9 com ith/14 com/4 Rev. Paris, 27 October 2014 Original: English


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Document ITH/13/8.COM/Decisions

  1. The Chairperson proceeded with the approval of the adopted decisions, informing the Committee that the corrected version of Decision 8.COM 13.a included the generous invitation by Turkey to convene an expert meeting in 2014 on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development.

  2. The delegation of Turkey believed that the relevant articles of the Operational Guidelines deserved to be revised in the near future, recalling that the relationship between safeguarding, commercialization and sustainable development had been included in the recent reports of both the Subsidiary Body and the Consultative Body. During its seventh session, the Committee reached a general consensus on the need to improve paragraphs 102, 116 and 117 of the Operational Directives with several expert meetings held on this issue. It emphasized the importance of the two recently held expert meetings on intangible heritage and sustainable development in Rabat, Morocco, and Chengdu, China. It warmly appreciated these excellent initiatives, and was pleased with the Committee’s decision to organize an expert meeting in 2014 in Turkey to assist the work of the Committee in its deliberations on the issue.

  3. The Chairperson opened the floor to comment on the decisions as presented.

  4. The delegation of Greece wished to propose an amendment in decision 8.COM 8 in line with decision 8.COM 7, which expressed the Committee’s appreciation of the work of the Consultative Body, by also mentioning its appreciation of the work of the Subsidiary Body. Thus, it proposed a new paragraph 3, which read ‘expresses its appreciation with the work of the Subsidiary Body’. Moreover, it noted that decision 8.COM 13.d referred to the evaluation body, but that paragraphs 26 and 28 in the Operational Directives still referred to the Consultative Body, adding that the new Evaluation Body should be mentioned throughout the Operational Directives.

  5. The Secretary confirmed that Greece was correct and that the Secretariat would ensure that the new approved vocabulary would be used consistently throughout the Operational Directives.

  6. The delegation of Uruguay added that it had been fully satisfied with the quality of the reports and agreed with Greece on the amendment.

  7. The delegation of Greece wished to add to the paragraph that the Committee also wished to thank the members of the Subsidiary Body.

  8. Regarding 8.COM.16, the delegation of Latvia wished to reconfirm its profound commitment to the implementation of the Convention and to the diligent and fruitful work of the Committee. As it was to undertake its responsibility as Rapporteur, Latvia would soon provide the Secretariat with the exact name of the Rapporteur.

  9. The Chairperson turned to the adoption of the Committee’s decisions as a whole and with no comments or objections, declared all the decisions adopted. The Chairperson reiterated that the Secretariat would need to look through the documents thoroughly before publication of the final decisions.

  10. Regarding the amendment by Greece, the delegation of Grenada noted that in the decision concerning the new evaluation body, the first paragraph of the proposed amendment ‘on an experimental basis […]’ should also retain the phrase ‘consultative body established in accordance with Article 8.3’, because Article 8.3 did not mention an ‘evaluation body’. Thereafter, ‘Evaluation Body’ could be mentioned.

  11. The Chairperson took note and confirmed that the final version of the document would be available in two weeks’ time. The Chairperson then gave the floor to the NGO representative to present the report on the NGO Forum.

  12. On behalf of the NGO Forum, Ms Emily Drani took the opportunity to share with the Committee the statement by the NGOs. The NGO Forum expressed its gratitude to Azerbaijan for the warm welcome and support extended to the NGOs to help them to undertake their activities alongside the Committee. The NGO Forum thanked the Secretariat for its constant support and welcomed the decisions of the Committee on the recognition of the role of NGOs and their potentially greater involvement in the implementation of the Convention. In the same vein, the NGOs expressed their appreciation to the IOS for its inclusive consultations. This year, the progress of the NGO Forum was reflected through the 105 NGO representatives who attended the Committee session and the 25 NGOs that took part in the NGO Forum. Moreover, 15 of the NGOs received support from the Fund to attend. Concrete results included the new operational website of the NGO Forum, which would allow for better sharing of experiences between its members, while providing NGOs with a platform for greater visibility. Upon the request of the Secretariat, the Forum was also in charge of the Facebook page Intangible cultural heritage and civil society. The Forum explored the role of NGOs within the framework of the Convention with the establishment of two thematic working groups in line with recommendations 12, 16 and 19 of the IOS evaluation report. The first working group was devoted to methodologies in the field, which allowed accredited NGO representatives and experts to exchange their methods and experiences of good practices, as well as their failures in order to broaden viewpoints and strengthen competencies. In 2014, this working group would undertake the regular publishing of articles on the Forum’s website. The second working group was devoted to two themes: gender issues and intellectual property in intangible cultural heritage. This group considered both themes from the perspective of equity and sustainability.

  13. Ms Drani explained that through these actions, the NGO Forum hoped to provide tools that were relevant to all stakeholders in the implementation of the Convention. In relation to the decisions taken by the Committee, the NGO Forum welcomed the inscriptions on the Urgent Safeguarding List, the Representative List, as well as the Best Practices Register, but it regretted the under-utilization of International Assistance. The Forum noted the important role that NGOs could play in the promotion and use of these mechanisms. It also noted with interest Decision 8.COM 13.d regarding the status of the evaluation bodies, and expressed its expectation for the balance of standards in the evaluation of the nominations. The Forum welcomed the recommendation in the accreditation of new NGOs, recalling actions that contributed to the implementation of the Convention, namely capacity-building, education and training, informing on the Convention, enriching documentation of intangible cultural heritage, mediation between the States and the communities, and finally, developing networks to foster exchange of safeguarding experiences. In this way, NGOs could help develop alternate, light-touch ways of sharing safeguarding experiences to complement the Register of Best Safeguarding Practices. NGOs could also contribute towards the definition of legislation, policies, and the elaboration of safeguarding plans. NGOs could also complement the data gathered by States Parties on the implementation of the Convention through their periodic reports. The NGO Forum also welcomed the Committee Decision 8.COM 5.c, particularly the participation of NGOs at the Committee’s debates, and the inclusion of the NGO outcomes in the Committee’s agenda. The recognition of the commitment of NGOs in the implementation of the Convention would reinforce their activities, both with the bearer communities and with the States Parties. The NGO Forum suggested a form of recognition of its activities, while revising the accreditation process in the spirit of decision 7.COM 16.b. Finally, the NGO Forum drew attention to five important points: (i) the need for the broad publication of information on the inscriptions and their related safeguarding plans, and the potential contribution that NGOs could play; (ii) States Parties evaluating future nominations would benefit from establishing a committee that brought together skills, competencies and associations of the private and public sectors, including NGOs; (iii) the importance of exchanges between the Committee, the evaluating bodies and the NGO Forum, and invited the chairpersons of the evaluating bodies and the Committee to its annual forum; (iv) the opportunity for NGOs to access the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund, as was the case for the 2005 Convention; and (v) the NGO Forum requested the support of States Parties to provide interpretation in the two working languages of the Convention during the NGO Forum.

  14. Thanking the NGOs, the Chairperson took note of their proposals and advice, adding that the Committee relied on the active role of the NGOs in its forthcoming activities to safeguard intangible cultural heritage in close cooperation with States Parties and the involvement of communities the world over. He thanked the NGOs for their very active participation during the Committee’s sessions and their further cooperation in the future.


Documents ITH/13/8.COM/INF.19

  1. On behalf of the government of Azerbaijan, the Chairperson thanked all the participating countries, as well as those that had given it the opportunity to host the meeting in Baku. Despite the challenges, the government had done its best to ensure a comfortable and efficient meeting. The Chairperson also wished to thank the former Director-General, Mr Matsuura, one of the godfathers of the Convention, for his active participation at the Convention’s tenth anniversary, as well as the Director-General, Ms Bokova, for her kind words and for entrusting Azerbaijan with hosting the meeting. The Chairperson conveyed to her his sincere thanks for the general support afforded to Azerbaijan within UNESCO, as well as to the president of Azerbaijan for his kind words and his attention in ensuring a safe and fitting event at the highest level in which there was extensive media coverage throughout the session. The Chairperson also thanked the First Lady of Azerbaijan for her attentive consideration of the reports and activities as Goodwill Ambassador for UNESCO for oral and musical traditions. He also thanked the volunteers and those who assisted in promoting the event, including hotel and technical staff and the interpreters. The Chairperson thanked the Secretariat for the professional nature of its work throughout the week, as well as the Members of the Committee for their professionalism and their constant involvement in the daily debates, and for striving to achieve consensus even during difficult discussions. He spoke of the honour and pleasure to work with all the delegates that led to measures that resulted in an efficient and successful Committee session.

  2. The delegation of Indonesia conveyed its deep appreciation to the government of the Azerbaijan for the excellent organization of the session and its kind hospitality. It took the opportunity to congratulate the Chairperson for his able leadership that brought the session to a successful conclusion. It extended its thanks to the Committee, the Secretariat, the interpreters, journalists and volunteers for their hard work. It was noted that the session had produced a number of significant decisions, which would lead to effective progress towards the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage. It congratulated the States Parties that had nominated the elements and safeguarding practices, as well as the local communities and groups behind the nominations. Nevertheless, it regretted the large number of rejections and referrals of nominations, albeit it was the files and not the elements that were rejected, although the communities concerned would likely be saddened and disappointed with the outcome. It also regretted the many cases where the Committee had chosen to pedantically apply the letter of the Convention over the spirit of the Convention. It noted that the Secretariat had been unable to carry out the preliminary examinations of files that had provided advice to the State Parties in the revision of their files. It felt that the Secretariat and the Committee had to reflect on how to overcome these problems in order to avoid another repeat of States Parties being denied the right to speak to defend their nomination files. As an outgoing Committee Member, Indonesia had tried to give its best to the Committee, having hosted the sixth session of the Committee in Bali, and also having made a contribution to the ICH Fund.

  3. On behalf of its country and Group V(a), the delegation of Nigeria expressed its utmost appreciation to the Chairperson for his fair, objective and forthright sense of judgement that was a shining example for all future chairpersons, which was complemented by the Secretariat and the flawless leadership of the Secretary, Ms Cécile Duvelle. The delegation also thanked the interpreters and all the colleagues who were incisive and robust during the debates.

  4. The delegation of Nicaragua joined with the chorus of thanks to the Chairperson for his work throughout the session, adding that this had helped the Committee successfully carry out its work. It also thanked the Secretariat for its help and support that rendered the work more efficient. On behalf of President Daniel Ortega, it extended its thanks to the Members of the Committee and all the States Parties, as well as all those who attended the session. It assured the delegates that it would continue to work with great enthusiasm to ensure that the Convention met with success.

  5. On behalf of its government, the delegation of Grenada thanked the Chairperson and the government of Azerbaijan for their wonderful hospitality, extending its thanks to the Secretariat for its professional work without which the Committee would not be in its present position. With Grenada an outgoing Committee Member, the delegation spoke of Grenada’s worthwhile contribution over the past four years, adding that it would now be able to ensure the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage, and would do its utmost to protect its heritage. It thanked all those present at the session, inviting all to visit Grenada. It concluded by thanking UNESCO for its financial assistance that enabled its participation.

  6. The delegation of China thanked the Chairperson for his chairmanship, guidance and for the smooth manner of the proceedings. It took the opportunity to pay a special tribute to Azerbaijan for its hospitality, as well as its sincere appreciation of the Secretariat and the advisory bodies for their work during the session. It spoke of the great achievements from 2009 to 2013 in the implementation of the Convention of which it was very proud. China was truly impressed with the diversity of the elements nominated and was happy to note that geographical representation continued to be relatively balanced. It welcomed the consensus reached by the Committee on a number of crucial issues, such as intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development, safeguarding and commercialization, and capacity-building and working methods, adding that it was looking forward to working closely with the Secretariat, the Committee and all related parties in the realization of these important objectives.

  7. The delegation of Peru thanked the government of Azerbaijan for its hospitality and for the excellent organization of the meeting, as well as the staff for the support given to each of the delegations. Furthermore, it wished to thank the Chairperson for his role as a facilitator of dialogue that helped the Committee reach consensus at times when even Members failed to agree. Finally, it thanked the Secretariat for its support and assistance.

  8. The Chairperson thanked the Committee Members for their kind words.

  9. As yet another outgoing Member, the delegation of the Czech Republic expressed its appreciation of the colleagues with whom it had shared this very valuable experience, as well as the Chairperson for his brilliant conduct of the work. It thanked the Secretariat for its preparation of the session, the interpreters, who were personal heroes, and finally the host country for its warm hospitality, and the constructive and pleasant atmosphere it created.

  10. The delegation of Uganda thanked the Chairperson for his excellent handling of the session, and the government of Azerbaijan, especially the Minister of Culture and Tourism and the Aliyev Foundation for their support of the meeting. It thanked the Secretariat and the Consultative Body and Subsidiary Body members for their assessments of the files, as well as the members of the Committee for their objective deliberations, whose spirit it hoped would continue into the future. Uganda had gained new experiences and lessons that allowed it to implement some of the new decisions approved by the Committee for which it pledged its commitment to the implementation of the safeguarding measures.

  11. The delegation of Greece joined with the Members in expressing its personal thanks to the Chairperson for his excellent conduct of the meeting, and to the government of Azerbaijan for the rich and joyous atmosphere on the tenth anniversary of the Convention. It thanked the Secretariat for its consistently excellent work, the interpreters, and the States for the elements submitted, which revealed the diversity and wealth of intangible cultural heritage during the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Convention. It thanked the Members for the quality of the discussions and the process of reflection within the Committee, adding that it would return home a lot wiser and richer in experience.

  12. The delegation of Belgium thanked the Chairperson for his excellent guidance, the Bureau and the Rapporteurs for their commitment and effort, and Azerbaijan for its warm welcome and impeccable organization. It also thanked the Secretary and her team, as well as the legal and logistic services, for the smooth preparation of the session, adding that it would continue its efforts in the spirit of the Convention for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage.

  13. The delegation of Kyrgyzstan expressed its deep gratitude to the host country for providing a flavour of the ancient culture of Azerbaijan, and for its warm hospitality. It thanked the Chairperson for his flexible approach, and the Secretariat led by Ms Duvelle for their excellent work, which enabled it to improve its nomination file as well as its periodic report.

  14. The delegation of Uruguay joined in thanking the Chairperson for his work, the Secretariat and the advisory bodies for their reports, as well as the Committee for the way the session had unfolded. On a personal note, the delegation spoke as representative of the Minister of Culture of Uruguay adding that the great geographic distance between Baku and Montevideo might have revealed a culture divide, but the days spent in Azerbaijan had shown that geographic distance was not in fact reflected by cultural distance. On seeing the old city of Baku, it realized that the tangible and intangible heritage of the two countries was actually close, and that it would return home with the conviction of greater solidarity.

  15. The delegation of Tunisia joined with the Members in expressing its great appreciation to the government and people of Azerbaijan for their very warm welcome and hospitality. It thanked the Chairperson for his effective, authoritative and flexible approach that successfully led the Committee to overcome some of the obstacles. It thanked the Secretariat for its professionalism, as well as the interpreters. It remarked that the work had provided a forum for reviewing and thinking about different approaches carried out in the spirit of the Convention so as to improve implementation efforts.

  16. The delegation of Madagascar congratulated the government of Azerbaijan for its welcome and hospitality, and the Chairperson for his efficient leadership of the session. It expressed gratitude towards the Secretariat, led by Ms Duvelle, for their competence and professionalism, as well as the Members of the Committee and all those present for their open collaboration during the session. Madagascar would leave the Committee next year and so wished the Committee every success in years to come.

  17. The delegation of Namibia thanked the Chairperson for his commitment and guidance throughout the session, as well as the government and people of Azerbaijan for its hospitality. It also thanked Ms Duvelle and the entire Secretariat for their great professional support.

  18. The delegation of Albania expressed its sincere gratitude to the government of Azerbaijan for hosting the session and for its hospitality. It personally thanked the Chairperson for the wise and fair way he conducted the work of the Committee, and Ms Duvelle and the team for their very hard work. Special thanks were expressed to Members of the Committee for their constructive and open approach towards reaching consensus. As an outgoing Member in its final year on the Committee, it expressed its sincere wish that this important Convention be successfully implemented at the national level, that States Parties manage to reach consensus as often as possible, and that they work in close collaboration with the Secretariat in order to achieve efficient safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage throughout the world, the ultimate goal of the Convention.

  19. The delegation of Egypt associated itself with the remarks by Tunisia in expressing thanks to the government and the people of Azerbaijan on behalf of the Arab group. It thanked the Chairperson for his positive and flexible approach, as well as the Secretariat, despite the very long working days. It also thanked the young people of Azerbaijan for their kindness, which embodied the hope of young people and contributed towards the success of the meeting. The delegation spoke of the far-reaching relations it had within the region for many centuries, adding that Egyptian families had Azeri origins, and as one of the longest standing members that had participated in early efforts to adopt the Convention, noted how the Convention would breathe new life into those ancient links. It spoke of its respect for the tireless work carried out by the Secretariat, and notably Ms Duvelle, expressing its warmest thanks to the Chairperson, the Secretariat, the Committee Members, the interpreters and the young Azeris for their kindness and warmth that made the work so much easier.

  20. The delegation of Brazil expressed gratitude to the Chairperson for his leadership and to the government of Azerbaijan for its hospitality and the perfect organization of the meeting. It thanked the Secretariat for preparing the documents and for their constant presence and support, as well as all the support staff and interpreters. It also thanked the Committee, especially the outgoing Members, from whom it had learnt a lot and would miss, though it looked forward to having other countries join the Committee. The delegation spoke of the unity and solidarity of the Committee that enabled it to reach all its decisions by consensus, and its honour and pleasure at having chaired the session in the Chairperson’s absence.

  21. The delegation of Latvia expressed its appreciation of the Committee’s efficient and timely work, thanking the Chairperson and the government of Azerbaijan for hosting the session, and for the effective work of the Secretariat and the interpreters. It noted that the session had raised quite complex substantive debates, and it reaffirmed its commitment to the consistency and continuity of the Committee’s decisions. It expressed particular thanks to the Committee Members, adding that it truly appreciated their contributions to the debates and the outcomes of the Committee’s work.

  22. The delegation of
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