to waive the 20th Century Club rental fee for Rep. Davidson's upcoming event regarding Septa track and trestle repairs. Mr. Radich seconded: Vote: unanimous.
Action Items:
Mr. Radich moved to approve bills for the period. Ms. Williams seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Ms. English moved to execute DUI Regional Task Force Mutual Aid Agreement. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Mr. Radich moved to file letter to the Office of the Budget requesting extension to RACP grant. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Ms. Byrne moved to reappoint Kymberley Hernandez to the Library Board for a three year term expiring March 31, 2018. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Ms. Byrne moved to reappoint Neil Ronk to the Library Board for a three year term expiring March 31, 2018. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Ms. Byrne moved to reappoint Dan Berger-Lenehan to the Library Board for a three year term expiring March 31, 2018. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Executive Session: Ms. English moved to adjourn to executive session to discuss litigation and personnel matters. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 7:59
Public Session: No public motions were made upon reconvening to Public Session.
Adjourn – Ms. English moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Ann Henry
Borough Secretary
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