1997 Research and Publications Report table of contents faculty of Engineering 4

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Journal article in scholarly refereed journal

Bonnecaze A, Sole P, Bachoc C, & Mourrain B, 1997, 'Type II Codes over Z4', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 43, no.3, May-June, pp. 969-976

Bonnecaze A, & Duursma I, 1997, 'Translates of Linear Codes over Z4', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 43, no.4, July-August, pp. 1218-1230

Boztas S, 1997, 'Comments on `An Inequality on Guessing and its Application to SequentialDecoding'', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 43, no.6, November, Calderbank A R (ed.), IEEE Press, New York, pp. 2062-2063

Healy W P, 1997, 'A Line-Integral Work Function for the Lorentz Force', European Journal of Physics, vol. 18, pp. 350-353

Healy W P, 1997, 'Mass Renormalization in Low-Energy Photon Scattering', Physica Scripta, vol. 56, pp. 344-349

Healy W P, & Samandra R A, 1997, 'Polarization and Magnetization Fields in the Aharonov-Bohm Effect', Physical Review A, vol. 55, pp. 890-899

Horadam K J, & Perera A A I, 1997, 'Codes from Cocycles', Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1255, Mora T, & Mattson H (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 151-163

Reames D V, Ng C K, Mason G M, Dwyer J R, Mazur J E, & von Rosenvinge T T, 1997, 'Late-Phase Acceleration of Energetic Ions in Corotating Interaction Regions', Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 24, no.22, November, Gombosi T I (ed.), American Geophysical Union, Washington D C, pp. 2917-2920

Reames D V, Kahler S W, & Ng C K, 1997, 'Spatial and Temporal Invariance in the Spectra of Energetic Particles in Gradual Solar Events', The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 491, December, Abt H (ed.), University of Chicago, Chicago, pp. 414-420

Stacey A J, & Pask C, 1997, 'Spatial-frequency response of a photoreceptor and its wavelength dependence. II Partially coherent sources.', Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 14, no.11, November, Optical Society of America, pp. 2893-2900

Journal article, Non refereed (including articles in 'professional' journals)

Kodate T, Bermond J, Bonnecaze A, Perennes S, & Sole P, 1997, 'Broadcasting in Hypercubes under circuit switching model', The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol. 43, no.01, January, IEICE (ed.), Technical report of IEICE, Tokyo, pp. 61-68

Conference publication, Full written paper - refereed proceedings

Aliu E, Connell H J, & Shepherd J J, 1997, 'Asymptotic analysis of a gas slider bearing of narrow geometry in slip flow', Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MS'97), Zaygeh A (ed.), Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne, pp. 408-413

Conference publication, Full written paper - non refereed proceedings

Boztas S, Bonnecaze C, & Bonnecaze A, 1997, 'Decoding Self-Dual Codes over Z4', 3rd Asia Pacific Communications Conference, vol. 3, IREE Society, Sydney, pp. 1054-1057

Boztas S, & Dragomir S S, 1997, 'Some Estimates of the Average Number of Guesses to Determine a Random Variable', Proceedings of 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, van Tilborg H C A (ed.), IEEE Press, New York, pp. 159-159

Boztas S, 1997, 'A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Partition Testing to be Better thanRandom Testing', Proceedings of the IEEE 1997 International Symposium on Information Theory, van Tilborg H C A (ed.), IEEE Press, New York, pp. 401-401

Fitz-Gerald G F, & Healy W P, 1997, 'Maple and the World-Wide Web at RMIT', Electronic Proceedings of ATCM97 (Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics)http://www.cs.runet.edu/~atcm/EPATCM97/, Yang W-C, Chu S-C, & Fitz-Gerald G F (eds.), Radford University, Radford, USA, pp. 1-12

Conference publication, Extract of paper

Baker D L, Connell H J, & Shepherd J J, 1997, 'Spin-up of a convected Jeffreys fluid in a rotational rheometer modified to allow axial flow', Proceedings of the 2nd Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, Tiu C, Uhlherr P H T, & Yeow Y L (eds.), Chemical Engrg Depts, Melbourne Univ, Monash Univ, RMIT, Melbourne, pp. 5-6

Chiera C, Connell H J, & Shepherd J J, 1997, 'Perturbation analysis of the helical flow of a Carreau model fluid', Proceedings of the 2nd Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, Tiu C, Uhlherr, P H T, & Yeow Y L (eds.), Depts of Chemical Engrg, Melb Univ, Monash Univ, RMIT, Melbourne, pp. 35-36

Chiera C, Connell H J, & Shepherd J J, 1997, 'On the helical flow of a Sisko model fluid', Proceedings of the 2nd Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, Tiu C, Uhlherr P H T, & Yeow Y L (eds.), Depts of Chem Eng, Univ Melb, Monash Univ, RMIT, Melbourne, pp. 33-34

Micic P, Bhattacharya S N, Connell H J, & Shepherd J J, 1997, 'Modelling of viscoelasticity of low density polyethylene melt under elongation', Proceedings of the 2nd Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, Tiu C, Uhlherr P H T, & Yeow Y L (eds.), Chemical Engrg Depts, Melbourne Univ, Monash Univ, RMIT, Melbourne, pp. 183-184


Aliu E Z, Connell H J, & Shepherd J J, 1997, A multiscaling approach to the narrow gas slider bearing in slip flow, series: RMIT Departmment of Mathematics Research Reports, 11, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne

Baker D L, Connell H J, & Shepherd J J, 1997, Spin-up of a convected Jeffreys fluid in a rotational rheometer modified to allow axial flow, series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 14, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne

Baker D L, 1997, Helical flow of a convected Jeffreys fluid, series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 4, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne

Bonnecaze A, & Udaya P, 1997, Threshold Decoding of the Nordstrom Robinson Code, series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 25, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne, 6 p.

Bonnecaze A, & Udaya P, 1997, Cyclic Codes and Self-Dual Codes over F2+uF2, series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 20, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne, 13 p.

Bonnecaze A, & Sole P, 1997, Z4-Codes and 5-designs, series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 21, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne, 10 p.

Bonnecaze A, Mourrain B, & Sole P, 1997, Jacobi Polynomials, Type II Codes, and Designs, series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 17, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne, 17 p.

Bonnecaze A, Gaborit P, Harada M, Kitazume M, & Sole P, 1997, Niemeier Lattices and Type II Codes over Z4, series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 16, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne, 27 p.

Bonnecaze A, Bonnecaze C, & Boztas S, 1997, Decoding Self-Dual Codes over Z4, series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 15, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne, 6 p.

Boztas S, 1997, A Fast Algorithm for Linear Complexity (mod p), series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 9, RMIT, University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne, 9 p.

Boztas S, & Dragomir S S, 1997, Two Sided Bounds on Guessing Moments, series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 8, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne, 9 p.

Boztas S, 1997, Entropy Bounds on Guessing Moments, series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 7, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne, 12 p.

Boztas S, 1997, Designing CDMA Sequences with Arbitrary Energy, series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 6, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne, 7 p.

Eberhard A, & Nyblom M, 1997, Convolution smoothing as an avenue to first and second order nonsmooth optimality conditions., series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 1, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne

Horadam K, Flannery D L, & de Launey W, 1997, Cocyclic Hadamard matrices and difference sets., series: RMIT Department of Mathematics, 2, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne

Ly E, Gear J A, & Phillips N J T, 1997, Optimal Approximate Factorization Algorithm for the Two-Dimensional Steady Subsonic Small Disturbance Equation., series: Rmit Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 3, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne

Nyblom M A, 1997, On irrational valued series involving generalised Fibonacci numbers., series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 22, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne

Nyblom M A, 1997, On divergent series with non-integer partial sums., series: RMIT Department of Mathematics, 12, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne

Perera A A I, & Horadam K J, 1997, Cocyclic generalised Hadamard matrices and central relative difference sets., series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 13, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne

Sloss B G, 1997, A note on a Diophantine equation considered by Powell, series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 10, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne

Sloss B G, 1997, On a Diophantine equation with four variables, series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 5, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics, Melbourne

Udaya P, & Siddiqi M, 1997, Optimal large linear complexity frequency hopping patters derived from polynomial residue class rings., series: RMIT Department of Mathematics Research Reports, 19, RMIT University, Department of Mathematics., Melbourne, 23 p.

Minor review

Horadam K J, 1997, 'MR97m:05039', 'Mathematical Reviews', Construction od Hadamard difference sets, vol. 97m

Horadam K J, 1997, 'MR97h:05028', 'Mathematical Reviews', Some new families of SDSs and Hadamard matrices, vol. 97h

Conference paper

Baker D L, 1997, 'Spin-up of a convected Jeffreys fluid in a rotational rheometer with axial flow.', 'The eighth biennial computational techniques and applications conference: CTAC97.', September-October, The University of Adelaide

Eberhard A, 1997, 'Second order subgradients in optimization.', 'Optimization Day 1997', July, RMIT University, Melbourne.

Eberhard A, 1997, 'Are subjects useful in optimization?', 'APORS97 - Fourth asian pacific operations research society conference.', December, Melbourne convention centre, Melbourne.

Eberhard A, & Tobin P, 1997, 'Accelerating convergence of a potential reduction method.', 'APORS97 - Fourth asian pacific operations research society conference.', December, Melbourne convention centre, Melbourne.

Eberhard A C, Ralph D, & Nyblom M, 1997, 'Towards a Rank One Convex Analysis', 'International Symposium on Mathematical Programming 1997', August, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Gear J, 1997, 'Time marching finite difference solution of the modified transonicsmall disturbance equation.', 'The eighth biennial compuational techniques and applications conference: CTAC97.', September-October, The University of Adelaide

Healy W P, 1997, 'The Lorentz Force in the Aharonov-Bohm Effect with Time-Dependent Fields', 'ICMP'97 - The 12th International Congress of Mathematical Physics', July, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland

Healy W P, & Samandra R A, 1997, 'Another View of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect', 'ANZIAM'97 - The 33rd Applied Mathematics Conference', February, Erskine House, Lorne, Victoria

Horadam K J, 1997, 'Cocyclic generalised Hadamard matrices and relative difference sets', 'CRM Workshop on transversal designs and orthogonal arrays', April, Kitchener, Canada

Horadam K J, & Perera A A I, 1997, 'Codes from cocycles', '12th Applied Algebra and Error-Correcting Codes Symposium', June, Toulouse, France

Hughes G, 1997, 'Constacyclic codes and Cocycles', 'Victorian Algebra Conference', November, Scotch College, MELBOURNE

Hughes G, 1997, 'Generalised Perfect Binary Arrays and Cocycles', 'Third International Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics andCombinatorial Computing', July, University of Melbourne

Ly E, 1997, 'Improved approximate factorization algorithm', 'The eighth biennial computational techniques and applications conference: CTAC97.', September-October, The University of Adelaide

May R L, & Code A J, 1997, 'Implementing the Multigrid Method on a Massively Parallel Computer', 'The eighth biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference: CTAC97', September-October, The University of Adelaide

Perera A A I, 1997, 'Projective Representations, Monomial Matrices and Normalised cocycles', '15th annual Victorian Algebra Conference', October, Scotch College, Melbourne

Perera A A I, 1997, 'Cocyclic Generalised Hadamard Matrices and central Relative Difference Sets', 'Third International Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and CombinatorialComputing', June-July, University of Melbourne

Phillips N J T, 1997, 'Type-dependent differencing schemes for transonic flow computations.', 'The eighth biennial computational techniques and applications conference: CTAC97.', September-October, The university of Adelaide.

Widyaningsih P, 1997, 'The solution of integral equations using Walsh functions and a multigrid approach.', 'The eighth biennial computational techniques and applications conference: CTAC97.', September-October, The University of Adelaide.

Invited lecture

Boztas S, 1997, 'Further Bounds on Guessing Moments', 'Invited Lecture at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey', July, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey

Boztas S, 1997, 'Methods of Sequence Design for CDMA Communications', 'Invited Researcher at GECT-University of Toulon, France', August, GECT-University of Toulon, France

Horadam K J, 1997, 'Cocyclic matrices and their codes', 'The Fifth Australasian Mathematics Convention', July, Auckland, New Zealand


Boztas S, 1997, 'Algebraic Methods in Image Transforms', 'Invited Lecture at Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin', July, Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin

Conference organisation

Eberhard A, 1997, 'APORS97 - Fourth Asian Pacific Operations Research Society Conference.', December, Melbourne Convention Centre, Melbourne.

Eberhard A, & Hill R, 1997, 'Optimization Day 1997', July, RMIT University, Melbourne

Horadam K J, 1997, 'Third International Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing', July, Melbourne, Australia

Research topics

Horadam K J, & Udaya P, 1997, Cocyclic Codes for communications, (New), Information is coded before being transmitted, for security or error-correction purposes. We apply group cohomology to design theory to establish a new field, cocyclic codes, and to discover optimal codes

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