Bog'liq 12jun13 aromi advances behavioral economics
10 C A M E R E R A N D L O E W E N S T E I N other self-serving motivations violate this separation (see Babcock and Loewen-
stein 1997 and in this volume). Fourth, the Bayesian updating predicts no effects
of the order of arrival of information. But, order effects are common in memory
due to the strength of recent information in working memory (recency effects)
and of increased “rehearsal” of older memories (primacy effects). These order
effects mean that how information is sequenced distorts probability judgment (see
Hogarth and Einhorn 1992).
Cognitive psychologists have proposed heuristic mechanisms that will lead to
judgments which sometimes violate either sampling principles or Bayes’s rule (see
Kahneman and Frederick 2002). For example, people may judge the probabilities of
future events based on how easy those events are to imagine or to retrieve from
memory. This “availability heuristic” contributes to many specific further biases.
One is “hindsight bias”: Because events that actually occurred are easier to imagine
than counterfactual events that did not, people often overestimate the probability
they previously attached to events that later happened. This bias leads to “second
guessing” or Monday-morning quarterbacking and may be partly responsible for
lawsuits against stockbrokers who lost money for their clients. (The clients think
that the brokers “should have known.”) A more general bias is called the “curse of
knowledge”—people who know a lot find it hard to imagine how little others know.
The development psychologist Jean Piaget suggested that the difficulty of teaching
is caused by this curse. (For example, why is it so hard to explain something “obvi-
ous” like consumer indifference curves or Nash equilibrium to your undergraduate
) Anybody who has tried to learn from a computer manual has seen the
curse of knowledge in action.
Another heuristic for making probability judgments is called “represen-
tativeness”: People judge conditional probabilities like P (hypothesis / data) or P
(example / class) by how well the data represents the hypothesis or the example
represents the class. Like most heuristics, representativeness is an economical
shortcut that delivers reasonable judgments with minimal cognitive effort in many
cases, but sometimes goofs badly and is undisciplined by normative principles.
Prototypical exemplars of a class may be judged to be more likely than they truly
are (unless the prototype’s extremity is part of the prototype). For example, in
judging whether a certain student described in a profile is, say, a psychology major
or a computer science major, people instinctively dwell on how well the profile
matches the psychology or computer science major stereotype. Many studies show
how this sort of feature-matching can lead people to underweigh the “base rate”—
in this example, the overall frequency of the two majors.
Here is an example from the business world: When its software engineers refused to believe that
everyday folks were having trouble learning to use their opaque, buggy software, Microsoft installed
a test room with a one-way mirror so that the engineers could see people struggling before their very
eyes (Heath, Larrick, and Klayman 1998).
However, this “base-rate fallacy” is being thoughtfully reexamined (Koehler 1996). The fact that
base rates are more clearly included when subjects are asked what fraction of 100 hypothetical cases
fit the profile is an important clue about how the heuristic operates and its limits (Gigerenzer, Hell, and
Blank 1988; Tversky and Kahneman 1983).