1997 Research and Publications Report table of contents faculty of Engineering 4

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Computer Science

Book, Authored - research

Bertino E, Ooi B C, Sacks-Davis R, Tan K L, Zobel J, & Shidlovsky B, 1997, Indexing Techniques for Advanced Database Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 250 p., ISBN: 0-7923-9985-4

Book, Authored - other

Zobel J, 1997, Writing for Computer Science: The Art of Effective Communication, Springer-Verlag, Singapore, 190 p., ISBN: 981-3083-22-0

Book, Edited

Cavedon L, Rao A, & Wobcke W, 1997, Intelligent Agent Systems: Theoretical and Practical Issues, Springer Verlag, Berlin, series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1209, 188 p., ISBN: 3-540-62686-7

Book, Revision/New Edition

Vowels R A, 1997, Introduction to PL/I, Algorithms, and Structured Programming, R.A. Vowels, Parkville, vol. 1, 3rd Edition edn, 725 p., ISBN: 0-9596384-9-0

Book chapter

Cavedon L, Rao A, & Tidhar G, 1997, Intelligent Agent Systems: Theoretical and Practical Issues, Cavedon L, Rao A, & Wobcke W (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Germany, series: Lecture Notes in A.I., pp. 152-163, ISBN: 3-540-62686-7

Padgham L, & Taylor G, 1997, Intelligent Agent Systems: Theoretical and Practical Issues, Cavedon L, Rao A, & Wobcke W (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Germany, series: Lecture Notes in A.I., pp. 59-71, ISBN: 3-540-62686-7

Zhao L, & Foster T, 1997, Pattern Languages of Program Design 3, Martin R, Riehle D, & Buschmann F (eds.), Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, series: Software Patterns, vol. 3, 1st edn, 632 p., pp. 409-430, ISBN: 0-201-31011-2

Journal article in scholarly refereed journal

Foster T, & Zhao L, 1997, 'Modelling Transport With Patterns', Object Expert, vol. 2, no.5, July, Carmichael A (ed.), SIGS, Surrey, pp. 36-42

Harland J, 1997, 'On Goal-Directed Provability in Classical Logic', Computer Languages, vol. 23, no.2-4, December, Eriksson, Lars-Henrik, & Moreno-Navarro, Juan Jose (eds.), Pergamon , pp. 161-178

Moffat A, Zobel J, & Sharman N, 1997, 'Text compression for dynamic document databases', IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 9, no.2, March-April, pp. 302-313

Ramakrishna M, Fu E, & Bahcekapili E, 1997, 'Efficient hardware hashing functions for high performance computers', IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 46, no.12, December, Liu J (ed.), IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California, pp. 1378-1381

Tari Z, Stokes J, & Spaccapietra S, 1997, 'Dependency Constraints and Normal Forms for Object-Oriented Schemata', ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), vol. 22, no.4, ACM, USA, pp. 549-590

Tari Z, 1997, 'Using Agents for Secure Access to Data in the Internet', IEEE Communications, vol. 35, no.6, IEEE, USA, pp. 136-140

Tari Z, & Chan S W, 1997, 'A Role-based Access Control for Intranet Security', IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 1, no.5, IEEE, USA, pp. 24-34

Williams H, & Zobel J, 1997, 'Compression of Nucleotide Databases for Fast Searching', CABIOS---Computer Applications in the Biological Sciences, vol. 13, no.5, October, pp. 549-554

Journal article, Non refereed (including articles in 'professional' journals)

Cavedon L, D'Souza D, Harland J, Howell S, & Padgham L, 1997, 'Combining Problem Based Learning with Technological Support', Journal of Higher Education: special issue on Problem based Learning, vol. 21, no.1/1997, Eitel F, & Gijselaers W (eds.), Studien Verlag, Austria, pp. 132-147

Conference publication, Full written paper - refereed proceedings

Arnold-Moore T, Anderson P, & Sacks-Davis R, 1997, 'Managing a digital library of legislation', Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries, Allen R B, & Rasmussen E (eds.), The Association of Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 175-183

Arnold-Moore T J, 1997, 'Automatic Generation of Amendment Legislation', Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL'97), The Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 56-62

Brusic V, Schonbach C, Takiguchi M, Ciesielski V, & Harrison L, 1997, 'Application of Genetic Search in the Derivation ofMatrix Models of Peptide Binding to MHC Molecules', Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference onIntelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Gaasterland T, Karp P, & Karplus K (eds.), AAAI Press, Menlo Park, pp. 75-83

Castro M D, 1997, 'The Java Applet Security Model: Providing Storage at a Terminal', First Australian WWW Technical Conference, Iannella R, & Ward N (eds.), DSTC, University of Queensland, Brisbane, pp. 97-105

Cavedon L, Rao A, Sonenberg E, & Tidhar G, 1997, 'Teamwork via team plans in intelligent autonomous agent systems', International Conference on World Wide Computing and its Applications, Masuda T, Masunaga Y, & Tsukamoto M (eds.), Springer, Berlin, pp. 106-121

Cavedon L, Harland J, & Padgham L, 1997, 'Problem Based Learning with Technological Support in an AISubject: Description and Evaluation', Proceedings of theSecond Conference on Australian Computer Science Education, ACM, New York, pp. 191-200

Ch'ng S, & Padgham L, 1997, 'Role Organisation and Planning Team Strategies', Australian Computer Science Conference, Macquarie University Press, Sydney, pp. 202-208

Ciesielski V, & Scerri P, 1997, 'Real Time Genetic Scheduling of Aircraft Landing Times', Proceedings of The Australia-Japan Joint Workshop onIntelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Yao X, Gen M, & Tsujimura Y (eds.), Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, pp. 55-64

Dao T, Sacks-Davis R, & Thom J, 1997, 'An Indexing Scheme for Structured Documents and Its Implementation', Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Databasesfor Advanced Applications, Melbourne, pp. 125-134

Foster T, & Zhao L, 1997, 'Cascade', Proceedings of 4th Annual Conference on the Pattern Languages of Programs, Monticello, Illinois, pp. 4.2-4.2-15

Ghosal A, & Ghosal R, 1997, 'Possibilistic Queueing Models for Approximation of Delay Time in Computer Networks', Proceedings of PART'97 The 4th Australasian Conference on Parallel and Real-Time Systems, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia 29-30 September 1997.ISBN: 981-3083-62-X, Sharda N, & Tam A (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Singapore, pp. 157-168

Harland J, & Pym D, 1997, 'Resource-Distribution via BooleanConstraints (Extended Abstract)', Proceedings of the FourteenthInternational Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-14), McCune W (ed.), Springer, Townsville, pp. 222-236

Johnson J L, & Fernandez G, 1997, 'Re-engineering relational normal forms in an Object Oriented framework', Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Object Oriented InformationSystems, OOIS97, Brisbane, Australia, vol. 1, Orlowska M, & Zicari R (eds.), Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 433-452

Kaszkiel M, & Zobel J, 1997, 'Passage Retrieval Revisited', Proceedings of the Twentieth International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pp. 178-185

Lambrix P, & Padgham L, 1997, 'A Description Logic Model for Querying Knowledge Bases for Structured Documents', Foundations of Intelligent Systems, North Carolina, pp. 72-83

Leach G, Al-Qaimari G, Grieve M, Jinks N, & McKay C, 1997, 'Elements of the Graphical User Interface', In Proc. of the 6th IFIP Conference On Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT'97), vol. 1, J. Hammond et al (ed.), Chapman and Hall, New York, pp. 69-78

Leach G I, Tuzun R E, Noid D W, & Sumpter B G, 1997, 'Positional stability of some diamondoid and graphitic nanomechanical structures: A molecular dynamics study', Fifth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology, http://www.foresight.org/Conferences/MNT05/Nano5.html, pp. 1-11

Lutovac T, & Harland J, 1997, 'Contributions to Strategies andHeuristics for Automatic Theorem Proving in Mathematics', Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Computer Science Conference, Kotagiri R, & Zobel J (eds.), Sydney, pp. 46-55

Padgham L, & Taylor G, 1997, 'PAC - Personality and Cognition: an interactive system for modelling agent scenarios', Proceedings of IJCAI'97, IJCAI, Tokyo, pp. 1531-1536

Ramakrishna M V, & Zobel J, 1997, 'Performance in Practice of String Hashing Functions', Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Melbourne, pp. 215-223

Ryan C, & Al-Qaimari G, 1997, 'Teaching Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: A Cognitive Approach', In Proc. of the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI`97/ISAS`97), vol. 1, Nagib Callaos et al (ed.), International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), Orlando, pp. 380-389

Sacks-Davis R, Dao T, Thom J, & Zobel J, 1997, 'Indexing Documents for Queries on Structure, Content and Attributes', Proceedings of the International Symposium on Digital Media Information Base, Nara, Japan, pp. 236-245

Singh S, & Ghosal R, 1997, 'Comparison of MILP Models for Logical Topology Optimisation in WDM Lightwave WANs', Proceedings Asia Pacific Computer Communications APCC'97, December 7-10, 1997,Sydney Convention Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia.(IREE Society, ref: AP-129), Sydney, pp. 001-005

Srinivasan B, Mani N, & Ramakrishna M, 1997, 'Dichotomy of CASE in Supporting Production Software Development', Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and its Application, Saikumar N (ed.), Institute for Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, pp. 160-166

Tari Z, & Ratnasingham P, 1997, 'A Framework for Aggregation Constraint Monitoring in Federated Databases', 20th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACS), vol. 19, Kotagiri R, & Zobel J (eds.), Australian Computer Sience Communications, Melbourne, pp. 287-296

Tari Z, & Stokes J, 1997, 'Designing the Reengineering Service for the DOKFederated Database System', 13th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Gray A, & Larson P (eds.), IEEE Computer Society Press, USA, pp. 465-476

Tari Z, Zaslavsky A, Smidth H, Savnik I, & Cheng W, 1997, 'Towards Cooperative Databases: A Distributed Object Approach', World Multiconference on Systems, Cybernetics andInformatics, Callaos N, Bennamoun M, & Aguilar J (eds.), International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, Caracas (Venezuela), pp. 279-286

Tari Z, Stokes J, & Hammoudi S, 1997, 'The Reengineering of Relational Databases Based on Key and Data Correlations', Proceedings of the 7th IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Database Semantics (DS-7), Spaccapietra S, & Maryanski F (eds.), Chapman and Hall, Lausanne, pp. 183-214

Tiwary A, & Al-Qaimari G, 1997, 'Metrics Collection and Implementation in Project Management: An Integrated and Extensible Approach', In Proc. of the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI`97/ISAS`97), vol. 1, Nagib Callaos et al (ed.), International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), Orlando, pp. 550-558

Wijegunaratne I, & Fernandez G, 1997, 'A Federated Application Architecture for the Enterprise', Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI97, vol. 2, Callaos N, Khoong C M, & Cohen E (eds.), International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, Orlando, Fla, USA, pp. 402-409

Zhao L, & Foster T, 1997, 'Driver Duty Constructor', Proceedings of 4th Annual Conference on the Pattern Languages of Programs, Monticello, Illinois, pp. 4.8-4.23

Zobel J, 1997, 'Collection Selection via Lexicon Inspection', Proceedings of the 1997 Australian Document Computing Symposium, Bruza P (ed.), Melbourne, pp. 74-80

Conference publication, Full written paper - non refereed proceedings

Al-Qaimari G, & Tiwary A, 1997, 'Usability of Metrics Collection Systems', Australian Software Metrics Association Conference, Sydney, pp. 31-42

Fuller M, Kaszkiel M, Ng C L, Vines P, Wilkinson R, & Zobel J, 1997, 'MDS TREC6 Report', Proceedings of the Sixth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC6), Voorhees E, & Harman D (eds.), Washington

Haque N, & Rahman S M, 1997, 'Effect of Quadrant Segmentation in Recall-Precision Calculation for Image Ranking', Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence andMultimedia Applications, Gold Coast, Queensland, pp. 399-403

Lutovac T, & Harland J, 1997, 'Strategies for Logic Programming Languages', Proceedings of the CADE14 Workshop on Strategies in Automated Deduction, Gramlich B, & Kirchner H (eds.), Townsville, pp. 27-36

Nguyen V B H, Wilkinson R, & Zobel J, 1997, 'Cross-language Retrieval in English and Vietnamese', Proceedings of the 1997 AAAI Spring Symposium on Cross-Language Text and Speech Retrieval, Stanford, California

Rahman S, & Haque N, 1997, 'Image ranking using shifted difference', Proceedings of the CATA-97: 12th International Conference on Computers and TheirApplications, Tempe, Arizona, pp. 110-113

Conference publication, Edited volume of conference proceedings

Harland J, 1997, Proceedings of the Computing: the Australasian Theory Symposium, Macquarie University, Sydney

Ramamohanarao K, & Zobel J, 1997, Proceedings of the Twentieth Australasian Computer Science Conference, CSA, Sydney


Sacks-Davis R, Thom J A, & Zobel J, 1997, Public Access Control to Electronic Information, Multimedia Victoria, Melbourne, 'Consultancy to develop the business requirements and functional specificationfor public access control to electronic information', 60 p.

Occasional paper series

Woods G, & Ciesielski V, 1997, Genetic Algorithms That Adapt to Binary and Real Coded Operators, series: Department of Computer Science Technical Report Series, 97-19

Conference paper

Arnold-Moore T J, 1997, 'Managing documents in the Structured Information Manager', 'Proceedings of the Computer Management Group of Australia1997 Annual Conference on Computer Management', September, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Arnold-Moore T J, 1997, 'Indexing a collection of SGML documents', 'SGML/XML Asia Pacific 97', September, Forum, The Grace Hotel, Sydney

Invited lecture

Al-Qaimari G, 1997, 'A Cognitive Perspective on Teaching Object-Oriented Analysis and Design', July, Simon Bolivar University, Caracas, Venezuela


Nepal S, Ramakrishna M, & Thom J, 1997, 'Semantic Image Modelling for Content Based Retrieval', 'ER-97 Workshop on image data modelling', September, Los Angeles

Zhao L, 1997, 'Pattern Languages', 'Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference on the Pattern Languages of Programs', September, Monticello, Illinios

Conference organisation

Thom J A, Bruza P, Moffat A, Wilkinson R, & Zobel J, 1997, 'Second Australian Document Computing Symposium', April, Melbourne


Arnold-Moore T, 1997, Automated Mark-up of Documents for Legal Retrieval Systems, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Ashman H, 1997, Theory and Practice of Large-Scale Hypermedia Management Systems, PhD, (Submitted), RMIT

Callaghan S, 1997, Adaptive Organization of Diverse Descriptions, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Chea B, 1997, A Knowledge Base for Reasoning-Oriented Teaching Systems, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

D'Souza D J D, 1997, Query Dispatch and Document Retrieval in Distributed Document Systems, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Dao T, 1997, Indexing Methods for Databases of Structured Text, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Hulme M, 1997, Evaluation of Bayesian Networks, Ph D, (InProgress), RMIT

Kaszkiel M, 1997, Indexing and Retrieval o Passages in Full Text Databases, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Kerrisk J, 1997, Text Retrieval Using Hierarchical Thesaurus, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Lowe B, 1997, Formal Modeling and Implementation of Structured Document Database Systems, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Lutovac T, 1997, An Automated Analyzer for Proof Search Strategies, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Nepal S, 1997, A Data Model and Query Language for Image Databases, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Ng C, 1997, Content Based Retrieval of Speech Using Information Retrieval Techniques, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Nowak M, 1997, Methods in the Design and Optimization of Telecommunication Networks, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

O'Neill J, 1997, Framing: Supporting Change for a System as an External Activity, PhD, (Submitted), RMIT

Pannan L, 1997, The Application of Partition, Merge and Sort Parallelism within Spatially Distributed Systems, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Rajan S, 1997, Using Scene Characterisation Knowledge to Predict and Optimise the Performance of Spatial and Object-based Acceleration Algorithms for Image Synthesis, PhD, (Submitted), RMIT

Ryan C, 1997, Teaching Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: A Cognitive Approach, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Sandy G, 1997, A Business Rules Model for Information Systems Design, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Sumanasekara S, 1997, Indexing of High Dimensional Data in Multimedia Database Systems, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Tai J, 1997, An Architecture for Constraint Logic Programming, PhD, (Submitted), RMIT

Vines P, 1997, Full Text Retrieval Systems for Range Alphabet Asian Languages, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Wibowo W, 1997, Hierarchical Document Classification, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Williams H, 1997, Indexing and Retrieval of Genomic Databases, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Wong G, 1997, Continuous System Monitoring, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Wu M, 1997, Synthesising Answers for Structured Text Databases, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Yearwood J, 1997, Using Text Cases in Case-Based Reasoning, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Zhang M, 1997, A Neural/Symbolic Approach to Image Recognition, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT

Masters by Research Thesis

Azriel S, 1997, Aggregation Constraint Monitoring in Federated Database Systems, MAppSc, (InProgress), RMIT

Brkich F, 1997, Conceptual Retrieval, MAppSc, (InProgress), RMIT

Ch'ng S, 1997, Team-planning Agents With Roles: A soccer playing team, MAppSci, (InProgress), RMIT

Fuller M, 1997, Integrated Access to Large Document Collections, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Gardiner K, 1997, Application of Genetic Programming to Rule Production forTelecommunication Network Event Correlation, MBR, (InProgress), RMIT

Gildfind A, 1997, Motion Mapping Techniques for Real-Time Control of Three-Dimensional Articulated Figures, MAppSc, (InProgress), RMIT

Haque N, 1997, Multi-media Document Retrieval, MAppSc, (InProgress), RMIT

Hayes S, 1997, Image Classification with Neural Networks, MBR, (InProgress), RMIT

Mukherjee S, 1997, Compression Techniques for Numerical Databases, MAppSc, (Submitted), RMIT

Nguyen D, 1997, End-User Understanding of the Object-Oriented Model, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Nguyen V, 1997, A Vietnamese Based Information Retrieval System, MAppSc, (Submitted), RMIT

Osman Y, 1997, Query Optimisation for the Distributed Object Kernel (DOK), MAppSc, (InProgress), RMIT

Sivadas M, 1997, A Generic Metadatabase Model to Support Web-Database Access, MAppSc, (Submitted), RMIT

Soddell F, 1997, Logic Programming in Affine Logic, MAppSc, (InProgress), RMIT

Stanbrough D, 1997, Event Driven Analysis Design Within an Object-Oriented Framework, MAppSc, (InProgress), RMIT

Uitdenbogerd A, 1997, Indexing and Retrieval Technology for Music Databases, MAppSc, (InProgress), RMIT

Victoria E, 1997, Collaborative Editing of Complex Objects, MAppSc, (InProgress), RMIT

Minor Thesis

Adhvaryu S K, 1997, Evaluating World Wide Web Technology for Teaching and Learning against the Conversational Framework, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Ajmera P K, 1997, Class Hierarchy Design Using Object Oriented Conceptual Modelling, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Bhasin Y, 1997, Evaluation of a Hybrid Neural/Symbolic Approach to Data Mining, MBC, (InProgress), RMIT

Bousfield M H, 1997, Evaluating the Effects of an Introductory Programming Language on the Proficiency of Programmers, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Brusic V, 1997, Prediction of Peptide Binding Afinites using Genetic Algorithms, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Chan P, 1997, An Expert System for Diagnosis of Problems in Reinforced Concrete Structures, MAppSci, (Passed), RMIT

Chen C, 1997, Image Retrieval Using Multiresolution Analysis and Wavelet Transform, MAppSci, (Passed), RMIT

Chow Y T E, 1997, Design Metrics for Testability in Object-Oriented Software Systems, MAppSci IT, (Passed), RMIT

Chow S S, 1997, Rapid prototyping of an intelligent network model using SDL, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Clifford J, 1997, Classification of Automobile Engine Faults from WaveformsUsing Tree Structures, MBC, (Passed), RMIT

Coutinho C, 1997, Issues in Internet Security, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Culluoglu E, 1997, An Interactive Web-based Tutorial on SGML, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Do A N T, 1997, Developing Workflow using the World Wide Web, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Do D M, 1997, Towards Disciplined Java: A Style Manual for the Java Programming Language, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Drummond D A, 1997, Lattice-Based Layout of Trees in Three Dimensions, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Estor M O, 1997, The RMIT University Database Using the Oracle WebServer: An Example of World Wide Web-Database Integration, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Gardyn E, 1997, Managing and Measuring Data Quality in a Data Warehouse, MAppSci, (Passed), RMIT

Garner B, 1997, A Sensitivity Analysis for Symbolically TrainedMultilayer Adaptive Feedforward Neural Networks, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Garvey E, 1997, On-Line Quality Control of Injection MouldingUsing Neural Networks, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Germech R, 1997, The modeling of telecommunications service products using the telecommunications information networking architecture (TINA) and the Erlang functional programming language, MAppSci, (Passed), RMIT

Gledhill J A, 1997, Neuralbase: A neural network system for case based retrieval in the help desk dignosis domain, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Harris D, 1997, The Design and Implementation of an SGML Parser, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Hayes S, 1997, Image Classification with Neural Networks, MAppSc, (InProgress), RMIT

Ho K, 1997, Semi-automatic deletion of versions of composite objects in object-oriented databases, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Hunnur S, 1997, Continuous System Monitoring: Maintainability, MAppSci, (Passed), RMIT

Imberger K, 1997, End-User Performance Monitoring in Transaction Processing with a View to Self-Monitoring Systems, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Jothilingam G, 1997, An Automated Departmental Research Newsletter Application, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Krebet A, 1997, An Integrated Environment for Specifying and Reasoning About State-based Models, MAppSci, (Passed), RMIT

Lau K, 1997, Formal Specification and Verification of an Intelligent Network Service at the Global Functional Plane, MAppSci, (Passed), RMIT

Leonard J, 1997, Interactive Game Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms, MAppSc, (Submitted), RMIT

Leung K Y P, 1997, A Practical Approach to Straight Edge, Circle and Ellipse Detection, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Liao E, 1997, Efficient Local Alignment for Nucleotide Databases, MAppSci, (Passed), RMIT

Lombardo D, 1997, A Fuzzy Logic Expert System for Assisting the Creation of Structural Dynamic Finite Element Models, MAppSci, (Passed), RMIT

Ma M, 1997, Object-Oriented vs Structured Analysis and Design Methodologies, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Murthy M N, 1997, The Subject Quality Evaluation Software (SQES), MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Newton-Thomas J, 1997, An Architecture for a Mining Vehicle Controller to PerformAutonomous Tramming, MBC, (Passed), RMIT

Ning J, 1997, Survey and Implementation of Reliable Real-time Multicast (RRTM) Protocols for a Distributed System, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Periasamy B, 1997, A survey of security issues on the World Wide Web, MAppSci, (Passed), RMIT

Pham M N T, 1997, Implementing document tracking in the Web and Lotus Notes, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Riazati D, 1997, Computational Analysis of Persian Morphology, MAppSci, (Passed), RMIT

Ricketts J, 1997, Optimizing Newspaper Advertisement Layout with GeneticAlgorithms, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Riley J, 1997, An Evolutionary Approach to Training Feed Forward andRecurrent Neural Networks, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Ta G H, 1997, Object-Oriented Database Design for an SQL3 Database, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Thomas E, 1997, Parallel Algorithms for Neural Simulations, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Thurairasa M S, 1997, The Formal Specification of a Small Complex System Using RAISE, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Tiwary A, 1997, Metrics Collection and Implementation in Project Management: An Integrated and Extensible Approach, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Tong S, 1997, A Survey and Comparison of Popular Resource Discovery Tools on the World Wide Web, MAppSci, (Passed), RMIT

Tresize J, 1997, Time Series Forecasting with Conditional Variance Using Artificial Neural Networks, MAppSci, (Passed), RMIT

Woods G, 1997, A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm that Adapts to Binary and RealCoded Operators, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Yiu H, 1997, Programming constructs for the linear logic programming language Lygon, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Yue P P, 1997, A TCL/TK X Window Interface for a Genetic Alogorithm Based University Timetable Constraint Solver, MAppSc, (Passed), RMIT

Visiting Professor or Research Fellow

Leary A, 1997, Koehle M, Visiting Researcher, Assistant Professor, University of Technology in Vienna, Jan-May, Analysis of specific biomedical data (gait patterns) usingneural network techniques

Research topics

Ciesielski V, & Kamusinski C, 1997, Detection of microaneurisms and hemmorhages in retinal photographs ofpatients with diabetes, (Continuing), Development and testing of neural network methods to detect small retinalpathologies.

Ciesielski V, & Palmer W, 1997, Interacive Scheduling of NBL Games Using Genetic Algorithms, (Continuing), Determining whether it is possible to develop fixtures for the NationalBasketBall League using genetic search

Ramakrishna M V, & Thom J A, 1997, Indexing structures for image databases, (New), A form of image querying is to use an image as a query and then find similarimages in a database. A method for matching images is to extract very manygraphic features from the query image and compare these with the same featuresextracted from each image in the database. In this project we analysethe performance of existing indexing structures (such as R*-trees and TV-trees),identify their weaknesses, and develop new index structures that support highdimensional data.

Zhao L, & Foster T, 1997, PLOTS: A Pattern Language of Transport Systems, (Continuing), PLOTS is a pattern language for transport systems. The PLOTS language consistsof a collection of patterns which work together to build different componentsof transport systems.

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