In 2001 released . This is according to the USB 2.0 specification newcomers added . new small connectors ( connectors ), connection installation protocol for electrical power which was requirements is added .
“USB yo’lda” (On-The-Go - OTG).
“USB yo’lda” (On-The-Go - OTG).
2001 yilda chiqarilgan. Bu USB 2.0 spetsifikatsitasiga yangilar qo’shilgan. Yangi kichik ulagichlar (raz’yomlar), aloqani o’rnatish uchun protocol, elektr quvvatiga bo’lgan talablar qo’shiladi.
USB 3.0 in the specification updated standard cables and connectors physicist and functional in terms of USB 2.0 mos will come and a valuable identification to do USB 3.0 connectors for blue colored plastic preparation acceptance made . USB 2.0 cable four liniyani own into receives - data acceptance make / transfer for couple , plus and nol power _ To them additional as USB 3.0 again four communication line added ( two wrap up pair ), as a result cable much thickened . New contacts on USB 3.0 connectors are located separately from other obsolete contacts. In the USB 3.0 specification information transmission maximum speeds up to 5 Gbit / s rose - it provides USB 2.0 from 480 Mbit / s much is large . S hunday so that the information transmission speeds from 60 MB / s to 600 MB / s increased and 1 Tb ni 8-10 hours in not in 40-60 minutes _ transfer opportunity gave .
Version 3.0 only high information transmission speed , but not 500 mA and 900 mA until which was tok of power increase with both difference does . S hunday so one _ more than a hub _ number devices works or devices itself separately power from the source get rid of to be possible .
USB 3.0 spetsifikatsiyasida yangilangan standartdagi kabellar va ulagichlar fizik va funksional jihatdan USB 2.0 bilan mos keladi va bir qiymatli identifikatsiya qilish uchun USB 3.0 ulagichlarini ko’k rangli plastmasadan tayyorlash qabul qilingan. USB 2.0 kabeli to’rtta liniyani o’z ichiga oladi – ma’lumotlarni qabul qilish/uzatish uchun juftlik, plyus va nol quvvat. Ularga qo’shimcha ravishda USB 3.0 yana to’rtta aloqa liniyasini qo’shdi (ikkita o’raglan juftlik), natijada kabel ancha qalinlashdi. USB 3.0 ulagichlaridagi yangi kontaktlar boshqa eskirgan kontaktlar qatoridan alohida joylashgan. USB 3.0 spetsifikatsiyasida ma’lumotlar uzatish maksimal tezligi 5 Gbit/s gacha ko’tarildi – bu USB 2.0 ta’minlay oladigan 480 Mbit/s dan ancha kattadir. Shunday qilib, ma’lumotlarni uzatish tezligi 60 Mbayt/s dan 600 Mbayt/s gacha oshdi va 1 Tb ni 8-10 soat ichida emas, balki 40-60 daqiqada utkazishga imkon berdi.
3.0 versiyasi nafaqat yuqori ma’lumot uzatish tezligi, balki 500 mA dan 900 mA gacha bo’lgan tok kuchining oshishi bilan ham farq qiladi. Shunday qilib, bitta xabdan (uyadan) ko’p sonli qurilmalar ishlaydi yoki qurilmalarning o’zi alohida quvvat manbalaridan xalos bo’lishi mumkin.
USB 3.0 hub to VIA VL810 chip based on demonstration platasi
USB 3.0 xab, VIA firmasining VL810 mikrosxemasiga asoslangan demonstratsion platasi