4. Кредит-модуль тизимида якуний назорат қандай шаклларда ўтказилади

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4. Кредит-модуль тизимида якуний назорат андай шаклларда ўткази

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uneasy situations that a speaker comes across in real life situations

Вопрос 57
Choose the appropriate version.
In Communicative Approach communicative tasks come after careful and thorough drilling and exercises.

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Вопрос 58
A bird in the hand ...
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is worth two in the bush

Вопрос 59
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets at the end of each sentence.
This is similar to the ‘mere _______ effect’.
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Вопрос 60
Choose the correct answer. …. a plan for presenting the language material to be learned and should be based upon a selected approach.
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Вопрос 61
According to structural linguistics, how many elements is a meaningful sign composed of?
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Вопрос 62
Which sentence is NOT correct?
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My grandmother would have long, fair hair.

Вопрос 63
Identify the type of the goal in the following instructions:
a) Listen to the teacher explain the denotation and connotation of the four words; and
b) Explain to a partner the meaning of the words

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Cognitive goal

Вопрос 64
Don’t leave out any details. I want a full ______ account of what happened in the meeting.
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Вопрос 65
Levels for school-leaving
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Правильный ответ:
A1, A2

Вопрос 66
. What is the instruction of beyond phase in lesson planning?
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Правильный ответ:
Summarizing major points

Вопрос 67
What is “signifier”?
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sound image

Вопрос 68
’’Unless you pay your bill, ‘’the company threatened, ‘’we’ll have no ---------but to sue you.’’
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Вопрос 69
There are many reasons why this should be a success. However, the ______ is that it has been a big flop.
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Правильный ответ:
bottom line

Вопрос 70
Choose the correct answer.
A highly personalized style of carrying out a particular step.

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Вопрос 71
Choose the appropriate concept to the given definition.
The ……of a goal are the steps that a student will need to do to achieve a goal.

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Вопрос 72
Choose the best answer.
to gain with effort

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Вопрос 73
I’d love a job with a great deal of-------- I want to eat my own hours, work at home when I like, and make many decisions on my own.
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Вопрос 74
Which is the broadest concept?
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Вопрос 75
Do you think it will be possible to ----------- the deadline.
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Вопрос 76
______ is a small fast boat with a powerful engine.
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Вопрос 77
I hate it when a speaker----------the same point over and over, as if the listeners weren’t paying attention or were just too stupid to understand.
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Вопрос 78
Maybe working at a different time of day, or from a different location, will be a breath of fresh air.
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Правильный ответ:
something new/different, and pleasant

Вопрос 79
What is norm-referenced assessment?
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Правильный ответ:
It is based on the comparison of all test-takers within a continuum. In other words, each test-taker is compared to how well (or poor) other test-takers did on the same exam.

Вопрос 80
The consumers we want to ... are all professionals who purchase up-market products.
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Вопрос 81
"Black & blue on the face " means?
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Вопрос 82
Choose the best answer.
incapable of or resistant to bending
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Вопрос 83
Multiple-choice tests are …
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Правильный ответ:
practical and reliable

Вопрос 84
To create a new Google Doc simply do the following
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Правильный ответ:
Click on Create - Document

Вопрос 85
The final tip says you should NOT...
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Правильный ответ:
pressure yourself to do too much

Вопрос 86
A test is …
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a specific technique for gathering information about students’ knowledge skills or abilities

Вопрос 87
How many aspects are there in communicative competence?
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Вопрос 88
It's no use crying over spilt ___.
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Вопрос 89
I’d be better off stopping my legal job and doing jobs for cash. The ______ is the only way to make money these days.
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Правильный ответ:
black economy

Вопрос 90
What are the types of alternative assessment?
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Правильный ответ:
preliminary, Formative, Summative

Вопрос 91
What are three basic precepts of through phase in lesson planning?
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Правильный ответ:
From familiar to new, simple to complex and mechanical to unstructured

Вопрос 92
How is the reciprocal meaning is expressed in the following sentence? They greeted each-other
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Вопрос 93
Quantitative research is characterized by…
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Правильный ответ:
The use of numbers to represent the data

Вопрос 94
Choose the correct answer .
“To be aware of writing all types of essays” is … of the lesson. … .

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Правильный ответ:
a goal

Вопрос 95
What is the term that defines the relation between the words in the following phrase: general assumption.
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Вопрос 96
Which word completes the sentence?
I wish I ____ come to the zoo with you next weekend, but I’m going to be busy.

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Вопрос 97
Choose the correct answer.
A a sound philosophy and orientation, which used as bases in the process of instruction.

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Вопрос 98
Choose the appropriate concept to the given definition.
… consists of three stages: 1) identifying desired results; 2) determining acceptable evidence; and 3) planning learning experiences and instructions

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Backwards Design

Вопрос 99
What do you understend when you read the following definition: stable, limited?
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Вопрос 100
What competence is mentioned here? “…. while communication takes place between and within cultures, people evoke and exchange different values, social rules, norms, myths, beliefs, prejudice, and/or ideology via language they use.”
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Правильный ответ:
Sociolinguistic competence
Google Slides is most similar to which of the following programs?mic.power point
The drop-down arrow next to the New Slide commands lets you choose ________.slide layouts
When presenting your slide show, what are some of the ways you can advance to the next slide? Select all that apply.pressing the spacebar
What is the fastest way to change all of the slide layouts and colors of your presentation?apply anew theme
Which feature does this image demonstrate?a transition applied to slide
Let's say you want to add a company logo to the bottom-right corner of every slide. What's the most efficient way to do this?insert a logo on master slide

  • A(n) ___________ is comprised of our active vocabularies, our pronunciation of words, and our grammar and syntax when talking or writing. idiolect.

2.Which of the following is NOT characteristic of language?Language is concrete..
3.Which of the following is NOT true of connotative meanings?Meanings have concrete definition..
4.Saying “LOL” when responding to someone in a technology environment is an example of
To improve message ___________, one must use specific, concrete, and precise language.
All of the following are conversational maxims EXCEPT:
Pause before speaking..
In conversation, which of the following maxims may be violated?
None of the above.
Using inclusive language when you are with a wide swath of people is also known as:
linguistic sensitivity.
Assessment appraising or estimating the level of magnitude of some attribute of a person (ongoing process)
subset of assessment, genre of assessment technique (method and a measure)
one's actual "doing" of language in the form of speaking and writing (production) and listening and reading (comprehension)
one's hypothesized (empirically unobservable) underlying ability to perform language
process of quantifying the observed performance of classroom learners
when the results of a test (or other assessment procedure) are used for decision making. Interpretation of information. (can take place w/o measurement)
statements that describe what a student can perform at a particular point on a rating scale; sometimes also called band descriptors
informal assessment
incidental, unplanned comments and responses, along with coaching and other impromptu feedback to the student (embedded in classroom tasks)
formal assessment
exercises or procedures specifically designed to tap into a storehouse of skills and knowledge. Systematic, planned sampling techniques constructed to give teacher and student an appraisal of student achievement.
formative assessment
evaluating students in the process of "forming" their competencies and skills with the goal of helping them to continue that growth process.
summative assessment
measures or summarizes what a student has grasped and typically occurs at the end of a course or unit of instruction
norm-referenced test
a test in which each test-taker's score is interpreted in relation to a mean, median, standard deviation, and/or percentile rank
criterion-referenced test
a test designed to give test-takers feedback, usually in the form of grades, on specific courses or lesson objectives; the distribution of students' scores across a continuum may be of little concern
achievement test
a test used to determine whether course objectives have been met - and appropriate knowledge and skills acquired - by the end of a given period of instruction
diagnostic test
a test that is designed to diagnose specified aspects of a language
placement test
a test meant to place a student into a particular level or section of a language curriculum or school
proficiency test
a test that is not limited to any one course, curriculum, or single skill in the language; rather, it tests overall global ability
playing the role of allowing or denying someone passage into the next stage of an educational (or commercial, political, etc.) process
the specific definition of an ability, often not directly measurable (ex. fluency) but which can be inferred from observation
aptitude test
measures capacity or general ability to learn a foreign language (BEFORE taking course)
discrete-point test
assessments designed on the assumption that language can be broken down into its component parts and that those parts can be tested successfully
psychometric structuralism
a movement in language testing that seized the tools of the day to focus on issues of validity, reliability, and objectivity
integrative test
a test that treats language competence as a unified set of interacting abilities of grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, and listening
a text in which words are deleted and the test-taker must provide a word that fits the blank space
a method of assessment in which test-takers listen to a text and write down what they hear
unitary trait hypothesis
the position that vocabulary, grammar, the "four skills," and other discrete points of language cannot be disentangled from each other in language performance
communicative test
a test that elicits a test-takers' ability to use language that is meaningful and authentic
strategic competence
the ability to employ communicative strategies to compensate for breakdowns as well as to enhance the rhetorical effect of utterances in the process of comunication
performance-based assessment
assessment that typically involves oral production, written production, open-ended responses, integrated performance (across skill areas), group performance, and other interactive tasks
task-based assessment
assessments that involved learners in actually performing the behavior that on purports to measure
the extent to which resources and time available to design, develop, and administer a test are manageable and feasible
the extent to which a test yields consistent and dependable results
knowledge of strategies for guessing, maximizing the speed, or otherwise optimizing test task performance
inter-rater reliability
condition in which two or more scorers yields consistent scores for the same test
intra-rater reliability
condition in which the same scorer yields consistent scores across all tests
subjective tests
tests in which the absences of predetermined or absolutely correct responses require the judgement of the teacher to determine correct and incorrect answers
objective tests
tests that have predetermined fixed responses
the extent to which inferences made from assessment results are appropriate, meaningful, and useful in terms of the purpose of the assessment
content-related validity
the extend to which a test actually samples the subject matter about which conclusions are to be drawn
direct testing
an assessment method in which the test-taker actually performs the target task; as opposed to indirect testing
indirect testing
an assessment method in which the test-taker is not required to perform the target task; rather, inference is made from performance on non-target tasks; as opposed to direct testing
criterion-related validity
the extent to which the linguistic criteria of a the test (e.g., specified classroom objectives) are measured and implied predetermined levels of performance are actually reached...POPHAM: the degree to which student performance on the assessment predicts performance in another context
concurrent validity
the extent to which results of a tests are supported by other relatively recent performance beyond the test itself
predictive validity
the extent to which results of a test are used to gauge future performance
construct validity
any theory, hypothesis, or model that attempts to explain observed phenomena in one's universe of perceptions
consequential validity
a test's impact, including such considerations as its accuracy in measuring intended criteria, its effect on the preparation of a test-takers, and the (intended and unintended) social consequences of a test's interpretation and use
the effect of the use of a test on individual test-takers, institutions, and society
face validity
the extent to which a test-taker views the assessment as fair, relevant, and useful for improving learning
the degree of correspondence of the characteristics of a given language test task to the features of a target language task
the effect of assessments on classroom teaching and learning
specification (specs)
planned objectives, features, methods, and structure of a test
biased for best
providing conditions for a student's optimal performance on a test
test usefulness
the extent to which a test accomplishes its intended objectives
multiple-choice tests
an assessment instrument in which items offer the test-taker a choice among two or more listed options
receptive (selective) response
test items that require the test-taker to select rather than produce a response such as true/false or multiple-choice
the stimulus or prompt for a multiple-choice question
options (alternatives)
different responses from which a test-taker can choose in an item
the correct response to a multiple-choice question
responses in multiple-choice item used to divert or distract the test-taker from the correct response
item facility (IF)
a statistic used to examine the percentage of students who correctly answered a given test item
item discrimination (ID)
a statistic used to differentiate between high- and low-ability test-takers
item response theory
a measurement approach that uses complex statistical modeling of test performance data to make generalizations about item characteristics
equated forms
forms that are reliable across tests so that a score on a subsequent form of a tests has the same validity and interpretability as the original test
distractor efficiency
the effectiveness of the distractor to attract a test-taker away from the correct response
form-focused assessment
assessment that focuses on the organizational components (e.g., grammar, vocabulary) of a language
triangulation (of assessments)
using two (or more) performances on an assessment, or two or more different assessments, to make a decision about a person's ability
interactive (skills)
combining the use of more than one skill (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) in using language
detailed specific linguistic competencies that involve processing up to and including the sentence-level (phonology, morphology, grammar, lexicon)
linguistic competencies that involve language competence beyond the sentence level (discourse, pragmatics, rhetorical devices)
selective response
test items that require the test-taker to select rather than produce a response such as true/false or multiple-choice
listening cloze (or cloze dictation/ partial dictation)
a cloze test that requires the test taker to listen to a cloze passage while reading it
exact word scoring (cloze)
a scoring method that is limited to accepting the same word found in the original text
appropriate-word scoring (cloze)
a scoring method that accepts a suitable, grammatically and rhetorically acceptable word that fits the blank space in the original text
information transfer
a process in which information processed f rom one skill is used to perform another skills (listen to phone number - then write it down)
picture-cued items
test questions in which a visual stimulus serves to prompt a response or in which the test-taker chooses, among visuals, a response that correctly matches a spoken or written prompt
sentence repetition
the task of orally reproducing part of a sentence or a complete sentences that has been modeled by a teacher or test administrator
limited response tasks
a task that requires only a few words or a phrase as the answer
mechanical tasks
a task that determines in advance what the test-taker will produce (e.g. reading aloud or sentence repetition)
controlled response task
a task that limits the amount of language that is produced; e.g., in a controlled writing task, a number of grammatical or lexical constraints that apply
background knowledge; cultural or world knowledge
attending to the procedures (steps, strategies, tools, abilities) used to comprehend or produce language
attending to the end result of a linguistic action (e.g. in writing, the "final" paper, versus the various steps involved in composing the paper)
type or category (e.g., academic writing, short story, pleasure reading) of a text
fixed-ratio deletion (cloze)
every nth word is deleted in a text while reading it
rational deletion (cloze)
words are delete in a text on a rational basis (e.g., prepositions, sentence connectors) to assess specified grammatical or rhetorical categories
a text in which the second half of every other word is eliminated and the test-taker must provide the whole word
cloze-elide procedure
unnecessary words are inserted into a text and the test-taker must detect and eliminate those words
a variant of dictation whereby test-takers listen to a relatively long text (e.g., a paragraph of several sentences or more) and try to internalize the content, some phrases, and/or key lexical items and then use them to recreate the text
holistic scoring
an approach that uses a single general scale to give a global rating for a test-taker's language production
primary-trait scoring
in a writing test, a single score indicating the effectiveness of the text in achieving its primary goal
analytic scoring
an approach that separately rates a number of predetermined aspects (e.g., grammar, content, organization) of a test-taker's language production (e.g.), writing)
stability reliability
same test to the same (or similar) students on two different occasions, the test should yield similar results.
alternative form reliability
similar/consistent results from multiple test forms
consistency reliability
one test administration, reflects how well the items are doing their job, that is tapping into the same construct : items appropriately difficult, good/poor distractors, good/poor rubrics, too many or too few items, etc

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