1997 Research and Publications Report table of contents faculty of Engineering 4

Landscape, Environment and Planning

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Landscape, Environment and Planning

Journal article in scholarly refereed journal

Friedman J, & Lehrer U, 1997, 'Migration, "Lokalitaet und Zivilgesellschaft: Immigrationspolitik in Los Angeles', Leviathan, vol. 17, Special issue, Haeussermann H >I. Oswald, & Oswald I (eds.), pp. 427-445

Friedman J, 1997, 'World City Futures: The Role of Urban and Regional Policies in the Asia-Pacific Region', Revista Lantinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales, vol. 23, no.70, Santiago, Chile, pp. 39-58

Friedman J, & Lehrer U, 1997, 'Urban Policy Responses to Foreign In-Migration: The Case of Frankfurt-am-Main', Journal of the American Planning Association, vol. 63, no.1, Winter, pp. 61-78

Huxley M E, 1997, '"Necessary but by no means sufficient ... " Spatial political economy, town planning and the possibilty of better cities: a commentary on Brian McLoughlin's last paper.', European Planning Studies, vol. 5, no.6, December, Cooke P, & Albrechts L (eds.), Carfax Publishing Ltd, Abingdon Oxfordshire, pp. 741-751

Kerkin K L, 1997, 'The 1996 Centre for Design at RMIT Design Winter School: Two Perspectives', Transition, vol. 56, van Schaik L, & Murphy C (eds.), Department of Architecture and Design, Faculty of the Constructed Environment, RMIT, Melbourne, pp. 8-13

Lan P, & Young S, 1997, 'Technology Transfer to China through Foreign Direct Investment', Regional Studies, vol. 31, no.7, pp. 669-679

Lane M B, & Rickson R E, 1997, 'Resource Development and Resource Dependency: Australia's Jawoyn Aborigines and Mining at Coronation Hill', Society and Natural Resources, vol. 10, no.2, Field D R, & Burdge R J (eds.), Taylor and Francis, Washington, pp. 121-143

Lane M B, 1997, 'The HORSCERA Inquiry into World Heritage Area Management', Journal of the Australian Institute of Parks and Recreation, vol. 33, no.1, Dalton C (ed.), Journal of the Royal Australian Institute of Parks and Recreation, Canberra, pp. 12-18

Lane M B, 1997, 'Social Impact Assessment: Strategies for Improving Practice', Australian Planner, vol. 32, no.4, Cardew R (ed.), Royal Australian Planning Institute, Sydney, pp. 100-104

Lane M B, Ross H, & Dale A P, 1997, 'Social Impact Research: Integrating the Technical, Political and Planning Paradigms', Human Organization, vol. 56, no.3, Kemper R V (ed.), Society for Applied Anthropology, Dallas Texas, pp. 302-311

Lane M B, 1997, 'Aboriginal Participation in Environmental Planning', Australian Geographical Studies, vol. 35, no.3, McCaskillm M (ed.), Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 308-324

Lane M B, Brown A L, & Chase A K, 1997, 'Land and Resource Planning under Native Title: Towards an Initial Model', Environmental Planning and Law Journal, vol. 14, no.4, Bates, G (ed.), Law Book Company, Sydney, pp. 249-258

Lane M B, 1997, 'The Importance of Planning Context: The Case of the Wet Tropics', Environmental Planning and Law Journal, vol. 14, no.5, Bates G (ed.), Law Book Company, Sydney, pp. 368-378

Lane M B, & Corbett T, 1997, 'The Willandra Lakes World Heritage Area: A Planning Phoenix?', Environment Planning and Law Journal, vol. 14, no.6, Bates G (ed.), Law Book Company, Sydney, pp. 416-426

Rangan H, 1997, 'Indian Environmentalism and the Question of the State: Problems and Prospects for Sustainable Development', Environment and Planning A, vol. 29, no.12, Pion, Great Britain, pp. 2129-2143

Raxworthy J R, 1997, 'Specificity: the impossibility of not projecting', Landscape Review, vol. 3, no.2, October, Swaffield S (ed.), Lincoln University Press, Canterbury New Zealand, pp. 43-50

Sandercock L, 1997, 'The Planner Tamed', The Australian Planner, vol. 34, no.2, pp. 90-95

Sandercock L, 1997, 'From Main Street to Fortress: the future of malls as public places', Just Policy, vol. 9, March, pp. 27-34

Journal article, Other contribution to refereed journal

Cosgrove L, & Kliger B, 1997, 'Planning with a Difference: A Reflection on Planning and Decision Making with Indigenous People in Broome, Western Australia', Urban Policy and Research, vol. 15, no.3, Melbourne, pp. 211-217

Journal article, Non refereed (including articles in 'professional' journals)

Connolly P, Raxworthy J, Saniga A, Sitta V, Vernon C, & Weller R, 1997, 'Millenarianism', Kerb: Journal of Landscape Architecture, vol. 1, no.4, Russell-Clarke, Jo (ed.), Department of Landscape, Environment and Planning, Melbourne, pp. 68-69

Connolly P, 1997, 'From a discussion with Andrea Kahn', Kerb: Journal of Landscape Architecture, vol. 1, no.4, Russell-CLarke, Jo (ed.), Department of Landscape, Environment and Planning, Melbourne, pp. 3-7

Friedman J, 1997, 'Workshop on Intercity Networks in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Report', Urban Policy and Research, vol. 15, no.3, Melbourne, pp. 219-224

Huxley M, 1997, 'Gentrification, densification and the inner city: some thoughts on the personal, the political and the policies', Historic Environment, vol. 13, no.1, Australia ICOMOS, Canberra, pp. 47-53

Lan P, & Jackson J T, 1997, 'Problems Faced by Australian Contractors in China', The Building Economist, vol. 36, December, pp. 4-9

Raxworthy J R, 1997, 'A Monument for Hong Kong', Kerb, Journal of Landscape Architecture, vol. 1, no.4, June, Russell-Clark J (ed.), RMIT, Melbourne, pp. 34-38

Conference publication, Full written paper - non refereed proceedings

Huxley M, 1997, 'Avoiding the mistakes of the past: research, planning and public debate', Private planning... private cities: Melbourne's Docklands, Long C (ed.), Peoples Committee for Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 14-16

Jackson J T, & Kam B, 1997, 'Designing a Student-responsive Curriculum: Experiences from RMIT's Master of Development Planning', Asian Planning Schools Association: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress, 2-4 September 1997, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, Iskandar, B P (ed.), Bandung

Jackson J T, & Kam B, 1997, 'Designing a Student-responsive Development Planning Programme: experiences from the Master of Development Planning Programme at RMIT', Australian and New Zealand Planning Schools Association, Annual Conference Proceedings 7-9 July 1997, University of Auckland, New Zealand, Auckland, pp. 77-86

Kerkin K L, 1997, 'Panel Response', Private Planning/Private Cities, vol. 1, Long C (ed.), The People's Committee for Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 47-51

Minor written or recorded work

Raxworthy J R, 1997, Inactivity - Critique of the work of Michael Goldsmith, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne, series: CCP Catalogue, Centre for Contemporary Photography, 3 p.

Individual exhibition of original art

Instone L, Kerkin K L, & Johnson L, 1997, The End of the Line: Stories about the Hills Hoist in the Australian Backyard, Dead Budgie Productions, Images of the Urban Conference, Sunshine Coast University, Maroochydore, QLD, July, Re-enacted documentary of the history of the hills hoist in the Australian backyard

Kerkin K L, 1997, Place Making in St Kilda, Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, University of Tasmania, Department of Geography, Hobart, January, Photographic representation of the changing image of St Kilda: real estate depictions, public spaces, hidden places

Slee S A, 1997, Fig. 1., Director Rose Lang and Charlotte Day, 200 Gertrude Street (Gallery), Fitzroy, Melbourne, Catalogue Self-published with 200 Gertrude Street support, Melbourne, November-December, An exhibition of art work.The work consisted of a 17th century landscape elevation placed on the front plate glass window of the gallery, and a long horizontal black timber form on the back wall of the gallery.

Representation of original art

Slee S A, 1997, Nil, Stripp, Napier Street,, Fitzroy, Melbourne, June, series: Line 3200mm, A group exhibition with three other artists, Megan Marshall, Nicole Tomlinson and Andrea Tu at Stripp gallery. The exhibition was an outcome of a reading group theat explored the sublime and the abstract.

Slee S A, 1997, Station Proforma, Amanda Johnston, Stop 22, Fringe Festival, St Kilda, Melbourne, Fringe Festival, Melbourne, Sept- October, series: Line, An outdoor exhibition of personal art work on the old St Kilda Station Platform.Work dealt with the urban morphology of train stations.


Alvarez A, & Kyle L, 1997, Integration of Waste Minimisation Principles into Higher Education Curricula, Department of Landscape, Environment and Planning, Melbourne, RMIT, 'Integration of Waste Minimisation Principles into Higher Education Curricula', 70 p.

Buxton M, 1997, Environment Protection Authority Decision Making Review, Mimeographed, Melbourne, Victorian Environment Council, 14 p.

Buxton M, Searle R, Spiller M, & Wettanhall G, 1997, Environmental Innovations in Australian Cities, World Bank, Washington, World Bank, 'Environmental Governance Interchange Program', 113 p.

Buxton, M. M, Lumb J M, & Pears A, 1997, Towards a Sustainable City, Melbourne, Melbourne City Council, 53 p.

Cosgrove L, & Kliger B, 1997, Cross Cultural Decision-Making at the Local level: An Annotated Biblography, Department of Landscape, Environment and Planning, Faculty of the Construcuted Environoment

Reed D, & Kerkin K L, 1997, Women's Perceptions of the Central City: a Study for the Women's Planning Network Victoria and the Melbourne City Council, City of Melbourne, Melbourne, Women's Planning Network Victoria, 'Women's Perceptions of the Central City', 44 p.

Sinatra J B, & Murphy P, 1997, Landscape for Health: Settlement planning and development for better health in rural and remote indigenous Australia, Gill Miller Press, Melbourne, RMIT OutReach Australia Program, 'Landscape For Health', 122 p.

Occasional paper series

Friedman J, 1997, World City Futures: The Role of Urban and Regional Policies in the Asia-Pacific Region, series: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies Occasional Paper, 56

Minor review

Friedman J, 1997, 'Postmodern Cities and Spaces', 'Urban Policy and Research', Postmodern Cities and Spaces, vol. 15, no.3

Huxley M E, 1997, 'Book Review', 'Urban Policy and Research', The Urban Order: an introduction to cities, culture and power, vol. 15, no.4

Huxley M E, 1997, 'Book Review', 'Urban Policy and Research', Emancipating Space: geography, architecture and urban design, vol. 15, no.1

Jackson J T, 1997, 'Managing Cities: the new urban context', 'Urban Policy and Research', Managing Cities: the new urban context, vol. 15, no.2, June

Kerkin K L, 1997, 'State Government Submission - Review of Development Control Techniques', 'Review of Development Control Techniques to achieve good built form and design outcomes', Review of Development COntrol Techniques to achieve good built form and design outcomes, vol. 1

Raxworthy J R, 1997, '"Fig. 1., Simone Slee, 200 Gertrude Street, Melbourne, 7-29 November 1997"', 'Monument Architecture/Design', "Fig. 1., Simone Slee, 200 Gertrude Street, Melbourne, 7-29 November 1997"Art Review, vol. 22, January

Conference paper

Bauer K B, 1997, 'The landscape edge, precision, the spatial plane and local identity.', 'Wedge, National Australasian Student Conference of Landscape Architecture, Perth.', September, Rotternest Island

Connolly P, 1997, 'Moments of Liberation: The Unspoken Horror at the Centre of Design', 'WEDGE Event', October, University of Western Australia, Rottnest Island, Freemantle, WA

Cosgrove L, & Kliger B, 1997, 'Difference and Environmental Planning: Decision-making with Indigenous People in Broome, Western Australia', 'Environs Conference', January, Hobart

Cosgrove L, & Kliger B, 1997, 'Cross Cultural Communication and Environmental Planning: Decision Making with Indigenous People in Broome, Western Australia', 'Environmental Justice, Global Ethics for the 21st Century', October, University of Melbourne

Huxley M E, 1997, 'The "Hidden Injuries" of Regulation: land-use control, social control and environmental justice', 'Environmental Justice: global ethics for the 21st century', October, University of Melbourne

Huxley M E, 1997, 'If Planning is Everything, Maybe it's Geography', 'Joint Conference of the Institute of Australian Geographers and the New Zealand Geographical Society', January, University of Tasmania, Hobart

Kliger B, 1997, 'Cultural Diversity and the Planning Process', 'Local Government: Local Diversity Forum', May

Raxworthy J R, 1997, 'Mixed Metaphors: appropriated languages in landscape architecture', 'Emerging Paradigms in Design Education', September, University of New South Wales

Raxworthy J R, 1997, 'Earthworks - a phenomenology of program', 'W.Edge - Landscape Architecture Conference', September, Rottnest Island Western Australia

Sandercock L, 1997, 'From Diggers to Developers: The Docklands as Melbourne's Next Gold Rush', 'Private Planning... Private Cities: Melbourne's Docklands', Melbourne

Sandercock L, 1997, 'Towards Cosmopolis: Planning's Paradigm Shift', 'American Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference', November, Miami, USA

Sandercock L, 1997, 'Insurgent Planning Histories: from noir to rouge', 'American Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference', November, Miami, USA

Sandercock L, 1997, 'Insurgent Planning Histories: from noir to rouge', 'Society of American City and Regional Planning Historians Conference', October, Seattle, USA

Sandercock L, 1997, 'The Planner TAMED: preparing planners for the 21st century', 'European Schools of Planning Conference', May, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Ware S A, & Connolly P, 1997, 'The Big Transect an Epistemological Learning Model', 'W.edge an Australian Landscape Introspective', Spring, Rottnest Island, WA

Invited lecture

Buxton M, 1997, 'Contemporary Transport Development and the Future Shape of Melbourne', 'Monash University Institute of Transport Studies and Graduate School of Government Annual Public Lecture Series', September, Monash University

Huxley M E, 1997, 'Rethinking Urban Consolidation', 'New Directions for Labor', December, Prahran

Huxley M E, 1997, 'The Operation of the Good Design Guide in the Inner Areas', 'Residential Redevelopment in the Inner City', November, Fitzroy Residents' Association, Brunswick Street, Fitzroy

Huxley M E, 1997, 'The Critical Context of Planning Reform in Victoria', 'Municipal Strategic Statements: making them work', July, Melbourne Town Hall

Raxworthy J R, 1997, 'Contemporary Streetscape Projects', 'MCC Lecture Series', September, Melbourne City Council Urban Design Unit

Sandercock L, 1997, 'Women and Planning: Activist Success Stories', 'Annual General Meeting of ECOSO (Community Exchange)', March, Victoria University of Technology

Sandercock L, 1997, 'Planning for Multicultural Cities and Regions: Democracy, Difference, Justice and Planning', 'Futures Forum Public Lecture Series, City of Newcastle', November, Newcastle

Sandercock L, 1997, 'From old-industrial to post-industrial: regional structural adaptation policies', 'Invited Lecture, Planning Department, City of Newcastle', November, Newcastle

Sandercock L, 1997, 'Difference: the Joker in the Planning Pack', 'Invited Lecture, Department of Urban Planning, School of Public Policy and Social Research, University of California, Los Angeles', October, Los Angeles, USA

Sandercock L, 1997, 'The Spaces of a Postmodern Utopia', 'Invited Lecture to Department of Geography, University of Melbourne', October, University of Melbourne

Sandercock L, 1997, 'Safe Design and Urban Design - An Overview', 'Opening Address, City of Greater Dandenong, Safe Design Forum', September, Melbourne

Sandercock L, 1997, 'The Future of Planning Education', '5th Experts Forum, Urban Research and Development Institute, Jakarta', September, Jakarta, Indonesia

Sandercock L, 1997, 'Urban Sustainability: the big picture', 'Expert Roundtable, Australian Road Research Board and Department of Transport, South Australia', August, Adelaide

Sandercock L, 1997, 'Planning for Multicultural Cities', 'Annual Lecture, Women's Planning Network', July, Melbourne

Sandercock L, 1997, 'Gender and Planning Theory', 'Lecture to postgraduate students and faculty, School of Spatial Planning, University of Dortmund', June, University of Dortmund, Germany

Sandercock L, 1997, 'Unnatural Scenographic', 'Unnatural Scenographic', April, Stop 22 Gallery, Melbourne

Slee S A, & Shepherd J E, 1997, '"Converstations in the 50's, Garden, Patios and the Corporate Garden"', January, Museum of Mofdern Art, Heide, Melbourne

Slee S A, 1997, '" My art practice within the discourse of space"', April, Media Arts Dept. RMIT

Slee S A, 1997, 'Fig 1. Artist Talk, 200 Gertrude Street, Melbourne', November, 200 Gertrude Street, Melbourne


Huxley M E, 1997, 'Urban and Regional Planning Problems in Australia.', 'Postgraduate Seminar, Planning Studies Programme, LSE', April, London School of Economics, London

Huxley M E, 1997, 'The Political Context of Housing Provision in Australia', 'Postgraduate Seminar, Department of Housing Studies, University of Ulster', April, University of Ulster, Belfast

Huxley M E, 1997, 'Gender and Urban Regulation', 'London School of Economics Gender Institute Research Seminar', May, London School of Economics Gender Institute


Connolly P, & Ware S, 1997, 'The Big Transect', 'WEDGE Event', October, University of Western Australia, Rottnest Island, Freemantle, Western Australia

Print media

Kerkin K L, 1997, 'Making Places or Selling Spaces? Issues for Urban Design', Planning News, vol. 23, no.3, 01/04/1997, pp. 9-9

Research topics

Kerkin K L, 1997, Diversity by Design: Urban design and the politics of exclusion in public places, (Continuing), PhD research at the Department of Architecture and Planning, University of Melbourne

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