Lansdowne Borough Council
General Meeting
February 19, 2014
The Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting was held on Wednesday,
February 19, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in Borough Hall. Present were President Saylor, Mr. Aubrey, Ms. Byrne, Mrs. English, Mr. Radich and Mr. Schleigh. Junior Council member Brandon Johnson was present. Councilman Wagner was absent. Also present were Mayor Campuzano, Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Secretary Henry, Borough Treasurer Bartley, Borough Solicitor Scott and Police Chief Donegan. The Fire Company liaison was absent.
President Saylor asked for a moment of silence in memory of former Lansdowne Tax Collector, Jane Deshong.
President Saylor stated that this meeting would be aired on February 24, 2014 on Comcast channel 10, RCN channel 52 and Verizon channel 44.
Approval of agenda: The agenda was approved with no changes.
Approval of Minutes: Mr. Radich moved to approve the minutes of the January 15, 2014 General Meeting of Council as submitted by the Borough Secretary. Mrs. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Announcements and Presentations: Mayor Campuzano swore in the newly appointed full time police officer, Jonathan McGowan. Mayor Campuzano noted that officer McGowan is a lifelong Lansdowne resident and wished him the best of luck in his new position.
Mayor Campuzano invited police officer Albertolie to talk about the Public Safety Committee’s newly formed Neighborhood Watch Website Initiative. Officer Albertolie mentioned that an organization called NextDoor would be sponsoring the next National Night Out event. Officer Albertolie is working with this group to help further the borough’s present neighborhood watch program. Officer Albertolie explained that this is a new neighborhood watch program that currently includes East Lansdowne, West Lansdowne and Gladstone Manor. Residents are able to post messages, bulletins, items for sale, etc. on their website, The emphasis of the initiative is to further neighborhood awareness of safety concerns that will allow residents to become more interactive with their neighbors. Only residents in the three aforementioned areas can participate at this time. Officer Albertolie explained that the goals of this initiative are to know your neighbors, help reduce crime and form a virtual neighborhood watch that will make Lansdowne a better and safer community. Officer Albertolie emphasized that this initiative is not a substitute for calling the 911 system or police and residents should continue to use these methods for emergency situations. Officer Albertolie also mentioned that the site content is owned by the neighbors, not the borough. This year’s National Night Out event will be held on August 5th, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Bartley presented the December 31, 2013 Treasurer’s Report as follows: General Fund beginning balance $372,413; ending balance $401,927. Sewer Fund beginning balance $657,171; ending balance $722,201. Liquid Fuels Fund beginning balance $419,602; ending balance $538,701. Capital Reserve Fund beginning balance $89,107; ending balance $63,138. Non-uniformed pension plan beginning balance $1,918,610; ending balance $2,453,591. Police Pension Fund beginning balance $6,889,109; ending balance $7,924,772. Mr. Bartley mentioned that the Borough has sufficient funds on hand to meet current their obligations. Mr. Bartley also mentioned that the audit would begin in a two weeks. Mr. Radich recognized Mr. Totaro, Mr. Bartley and former borough councilwoman Ellen Lustgarten for their outstanding efforts in fiscal prudence in helping to carry a fund balance well above 5% of the annual budget, which is the benchmark for maintaining a high bond rating.
Solicitor’s Report: Mr. Scott had no formal report.
Mayor’s Report: Mayor Campuzano congratulated officer McGowan, who grew up in Lansdowne and had been a part time Lansdowne police officer for 3 years.
Mayor Campuzano noted that in honor of February being Black History Month, Lansdowne resident and author Charlotte Blake Aston, will be holding a story telling event at the Lansdowne Library on March 13th at 10:00 a.m. Ms. Aston is a renowned storyteller, narrator, instrumentalist and singer who performs in assorted venues throughout North America and abroad. Mayor Campuzano highlighted several of Ms. Aston’s awards and accomplishments, including being one of four Americans selected to perform at the First International Storytelling field conference in Ghana. Ms. Aston is also a recipient of the Zora Neale Hurston award, the highest award bestowed by the National Association of Black Storytellers.
Mayor Campuzano read a variety of calendar items. Mayor Campuzano thanked the Animal Friends of Lansdowne (“AFOL”) for their “Love Your Pet” month event. This event spotlighted New York Times bestselling author Judy Schachner, creator of the Skippy John Jones series of children’s books. Mayor Campuzano congratulated the Penn Wood High School basketball team, who are currently in the playoffs. Mayor Campuzano mentioned that the search is underway for a new Junior Council person, a position that is open to any interested junior or senior students in the William Penn School District. Mayor Campuzano apologized to the residents of South Lansdowne between Linden Avenue and Scottdale Road for not being notified by PECO that recent repair work in that area would be conducted during the night. Mayor Campuzano noted that PECO is allowed to work at any time during the day or night. However, Mayor Campuzano confirmed that in the future, PECO contractors will inform residents of any repair work that may be done during off hours.
Mayor Campuzano thanked the Highway and Sanitation crew for their prompt removal of snow from the last several snowstorms. Mayor Campuzano also thanked the borough crossing guards, stating that “they always watch and protect our kids in all kinds of weather”.
Mr. Schleigh clarified that applications for the Junior Council member position should be sent in by the end of May. Interviews will be held in June.
Council President’s Report: President Saylor had no formal report.
Public Health and Safety – Mr. Schleigh reported that several topics were discussed at the last Public Health and Safety Committee meeting. The Committee is current reviewing a number of sections in the existing police manual regarding pursuit issues and use of force issues. There will be a number of revisions enacted to those sections as part of an ongoing process. The Committee also reviewed the foreclosure notice/vacant house regulations. Mr. Schleigh mentioned that Lansdowne fire company representatives were present at the meeting to discuss their requests for the next fiscal year. Specifically, the fire company wants to sell the two older pump trucks and buy one new one in their place. Mr. Schleigh mentioned that the emergency response program starts March 5th and will run for 4 consecutive Thursdays and a final Saturday meeting.
Finance and Administration – Mr. Radich reported that the Finance and Administration Committee met February 3rd to discuss the Historic Lansdowne Theater Corporation (“HLTC”) request for a letter of borough support in meeting their fundraising hurdle in order to get the state grant released. The HLTC was looking for a loan upward to $3 million from the borough. The
Committee to take a look at the economic development benefits along with the potential outlay from the borough. The Ad Hoc Committee will consist of Steve Wagner (Chair), Mr. Radich, Mayor Campuzano, President Saylor and Mr. Aubrey.
Mr. Radich reported that an additional topic for discussion involved vendors and service providers to the borough and taking a look at RFP’s to realize cost or service savings and enhancements. The first RFP will be for web site service. After completion of the audit, the Committee will be reaching out to banking and pension providers. The next Finance Committee meeting will be held on March 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. in borough hall.
Economic Development and Code Enforcement – No report was given in Mr. Wagner’s absence.
Environment – Mr. Aubrey reported that the Shade Tree Commission is looking for residents interested in having new trees planted on their property. Mr. Aubrey reported that the PA Resources Council will be holding their annual electronics event on March 15th in the Highland Avenue parking lot. President Saylor indicated that anything with a cord will be collected and encouraged residents to take advantage of this service. Mayor Campuzano recognized Park and Recreation Board member Kahlil Shearlds, who is serving his fifth term on the Park and Recreation Board.
Community Relations: Ms. Byrne reported that the Community Relations Committee met on January 27th to discuss:
Content for the borough newsletter. Deadline for article submission is February 28th.
Focusing on volunteerism in the borough. The web site has been revised to make it easier for people to sign up for volunteer opportunities.
Library Liaison Report: Ms. Byrne reported that the library will be holding a Lego Nation program for teens whereby stop motion animations is created using Lego pieces. It will be held every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.
The next Community Relations committee meeting will be held on February 24th at 7:00 p.m. in borough hall.
Infrastructure and Public Works – Ms. English reported that the borough will be advertising for storm sewer repair bids in the very near future. The next Infrastructure Committee meeting will be held on February 25th at 7:00 p.m.
Junior Council: Mr. Johnson reported that he recently met with Mr. Schleigh regarding articles for the newsletter and engaging online social media regarding borough news. Mr. Johnson suggested that any interested juniors and seniors from the William Penn School District should attend a few borough council meetings to familiarize themselves with borough issues if they have any desire to become the new Junior Council person.
Communications: - There were no items for communications.
Mr. Aubrey moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear visitor comments. Mr. Schleigh seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Richard Smalley – Resident of Lansdowne. Mr. Smalley indicated that having a police foot patrol in town would be a further deterrent to crime. Mr. Smalley thanked the Highway and Sanitation crew for their recent efforts in clearing streets from the last several snowstorms. Chief Donegan mentioned that the police bike patrol will start up in the spring and has proven to be an effective crime deterrent in the past.
Mr. Schleigh moved to Resume Roberts Rules of Order. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Old Business:
LEDC and Folk Club Agreements – Mr. Totaro reported some contract changes regarding security deposits and rental fees for the 20th Century Club. Future requests for fee waivers at the Club will now have to come before Borough Council for final vote. A major change now requires the submission of an occupancy and use form for any weekend events. Mr. Schleigh asked if the occupancy grid was part of the agreement. Mr. Totaro indicated that it could be added. Mr. Aubrey questioned who would be responsible for cleanup after the event. Mr. Totaro indicated that the present use and occupancy form includes the information regarding set up, clean up, etc. Mr. Schleigh questioned if any host liability insurance language was included. It was not. Mr. Scott indicated that host liability is coverage for alcohol related incidents and the pertinent language needs to be put into the agreements before signing them.
Mrs. English moved to approve the form of the agreement and to forward it to the LEDC and Folk Club. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.
New Business:
CapStone Combatives request for waiver of fees at the 20th Century Club. Mr. Totaro and Chief Donegan explained that CapStone is a for profit organization that provides self defense courses for law enforcement personnel. CapStone wants to have the Club fees waived and in return they would allow 20 students to participate free of charge. Mayor Campuzano indicated that the borough will pay for their own police officers but that CapStone should pay the fee because they are not a non-profit organization. President Saylor asked if any precedent had been set for reducing fees for any other for profit organizations. Mr. Scott indicated that he was not sure on this point. After further discussion, the consensus among borough council members was not to waive the fees for CapStone.
Mount Sinai Baptist Church request – Mr. Totaro explained that the Mt. Sinai Church wants the borough’s assistance regarding a loan of 50 chairs from the 20th Century Club to the church site for their upcoming 124th anniversary. The church wants use of the chairs from Friday through Monday and the borough to deliver and pick up the chairs. Mr. Scott indicated that the agreement should cover any possibility of damage. President Saylor asked if this type of loan had been done in the past for other organizations. Mr. Totaro indicated that it had been done for a past Lansdowne and Economic Development Committee (“LEDC”) event. After further discussion, Mayor Campuzano and Mr. Aubrey volunteered to pick up and deliver the chairs if the church presents a hardship in this regard.
Mr. Aubrey moved to approve the loan of 50 chairs from the borough and the 20th Century Club to Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, to be delivered to the church on February 21st and picked up on February 24th (if the church members are unable to pick up and return the chairs to the 20th century Club). Mr. Schleigh seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Baltimore and Union Avenues/Auto Zone development – Mr. Totaro reported that a proposal has been received to build a Pep Boys Auto Store at the site of the vacant warehouse near the Lansdowne post office at Union and Baltimore Avenues. Mr. Totaro explained that an egress onto Union Avenue (which currently does not exist) would be needed for deliveries, as the trucks need more turning around room for exiting the site. The proposal is to make Union Avenue a two way street up to LaCrosse Avenue. Mayor Campuzano indicated that some residents were concerned with this plan and the potential for the creation of a short cut as well. Ms. Byrne felt that if a building is to be built from scratch, it should be closer to the street and space should be made in the back end as opposed to creating problems with the two way situation. Mrs. English felt that the planners would push the Union Avenue idea because of the Baltimore Avenue revitalization project regarding timing of the lights and they do not want traffic jammed in Lansdowne. Ms. Byrne felt that the timing of deliveries should be considered and made in off peak hours. Mr. Aubrey indicated that any problems regarding the timing of the lights would be present regardless of where the trucks pull out. Mrs. English noted that there would be a traffic light if coming out of Union and Baltimore Avenues, but if coming directly onto Baltimore Avenue from another route without lights, the roadway could become blocked. President Saylor asked that the borough engineer weigh in on this problem to help with the interpretation of the plans and whether any other streets had been changed in a similar manner. Mr. Totaro suggested having the engineers come to the next business meeting and will contact them.
HLTC/Arts Board Letter of Support – Mr. Schleigh reported that the Historic Lansdowne Theater Committee (“HLTC”) and the Arts Board had applied for a grant from the PA Historical and Museum Commission for restoration work on the windows and façade at the Lansdowne Theater. The HLTC and Arts Board are requesting a letter of support from borough council regarding this endeavor.
Mr. Schleigh moved to issue a letter of support in favor of the HLTC/Arts Board application for a grant from the PA Historical and Museum Commission for façade and window restoration work. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Action Items:
Mr. Radich moved to approve bills for the period. Mr. Schleigh seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Mr. Radich moved to renew contract with Videographer Warren Thomas. Mrs. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Mr. Schleigh moved to accept the HAB’s approval and issue a Certificate of appropriateness for 10 W. Baltimore. Mrs. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Mr. Radich moved to reappoint Viola Curry to the Multi-Unit Conversion Committee for a 3 year term expiring 12/20/2016. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Mrs. English moved to award bid for sewer jet truck to Vacuum Sales Inc. for $59,000. Mr. Schleigh seconded. Vote; unanimous.
Mrs. English moved to sell 1993 GMC Topkick with Camel Jetter unit. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Mrs. English moved to award paving contract to Inncon of Folcroft, PA. Mr. Schleigh seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Mr. Schleigh moved to appoint Liz Steel-Coates to the Arts Board for a four year term expiring 2/28/2018. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Mrs. English moved to advertise for bids for sanitary and storm sewer rehabilitation work. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Mr. Aubrey moved to appoint Kellie Bowker to the Park and Recreation Board for a three year term expiring 2/28/2017. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Executive Session – Mr. Radich moved to convene to executive session. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous. Executive Session convened at 8:40 p.m.
Public Session – No public motions were made upon reconvening to public session.
Adjourn – Mr. Schleigh moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Ann Henry
Borough Secretary
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