having visited the intermediary vertexes.
Exploring the World of Graphs
Weighted: Each edge has a cost associated with it,
such as time, money, or
energy, which you must pay to pass through it.
Unweighted: All the edges have no cost or the same cost.
Dense: A graph that has a large number of
edges when compared to the
number of vertexes.
Sparse: A graph that has a small number of edges when compared to the
number of vertexes.
Relying on topological sorting
An important element of DAGs is that you can represent a myriad of activities
using them. However, some activities require that you approach tasks in a specific
order. This is where topological sorting comes into play. Topological sorting orders
all the vertexes of a graph on a line with the direct edges pointing from left to
right. Arranged in such a fashion, the code can easily traverse the graph and pro-
cess the vertexes one after the other, in order.
When you use topological sorting, you organize the graph so that every graph ver-
tex leads to a later vertex in the sequence. For example, when creating a schedule
for building a skyscraper, you don’t start at the top and work your way down. You
begin with the foundation and work your way up. Each floor can represent a mile-
stone. When you complete the second floor, you don’t go to the third and then redo
the second floor. Instead, you move on from the third floor to the fourth floor, and
so on. Any sort of scheduling that requires you to move from a specific starting
point to a specific ending point can rely on a DAG with topological sorting.
Topological sorting can help you determine that your graph has no cycles (because
otherwise, you can’t order the edges connecting the vertexes from left to right; at
least one node will refer to a previous node). In addition, topological sorting also
proves helpful in algorithms that process complex graphs because it shows the
best order for processing them.
You can obtain topological sorting using the DFS traversal algorithm. Simply note
the processing order of the vertexes by the algorithm. In the previous example, the
output appears in this order: A, C, E, F, D, and B. Follow the sequence in Figure 9-1
and you notice that the topological sorting follows the edges on the external
perimeter of graph. It then makes a complete tour: After reaching the last node of
the topological sort, you’re just a step away from A, the start of the sequence.