ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 11, Issue 5, May 2021 Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 = 7.492
ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research
What is a student active vocabulary? This is a dictionary of their independent speech practice.
This is the lexical material underlying the students' speech, they need not only for perception, but
also for reproducing the information received.
A passive vocabulary is that group of words that a student needs for receptive (passive) language
proficiency, that is, to understand what he has heard or read, to obtain information and rarely
uses it in speech.
Active vocabulary is the lexical material of external speech (speech for others). Passive
vocabulary - lexical material (for yourself).These
are words, the meaning of which a person
knows, uses in speech every day in a particular area of communication. The enrichment of
vocabulary is aimed at ensuring that, when generating speech, the student has a free synonymous
substitution of words to clarify thoughts,
eliminate repetitions, create imagery and stylistic
When perceiving a text, a rich vocabulary allows you to adequately perceive information not
only through understanding the
dictionary meanings of words, but also their semantic
connotation. The enrichment of the dictionary occurs through the introduction into the linguistic
consciousness of thematic groups of words, synonymous series, phraseological units, antonymic
pairs, which makes it possible to choose the necessary unit.
There are various techniques of possession of the readable text of the dictionary for activation.
Prof. Chistyakov V.M. suggested in the middle grades of the national school to select an active
vocabulary after analyzing all aspects of the studied text: vocabulary, phraseology, grammatical
forms, syntax of sentences, composition of the text.(1)
Of course, the author's advices are very useful, but their implementation is within the power of
the compilers of the ―Books for Reading‖.
These techniques require lexical analysis of the text rather from the position of a methodist-
linguist; they are laborious, especially if you analyze a large-scale work.
Let us offer another method for defining a vocabulary
activated in a lesson, which can be
practically used by a teacher and whose effectiveness has been tested in practice. This technique
is based on the assessment of the word as the bearer of the author's thought.
We must not forget that the vocabulary material activated in the lesson in its volume is not equal
to the number of new words for students entered in this lesson. It includes vocabulary that is new
for this lesson, and some part of the words previously learned.
In our opinion, an active vocabulary is basic words, without which it is impossible to solve the
teaching purpose of the lesson, to cause the student's speech activity: participation in a
retelling, writing a presentation, essay.
The purpose of each reading lesson is the development of students' speech. It cannot be fully
resolved if the student's speech activity is based only on words that are new for this lesson. The
teacher constantly,
day after day, mobilizes the vocabulary previously accumulated by the
students and makes a certain part of it at each lesson a reference for the implementation of the
educational goal of the lesson.
ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 11, Issue 5, May 2021 Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 = 7.492
ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
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