1997 Research and Publications Report table of contents faculty of Engineering 4

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Journal article in scholarly refereed journal

Boucher C, 1997, 'How women socially construct leadership in organizations: A study using memory work', Gender, Work and Organization, vol. 4, no.3, July, pp. 149-158

Raab N, 1997, 'Becoming an expert in not knowing: Reframing teacher as consultant', Management Learning, vol. 28, no.2, pp. 161-175

Journal article, Non refereed (including articles in 'professional' journals)

Bridgen C A, 1997, 'Freedom of choice.', Just Policy, vol. -, December

Trigg D, 1997, 'Mission statements - A note on their structure and components', Company Secretary, vol. 49, no.2, March, pp. 52-53

Conference publication, Full written paper - refereed proceedings

Adie J A, & Castleman T, 1997, 'Employment relations issues for telework: occupational, organisational and public policy factors.', Global Business in Practice, 10th International Electronic Commerce Conference, Proceedings, Volume II, Research., vol. 2, Bled, Slovenia, pp. 384-402

Conference publication, Full written paper - non refereed proceedings

Brigden C A, 1997, 'Wobblies and rebel girls, wharfies and lintheads, scabs and blacklegs: teaching labour history using film.', Frontiers of Labour., Bertola P, & Bailey J (eds.), Australian Society for the Study of Labour History (Perth Branch), Perth, Australia, pp. 1-8

Castleman T, & Adie J A, 1997, 'Research issues for the comparative study of telework.', Proceedings of the 1st Annual CollECTeR Workshop on Electronic Commerce., Adelaide, South Australia, pp. 15-25

Trigg D, & Trigg M, 1997, 'A proposal to seek a joint venturing partner in the Ukraine: expansion from Down Under.', Association for Global Business Annual Conference, Washington, USA, pp. 149-162

Conference publication, Extract of paper

Boucher C, 1997, 'A description of modernism and postmodernism in the context of organisation studies and thinking about management.', 11th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Melbourne, Australia

Holian R F, & Martin S, 1997, 'Ethical decision making, guts and a sense of humour.', Australian Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference 1997 Proceedings., Tharenou P (ed.), The Australian Psychological Society, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 77-77

Hutton B, Bellamy S, & Walters G J, 1997, 'Credit risk assessment: understanding the decision making processes of credit management professionals.', 20th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Graz, Austria


Moore S J, 1997, Benchmarking for access and equity.

Moore S J, 1997, Outsourcing aged and disability services: implications for service delivery., Senior Executive Staff, Department of Human Services Victoria.

Moore S J, 1997, New parternerships with local communities., Melbourne, Australia, Victorian Local Governance Association

Technical report

Moore S J, 1997, RMIT Compulsory Competitive Tendering project 1st annual report., Melbourne, Australia, Commonwealth Department of Health & Family Services.

Moore S J, 1997, Councils developing partnerships with service users., Melbourne, Australia, Municipal Association of Victoria.

Woodruff I W, 1997, The Australian allied health classification system., Melbourne, Australia, National Allied Health Casemix Committee., 63 p.

Working paper series

Holian R F, & Martin S, 1997, Ethical issues and decision making in organisations., series: RMIT Business Working Paper series, WP97/8

Minor review

Brigden C A, 1997, 'Book review of: Elements of unity: a history of the Association of Professional Scientists of Australia 1960-1991.', 'Journal of Industrial Relations', vol. 39, no.3, September

Brigden C A, 1997, 'Book review of: A breed apart: the history of the Bacon Factories Union of Employees 1946-1996.', 'Journal of Industrial Relations', vol. 39, no.3, September

Jones S J, 1997, 'Book review of: Managing together: consultation and participation in the workforce.', 'Journal of Industrial Relations.', vol. 39, no.3, September

Conference paper

Boucher C, 1997, 'The old fashioned ways are sometimes still the best: using consciousness-raising as a tool for assisting minority leaders to develop emotional resistance.', '6th International Women in Leadership Conference.'

Moore S J, 1997, 'Paying for health and care?', 'Annual General Meeting of the Carers Association of Victoria', December, Uniting Church Centre, Collins Street, Melbourne.

Moore S J, 1997, 'Compulsory competitive tendering - delivering quality outcomes?', 'LGPro Forum', August, Altona Civic Centre.

Prideaux G, 1997, 'Advances in management development.', 'Australian and International Business Forum', September, University of NSW.

Smeaton E M, 1997, 'Generation nowhere: young women in the Australian Public Service (APS).', '6th International Women in Leadership Conference'

Walters G J, & Hosking B, 1997, 'Making non-traditional management education culturally relevant: a South East Asian experience.', 'International Organisational Behaviour Conference.', December, Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town

Woodruff I W, 1997, 'Allied health: rising to the challenge.', 'The National Casemix Conference', September, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Invited lecture

Boucher C, 1997, 'The role of organisation culture in the valuing of a diverse workplace.', July, Victoria Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council.

Boucher C, 1997, 'Women and the future of leadership in public sector organisations.', May, Staff Development Branch, Health & Community Services.

Boucher C, 1997, 'Career planning in the 21st century.', May, Victorian Association of Teachers in Multicultural Education.

Boucher C, 1997, 'The future of leadership.', February, Australia Post.

Boucher C, 1997, 'Women and the work of leadership.', February, School of Occupational Therapy, La Trobe University.

Boucher C, 1997, 'The changing nature of leadership.', February, Treasury Division, ANZ.

Gardner I, 1997, 'Personal goal setting.', July, Arthur Anderson

Gardner I, 1997, 'Coping with change.', June, Telstra.

Moore S J, 1997, 'Keynote paper, national launch Carers Week.', October, Melbourne Zoo, Melbourne.

Moore S J, 1997, 'Partnerships with patients: a better deal for customers.', 'Invited Lecture, Northern College of General Practitioners', August, Preston and Northcote Community Hospital.

Moore S J, 1997, 'Privatisation and human services.', 'Social Policy Course, Victoria University.', October, St. Albans Campus, Victoria University.

Moore S J, 1997, 'Community care: who cares for whom?', 'Master of Arts in Social Policy Course.', September, Department of Sociology, La Trobe University.

Moore S J, 1997, 'Carers initiatives: making a difference in the west of Melbourne.', 'Carers Links West Launch', December, Carers Links West Office, Footscray, Melbourne.

Woodruff I W, 1997, 'Casemix: implications for allied health.', May, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne.

Woodruff I W, 1997, 'Allied health structures in devolving organisations.', 'Tasmanian Postgraduate Medical Foundation Seminar Series', November, Royal Hobart Hosptial, Tasmania.


Brigden C A, 1997, 'Freedom of choice.', 'From the Mines to the Ports', December, Centre for Union Research and Education, Victorian Trades Hall Council.

Prideaux G, 1997, 'Senior management program, Jiangsu Province Health Authority.', August, Preston and Northcote Community Hospital.

Prideaux G, 1997, 'Senior executive forum, Beijing Health Authority.', February, Preston and Northcote Community Hospital.


Boucher C, 1997, 'Leadership development workshop.', December, Monash Medical Centre.

Boucher C, 1997, 'Planning workshop.', May, Workcover Reconciliation Service.

Boucher C, 1997, 'Development for study group leaders.', April, Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation.

Boucher C, 1997, 'GUD planning workshop.', July

Gardner I, 1997, 'Performance management for teachers.', September, Department of Applied Science, Box Hill Institute of TAFE.

Moore S J, 1997, 'Benchmarking co-ordinated care.', 'Municipal Association of Victoria Best Practice and Benchmarking Project', December, Delatite Shire, Benalla, Victoria.

Moore S J, 1997, 'Achieving user focussed services.', 'Municipal Association of Victoria Best Practice and Benchmarking Project', November, Greater Geelong City Council, Geelong.

Moore S J, 1997, 'Service management: key elements and benchmarking.', 'Municipal Association of Victoria Best Practice and Benchmarking Project', November

Moore S J, 1997, 'Managing purchaser-provider arrangements.', 'Report to the Municipal Association of Victoria Best Practice and Benchmarking Project.', October, Municipal Association of Victoria, East Malvern.

Woodruff I W, 1997, 'National health interventions: descriptions consensus workshop.', 'National Collective of Allied Health Professions', December, Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne.

Conference organisation

Woodruff I W, 1997, 'Allied Health: Rising to the Challenge', September, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.


Adie J A, 1997, Long fulltime hours of work: gender implications., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Fullerton P, 1997, Organisational socialisation experiences of culturally dissonant recruits in a major Australian bank., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Hiley P, 1997, The experience of professionals in single person organisations., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Holian R F, 1997, Ethical issues and decision making in organisations., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Lipiarski E, 1997, Operationalising the concept of training transfer., PhD, (Submitted), RMIT

Rice G, 1997, Research management: evaluation of health care research impact., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Wilkinson J, 1997, The professional association as a loosely coupled system: membership and participation dimensions which create choices., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Masters by Research Thesis

Buchanan M, 1997, Securing the diversity advantage: an analysis of the practice of realising and harnessing workforce diversity in the senior management of Australian organisations., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Chapple S, 1997, Key functions of local government Chief Executive Officers., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Cooney M, 1997, The articulation of the consultant 'role' with the consultant 'self'., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Dimitriadis E, 1997, The impact of ethnocultural identity on management: a study of Greek-Australian managers., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Elsey G, 1997, Organisation change: the experience of senior managers managing the change., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Fitzpatrick K T, 1997, Incentives and executive remuneration., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Jones H, 1997, Change agents at work: learning from the implementation of organisational change., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Lehmann J, 1997, Managing organisational change in rural social and community services., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Lippi J, 1997, The nature of the mentoring relationship., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Martin P A, 1997, The development, implementation and assessment of a competency based training scheme., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Mottram K, 1997, Management coaching processes., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Rieusset-Frazer A W, 1997, The conceptualisation of craft in the contemporary Australian furniture industry., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Smyth A T, 1997, Human resource managers in transition., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Stewart P A, 1997, The formulation and implementation of corporate and human resource strategies., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Warner J, 1997, Action learning: the use and effectiveness of a storyboard training method., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

van Rensburg A, 1997, A multisourced feedback program: implementation and impact., MBus, (InProgress), RMIT

Radio or television

Boucher C, 1997, Tonya Roberts Show, Radio3LO, 05/06/1997

Brigden C A, 1997, The Stick Together Show, Radio 3CR, 12/12/1997

Moore S J, 1997, The Jon Faine Show, Radio 3LO, 16/10/1997

Print media

Moore S J, 1997, 'Does privatisation improve service quality?', Melbourne Times, vol. -, no.-, 30/07/1997, Winter

Research topics

Brigden C A, 1997, A vehicle for solidarity? Factionalism and union purpose: the Victorian Trades Hall Council 1948-1987., (Continuing), A study of the role of trades and labour councils in the Australian trade union movement. The case study of the VTHC explores the factional dynamics over the period 1948-1987, using an analysis of four affiliates.

Gardner I R, 1997, Non-traditional management education: the academic experience., (Continuing), A study of the contributing competencies which contribute to becoming an effective academic practitioner of self-directed management education.

Hosking B M A, 1997, The experience of managers undertaking an action research project., (Continuing), An exploration of the emerging experiences of managers who are undertaking an action research postgraduate program which focuses on action research projects in their organisation.

Jones S, 1997, The relationship between workplace change and workforce participation., (Continuing), This thesis seeks to explore the relationship between workplace change and workforce participation by means of empirical case study research within the automotive components industry. The three reform processes chosen for detailed analysis are best practice, quality management and enterprise bargaining.

Martin S, 1997, Negotiation processes in Australian industrial relations., (Continuing), This research attempts to integrate theories of negotiation and empirical laboratory studies with the experience of negotiating in a naturalistic industrial relations setting.

Matthews G W, 1997, Comparative information processing styles of engineering and non-engineering trained managers., (Continuing), Comparison of information processing styles, analysing differences between engineering and non-engineering managers. Comparisons will also be made between managers in organisations with operations in more than one country in the Asia-Pacific region.

Prideaux G J, & Woodruff I W, 1997, System response to casemix funding in hospitals., (Continuing), Two year investigation funded by a large grant from the Department of Health & Community Services into the organisational effects of casemix funding on the health system in Victoria. The research will have implications for the management of health care services throughout Australia.

Trigg D, 1997, The structure of Australian enterprise., (Continuing), Examines the structure of the growth of Australian enterprises in the period from 1950 to 1990. Analysis follows the model developed by Richard Rumelt in his study of US enterprises.

Woodruff I W, 1997, Development of a patient-focussed classification system for allied health in Australian health care settings., (New), This research aims to develop a resource homogenous patient classification system that can be applied to funding and benchmarking of allied health services within Australian hospitals.

Wright K, 1997, The external environmental influences on multinational remuneration systems., (Continuing), Examines the effects of varying external environments on the design of remuneration systems of multinational enterprises of various sizes and structures. Through analysis of case studies and existing literature it is generating a model and propositions for future research of multinational pay determination.

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