1) S+who/which+V+C+before/after+noun+to be+likely to+V+C+M (Biror voqeadan oldin biror ishni bajargan Subjectning biror narsani qilish ehtimoli bor)
A student who studied hard before the exam is likely to pass the exam.
2) When S+V+C+M, S+get(s) the chance to V+C+M (Biror hodisa sodir bolganda Subject biror narsani bajarish imkoniyatiga ega boladi)
When I take my IELTS certificate I will get the chance to study abroad
3) S+V+C+M, however this is not the case when +S+V+C+M (ikkinchi gapda birinchi gapdagi hodisa sodir bolmaydi)
The winter is cold, however this is not the case when it is summer (qish sovuq lekin yozda bunday bo’lmaydi).
4) S+who/which +to be able to+V+C+M +to be also able to+V+C+M (Bir ishni bajarolgan Subject shuningdek ikkinchisini ham bajara oladi).
Pupils who are able to write in English are also able to speak Englsih.
5) S+V+C+M+at a rate unparalelled since+time/noun. (Biror narsa (Subject) …dan beri misli ko’rilmagan darajada o’sd/tushdi va h. k)
The exchange rate of the U.S dollar rose at a rate unparalelled since 90s.
6) Find a solution in a form of a +noun (biror narsa ko’rinishida yechim topmoq)
Scientists are trying to find a solution in a form of electro cars for the global warming.
7) S+can be an asset for+Ving+noun (Subject nimadir qilish uchun manba bo’lishi mumkin)
Hard work can be an asset for achieving your goals.
8) S+tobe responsible for noun/Ving (Subject biror narsa uchun ma’sul/javobgar/sababchi)
Stress is responsible for heart problems.
9) S+find+noun to be+responsible for+noun/Ving (Subject biror narsani biror natijaga javobgar deb topadi)
Scientists find poor management to be responsible for closing the organisation.
10) When S+V+C+M, S+find it+adj+to+V+C+M (Biror holatda Subject biror ishni bjarishni qiyin db biladi)
When it is dark I find it hard to see the road. Iguess I have poor eyes. (study on smth).
11) S+consider+Noun to have the same+noun(properties/characteristics/features) witn+noun (Subject biror narsani boshqa biror narsa bilan bir xil xususiyatga ega deb hisoblaydi)
Scientists consider the Mars to have the same characteristics with the Earth.
12) With+noun+S+V+C+M (Subject o’zining biror narsasi bilan biror ishni bajaradi).
With his work-related skills, He can make a good career in the future.
13) S+V(Know/learn/explain/understand)+why/what/when/how+to+V (Subject biror ishni qanday/qachon/nima uchun qilishnii biladi)
Teenagers should know how to cope with stress.
14) If or when+S+V+C+M, S+V+C+M (Biror hodisa bolganda yoki agar biror hodisa ro’y bersa, yana biror ish sodir bo’ladi)
If or when there is fire, call 101.
15) I didn’t see/like/understand much of+him/her/It.
When I was studying at the university, I didn’t see much of her.
16) Go for It=try it.
If you have a chance to go abroad you should go for It.
17) S+to be+adjective, but the past few+noun(time) have seen an exception (Biror ishni bajarish oson/qiyin va h.k lekin o’tgan biror davrda istisno bo’ldi)
Making profound changes in science is very difficult, but the last few years have seen an exception.
18) the features that make+noun different/special from others is that it is… (Biror narsani boshqalaridan farqlab turadigan xususiyatlari shuki…)
The features that make English language different/special from the other languages is that it is the most common spoken language in the world.
19)S+should develop a/an +adj+way of Ving (Subject biror ishni bajarishning qandaydir yo’lini topishi kerak)
Health authorities should develop an effective way of treating people with cancer.
20) What+V(worries/intrigues/appeals to)+noun is that+S+V+C+M (Biror kishi yoki narsani havotirlantirayotgan/qiziqtirayotgan narsa shuki…)
What is worrying me is that I have to learn 500 words in two days If I want to pass the exam.
21) That is the only+adjective+way to+V+C+M (Shu biror ishni bajarishning yagonap qandaydir yo’li)
That is the only right way to solve the problems of water shortage.
22) S+to be thought+to+V+C+M (Subjectni biror ishni bajardi deb tasavvur qilinadi).
He is thought to steal the money.
23) S+appear to be responsible for+noun/Ving (Subject biror holat yoki ishga javobgar deb hisblanadi)
Cigarette smoking appears to be responsible for the cancer.
24) S+try to be+adj with+noun (Subject biror kishi yoki narsaga nisbatan qandaydir munosabatda bo’lishni hohlaydi). I always try to be kind with strangers.
25) S+should+V+C+M, If+S+want(s)+noun to go further (Agar Subject biror narsani ko’proqqa yetishini hohlasa, u nimadir qilishi kerak)
You should drive the car at 60km/hour if you want your petrol to go further.
26) Fuelled by+noun S+V+C+M (Biror narsadan ta’sirlanib Subject biror salbiy ish qilai).
Fuelled by anger, Bob broke the window of his friend’s house.
27) S/Ving+is/can be of (no) benefit/use for noun (Biror narsa yoki ish biror kishi yoki narsa uchun foydali/befoyda bo’lishi mumkin).
Playing online games is of no benefit for the young generation.
28) It is the right/high time to+V+C (Biror ish qilishning ayni vaqti)
It is high time to icrease the awareness of people of the environmental issues.
29) A process spanned some …years (Biror jarayon qanchadir vaqt davomida bajarib tugatilgan).
Effects of global warming spanned some 2 centuries.
30) S+tobe+V3(ed) in so ancient times that +S+was/were+Ving+C+M (Subject ya’ni biror hodisa shunday qadimgi davrda sodir bo’lganki, bu davrda boshqa bir Subject ya’ni hodisa endi ro’y berayotgan edi).
The Big Bang happened in so ancient times that The Earth was cooling down from the lava heat.
31) S+most of what/which+tobe+V3(ed)+C+M+V+C+M (Ko’p qismi nimadir bo’lgan Subject yana nimadir ish bajargan)
The Colliseum most of which was destroyed bu the erosion over time is now an ancient historic building.
32) S+which+to be+known as+noun+to be+V3(ed)+C+M (Biror nom b ilan mashxur bo’lgan Subjectga biror narsa bo’lgan)
The Pyramids of Egypt which are known as one of the Seven wonders of the world were built by the order of Faraoh Tutenhamon.
The building style which is known as modern architecture was established in 19th century.
33) S+to be+the result(s)/consequence(s)/outcome(s)/effect(s)/remains+of+what+to be+V3(ed)+C+M (Subject biror ish bajarilgan biror narsaning qoldiqlari/ta’siri/natijasi).
Desert in Australia is the consequence of what was a forest cut by men.
A car crash is the result of what happens when you drive fast.
34) S+may serve as/may have served as+markers of+noun (Subject biror hodisaning belgisi vazifasini bajarishi mumkin)
The invention of our home gadgets serves as a marker of the technological era.
35) S+used to+V+C+M, but now that+S+to be+comparative adj, S+V+C+M (Subject avvallari biror ishni bajarardi lekin endi kattaroq/aqlliroq va h.k. bo’lgandan keyin Subject boshqa biror ishni bajaryapti)
I used to study at school but now that I am older I am working.
36) Recent scientific studies about+noun have helped explain the reason(s) why+S+V+C+M (Biror noun haqida yaqinda o’tkazilgan tajribalar nima uchun biror hodisa sodir bo’lish sabablarini tushuntirishga yordam berdi).
Recent scientific studies about/on fast food consumption have helped explain the reason why people in most European countries are becoming overweight.
37) If+S+to be trying to+better+V+in order to+V+C+M, Subject helps to+V+C+M (Agar Subject biror ishni qilish uchun biror ishni yaxshiroq bajarishga urunayitgan bo’lsa, 2-Subject narsa biror ishni bajarishga yordam beradi)
If you are trying to better accommodate your needs in order to improve your living standard, self development courses help to achieve your goal.
38) If+S+to be trying to+better+V+how+S+V+C+M, Subject helps to+V+C+M (Agar Subject biror narsani qanday sodir bo’lishni yaxshiroq tushunishga/tushuntirishga urunayotgan bo’lsa, 2-Subject narsa biror ishni bajarishga yordam beradi)
If you are trying to better understand how snowflakes form in the air, this article helps to understand the whole process.
39) It would be a mistake to think of+noun as+adj/noun (1-noun haqida biror narsa deb o’ylash xato bo’ladi)
It would be a mistake to think of women as weak or vulnerable.
40) S+share the same+noun(characteristics/features…) with+C (Subject Complement bilan bir xil xususiyatga ega)
Early humans shared the same features with animals.
41) With so many/much/few/little+noun+S+V+C+M (Bunaqa ko’p/kam noun bilan Subject biror ishni qiladi yoki qilmaydi)
With so many mistakes you are not going to pass the exam.
42) S+pose a dire threat to/for+noun (Subject biror narsaga katta havf tug’diradi)
Deforestation all over the world poses a dire threat for all animals
43) S+liked/hated/helped/influenced+noun so much that +S+V+C+M (Subject biror nounni shunaqa yaxshi ko’radi/yomon ko’radi/yordam beradi/ta’sir ko’rsatadiki, natijada 2-Subject biror ishni bajaradi)
When I was young I liked ice-cream so much that I used to eat 5 ice-creams every day.
44) If not for+noun, S+would+V+C+M (Agar noun bo’lmaganda Subject biror ishni qilgan bo’lardi)
If not for the map, we would get lost
45) The term “…” first came into usage in … to describe+S+who/which+V+C+M (“…” termini biror vazifani bajaradigan odam/holat/narsani tasvirlash uchun 1-marta … vaqtda ishlatilgan)
The term “Shopaholic” came first into usage to describe a person who buys many things.
46) Noun+live up to+smb’s+expectations (Noun biror kishi kutganday bo’lib chiqadi)
My IELTS score lived up to my expectations.
47) S+V+C+M+enabling/allowing S+to+V+C+M (Subject biror ishni qilish orqali, 2-subjectga nimadir qilish imkonini beradi)
Physics scientists invented mobile phones enabling/allowing us to contact each other without any difficulty.
48) S+reflect the opinion of+noun (Subject noun haqidagi fikrni aks ettiradi)
Strike march reflected the