An adjective (in linguistics) is a set of words that denote an object. In grammar, the word sign has a broad meaning, which means a sign according to its color, size, shape, feature, etc.: red, wide, pleasant, etc.
Generally, three levels of qualities are distinguished: a) simple degree; b) degree of accumulation; d) degree of reduction.
He, in pairing these rhymes, expresses the meanings of various things and persons, the excess of the sign in a certain way, the small amount in a small way. The show has rhymes (this is my book.), Determiner (The same guy came today.), Case (Then I woke up.) And cut (Our duty is that.).
Numbers are structurally divided into the following types:
An adjective (in linguistics) is a set of words that denote an object. In grammar, the word sign has a broad meaning, which means a sign according to its color, size, shape, feature, etc.: red, wide, pleasant, etc. According to these characteristics, S.s are divided into several types depending on their meaning: S. s - like white, yellow, red, nimrang; mazataʼs denoting S.s - sweet, sour, bitter, tasteless; characteristic S.s - kind, simple, sly, meek; shaped S.s - such as body, groove, elongated, flat; volumetric S.s - wide, narrow, large, heavy, light, etc.
The S. family has its own word formation and morphological system. In the Uzbek language, artificial S.s are mainly pronounced with the help of adjectives that form adjectives: akilli (akl + li), hosildor (hasil + dor), serqirra (serqirra) and so on. The morphological feature of S. is that it possesses a category of degrees. The sign of S. can be of three types in terms of degree: normative, above-normal (high) and below-normal (weak, low). Accordingly, there are three categories of quality: simple level - there is no specific indicator, and it indicates the normative state of the sign (more - less, strong - weak, etc.): good, big, sweet, ugly; incremental level - this level also has no specific morphological features. The meaning of the sign's surplus is expressed in Uzbek in several ways. Mas, phonetic method: yellow, blue, high (long pronunciation of the vowel); lexical method (using special words): very strong, very beautiful; analytical method: from sweet to sweet, from rough to rough; The reduced degree form is made using the rock affix: better, higher, saltier. S.s can fire (see Fire): Speaks well, speaks badly. If you walk close to the pot, the black is high; if you walk close to evil, the calamity is high.
Azim Hojiyev.
Bu manba matni haqida batafsilQoʻshimcha axborot olish uchun manba matnini kiriting
Yon panellar
Saqlab olingan
Hissalar Replace the dots in the joints with the suffixes rnos kc. State the meaning and function of this suffix.
I ... book ... We ... book ...
You ... book ... You ... book ...
He ... the book ... They ... the book.
Ownership suffixes belonging to the same person differ in the expression of singular and plural. They can be displayed as follows.
Contradictions such as the above, based on the singular and plural meanings of possessive suffixes, are sometimes broken. In such a case, the plural form signifies respect, not the singularity of the thing-event in which it is used. For example, our mother went on vacation.
The plural form of the second person possessive suffix is often used in the sense of ‘you’. For example, your sister (meaning "you") - your sister (meaning "you")
Such a phenomenon also applies to the singular and plural forms of third-person possessive pronouns. For example, sister ("you") - sisters ("you")
In artistic style, they skillfully use this opportunity of our language to reveal the character of the characters. For example, the Master's dogs. (A. Qahhor) The dog is not worthy of respect. But laziness to his master is so strong that his dog is treated in the same way.
A system of forms denoting that a horse belongs to one of three persons is a possessive suffix.
Questions and assignments
1. What do you mean by ownership supplements?
2. Do plural forms of possessive suffixes always mean plural?
3. If it does not express the plural, in what function is it used?
Course Objectives: To develop students' knowledge and skills about quality and its characteristics.
1. Recall the knowledge gained in general secondary education about quality.
2. Methodology of quality synonyms.
3. Appropriate use of adjectives in speech.
A particular character can also be represented by a few words. For example: big, great, huge, great, giant; beautiful, beautiful, graceful, graceful, and so on. Although such words are combined on the basis of a certain common meaning, but they also have certain differences from each other. Such a distinction is clearly manifested in their connection with other words, in their adaptation to a particular style. For example, the word man can take on the qualities of big, great, immense, great, but the giant quality cannot be associated with man. Because it is used to express the shape of buildings in buildings. In addition to the form sign, the word great signifies a feature sign. At such times it becomes synonymous with them. The words giant, on the other hand, cannot form meaning with them because they have no such meaning.
Therefore, knowing the meanings of adjectives and being able to use them in their proper place shows the speaker's speaking skills.
Definition of quality and lexical-grammatical features
Indicating the sign of the object, how ?, how ?, which?
The words that answer one of the questions are called adjectives: stunted, blue, autumn. Morphological features of the adjectives: 1) Indicates the level of the character: cheerful, cheerful, most cheerful. 2) Rides: Respect adults. 3) is connected to the verb and comes in place: Sattor writes beautifully. Syntactic features of the adjectives: 1) mainly serves as a determiner and a cut: A pleasant wind began. Nature is beautiful. 2) When it comes to quality as a determinant, it does not conform to the word being defined: wide (-) street, high (-) mountain.
Semantic types of adjectives
1. Character qualities. Such qualities represent the personality and state of things and things: good, bad, intelligent, alert, eloquent, cheerful, humble, cheerful, sad, happy.
2. Color qualities. These represent different colors of things: white, black, yellow, gray;
Taste qualities. These qualities signify the taste of things: sweet, bitter, sour, salty, bitter.
Dimensional qualities. These adjectives refer to the size, weight, and dimension of things: wide, narrow, deep, large, small, long, short, high, heavy, light, heavy, heavy, flat, flat, flat, round;
Odor qualities. It is self-evident that these qualities represent the different smells of things: fragrant, foul, foul-smelling, fragrant, if used.
Spatial-temporal qualities. These represent the signs of things taken in relation to place and time: at home, on the street, summer, winter, before, first, last year, evening.
Original and relative adjectives
Attributes that can express the sign of things directly, indirectly, and can characterize the sign (i.e., accept the suffix -roq) are called original adjectives: small, ugly, clever, black , thin.
Adjectives that express the sign of things not directly but in relation to place or time, and often cannot express degrees, are called relative adjectives. called. Such qualities are made with the help of constructive additions: spherical, portable, poster, summer, home, family, Tashkent.
Questions and assignments
1. What do you mean by quality?
2. Give examples of adjectives synonymy.
3. Talk about the possibility of choosing synonyms of adjectives in speech.
Course Objectives: To develop the ability to use quality levels appropriately.
1. About the hierarchy of a character in adjectives.
2. Means of expressing the hierarchy of a sign in adjectives.
Adjectives can also indicate a character directly (such as white, blue) or by comparing and grading a character. For example, blue, blue, navy blue, dark blue, light blue, and so on. Of these, by directly expressing the blue sign, it is in the norm; blue is blue, the blue sign is less than normal. it means that we have not reached our perception of blue, and the qualities of blue and dark blue mean that the sign is above the norm, strong.
Generally, three levels of qualities are distinguished: a) simple degree; b) degree of accumulation; d) degree of reduction.
Qualities that do not represent the excess-deficiency relationship of a character are considered to be simple-level qualities. There is no tool that creates a special degree in such qualities. Qualities like sweet, beautiful, white, black belong to the ordinary level.
Adjectives that indicate that the character is stronger than the target are strengths.
Such adjectives 1. By repeating before the adjective by substituting the last consonant in the first syllable of the ordinary level adjectives for the m or p consonant, or by adding such a consonant: blue; yellow - sap-yellow, - crimson:
2. By stretching the first or second flour in the composition: achchik - a: chchik, long - u: zun; beautiful - beautiful: like yli;
3. By adding words like adjective before, adjective, adjective, adjective: adjective-adjective (adjective, adjective, adjective) as good.
Attributes that represent the character's inferiority, weakness, are adjectives of a diminutive level.
Such adjectives are formed in the following ways: 1) by quoting words such as a little, picha, a little, a little, a little before the adjective: full - a little full, bitter - a little bitter; 2) the end of quality - rock. - by adding the suffixes (i) sh, (i) mtir: yellow— as yellower (yellowish, yellowish).
Among them - the suffix rock is synonymous with the words a little, a little, sometimes half, hungry. Therefore, it is often possible to use one instead of the other. For example, redder - a little red, a little red, like a bright red.
Questions and assignments
Basic concepts
simple degree, diminishing quality, enhancing quality.
Course Objectives: To provide information about the synonymy of quality-forming additives and their methodological features.
1. Primitive and artificial adjectives.
2. Synonymy of quality-forming additives and their methodological features.
You are aware that qualities are primitive and artificial. Words denoting a character without any constructive suffixes are considered primitive adjectives. For example, beautiful, ugly, white, black. Adjectives formed from other word groups using constructive suffixes are artificial adjectives. For example, by adding the suffix -li to the word water, it means that there is something that is more than the norm (watery), and by adding the suffix, you mean that there is nothing that is more than the norm. or less than normal (without water).
The adjective -li is synonymous with -dor, -kor and ba- before, so they can be used instead of one. For example, meaty-meaty, sinful-sinful, delicious-tasteless; but it is not always possible to replace them with each other. For example, the words hearty, strong cannot be called bayurak, hearty, hearty, strong, bakuch, strong.
The adjective -siz suffix be-, -no is synonymous with prefixes. Therefore, they can often be used instead of one. For example, hopeless, hopeless - pessimistic; but they, too, are not always interchangeable. For example, a fool can be called a fool, but not a fool. Also, the no- old suffix in words such as nomard, unknown cannot be replaced by the be- old suffix and -siz suffix, as these words are ready to be translated from Persian-Tajik into Uzbek. past It is not made in modern Uzbek.
Accordingly, the rational use of quality-building additives is of great importance.
Questions and assignments
1. What is artificial quality and by what means is quality created?
2. What do you mean by synonymy of quality-building additives?
3. State the cases in which quality-making additives are not interchangeable.
Course Objectives: To develop students' knowledge and skills in numbers and their methodological features.
1. Number information.
2. Number structure and types of meaning.
3. The order of numbers in compound numbers.
Phrases that express the quantity, number, order of countable objects are called numbers. What are the numbers? how much how much how much questions will be answered. For example, ten, two, five; like ten books, tenth grade, ten apples, three people.
In modern Uzbek, more than twenty-three numbers are used to express the quantity of a subject. Nine of these are odd numbers: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine; nine decimal numbers: ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty. ninety; five denotes hundreds, thousands, and higher numbers: hundred, thousand, million, billion. All of these numbers contradict “zero” as representing the meaning of quantitative ownership. A zero number means no quantity. The remaining numbers are from the addition of the unit numbers to the decimal number (eleven, twenty-five, ninety-nine), as well as from the addition of the unit, decimal numbers before the numbers one hundred and over ten (one hundred and fifty thousand , nine billion two hundred million, eleven thousand five hundred).
Numbers are subdivided into countable words, ordinal numbers, summative numbers, unit numbers, divisible numbers, and approximate numbers. See the meaning types of the number in the diagram below.
Each of these specified number types has its own form. Quantity names expressed in the main form are called numeric numbers. For example, one, ten, twenty, thousand, million.
Numbers denoting the order of an object are called ordinal numbers.
Tarlib numbers are formed by adding the -th, -th suffixes to numeric numbers. Of these, words ending in -th vowel are added to words ending in -th consonant. For example, five - fifth, ten - tenth, two - second.
Numbers that sum up the quantity of an object are called cumulative numbers. Aggregate numbers are formed by adding -ov, -ala sometimes -ovlon (cski form) to the number. Aggregate numbers will have a shooting feature. Therefore, the summative number suffixes result in the plural and one of the possessive suffixes in the three persons. For example, five - five - five, three - three, three, two - two, two. Example: When the quadruped is complete, it pushes its nipple, and when it takes the quail, it eats its mouth. As can be seen, -ov, -ovlon are added to unit numbers, above two. The word "someone", which is used in the sense of "someone" with the addition of the -ov suffix to a number, has lost its numerical meaning and has become a rhyme.
The number that received the suffix -ala may not receive the possessive suffix. At that time, the number will not be fired. For example, both people.
When summative number suffixes are added to numbers ending in a vowel, the vowel at the end of the number is dropped. For example: two - two, two; seven - like seven, seven.
Numbers that represent the quantity of an object in units are called unit numbers. Numbers are created by adding the suffix -ta to a number. For example, five to five, ten to ten. This addition is used to count items that can only be counted in pieces. For example, ten books, five notebooks, but not ten kerosene, five petrol. Ten can be called water, but the number ten at this time also includes the meaning of a bottle. Ten water is used in the sense of ‘ten bottles of water’. We also hear the phrase, "I poured ten gallons, thirty gallons," when it comes to the petrol that was poured into the car. At this time, the number of pieces also includes the meaning of "liter". The phrase "ten liters" means "ten liters."
Numbers that represent the quantity of an object by dividing it are called divisible numbers. Distributive numbers are formed by adding the suffix to a number and indicate that more than two objects are divided into parts. For example, like two, ten.
Numbers that represent the approximate amount of an object are called approximate numbers. Chama numbers are formed by adding -tacha, -lab suffixes to the number base. For example: ten, like a thousand.
Note: In the history of the Uzbek language, the numbers lacquer (hundred thousand) and district (thousand) were also used to express quantity.
See the table below for the types of meaning and the means of generating them:
E s la t m a: Numbers like three, seven, nine, forty are also interpreted as magic numbers.
Questions and assignments
1. What is a number?
2. What are its types of meaning?
3. What does ordinal number mean besides ordinal number?
4. What numbers are cumulative numbers?
Course Objectives: To provide students with information about units of measurement and to teach them to use words correctly.
1. About units of measurement.
2. Words denoting units of measurement and their types.
There are different dimensions in our language and words that express those dimensions. They are as follows
The units of measurement used between a number and a counting object are called measurement words.
For example, ten kilograms (grams) of flour, three tons of cotton, five kilometers of road.
Some of the units of measurement listed above will be specific to what the measured, enumerated object is. For example, it is used to express the amount of individuals, head animals, liters of liquids, bushes: five bushes (tomatoes), ten sheep, four students.
Some of the words "measure" mean only the measure - the account, some - the name of the object when taken separately, the meaning of the unit of measurement only in the text. For example, a bucket (bucket), bottle, barrel for measuring liquid; a tuft, a hug, a garden for measuring hay; to measure length, words such as inch, step, wood are used only within the text. For example, five bottles of mineral water, three barrels of beer, a bucket of oil; face, garden alfalfa, a bundle of wood, a handful of hay, three inches of cloth, like a five-step path. . Describe the quality and ask questions. 2. Give examples of semantic types of quality. 3. Talk about original and relative qualities. 4. As quality levels ... (continue). 5. Talk about lexical and morphological methods of generalization. 6. Talk about semantic and phonetic methods of generalization. 7. How is the comparative degree expressed? 8. How is the reduction degree made? 9. Give 5 examples of the qualities of a horse. 10. Give 5 examples of adjectives made of verbs. 11. Give 3 examples of adjectives from other word groups. 12. How to create and write compound adjectives
13. How to make and write pairs of adjectives. 14. Give examples of adjectives that repeat words. 15. What suffixes can be used in adjectives? 16. In which category of words are used instead of adjectives? Give examples. 17. What words make up compound adjectives? 18. Talk about compound adjectives and give examples. 19. Give examples of types of double adjectives. 20. Give examples of the use of other words instead of adjectives.
9.1. Definition and lexical-grammatical features of numbers
A set of words denoting the name of a number, the number of things, the order of things is called s o n. How many ?, how many ?, how many ?, how many? will answer questions such as Morphological features of numbers: 1) numbers can be used with such words as pairs, pieces, meters, squares; 2) word-changing suffixes are not added to all types of numbers: 1st person singular possessive suffixes are almost not added to numbers; 3) no number is formed from other word groups. Syntactic properties of numbers:
1) numbers are always used with horses; 2) numbers never subordinate words to a sign; 3) When the numbers come as determiners in front of the horse, they combine with it to form a single unit: Three pairs agree; 4) When quantity and quality come as determinants, first comes quantity, then quality: two beautiful shirts. 5) Numbers often come in the form of determiners and cuts: Our goal is the same. He took five pens.
Numbers also have the following features: 1) homonymy: face (number) - face (face), three (number) - three (movement), hirh (number) - hirh (movement), twenty (number) - twenty (movement); 2) synonymy: one - single, two - pair; 3) paronymy: seven - seven.
In fiction, numbers are written in words: Waited four years.
There are 23 simple numbers that are often used in our speech, and other numbers are formed by adding these: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, o ' n, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred, thousand, million, billion.
In the ancient Uzbek language lacquer (Hindi - hundred thousand) district
(Mongolian - ten thousand).
9.2. Integers, fractions, mixed numbers and their notation
A number that represents the number of an object while maintaining its integrity is called an integer: such as 1, 3, 5, 12.
The number that represents the quantity of an item is called the fractional number: 1/2 (half), 1/4 (quarter), 1/8 (half).
The fractional number is expressed in two ways: 1) the two numbers are connected by the suffix of the output verb: one of the two. 2) There is a word that means a fraction: half, quarter, half.
When a whole number and a fractional number are used together, it is called a mixed number: one and a half, two whole thirds. Integers, fractions, mixed numbers are written separately: one and a half kilograms.
9.3. Types of meaning of a number
Numbers come in six meanings and grammars:
1. Quantity (count) number means the total number of items of the same type: five days, thirty-three.
In addition to expressing quantity, a word in the category of quantity also has the following meanings: 1) uncertainty (in which case it is synonymous with a pronoun): A person is knocking on the door; 2) Reinforcement (in which case it is very synonymous with the word): I ran, I ran; 3) sequence (in which case it is synonymous with rest, sometimes connectors): One looks at me, one at him; 4) Restriction (in which case it is only synonymous with the load): All came, one Askar did not come; 5) Equality (in which case it is synonymous with the word equal): Everyone is one before the law.
2. A unit number is the quantity of an item that can be counted in pieces. Adding a suffix (can be combined with the names of animate and inanimate objects) to a quantity (number) or a unit (attached to the names of objects), person, head (combined with the names of beings), tup ) is formed by quoting the words: five birds, three loaves of bread, ten people, a hundred sheep.
3. The ordinal number indicates the numerical order of the item. The number ending in an ordinal number is the number ending in a consonant is formed by adding the -th suffix to the song: first, second.
If the ordinal numbers are represented by Arabic numerals, these suffixes are not written, the number is followed by a dash: house 2;
if it is represented by Roman numerals, the dash is not placed: VI class.
Ordinal numbers are close to adjectives in meaning, and some of them can be transferred to the category of adjectives: the seventh lamp, the tenth (or fourth) thread, the hundredth light bulb.
The Cyrillic inscription does not contain a hyphen after the Arabic numerals indicating the year and month: February 15, 1998.
4. The approximate number represents the approximate number of objects and is formed as follows: 1) by adding the suffix -tacha to the quantity: ten machines; 2) Quantitative with the addition of -lar, -larcha: It was eleven o'clock. Hundreds of people gathered. 3) quantity with the addition of the suffix -lab: thousands of people; 4) by giving two even numbers: five-six, three-four.
5. The sum number represents the total number of items, and the quantity is made by adding the following suffixes to the number:
1) with the addition of the suffix -ov: three, four;
2) with the addition of the suffix -ala: two, three;
3) with the addition of the suffix -ovlon: beshovlon, altovlon;
When the sum of two, six, and seven numbers is formed, the i-sound in the stem decreases: two, six, seven.
When the numbers three and four are joined by ala, they are written as three or four, even if they are pronounced as three or four.
Aggregate numbers are often made up of numbers from 1 to 7 (there are tens and tens in speech) and are similar in meaning to horses.
6. Distribution number is the amount of distribution of things, and the quantity is formed by adding the suffix -dan: two, ten, one hundred. Sometimes a number can be repeated and a divisible number can be made: We walked in pairs. (Quantity is reduced to five if the word is present: from five to five kilograms)
9.4. Information about account words (numerators)
Words that express the concept of an indefinite quantity using quantitative numbers are called counting words: five rubles, ten grams, a hundred years. Such words are, in fact, words belonging to the category of nouns, which have lost some of their lexical meaning and have become indefinite.
Account words are divided into the following groups: 1) used to calculate objects individually: pieces, copies, tubes, heads, people; 2) To calculate the part of a whole: piece, sheet, burda, mouth, bite, squeeze, slice, pinch, swallow, swallow, suck, drop, lightning, nimta, togram, poy, toqa, bo 'lak, shingil; 3) gang: gala, ball, group, gang, bunch, garden, hug, shoda, palm; 4) pair representation: pair, money; 5) measuring weight: gram, kilogram, centner, ton, shekel, pound, batman, pack, stalk; 6) denoting the measure of length: millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer, mile, stone (obsolete), gas, inch, arm, step; 7) denoting the age measure: age, youth, monthly, daily; 8) denoting the measure of time: seconds ..., hours, days, months, weeks, years, centuries; 9) representing the measure of value: sum, coin, coin, miri, bucket. In addition, the following arithmetic occurs between a number and a verb to indicate the amount of action: times, in turn, times, times, shares, folds, ciders, times.
In a sentence, the number that answers the horse's question and can come in the plural, possessive, and accusative forms, like a horse, is called the jumping number: Five, three, two, two. Riding numbers have the same functions as horses, and serve as a cut-off, a filler, a sharpener, and a case: Five is half a tenth. Five plus three equals eight.
The exams are in the twenties.
9.6. Structural types of numbers
Numbers are structurally divided into the following types:
1. Simple numbers consist of one stem: one, three.
2. Compound numbers are formed by writing two or more numbers together: thirteen, one hundred and eighteen.
3. Even numbers are made up of pairs of two different stems: five-six, seven-eight, fifteen-sixteen.
4. Repeated numbers are formed from the repetition of one stem: two-two, four-four, ten-ten.
Even and repeated numbers are written with a dash.
Linguists have found that the numbers eighty and ninety are made up of the words eight and ten, nine and ten.
Sample of numerical analysis
Review questions
1. What words are called numbers? 2. What suffixes can be given to numbers that represent the name of a number? 3. Give 5 examples of connecting numbers that represent the number of objects to words. 4. What numbers are represented by? 5. List one by one the 23 simple numbers that are often used in our speech. 6. Eskir Give an example of gan numbers. 7. Explain the difference between integers and fractions. 8. Talk about the types of fractions. 9. Talk about mixed numbers. 10. Talk about quantity numbers. 11. Talk about meaning groups of account words. 12. What is the meaning of the word "one"? 13. Talk about pieces and ordinal numbers.
14. How are approximate numbers formed? 15. How are summation numbers formed? 16. How are divisible numbers formed? 17. Give 4 examples of numbers from the category of horse, quality. 18. What additions do the jumped numbers get? 19. Talk about the structural types of numbers. 20. Analyze the number in the "Five Books" by heart. 21. Talk about numbers that are homonymous. 22. Talk about numbers that are synonymous.
10.1. Definition and lexical-grammatical features of the pronoun
In a sentence, a noun, adjective, number, form, sometimes a phrase, and a group of words that can be used in place of a sentence and do not have a clear lexical meaning are called rhymes: 1) at o Instead: Karim was very happy because he had achieved his dream. 2) Instead of quality: Give me your book from yesterday, I want to take examples from this book. 3) Instead of numbers: I have two pencils, how many do you have? 4) Instead: I'm leaving today, when are you leaving? 5) Instead of a phrase: Lying is not good, it leads to bad consequences.
6) Speaking of which: You don’t like to work, which is the worst trait in a person.
Pronouns vary, and are often possessive, complementary, determinative, and motivational: Everyone came. Congratulate us. Give me this book. Hey you, come on!
Pronouns help to avoid unnecessary repetition of words in a sentence, and help to express the idea concisely and concisely. Pronouns have the following grammatical features: 1) there is no word-formation feature (but on the basis of pronouns can be formed noun, verb, form, adjective: self, sensirama, self, source); 2) in pairs, it comes as a function of another set of words: the same, the same (form); 3) pronouns can have horse-specific modifiers: to him, that; 4) The diamond never takes the determiner before it. Pronouns can be of the following types according to the function they perform in speech: 1) rhymes in the category of horse are the answers to the questions of horses, accept word-changing adverbs like horses, and the functions performed by the horse in speech. does 2) adjectives of the category of quality, like adjectives, perform the functions of adjective-determiner, participle and case, have the property of jumping. 3) Pronouns of the number category are used to express quantity and perform adjective-determiner, noun-cut, and sometimes case functions in speech.
10.2. Types of meaning of pronouns
1. Personality (person) pronouns are the following pronouns denoting three persons: I, you, he, we, you, they. Personal pronouns vary like horses. I, when you add the adjective, the future tense, and the suffix -niki to the pronouns, one n falls: mine, yours, you. When the suffixes direction, place, and exit are added to the personal pronoun, one n is added: to him, in, from. Personal pronouns have almost no possessive suffixes. Personal pronouns have the function of speech, complement, determiner, participle, commentator: I'm gone. I'm talking to you. She has a sharp mind. You are the one who does it.
2. A personal pronoun is a word used to describe or emphasize an object. This rhyme signifies the individuality, belonging, or solitude of an object: one's own home, one's own brother. The personal pronoun takes the suffix possessive and becomes synonymous with the personal pronoun: I am, you are you, and he is.
When the personal pronoun is changed, there must be possessive suffixes before the suffixes of the contract: to oneself, to oneself, and so on. The pronoun can be used in the form of an indefinite article: Own house is your own house.
3. Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns used to denote an object, someone: u, bu, shu, osha, ana, mana, ana shu, mana bu, bu (this word is high, solemn ma 'represents no).
The personal pronoun and the show pronoun vary with the meaning of the ap. Who is that personal pronoun in this? to the question, what is the pronoun of the show? will answer the question. He, this, this, when those pronouns are varied in direction, place-time, exit agreements, or when the suffixes -day, -cha are added to them, an n sound is added before the suffix: to him, to him, so, so, so little.
He, in pairing these rhymes, expresses the meanings of various things and persons, the excess of the sign in a certain way, the small amount in a small way. The show has rhymes (this is my book.), Determiner (The same guy came today.), Case (Then I woke up.) And cut (Our duty is that.).
4. Interrogative pronouns b a pronoun is a pronoun that expresses a question about an object, a symbol, or a quantity.
The pronoun kim is used in relation to a person, what pronoun is used in relation to an object, and is used in the singular and plural, with the possessive and accusative suffixes: Who spoke? What did you see? What do you have? What pronoun can come in the form of an indefinite pronoun: What did you get?
How, what, which rhymes are used to determine the character: what person, which book. Where, where, where, when, why pronouns are used to denote place, time, existence, cause, purpose, etc .: When did it come? Where is he walking? Where is your brother? Where did he go? Why did you come?
5. Definitive pronouns denote the sum of objects and persons, or distinguish them, so they can be divided into two: 1) Summative pronouns include the words all, all, all, total, total, whole, general. 2) Definitive pronouns include every word itself (every melon ...) and words like everyone, everything, everyone, everyone. Each word is spelled separately.
All, all, all pronouns mean plural. Definitive pronouns are used with the suffixes possessive, accusative, plural: All are silent. Don’t tell everyone.
6. Pronouns of indivisibility are pronouns that mean negation. They are made up of the word no itself and the combination of that word with some interrogative pronouns: no one, nothing, no, none, never. No words are spelled separately. These pronouns are used with possessive, accusative suffixes: He saw no one.
When no word is used alone, it often comes before verbs and serves as a form: He never struggled.
The word someone can also be used in place of the pronouns indivisibility: No one should know this.
7. Suspicious pronouns are pronouns that express a vague idea about an object, sign, or event. They are formed with the help of alla- or with the suffix -dir: allakim, allanima, allakayi, allaqaer, allakayak, allanechuk, allakhancha, allanechanchi, someone, something, when, how, where, where, why. Suspicious pronouns can be made by adding one or two words to the interrogative pronouns: Who was calling him? It was as if his brother had said something to him. (Sometimes a diamond can take the place of a compound without a combination of things: Seeing this, he did not say a thing.) none).
D i q q a t! In some textbooks, pronouns are also distinguished (17; 29). These include the words kamina, fahir, and banda.
10.3. Transfer of words from other categories to rhymes
Some words related to the following categories of words are replaced by pronouns: 1) horse: person, person, person, thing, work; 2) quality: some, other, some, inferior, following; 3) end: one. In general, many words that come with the words one, each, none can be replaced by a pronoun: nothing, something.
1. What words are called diamonds? 2. List the grammatical features of pronouns. 3. Talk about personal pronouns and their characteristics. 4. Talk about the personal pronoun and its properties. 5. Talk about show rhymes and their techniques. 6. Talk about interrogative pronouns and their properties. 7. Talk about designation pronouns and their properties. 8. Talk about indivisible pronouns and their properties. 9. Talk about suspect pronouns and their properties. 10. Talk about the sound changes associated with rhymes. 11. Which category of words is replaced by rhymes? 12. Talk about the structural types of rhymes. 13. Talk about variable diamonds. 14. Give examples of immutable rhymes. 15. Talk about rhymes of a homonymous character. 16. Talk about rhymes that can be synonymous. 17. Talk about rhymes that mean reinforcement when the suffix -s is added. 18. Talk about the rhymes that make sense when the suffix -s is added. 19. Talk about rhymes that express respect when the suffix -s is added. 20. Which rhymes can be graded? 21. From which rhymes can you make words for a horse? 22. Which rhymes have only a simple appearance? 23. Which rhymes are always in the form of an agreement should be marked? 24. Which diamond is most often associated with a personal diamond? 25. From which rhymes can you make words related to the category of adjectives? 26. For which type of pronouns are possessive suffixes added in pairs?
27. What type of rhyme can be replaced by a noun, adjective, number, form? 28. What types of rhymes are formed with the help of interrogative pronouns? 29. List the rhymes that do not have possessive suffixes.
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