Anglo-German Naval Rivalry

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The British Foreign and Defence Policy course has 16 seminars. Most students choose which essay they wish to write rather have one allocated to them The deadline for essays is the day of the seminar on that topic. All students will nevertheless be expected to make a presentation to the class in conformity to the provisions outlined below.

In order for this course to run properly it is essential that all students abide by the following arrangements:

1. All essays are to be handed in on the day of the class unless prior permission for a postponement of the deadline has been granted.

2. The essayist(s)/presenter(s) will prepare a summary for each seminar member which should be available before the start of the class.

3. The essayist(s)/presenter(s) will supply to the respondent(s)/Chair(s) sufficient material including where possible a copy of the essay so that there is adequate material for a proper discussion to take place.

4. No essay/presentation; no class.

On the following pages there are listed some general books and articles which will be of value throughout the course. There are others not listed and new publications are appearing all the time. Any important new additions will be notified to you as soon as possible. You will also find it useful to consult the current issues of International Affairs (IA); the Review of International Studies (RIS), formerly British Journal of International Studies (BJIS) and Foreign Affairs (FA).

You will also find the detailed bibliography and seminar programme for each of the seminars for the coming year.

The detailed programme which may differ from the one produced below and allocation of students to topics is distributed after the business meeting which is held at the beginning of the Autumn term.

General Bibliography.

J Barber: 'Britain's place in the world.' British Journal of International Studies (BJIS)
Vol 6 No 2.
C J Bartlett: The Long Retreat.
J Baylis: '"Greenwoodery" and British Defence Policy' International Affairs (IA) Vol 62 No 3.
P Byrd: British Foreign Policy under Thatcher
M Dockrill: British Defence Since 1945.
J Frankel: British Foreign Policy 1945-73.
D Greenwood: 'Constraints and choices in the transformation of Britain's Defence effort since 1945.' BJIS Vol 2 No 3.
C Hill: 'Britain's elusive role in World Politics.' BJIS Vol 5 No 3.
J Lider: British Military Thought after World War II.
R T Maddock: 'British Foreign Policy since the War.' International Relations (IR) Vol 4 No 5.
F S Northedge: Descent from Power.
R Ovendale: British Defence Policy since 1945
A Shlaim: 'Britain's quest for a world role.' IR Vol 5 No 1.
S Smith et al: British Foreign Policy.
A Verrier: Through the Looking Glass.
C M Woodhouse: British Foreign Policy since the Second World War.

J Barber: Who makes British Foreign Policy?
R Boardman & A J R Groom: The Management of Britain's External Relations.
M Clarke: British External Policy-Making in the 1990s
G McDermott: The New Diplomacy and its Apparatus.
D Vital: The Making of British Foreign Policy.
W Wallace: The Foreign Policy process in Britain.
K N Waltz: Foreign Policy and the Democratic Process.

Biographies and Autobiographies.
G Brown: In My Way.
A Bullock: Ernest Bevin: Foreign Secretary.
R A Butler: The Art of the Possible.
J Callaghan: Time and Chance.
R H S Crossman: Diaries. (4 volumes).
B Donoughue & G W Jones: Herbert Morrison: Portrait of a Politician.
A Douglas-Home: The Way the Wind Blows.
A Eden: Full Circle.
P Gordon-Walker: The Cabinet.
P Gore-Booth: With Great Truth and Respect.
G Howe: Conflict of Loyalty.
H Macmillan: Memoirs. (volumes 3-6).
F Pym: 'British Foreign Policy.' IA Vol 50 No 1.
A Shlaim, P Jones & K Sainsbury: British Foreign Secretaries since 1945.
M Stephens: Ernest Bevin.
Lord W Strang: Home and Abroad.
M Thatcher: The Downing Street Years.
G Williams & B Read: Denis Healey and the Policies of Power.
> H Wilson: Memoirs. (2 volumes).
F Williams: Ernest Bevin.


1 The Interlocking Circles.

How valuable is the concept of interlocking circles in the study of British Foreign Policy?

H C Allen: The Anglo-American Predicament.

A Adamthwaite: 'Britain and the World, 1945-9, the view from the Foreign Office.' International Affairs (IA) Vol 61 No 2.
J Barber: 'British Foreign Policy.' British Journal of International Studies Vol 1 No 3.
R Barclay: Ernest Bevin and the Foreign Office 1932-1969.
T Blackstone & C Coker: 'British Foreign Policy Choices.' IA Vol 65 No 2.
M A Fitzsimons: The Foreign Policy of the British Labour Government 1945-51.
J Frankel: British Foreign Policy 1945-73. (Chapters 1-8).
J Frankel: 'Britain's Changing Role.' IA Vol 50 No 4.
M Leifer (ed): Constraints and Adjustments in British Foreign Policy. (Chapters 2 & 11).
F S Northedge: Descent from Power. (Chapter 1).
F S Northedge: 'Britain as a Second-Rank Power.' IA Vol 46 No 1.
F Pym: 'British Foreign Policy: Constraints and Opportunities.' IA Vol 59 No 1.
A Shlaim et al: British Foreign Secretaries since 1945. (Chapters 1 & 2).
H & M Sprout: 'Retreat from World Power.' World Politics 1962.
H Trevelyan: 'Towards a British role in Foreign Affairs.' IA Vol 54 No 2.
C Tugendhat & W Wallace: 'Options for British Foreign Policy in the 1990s.
P Unwin: 'British Foreign Policy: the Global Context.' IA Vol 57 No 2.
P Unwin: 'Britain's Opportunities.' IA Vol 57 No 3.
C M Woodhouse: British Foreign Policy since the Second World War.
B White: 'The Study of British Foreign Policy.' BJIS Vol 3 No 3.
K Younger: Changing Perspectives on British Foreign Policy.

2 The Political Organisation of British Foreign Policy Making.

Who makes British Foreign Policy?
Examine the inter-relationship between defence and foreign policy.

A Adamthwaite: 'Overstretched and Overstrung: Eden, the Foreign Office and the making of Policy 1951-5.' International Affairs (IA) Vol 64 No 2.

J Barber: Who makes British Foreign Policy? (Chapters 2-7).
M Donelan: 'The Trade of Diplomacy.' IA Vol 45 No 4.
R Boardman & A J R Groom: The Management of Britain's External Relations. (Chapters 1, 2, 4 & 5).
M Clarke: 'The Foreign Office and its Critics.' Millenium (Mill) Vol 7 No 3.
M Clarke: British External Policy-Making in the 1990s
P Gore-Booth: 'Historic Skills and New Tasks.' IA Vol 46 No 4.
S Jenkins & A Sloman: With Respect, Ambassador.
A Shonfield: 'The Duncan Report and its Critics.' IA Vol 46 No 2.
Z Steiner: 'Decision-making in US and British foreign policy.' Review of International Studies (Review of International Studies, formerly British Journal of International Studies) Vol 13 No 1.
D Vital: The Making of British Foreign Policy.
W Wallace: The Foreign Policy Process in Britain. (Chapters 1-3).
W Wallace: 'After Berrill: Whitehall and the Management of British Diplomacy.'IA Vol 54 No 2.

3 Parliament, Interest Groups and Foreign Policy.

What power does Parliament have in Foreign Policy Making?
Why are interest groups so weak in their influence on foreign policy making in Britain?

J Barber: Who makes British Foreign Policy? (Chapters 8-13).

R Boardman & A J R Groom The Management of Britain's External Relations (Chapters 10, 11 & 13).
C Carstairs & R Ware: Parliament and International Relations
M Clarke: British External Policy-making in the 1990s
R Higgott & D Stone: 'The limits of influence: foreign policy think tanks in Britain and the USA.' Review of International Studies Vol 20 No 1.
C Hill: 'Public Opinion and British Foreign Policy.' Millenium Vol 10 No 3.
P Richards: Parliament and Foreign Affairs.
J N Rosenau (ed): Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy. (Chapters 6 & 8).
W Wallace: The Foreign Policy Process in Britain. (Chapter 4).
K N Waltz: Foreign policy and the Democratic Process.
K Younger: 'Public Opinion and British Foreign Policy.' IA Vol 40 No 1.
K Younger: 'Public Opinion and British Policy.' British Journal ofSociology (BJS) Vol 6 (1955).

4 The Politics of British Defence Policy.

What are the major roles of British defence policy?
C J Bartlett: The Long Retreat.
J Baylis (ed): British Defence Policy in a Changing World. (Chapters 1, 7, 8, 9 & 10).
J Baylis (ed): Contemporary Strategy. (Chapter 13).
J Baylis: 'Defence Policy Analysis.' International Relations Vol 4, No 4.
J Baylis: 'Britain, the Brussels Pact and the continental commitment.'International Affairs (IA) Vol 60 No 4.
J Baylis: British Defence Policy
R Boardman & A J R Groom The Management of Britain's External Relations (Chapter 9).
N Brown: Arms without Empire.
N Brown: The Future Global Challenge. (Parts 1 & 5).
M Dockrill: British Defence since 1945
J Frankel: British Foreign Policy 1945-73. (Chapter 12).
L Freedman Britain's Contribution to NATO. IA Vol 54 No 1.
A Harrison & J Gretton (ed): Reshaping Central Government (Chapter 7)
L W Martin: 'British Defence Policy: the Long Recessional.' Adelphi Paper No 61.
L W Martin (ed): The Management of Defence.
C R Mayhew: Britain's Role Tomorrow.
R Ovendale: British Defence Policy since 1945
D Owen: The Politics of Defence. (Chapter 1).
J H Wylie: The Influence of British Arms.

5 British Thinking about Nuclear Weapons.

How valid were the reasons for the British development of nuclear weapons?
Assess the motives for and reaction to the 1957 Defence White Paper.

J Baylis: Anglo-American Defence Relations, 1939-84.

J Baylis (ed): British Defence Policy in a Changing World. (Chapters 5 & 6).
D Carlton: 'Great Britain and Nuclear Weapons.' British Journal of International Studies Vol 2 No 2.
S Croft: 'Continuity and Change in British Thinking about Nuclear Weapons.'Political Studies Vol 42 No 2.
L Freedman: Britain and Nuclear Weapons. (Chapters 1-5).
M Gowing: Britain and Atomic Energy. (Several volumes).
A J R Groom: British Thinking about Nuclear Weapons. (Chapters 1-31).
HMSO: 1957 Defence Review: An Outline of Future Policy.
P Malone: The British Nuclear Deterrent. (Chapter 1).
H Macmillan: Riding the Storm.
A J Pierre: Nuclear Politics. (Chapters 1-9).
A J Pierre: 'Nuclear Diplomacy: Britain, France and America.' Foreign Affairs Vol 49 No 2.
R N Rosecrance: Defense of the Realm.
Lord Sherfield: 'Britain's Nuclear Story.' Round Table 1975.
J Simpson: The Independent Nuclear State.
W P Snyder: The Politics of British Defence Policy 1945-62.
E Young: Farewell to Arms Control? (Chapter 1).

6 Party Political Thinking on Foreign and Defence Policy.

Examine critically the basic philosophy of the main political parties towards foreign and defence policy.

R Barclay: Ernest Bevin and the Foreign Office 1932-1969.

J Baylis: British Defence Policy
R Boardman & A J R Groom: The Management of Britain's External Relations (Chapter10).
A Briar & L Robins: 'Consensus and Cleavage in Labour's perception of the World.' British Journal of International Studies Vol 3 No 3.
G Brown: In My Way.
R A Butler: The Art of the Possible.
P Byrd: 'Social Democracy and Defence.' British Atlantic Publications No 37
J Callaghan: 'Challenges and Opportunities in British Foreign Policy.' Fabian Tract (FT) No 439.
B Donoughue & G W Jones: Herbert Morrison: Portrait of a Politician.
A Douglas-Home: The Way the Wind Blows.
A Eden: Full Circle.
R Fielding: 'The Making of Labour's Foreign Policy.' FT No 433.
B George: The British Labour Party and Defense
M R Gordon: Conflict and Consensus in Labour's foreign policy.
P Gordon-Walker: The Cabinet.
Q Hailsham: The Case for Conservatism.
Q Hailsham: The Conservative case.
E Heath: Old Worlds, New Horizons.
E Heath: 'Realism in British Foreign Policy.' Foreign Affairs (FA) Vol 48 No 1
T J O Hickey: 'British Foreign Policy under the Conservatives.' Round Table 1979.
P M Jones: 'British Defence Policy: the breakdown of inter-party consensus.' Review of International Studies Vol 13 No 2.
Labour Party: Sense about Defence.
H Macmillan: Tides of Fortune.
D Owen: Face the Future. (Chapter 11).
T Raison: Why Conservative?
M Stewart: 'Britain, Europe and the Alliance.' FA Vol 48 No 4.

7 Britain and Europe.

Why did Britain fail to play a leading role in the movement for European Unity in the years before 1957?
Analyse critically British strategy towards the European Community.

N Beloff: The General says 'No'.
N Beloff: Transit of Britain.
G Brown: In my Way.
M Camps: Britain and the European Community. (Chapters 1-15).
R H S Crossman: Diaries. (4 volumes).
H Dalton: High Tide and After.
J Frankel: British Foreign Policy 1945-73.
S George: Britain and European Integration since 1945
S George: An Awkward Partner
W B Gwyn: 'British Politics and European Unity.' Political Studies Vol 20 No 1.
E B Haas: The Uniting of Europe.
S Henig: 'Europe after the Referendum.' International Affairs (IA) Vol 51 No 4.
N Henderson: The Birth of NATO.
G Howe: The Future of the EC. IA Vol 60 No 2.
G Jebb: The European Idea.
G Jebb: The Memoirs of Lord Gladwyn.
R Jenkins: 'Britain and Europe.' IA Vol 59 No 2.
U Kitzinger: Diplomacy and Persuasion.
R Lieber: British Politics and European Unity.
J P Mackintosh: Britain in Europe. IA Vol 45 No 2.
D Maclean: British Foreign Policy since Suez. (Chapter 3).
H Macmillan: Riding the Storm.
H Macmillan: Pointing the Way.
J Melissen & B Zeeman: 'Britain and West Europe 1945-51.' IA Vol 63 No 1.
T Nairn: The Left against Europe?
S Newton: 'The 1949 Sterling Crisis and British policy towards European Integration.' Review of International Studies Vol 11 No 3.
F S Northedge: Descent from Power. (Chapters 5,11 & 12).
A Nutting: Europe will not Wait.
J Palmer: 'Britain and the EEC: the withdrawal option.' IA Vol 58 No 4.
J Pinder: 'Renegotiation.' IA Vol 51 No 4.
U Sahm: 'Britain and Europe 1950' (plus comment by K Younger) IA Vol 43 No 1.
A Shlaim et al: British Foreign Secretaries since 1945.
Lord W Strang: Home and Abroad.
P Taylor: 'EC Membership: claim and counterclaim.' IA Vol 57 No 2.
K Twitchett: 'Britain and the Community.' International Relations Vol 6 No 4.
P Uri: From Commonwealth to Common Market.
H Wilson: The Labour Government 1964-70.
H Wilson: Final Term 1974-76

8 The Special Relationship.

How special was the 'special relationship'? In what ways has it changed?

H C Allen: Great Britain and the United States. (Chapters 18 & 19)

C J Bartlett: The Special Relationship
J Baylis: Anglo-American Defence Relations, 1939-84.
J Baylis (ed): Alternative Approaches to British Defence Policy. (Chapter 9).
C Bell: The Debatable Alliance.
M Camps: 'Sources of strain in Trans-Atlantic Relations.' International Affairs (IA) Vol 58 No 4.
J Charmley: 'The complicated relationship.' Review of International Studies (RIS) Vol 10 No 2.
M Dillon: Dependence and Deterrence.
R Dawson & R Rosecrance: 'Theory and reality in the Anglo-American Alliance.' World Politics Vol 19. 1966-7.
A Eden: Full Circle.
D D Eisenhower: Mandate for Change.
D D Eisenhower: Waging Peace.
J Frankel: British Foreign Policy 1945-73. (Chapter 9).
R Goold-Adams: The Time of Power.
L B Johnson: The Vantage Point.
H Kissinger: 'Britain and the United States: Reflections on a Partnership.' IA. Vol 58 No 4.
H Kissinger: Memoirs. (2 volumes).
M Leifer (ed): Constraints and Adjustments in British Foreign Policy. (Chapter 6).
D Maclean: British Foreign Policy since Suez. (Chapter 1).
H Macmillan: Riding the Storm.
H Macmillan: Pointing the Way.
H Macmillan: At the End of the Day.
I S McDonald: Anglo-American Relations since the Second World War.
R M Jones: The Special Relationship.
R E Neustadt: Alliance Politics.
D D Newsom: 'US-British consultation: an impossible dream?' IA Vol 63 No 2.
H G Nicholas: Britain and the United States.
R M Nixon: Memoirs.
F S Northedge: Descent from Power. (Chapter 6).
D Nunnerley: President Kennedy and Britain.
R Ovendale: 'The English-speaking Alliance: the Anglo-American special relationship.' Interstate. No 2. 1975-6.
D Reynolds: 'A 'Special relationship'? America, Britain and the international order since the Second World War.' IA Vol 62 No 1.
D Reynolds: 'Rethinking Anglo-American Relations.' IA Vol 65 No 1.
H L Roberts & P A Wilson: Britain and the United States.
Lord W Strang: Home and Abroad.
H S Truman: Memoirs. (2 volumes).
A C Turner: The Unique Partnership.
J Williams: 'ANZUS: a blow to Britain's self-esteem.' RIS Vol 13 No 4
H Wilson: The Labour Government 1964-70.
H Wilson: Final Term 1974-76.

9 Anglo-Soviet Relations.

What were the main issues which caused the breakdown of the wartime alliance with the Soviet Union?
'Cool indifference'. Is this a fair assessment of current Anglo-Soviet relations?

J Baylis: 'British wartime thinking about a post-war European security group.' Review of International Studies (RIS) Vol 9 No 4.

G Brown: In my Way.
A Bullock: Ernest Bevin: Foreign Secretary.
L D Clay: Decision in Germany.
W P & Z N Coates: A History of Anglo-Soviet Relations. (2 volumes).
W C Cromwell: 'The Marshall Plan, Britain and the Cold War.' RIS Vol 8 No 4.
A Deighton: 'The Frozen Front.' International Affairs (IA) Vol 63 No 3.
A Douglas-Home: The Way the Wind Blows.
J Frankel: British Foreign Policy 1945-73. (Chapter 9).
P Gore-Booth: With Great Truth and Respect.
G Howe: 'East-West Relations: the British Role.' IA Vol 63 No 4.
K Kaiser & R Morgan: Britain and West Germany.
D Maclean: British Foreign Policy since Suez. (Chapter 8).
H Macmillan: Riding the Storm.
H Macmillan: Pointing the Way.
H Macmillan: At the End of the Day.
W H McNeill: America, Britain and Russia: their cooperation and conflict.
F S Northedge: Descent from Power. (Chapters 1 & 3).
F S Northedge & A Wells: Britain and Soviet Communism.
V Rothwell: Britain and the Cold War.
A Shlaim et al: British Foreign Secretaries since 1945.
J A Warburg: Germany: the Key to Peace.
C Wiebes & B Zeeman: 'Baylis on post-war planning.' RIS Vol 10 No 3.
C Wilmot: The Struggle for Europe.
D Wilson: 'Anglo-Soviet Relations.' IA Vol 50 No 3.
H Wilson: The Labour Government 1964-70.
H Wilson: Final Term 1974-76.

10 Britain, the Middle East & the Suez Crisis.

What were the reasons for the failure of the Suez operation?
Assess the impact of the Suez affair on Britain's influence in the Middle East.

A Adamthwaite: 'Suez Revisited.' International Affairs (IA) Vol 64 No 3.

V Bogdanor & R Skidelski: The Age of Affluence 1951-1964. (Chapter 5).
M & S Bromberger: Secrets of Suez.
D Carlton: Britain and the Suez Crisis
E B Childers: The Road to Suez.
A Eden: Full Circle.
L Epstein: British Politics in the Suez Crisis.
R Fullick & G Powell: Suez: the Double War.
M Heikal: Cutting the Lion's Tale
K Kyle: Suez
S Lloyd: Suez.
W R Louis: British Empire in the Middle East
W R Louis & R Owen: Suez 1956
H Macmillan: Riding the Storm.
A Moncrieff (ed): Suez: Ten Years after.
F S Northedge: Descent from Power. (Chapter 4).
A Nutting: No End of a Lesson.
A Shlaim et al: British Foreign Secretaries since 1945.
H Thomas: The Suez Affair.
G Warner: '"Collusion" and the Suez Crisis.' IA Vol 55 No 2.
G Warner: 'The United States and the Suez Crisis.' IA Vol 67 No 2.
A Williams: Britain and France in the Middle East and North Africa (Chapters 6-8)
G Wint & P Calvocoressi: Middle East Crisis.

11 British Policy towards Arms Control and Disarmament.

Assess Britain's contribution to the cause of arms control and disarmament since 1945.

J Alford: 'The place of British and French nuclear weapons in arms control.' International Affairs Vol 59 No 4.

J Baylis (ed): Alternative Approaches to British Defence Policy. (Chapter 9).
FCO: Arms Control and Disarmament Unit Newsletter. (renamed in 1986 Quarterly Review).
J P G Freeman: Britain's Arms control Policy in the Context of Anglo-American Relations.
A J R Groom: British Thinking about Nuclear Weapons. (Chapter 26).
F S Northedge: Descent from Power.
H Macmillan: Pointing the Way.
H Macmillan: At the End of the Day.
A Shlaim et al: British Foreign Secretaries since 1945.
H Wilson: The Labour Government 1964-70.
H Wilson: Final Term 1974-76.
W Young: Strategy for Survival.

12 Britain and the Commonwealth & Empire.

How successful was Britain at managing the change from Empire to Commonwealth? How has Britain's role in the Commonwealth changed?
Examine critically Britain's policy in the Rhodesia/Zimbabwe Crisis.

D Austin: Britain and South Africa

C Carrington: The Liquidation of the British Empire
M Charlton: The Last Colony in Africa.
C Cross: The Fall of the British Empire
J Darwin: End of Empire
J Darwin: Britain and Decolonisation
M Doxey: 'The Commonwealth Secretary-General: Limits of Leadership.' International Affairs (IA) Vol 55 No 1.
A Douglas-Home: The Way the Wind Blows
R C Good: UDI
A J R Groom & P Taylor (ed): The Commonwealth in the 1980s.
W Gutteridge: 'Rhodesia: the use of military force.' World Today Vol 21 No12
D Ingram: The Commonwealth Challenge
D Ingram: Partners in Adventure
W P Kirkman: Unscrambling an Empire
M Leifer (ed): Constraints and Adjustments in British Foreign Policy (Chapter 7)
K Kirkwood: Britain and Africa
W R Louis: 'American Anti-colonialism and the dissolution of the British Empire.' IA Vol 61 No 3.
N Mansergh: The Commonwealth Experience
J D B Miller: The Commonwealth in the World
M Perham: The Rhodesia Crisis. IA Vol 42 No 1
C Soames: 'Rhodesia to Zimbabwe.' IA Vol 56 No 3
S Ramphal: '"Our and the world's advantage": the constructive Commonwealth.' IA Vol 60 No 3
H Wilson: The Labour Governments 1964-70
E Windrich: Britain and the Politics of Rhodesian Independence
J H Wylie: The Influence of British Arms (Chapter 5)

13 Britain and the UN.

How useful has been Britain's contribution to the UN?

A Douglas-Home: The Way the Wind Blows

R Emerson: From Empire to Nation
J Frankel: British Foreign Policy 1945-73 (Chapter 10)
G L Goodwin: Britain and the United Nations
E Jensen & T Fisher: The UK-The UN
E Johnson: 'A permanent UN force: British thinking after Suez.' Review of International Studies Vol 17 No 1
F S Northedge: Descent from Power (Chapter 10)
D Wainhouse: Remnants of Empire
W Wallace: The Foreign Policy Process in Britain (Chapter 9)

14 Britain and the Falkland Islands War.

What were the main political and military lessons to be learnt from the Falkland Islands War?

A Barnett: Iron Britannia.

J Baylis (ed): Alternative Approaches to British Defence Policy. (Chapter 2)
P Calvert: The Falklands Crisis.
M Charlton: The Little Platoon.
A Dabat & L Lorenzano: Argentina, the Malvinas and the end of Military Rule.(Chapters 3-5).
T Dalyell: One Man's Falklands.
G M Dillon: The Falklands, Politics and War
The Economist: 'America and the Falklands' (November 12th 1983).
Lord Franks: Falkland Islands Review.
L Freedman: Britain and the Falklands War
L Freedman & V Gamba-Stonehouse: Signals of War
R Harris: Gotcha: the media, the Government and the Falklands Crisis.
M Hastings & P Jenkins: The Battle for the Falklands.
J Hickey: 'Keep the Falkland Islands British?' Inter-American Economic Affairs Journal. Summer 1977..
International Affairs: Falklands Retrospective. (Summer 1983)..
E Irving: 'Does withdrawal of Endurance signal a Falkland Islands desertion?' Geographical Magazine. January 1982..
R Johnson: The Future of the Falkland Islands. World Today 1977..
W Little: 'The Falklands Affair.' Political Studies Vol 32 No 2.
J C J Melford: 'Falklands or Malvinas? The background to the Dispute.' International Affairs (IA) Vol 44 No 3..
A Parsons: 'The Falklands Crisis and the UN.' IA Vol 49 No 2..
Sunday Times Insight Team: The Falklands War.V A Verrier: Through the Looking Glass. (Postscript).

15 The British Debate on Defence in the 1980s..

Why was Britain's role in NATO questioned during the 1980s?
Assess the effectiveness of the debate on defence priorities during the 1980s. How far did it differ from earlier debates?

Alternative Defence Commission (ADC) Report: Defence without the Bomb..

ADC Report: The Politics of Alternative Defence.
J Baylis (ed): Alternative Approaches to British Defence Policy. .
J Baylis (ed): British Defence Policy in a changing World. (Chapters 3-5)..
J Baylis: 'The Polaris Replacement Debate.' International Relations (IR) Vol 6 No 4..
J Bellini & G Pattie: A new World Role for the Medium Power..
K Booth & J Baylis: Britain, NATO and Nuclear Weapons.
N Brown: The Future Global Challenge..
B Burrows & C Irwin: The Security of Western Europe..
M Carver: A Policy for Peace..
M Chichester & J Wilkinson: The Uncertain Ally..
C Coker A Nation in Retreat?
R Cook & D Smith: 'What Future in NATO?' Fabian Research Series No 337.
J Critchley: 'Contemplating a French Nuclear Connection.' Round Table 1977.
L Freedman: Britain and Nuclear Weapons (Chapters 6-12).
L Freedman: 'Britain's contribution to NATO.' International Affairs (IA) Vol 54 No. 1.
B George: The British Labour Party and Defense.
A J R Groom: British Thinking about Nuclear Weapons (Postscript).
P Hill-Norton: No Soft Options.
P Jones: 'The Non-Nuclear Option.' British Atlantic Publications No 31.
H Kissinger: The Troubled Partnership
M Leifer: Constraints and Adjustments in British Foreign Policy (Chapter 4).
P Malone: The British Nuclear Deterrent..
I McGeoch: 'Britain's Defence Policy.' IR Vol 7 No 4.
J McMahan: Britain's Nuclear Weapons: For and Against.
C Mayhew: Britain's Role Tomorrow.
K Myers (ed): NATO: The Next Thirty Years.
P Nailor & J Alford: 'The Future of Britain's Deterrent Force.' Adelphi Paper No 156.
R Pfaltzgraff: The Atlantic Community.
G Prins (ed): Defended to Death.
P A G Sabin: 'Proposals and Propaganda.' IA Vol 63 No 1.
I Smart: 'Beyond Polaris.' IA. Vol 53 No 4.
H Strachan: 'Britain's Deterrent.' Political Quarterly 1980.
P Towle et al: Protest and Perish.
W Wallace: The Foreign Policy Process in Britain.

16 British Foreign Policy in the Post Cold War period.

What role should Britain play in the new World Order?

C Bellamy: 'Soldier of fortune: Britain's new military role.' International Affairs (IA) Vol 68 No 3

T Blackstone & C Coker: 'Britain's foreign policy choices.' IA Vol 65 No 2
K Booth: 'Redefining East-West Security.' IA Vol 66 No 1
C Coker: 'The special relationship in the 1990s.' IA Vol 68 No 3
International Affairs: ''The Future of Europe: a debate.' IA Vol 66 No 2
G Howe: 'Sovereignty and interdependence: Britain's place in the world.' IA Vol 66 No 4
G Robertson: 'Britain in the new Europe.' IA Vol 66 No 4
P A G Sabine: 'British Defence Policy beyond "Options for Change".' IA Vol 69 No 2
G Treverton: 'Britain's role in the 1990s: an American view.' IA Vol 66 No 4
W Wallace: 'British foreign policy after the Cold War.' IA Vol 68 No 3
W Wallace: 'Foreign Policy and national identity in the United Kingdom.' IA Vol 66 No 3

Pre-war Anglo-German Relations

Aster, Sidney, 1939: The Making of the Second World War (1973)

Bell, P.M.H., The Origins of the Second World War in Europe (esp. ch. 15)

Cowling, Maurice, The Impact of Hitler: British Politics and British Policy 1933-1940 (1975) (esp. chs. 10-11)

Hiden, John, and Thomas Lane (eds.), The Baltic and the Outbreak of the Second World War (1992)

Hill, Christopher, Cabinet Decisions on Foreign Policy: The British Experience October 1938-June 1941(1991) (ch. 2: Constructing the Polish Guarantee; ch. 3: The Soviet Question, April-August 1939; ch. 4: Entry into War, 1-3 Sept 1939)

Manne, Robert, 'Some British Light on the Nazi-Soviet Pact', European Studies Review 11 (1981), 83-102

Manne, Robert, 'The British Decision for Alliance with Russia, May 1939', JCH 9, 3 (1974), 3-26

Newman, Simon, March 1939: The British Guarantee to Poland (1976)

Parker, R.A.C., Chamberlain and Appeasement: British Policy and the Coming of the Second World War (1993)

Parker, R.A.C., 'The British Government and the Coming of War with Germany, 1939', in M.R.D. Foot (ed.), War and Society: Historical Essays in Honour and Memory of J.R. Western 1928-1971 (1973)

Prazmowska, Anita, Britain, Poland and the Eastern Front, 1939 (1987)

Roberts, Geoffrey, The Unholy Alliance: Stalin's Pact with Hitler (1989)

Roberts, Geoffrey, The Soviet Union and the Origins of the Second World War (1995)

Thorne, Christopher, The Approach of War 1938-39 (1967)

Watt, Donald Cameron, 'Misinformation, Misconception, Mistrust: Episodes in British Policy and the Approach of War, 1938-1939', in M. Bentley and J. Stevenson (eds.), High and Low Politics in Modern Britain (1983)

Watt, Donald Cameron, How War Came: The immediate origins of the Second World War 1938-1939 (1989)

Young, Robert J., France and the Origins of the Second World War (1996)

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