Size + length Shape + width
A large + round table A long + narrow street
(size) + (shape) (length) + (width)
Izoh: Ingliz tilida “ing” va “ed” ga tugallanadigan sifatlar mavjud. “ing” bilan tugallanadigan sifatlar jonsiz otlar uchun ishlatiladi. “ed” ga tugallanadigan sifatlar shaxslar uchun ishlatiladi.
M-n: My job is interesting. I am bored. The work is boring.
The Adverbs
Ravish ish-harakatning belgisini ko`rsatib beradigan so`z turkumidir. Ravish ish-harakatni qay tarzda, qachon sodir bo`lganligini ko`rsatadi.
Ravishning quyidagi turlari mavjuddir:
The adverbs of place or direction: (inside, here, there, outside…)
The adverbs of Time. (today, now, often…)
The adverbs of manner. (easily, quickly, aloud…)
The adverbs of repitation or frequency. (daily, often, seldom…)
The adverbs of Cause or Consequensy. (therefore, nevertheless, otherwise…)
The adverbs of quantity or degree. (almost, enough, quite…)
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