STRATEgIC PERSPECTIvES President Emamoli Rakhmon has been able to
secure and enlarge his power and is expected
to stay in office until the foreseeable future.
Presidential terms are seven years according to
the Constitutions. President Rakhmon has been
in power since 1994. The population is aware of
the risk of another civil war and will do anything
to prevent violent upheavals in the future.
To prevent this and to grow the country, it is es-
sential that the country restructures the eco-
nomic and social system to reduce nepotism,
and tribal loyalties and to increase the social
welfare of its citizens.
Tajikistan also faces problems with its neigh-
bors: it has border conflicts with Kyrgyzstan due
to two Tajik enclaves on Kyrgyz territory, Vorukh
located south of the mountain of Ak-Tash and
Western Qalacha near the Kyrgyz railroad sta-
tion. Sarvan is the Tajik enclave in Uzbekistan
and is known as Sarvak, Sarvaksoi and Sarvaki-
bolo which is completely surrounded by Uzbek-
sitan and is located in the tri-border region of
the Ferghana Valley and in the Isfara Valley.
Tajikistan also faces Islamic movements of
Uzbek groups in the Tajik mountains and is a
matter of Tajik concern.
The relationship with the Iran is becoming in-
creasingly vital.
The Farkhor Air Base, located 130km south of
Dushanbe, Tajikistan is jointly operated by the
Indian and Tajik Air Forces and is only India’s
only air base outside of its borders. The base
was established in May 2002 by India and has
previously served as a transport base to supply
the Afghan Northern Alliance and before be-
coming a strategic military asset served as a
hospital to treat Afghan fighters.[90] Tajikistan
is also important to India as Tajikistan is close to
the highly-contested Kashmir area and serves
as a way for India to protect its interests politi-
In the areas of trade relations and energy coop-
eration, the partnership could easily expand as
“India’s total trade with Tajikistan has gone up
from$10.7 million in 2004-05 to $41.33 million
in 2010-11” but are below levels of what they
could be.[91] Tajikistan is one of the richer
countries when it comes to hydroelectric power
and has many precious gems and minerals
which make it an attractive trading partner for
India. The lack of infrastructure in Tajikistan
does pose an obstacle for India. India is cur-
rently an observer in the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO) and Tajikistan has been a
full supporter of full India membership in the