1-савол:: Has a very basic range of simple expressions about personal details and needs of a concrete type

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::1-савол:: Has a very basic range of simple expressions about personal details and needs of a concrete type.
{= A1
~ A2
~ B2.
~ C1.

::2-савол:: CEFR is

{= functional use of linguistic resources (production of language functions, speech acts) Common European Framework of Reference
~ Council of European framework resources
~ Common European Field of Linguistic References
~ Common European Framework for assessment FL

::3-савол:: Basic user includes

{= A1, A2
~ B1, B2
~ C1, C2
~ A1, B1

::4-савол:: Proficient user includes

{= A1, A2
~ B1, B2
~ C1, C2
~ A1, B1

::5-савол:: CEFR is ……

{= descriptive document
~ theoretical document
~ international standard
~ compulsory document

::6-савол:: Has enough language to get by, with sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself with some hesitation and circumlocutions on topics such as family, hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current events, but lexical limitations cause repetition and even difficulty with formulation at times What level is it?

{= B1
~ B2
~ A1
~ A2

::7-савол::What is the end point of the PPP procedure?

{= Production
~ Practice
~ Presentation
~ Poster

::8-савол:: Can select an appropriate formulation from a broad range of language to express him/herself clearly, without having to restrict what he/she wants to say. What level is it?

{= C1
~ B2
~ A1
~ A2

::9-савол:: Why CEFR was being adapted in Europe?

{= All answers are correct
~ Mobility among the members of the Council of Europe
~ Paying respect to other languages and cultures
~ To assist learners, teachers, course designers, examining bodies and educational administrators

::10-савол:: A ............... is the practical classroom realization of an approach.

{= Method
~ Approach
~ Technique
~ Procedure

::11-савол:: Levels for non philology-leaving

{= B2
~ A1
~ B1
~ A2
::12-савол:: Levels for philology-leaving?
{= B2
~ B1
~ A1
~ A2

::13-савол:: I can describe where I live. What level is it

{= A1
~ B2
~ B1
~ A2

::14-савол:: I can write very simple personal letters expressing thanks and apology. What level is it?

{= A2
~ B1
~ B2
~ A1

::15-савол:: Find correct definition for the following:

PD №1875 Issued in December, 2012…
{= The decree ‘On measures for further enhancement of the system of teaching of foreign languages”
~ The decree “On adopting CEFR in the Uzbekistan’s system of FLT”
~ The decree “On developing new State Educational Standard, teaching Curricula and Syllabuses”
~ The decree ‘On Implementing CEFR in the context of education of Uzbekistan”

::16-савол:: Which feedback is in contrast to formative feedback?

{= Summative feedback
~ Correction feedback
~ Supportive feedback
~ Formative feedback
::17-савол:: A way or manner of doing something is …
{= Method
~ Assessment
~ Viewpoint
~ approach

::18-савол:: In which country do people speak “ Standard Southern English”?

{= South of England
~ Wales
~ Scotland
~ East of England

::19-савол:: A real and natural language used by native speakers in real life contexts is ….

{= Authentic Language
~ Body Language
~ Foreign language
~ English

::20-савол:: The process of evaluating achievements of learners is ….

{= Assessment
~ Viewpoint
~ Exercise
~ Drill

::21-савол:: What forces the students to think more carefully about what they are saying?

{= asking for clarification
~ telling intention
~ listening carefully
~ encouraging

::22-савол:: how can teachers show their students that they have listened with interest to their words?

{= by repeating what they said
~ keeping silence
~by interrupting

::23-савол:: What is the great contributor to student success?

{= formative feedback
~summative feedback
~ contrast feedback
~oral feedback

::24-савол:: How can praise and encouragement be really effective?

{= The teacher explains what the students mistake is
~ The teacher supports and encourages greatly
~ The teacher gives gifts
~ The teacher do not give any feedback

::25-савол:: What are Pre, while, post-s?

{= Activities
~ Methods
~ Procedure
~ Exercises

::26-савол:: When students use language to talk about themselves and how they feel and what they do, we call it ........

{= Personalization
~ Production
~ Procedure
~ Interview

::27-савол:: What is the drawback of PPP procedure ?

{= Teacher centered
~ Really boring
~ It takes a lot of time
~ Student centered

::28-савол:: In which method grammar is learned inductively?

{= The direct method
~ Grammar translation method
~Audiolingual method
~ Traditional method

::29-савол:: In which method language is learned deductively?

{= Grammar translation method
~ Traditional method
~ Total physical approach
~Audiolingual method

::30-савол:: What is a procedure?

{= An ordered sequence of technique
~ Small and popular methodology
~ A common technique when using video
~ The collection of activities

::31-савол:: Lesson plan is …

{=. a teacher’s detailed description of the course of instruction
~ Error correction
~ Correcting spoken English with textbook
~ It is a textbook consists of exercises

::32-савол:: ............. we will look at how we can correct our students when they are speaking

{= Correcting spoken English
~ Giving feedback
~ Online correction
~ Error correction

::33-савол:: Role play is ….. activity

{= Speaking
~ Reading
~ Writing
~ Listening

::34-савол:: When a student makes a mistake, the teacher firstly should decide...............

{= To think about who is the best person to make that correction
~ To scold the students
~Whether the mistake itself needs correcting
~ Nothing, just prize

::35-савол:: Discussion is ….. activity

{= Speaking
~ Reading
~ Writing
~ Listening

::36-савол::Like the skill of listening, reading is typically classified as...

{=receptive skill
~reproductive skill
~productive skill
~transitive phrasal verbs are

::37-савол::Objects from the outside world that learners can use to make the classroom feel more like an authentic, real-life setting.

~silent period

::38-савол::The instrument that teacher design to give a class?

{=lesson plan
~open question

::39-савол::What is micro teaching?

{=a technique used to develop mastery in teaching
~a method of language teaching
~a theory based incognotivism
~direct Method (Berlitz)

::40-савол:: What is Discussion

{= Students will discuss the topic
~ Students observe sm.th and write a brief summary
~ Students play different roles
~ Make up discussion

::41-савол::What makes a good teacher?

{= all answers are true
~ marketing the subject, knowing the subject: teaching it with encouragement
~ using a variety of teaching styles, building on family and outside-of-school experiences
~ involving students as learning partners, collaborating with other adults, making sure students know they are cared about

::42-савол:: What is the aim of pedagogical technology?

{= To achieve high result in short time and with less effort
~ To increase efficiency of learning process
~ To project learning process
~ To have innovative approach to education

::43-савол::.. In which activity students are encouraged to act out roles of people in different spheres of society?

{= Role play
~ Information gap
~ Jig saw activities
~ Story forming

::44-савол:: In which method students may create their own story and draw several sequential pictures that describe story?

{= Story narrating through the pictures
~ Information gap
~ Jig saw activities
~ Story forming

::45-савол:: What is Multiple choice?

{= It is an assessment where answers provided with several opinions
~ Teaching process
~ Working with handouts
~ Speaking activities
::46-савол::A modern lesson must include…
{= warming up, body and follow up exercises
~ asking about weather and homework
~ asking homework and giving new homeassignment
~ None of them

::47-савол::According to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, methodology is…

{= “a body of methods, procedures, working concepts, rules and postulates employed [...] in the solution of a problem or in doing something”
~Appropriacy of language use is considered alongside accuracy, which has
implications for error correction, materials and activities.
~ The concept communicative is applied to all four language skills.
~ Encouraging students to help each other in a cooperative not competitive spirit

::48-савол:: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing can be classified into which two

{= receptive and productive
~ sharing and sending
~ sending and posting
~ posting and productive


{= encourages learners to produce the idea of solving practical and scientific problems individually or in groups.
~ is a strategy that offers several advantages for both student and teacher
~ is one more effective strategy to improve communication skills
~ are based on the information – gap principles

::50-савол:: Choose an appropriate definition to "technique"

{= Technique is just one single procedure to use in the classroom
~ Technique is a language unit
~ Technique is a paradigm or model of FLT
~ The three major language leaming issues that language pedagogy and ELT have deait with through this century

::51-савол:: What is Multiple choice?

{= It is an assessment where answers provided with several opinions
~ Speaking activities
~ Working with handouts
~ Teaching process

::52-савол:: Decipher CEFR

{=Common European framework of Reference
~Currency of European Federal Republics
~Current European Focucing Results
~Continuous Educational Framework of Reference

::53-савол:: Discussion is…..

{=an active method of sharing opinions on a specific problem individually and freely
~based on the information – gap principles
~It is based upon the idea that motion is useful for learning
~It is based on re-reading and re-writing

::54-савол:: Follow-up activities may take place in the language laboratory, where

further dialogue and drill work is carried on. Which Method is it?
{=The Audiolingual Method
~The Traditional Method
~The Communicative Approach
~The Structural Method

::55-савол:: In Modern Method grammar must be taught in….

~Tenses, translation and Grammar

::56-савол::In traditional method teachers do not pay attention to…

{=speaking and pronunciation practice
~translation and memorizing

::57-савол:: In which activity students are encouraged to act out roles of people in different spheres of society ?

{=Role play
~Jig saw activities
~Information gap
~Fish bowl

::58-савол:: In which method Good habits are formed by having students produce correct sentences and not through making mistakes. Errors were to be avoided through controlled opportunities for production (either written or spoken). By memorizing dialogues and performing drills the chances for making mistakes were

{=Traditional Method
~Communicative Methods
~Interactive Method
~Oral Method

::59-савол:: In which method students may create their own story and draw

several sequential pictures that describe story?
{=Story narrating through the pictures
~Story forming
~Brain storming

::60-савол:: In which method students write and re-tell the stories?

~Audiolingual Method

::61-савол:: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing can be classified into which two groups?

{=receptive and productive
~sharing and sending
~sending and posting
~posting and productive

::62-савол:: Method is…-

{=just the mediator between theory and classroom practice
~the same with technique
~a classroom research
~an analysis of students

::63-савол:: What is pupils’ portfolio?

{= A collection of work, materials that a learner or course participant collects and puts together in a file, usually for assessment.
~ It is a case which includes teachers’ all lesson materials, lesson plans, aids.
~ A special case for improving and learning the language.
~ A collection of tasks and collection of homework.

::64-савол:: Peer correction is ….

{=encouraging students to help each other in a cooperative not competitive spirit
~student’s use of building words with correct pronunciation.
~make students stay silent
~all answers are correct

::65-савол:: The important issues of vocabulary are…

{=its meaning, pronunciation, spelling, various forms, its uses, its connotations, and its collocations
~its grammar and speaking
~presentation and speaking
~translation and memorizing

::66-савол:: The main skills taught in Modern methods are…

{=listening, speaking, reading, and writing
~grammar and translation
~only translation
~only reading and translation

::67-савол:: What is CLT?

{=Communicative Language Teaching
~ Common Learning and Teaching
~ Communicative Language Learning
~ Common Language Teaching

::68-савол:: This method provides opportunities for learners to improve imagination, speaking, and as well as communication skills .

{=Story forming
~Opinion telling
~Talk shows

::69-савол:: Visual learner is …

{=Someone who is a visual learner tends to observe things, pictures, demonstrations, films, etc. in order to improve her or him level of knowledge.
~They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. Auditory learners interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other tones.
~Learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. They may find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration.
~They are used to drawing math problems. Then, they have less difficulty in order to solve them. They interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other tones.

::70-савол:: What are auditory learners based on?

{=It is based on learners who do better by hearing and seeing new materials
~ It is based upon the idea
~It is based on the idea of the positioning of items and they are often seen as “daydreamers”.
~ It is based on copying or re-copying

::71-савол:: What is ESP?

{=English for Specific Purposes
~English for sons and Parents
~English for Super Power
~English for Society and Policy

::72-савол:: What is the Learning style....?

{=is described as a group of characteristics, attitudes and behaviors that define our way of learning.
~is overcome limitations and maximizing learning potential
~is reduces frustration and stress level
~is motivation for learning and improve self-confidence and self-esteem

::73-савол:: A1….

{= breakthrough
~ threshold

::74-савол::Forms of formative assessment?

{= oral, written, individual, group
~ homework, projects
~test, matching, multiple choice
~individual, pair and group work, homework tasks, indirect (implicit) form using different questions or plays

::75-савол::Can handle very short social exchanges even though they don’t understand enough to keep the conversation going themselves…… What level is it?


::76-савол:: Independent user includes……. …….

{= B1, B2
~ A1, A2
~C1, C2
~A1, B1

::77-савол:: Kid’s English 2 for which level is for?


::78-савол::The CEFR aims are .....

{= All answers correct
~The assessment of language proficiency
~Design teaching and learning materials
~ Elaboration of language syllabuses and curriculum guidelines

::79-савол::The levels in CEFR are described in the form of ........ statements

{=can do
~can’t do

::80-савол::What are modern approaches?

{= Learner-centeredness
~ Teacher-centeredness
~ Memorization
~ Organization
{= threshold
~ vantage
~ breakthrough

::82-савол:: B2…..

~ threshold

::83-савол:: C1…….

{= effective operational proficiency


~ Threshold
~ Breakthrough

::85-савол::What are types of competencies as a key aspect in CEFR ?

{=General and Communicative
~ Pragmatic and Cognitive
~ General and Cultural
~ Communicative and Cultural

::86-савол::Which format of testing oral ability can be structured and unstructured?

~ response
~ quiz

::87-савол::What are traditional approaches?

~Teaching technology and the internet
~Promoting autonomy and awareness

::88-савол::... The new curriculum of teaching FL in Uzbekistan has been prepared in the light of........

~ ESP material
~ key concepts in new curriculum

::89-савол :: Teachers prefer kinesthetic methods of teaching English for….

~ adults
~ students
~primary school pupils
::90-савол :: What is CLL?
{= Community Language Learning
~ Common Learning and Teaching
~ Communicative Language Learning
~ Common Language Teaching
::91-савол :: You will need a thorough knowledge of the English language ,a love of English literature and be prepared in teaching
{= students
~primary school pupils
~ preschoolers
::92-савол :: A good lesson aim ….
{= all answers are possible
~ clear and easy to understand
~doable for the students
~teachable for the teacher
::93-савол ::Visual learners like to learn new information…
{= by seeing
~by hearing
~by moving
~by touching
::94-савол ::Auditory learners like to learn new information ….
{= by hearing
~by moving
~by touching
~ by seeing
::95-савол ::Kinesthetic learners prefer to learn new information ….
{= by moving
~by touching
~ by seeing
~by hearing
::96-савол :: Tactile learners like to learn new information ….
{= by touching
~ by moving
~ by seeing
~by hearing
::97-савол :: Mixed ability group is a group where students differ…
{= in terms of language ,learning ability and motivation
~ in nationality
~ in ages
~ in gender
::98-савол :: Techniques for assessing …
{= all answers are possible
~ observation
~ portfolio
~ peer assessment
::99-савол :: Portfolio assessment ….
{= a collection of work that reveals both the capability and the progress of a learner
~ a traditional type of assessment
~ self assessment
~ peer assessment
::100-савол :: What problems do you usually have with your coursebook?
{= all answers are possible
~ texts not authentic
~ not enough communicative activities
~ grammar and vocabulary is not contextualized
::101-савол :: What can you do if a text is not what you want for your students?
{= adapt it
~ translate it
~ change it
~ read it
::102-савол ::How can you adapt a text if you feel that it is too long.
{= divide the text into several parts
~ translate it
~ change it
~ take the half of the text
::103-савол ::What can you do if the text so boring?
{= add pre,while ,post reading activities, supplement pictures
~ translate it
~ change it
~ divide the text into several parts
::104-савол ::What can teachers do to help their visual learners?
{= use pictures or charts and write important information on the blackboard
~ give short 5-10 lectures
~ give them objects
~ give them role playing
::105-савол ::There are many pedagogically sound reasons for using songs in the classroom
{= all answers are possible
~to provide authentic listening comprehension practice
~ to create intrinsic motivation for listening
~ to develop sound and word discrimination skills
::106-савол ::Formative assessment for..
{= assessing progress
~ assessing whether instructional goals have been achieved
~ assessing their reading skills
~ recording their performance
::107-савол :: Syllabus is…
{= an outline of a specific course prepared by teacher
~ perspective
~ decided by the government
~ set of taught material in a school system
::108-савол :: Curriculum is…
{= all answers are correct
~ perspective
~ decided by the government
~ set of taught material in a school system
::109-савол :: Story forming method provides opportunities for learners to improve ……
{= Imagination, speaking, and as well as communication skills
~ Listening-comprehension
~ Reading skill
~ Grammar
::110-савол :: Assessment is
{= The process of evaluating achievements of learners
~ A set of principles about teaching including views on methods, techniques and activities
~ None of them
~ Both of them
::111-савол :: The word “Method” means ……
{= A way or manner of doing something
~ An activity
~ A set of documents
~ Types of instructions
::112-савол :: When was the President’s Resolution № 1875 adopted?
{=2012, on the 10th of December
~2013, on the 10th of December
~2012, on the 12th of December
~ 2012, on the 10th of October
::113-савол :: Teaching materials are …..
{= Teacher’s book, pupil’s book, audio-materials
~ A tape-recorders
~ Projectors
~ Gramophone
::114-савол :: What is Handout?
{= A sheet provided to each student by the teacher, it containts information, a task to be completed for an assignment
~ Textbook
~ Teacher’s book
~ Pupil’s book
::115-савол :: What is Group work is?
{= Group work is requiring students to work together in learning procedure
~ Group work is requiring students to work individually
~ Group work is requiring students to work alone
~ Group work is an individual work
::116-савол :: What is Classroom observation?
{= The practice of sitting in another teacher’s class to observe
~ The practice of sitting in another teacher’s class to discuss
~ Teaching another class
~ Working together
::117-савол :: What are the Authentic materials?
{= Are the materials of language teaching, that were originally intended for native speaker texts, RV, radio or internet
~ Are teaching materials
~ Are speaking materials
~ Are the listening materials
::118-савол :: Which test type can be used in the following situation An applicant is seeking admission to a University in the UK.
{= Proficiency tests
~ Placement tests
~ Diagnostic tests
~ Achievement tests
::119-савол :: Which test type can be used in the following situation - An English language course has been completed?
{= Achievement tests
~ Placement tests
~ Diagnostic tests
~ Proficiency tests
::120-савол :: Which test type can be used in the following situation - Students show signs of de-motivation in the lessons
{= Diagnostic tests
~ Placement tests
~ Achievement tests
~ Proficiency tests
::121-савол :: There are three such components of teaching process:
{= Presenting and explaining new material; providing practice; and testing.
~ Get feedback, providing practice; and testing, Illustrate with examples
~ Presenting and explaining new material, prepare, explanations and instructions
~ Presenting and explaining new material, explanations and instructions
::122-савол :: The students like to spend the most of the time with
{= Peers
~ Parents
~ Relatives
~ Teachers
::123-савол :: The content of teaching pronunciation
{= The sounds of the English language, its vowels and consonants, to articulate these sounds both separately and in different phonetic contexts.Stress in a word and in a sentence, and melody (fall and rise).
~ To articulate these sounds both separately and in different phonetic contexts
~ Some peculiarities of the English language. Stress in a word and in a sentence
~ Length of vowels, palatalization and sounds
::124-савол :: What is lesson?
{= It is a unit of teaching process and the main form of organization of the teaching process.
~ Conducting a lesson is shaped as a collective interrelated activity.
~ The goal each lesson is an important part of the final goal.
~ Understanding of a lesson goal should be relied on the main important peculiarities.
::125-савол :: What is assessment criteria?
{= the statements written in order to judge how well a learner has achieved the learning outcomes.
~ Formative assessment
~ Summative assessment
~ Giving feedback
::126-савол :: What is portfolio assessment?
{= A type of formative assessment. It consists of a collection of learners’ work done over a year or a course which shows evidence of their subject knowledge, their skills and cognitive development
~ It consists of a collection of learners’ work done over a year or a course which shows evidence of their subject knowledge
~ the statements written in order to judge how well a learner has achieved the learning outcomes.
~ Summative assessment
::127-савол :: Difficulties of teaching reading skills:
{= Extra linguistic and linguistic
~ Pronunciation
~ Lexical
~ Grammatical
::128-савол :: Continuous assessment . . .
{= The final grade is some kind of combination of the grades the learner received for various assignments during the course.
~ The final grade is some kind of combination various assignments during the course.
~ It is final assessment in term
~ The pupils are told to read it and memorize its spelling. Then it is rubbed out and the pupils write it from memory.
::129-савол :: Stages in testing…
{= Before the test, Giving the test, After the test
~ While the test, after the test
~ Before the test, while test
~ Tests, control work and finals
::130-савол :: According to Harmer, how many points are available to develop reading comprehension ?
{=2 extensive, intensive reading
~2 productive, receptive reading
~2 active, passive reading
~ active, extensive reading
::131-савол :: What is extensive reading?
{=takes place when students are on their own
~often done with the help of teacher
~ takes place when students read in the classroom
~ often done by reading scientific articles
::132-савол :: What is intensive reading?
{= often done with the help of teacher
~ takes place when students are on their own
~ often done by reading scientific articles
~ takes place when students read in the classroom
::133-савол ::….is fictional work of prose that is shorter in length than a novel.
~ dairy
::134-савол :: What are two system of ELT content ?
{=object of teaching , object of learning
~language, culture
~teaching , assessment
~ object of teaching , object of culture
::135-савол :: The essential methods of teaching EFL to young learners based on 3 principles. Find all of them
{=role plays, communicative method, TPR
~ communicative method, TPR, speaking skills
~ Suggestopedia , speaking skills TPR
::136-савол :: Which age group are considered as a beginner?
::137-савол :: Advantage of using pair and group work
{= All pupils are active
~ The class is noisy
~ Some pupils may dominate
~ Pupils get a lot of practice
::138-савол :: Disadvantage of using pair and group work
{= The class is noisy
~ Pupils take responsibility for their own learning, their own behavior
~ Pupils get a lot of practice
~ All pupils are active
::139-савол :: Find the information about reading techniques. Skimming?
~{= Reading a text quickly to get the main idea
Reading a text quickly to find specific information (names, places, dates, numbers, etc )
~ Reading carefully for detailed understanding (e.gmain ideas, vocabulary, details)
~ Read for gist
::140-савол :: Find the information about reading techniques. Contextual guessing.
{= Making guesses about the meaning of the word by looking at the surrounding words or situation
~ Reading a text quickly to find specific information (names, places, dates, numbers, etc )
~ Reading a text quickly to get the main idea
~ Scanning
::141-савол :: What is summative assessment?
{= Final
~ Formative
~ Activity
::142-савол :: Find the one example for pre writing
{= Brainstorming
~ Planning
~ Word building
~ correcting mistakes
::143-савол :: How many aspects of teaching speaking English do you know?{=
~ all of them
~ linguistic
~ psychological
} methodological
::144-савол :: How many words does the active minimum of foreign language in schools include?
{=1000-1200 words
~ 1300-1400
::145-савол :: How many types does the speech have?
{= Oral and written.
~ Oral and verbal.
~ Listening and writing.
~ pronunciation and stress
::146 -савол :: What is formative assesment?
{= is that which is offered as advice or feedback to student and which does not contribute marks toward their final grade
~ provides an opportunity for formative feedback on their work prior to them submitting summative assesment
~ assists students to focus on the requirements of the tasks
~ speaking, listening, reading, writing
::147 -савол :: What does the pronounciation include in?
{= All of them
~ sounds
~) Intonation
~ sound combinations
:: 148-савол :: Students must fit the pieces together to complete the whole. Which activity is it?
{= Jigsaw
~ Information gap
~ Brainstorming
~ Network
:: 149-савол :: . According to the sources of information, verbal methods include:
{= Lecture, conversation, explanation
~ Working on textbook
~ Experiment
~ Practical experience of learners
:: 150-савол :: How many levels does CEFR have ?
{=6 (A1-C2)
~) 5 (A1-C1)
~8 (A1-D2)
~ 12 (A1-F2)
::151 -савол :: What are the words we have to teach in foreign language class called ?
{= vocabulary
~ grammar
~ pronunciation
~ spelling
::152 -савол :: …………….. must be comprehensive, enough to be a help to the teacher
{= teachers book
~ teaching materials
~ a magnet board
~ mechanical aids
:: 153-савол :: What kind of types of reading do you know?
{= aloud and silently
~ silently
~ aloud and individual
~ oral
::154 -савол :: what techniques are low stakes activities that get students to interact and talk to each other and encourage subsequent classroom interactions?
{= Ice breakers
~ role play
~ brainstorming
~ discussion
::155 -савол :: Identify 2 difficulties of teaching speaking a foreign language.
{= Extralinguistic and linguistic
~ Statistical, methodical
~ Methodical, linguistic
~ Linguistic, statistical
::156 -савол :: What kind of difficulties of teaching speaking a foreign language do we have ?
{= Extralinguistic and linguistic
~ Statistical, methodical
~ Methodical, linguistic
~ Linguistic, statistical
::157 -савол :: What are the extracurriculum activities?
{= they are those that fall outside of the normal curriculum of school
~ Teaching materials
~ Role play
~ Lesson plan
:: 158-савол :: What is skimming ?
{= running the eyes over quickly to get the some of the gist
~ sneezy eyes
~ detailed focused study
~ general understanding
:: 159-савол :: What is blended learning ?
{= face to face teaching with distance education
~ tutoring by non speaking
~ repeating plans
~ methodologic approach
::160 -савол :: A………………is a sequence which can be described in terms such as “ first you do this, then you do that”
{= procedure
~ approach
~ method
~ technique
::161 -савол :: In which method given sentences are translated from the target language back to the students’ own language?
{= grammar translation method
~ audiolingual
~ direct method
~ modern method
::162 -савол :: What do methods include?
{= procedure and technique
~ production and procedure
~ approach and technique
~ procedure and approach

::163 -савол :: Objects from the outside world that learners can use to make the classroom feel more like an authentic, real-life setting.

{= realia
~ authentalia
~ silent period
~ materials
::164 -савол :: Like the skill of listening, reading is typically classified as...
{= receptive skill
~ reproductive skill
~ productive skill
~ transitive phrasal verbs are
::165 -савол :: The instrument that teacher design to give a class?
{= lesson plan
~ rubric
~ feedback
~ open question
::166 -савол :: What is micro teaching?
{= a technique used to develop mastery in teaching
~ a method of language teaching
~ a theory based in cognotivism
~ direct Method (Berlitz)
::167 -савол Auditory learner is …
{= They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. Auditory learners interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other tones.
~ Someone who is a visual learner tends to observe things, pictures, demonstrations, films, etc. in order to improve her or him level of knowledge.
~ Learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. They may find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration.
~ They are used to drawing math problems. Then, they have less difficulty in order to solve them. They interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other tones.
::168 -савол :: Follow-up activities may take place in the language laboratory, where
further dialogue and drill work is carried on. Which Method is it?
{= The Audiolingual Method
~ The Traditional Method
~ The Communicative Approach
~ The Structural Method
::169 -савол :: Visual learner is …
{= Someone who is a visual learner tends to observe things, pictures, demonstrations, films, etc. in order to improve her or him level of knowledge.
~ They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. Auditory learners interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other tones.
~ Learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. They may find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration.
~ They are used to drawing math problems. Then, they have less difficulty in order to solve them. They interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other tones.
::170 -савол :: What are auditory learners based on?
{= It is based on learners who do better by hearing and seeing new materials
~ It is based upon the idea
~ It is based on the idea of the positioning of items and they are often seen as “daydreamers”.
~ It is based on copying or re-copying
:: 171-савол :: What is EOP?
{= English for Occupational Purposes
~ English for Occupier personals
~ English for Specific Purposes
~ English for Oral ability and Pronunciation
:: 172-савол :: In which method students may create their own story and draw
several sequential pictures that describe story?
{= Story narrating through the pictures
~ Brain storming
~ storytelling
::173 -савол :: Find the information about reading techniques. Intensive reading?
{= Reading carefully for detailed understanding (e.g main ideas, vocabulary, details)
~ Reading a text quickly to find specific information (names, places, dates, numbers, etc )
~ Reading a text quickly to get the main idea
~ Understand main idea
::174 -савол :: In which method educator uses double circles?
{= Fish bowl
~ Reporting
~ Discussion
~ Information gap
::175 -савол :: Like the skill of listening, reading is typically classified as...
{= receptive skill
~ reproductive skill
~ productive skill
~ transitive phrasal verbs are
::176 -савол :: Objects from the outside world that learners can use to make the classroom feel more like an authentic, real-life setting.
{= realia
~ authentalia
~ silent period
~ materials
:: 177-савол :: The instrument that teacher design to give a class?
{= lesson plan
~ rubric
~ feedback
~ open question
::178 -савол :: Decipher CEFR
{= Common European framework of Reference
~ Currency of European Federal Republics
~ Current European Focucing Results
~ Continuous Educational Framework of Reference
::179 -савол :: Discussion is…..
{= an active method of sharing opinions on a specific problem individually and freely
~ based on the information – gap principles
~ It is based upon the idea that motion is useful for learning
~ It is based on re-reading and re-writing
:: 180-савол :: Follow-up activities may take place in the language laboratory, where
further dialogue and drill work is carried on. Which Method is it?
{= The Audiolingual Method
~ The Traditional Method
~ The Communicative Approach
~ The Structural Method
::181 -савол :: In which activity students are encouraged to act out roles of people in different spheres of society ?
{= Role play
~ Jig saw activities
~ Information gap
~ Fish bowl
::182 -савол :: Independent user includes……. …….
{= B1, B2
~ A1, A2
~ C1, C2
~ A1, B1
::183 -савол :: Kid’s English 2 for which level is for?
{= A1
~ B2
~ B1
~ A2
:: 184-савол :: The CEFR aims are .....
{= All answers correct
~ The assessment of language proficiency
~ Design teaching and learning materials
~ Elaboration of language syllabuses and curriculum guidelines
::185 -савол :: The levels in CEFR are described in the form of ........ statements
{= can do
~ do
~ can’t do
~ no
::186 -савол :: What are modern approaches?
{= Learner-centeredness
~ Teacher-centeredness
~ Memorization
~ Organization
::187 -савол :: B2…..
{= vantage
~ threshold
~ waystage
~ breakthrough
::188 -савол :: Which format of testing oral ability can be structured and unstructured?
{= interviews
~ interaction
~ response
~ quiz
::189 -савол :: What are traditional approaches?
{= Teacher-centeredness
~ Learner-centeredness
~ Teaching technology and the internet
~ Promoting autonomy and awareness

::190 -савол :: Teachers prefer kinesthetic methods of teaching English for….

~ adults
~ students
~primary school pupils
:: 191-савол :: A good lesson aim ….
{= all answers are possible
~ clear and easy to understand
~doable for the students
~teachable for the teacher
::192 -савол :: Visual learners like to learn new information…
{= by seeing
~by hearing
~by moving
~by touching
::193 -савол :: Mixed ability group is a group where students differ…
{= in terms of language ,learning ability and motivation
~ in nationality
~ in ages
~ in gender
::194 -савол :: Techniques for assessing …
{= all answers are possible
~ observation
~ portfolio
~ peer assessment

::195 -савол :: of work that reveals both the capability and the progress of a learner

~ a traditional type of assessment
~ self assessment
~ peer assessment
::196 -савол :: What problems do you usually have with your coursebook?
{= all answers are possible
~ texts not authentic
~ not enough communicative activities
~ grammar and vocabulary is not contextualized
::197 -савол :: How can you adapt a text if you feel that it is too long.
{= divide the text into several parts
~ translate it
~ change it
~ take the half of the text
::198 -савол :: What can you do if the text so boring?
{= add pre,while ,post reading activities, supplement pictures
~ translate it
~ change it
~ divide the text into several parts
::200 -савол :: What can teachers do to help their visual learners?
{= use pictures or charts and write important information on the blackboard
~ give short 5-10 lectures
~ give them objects
~ give them role playing
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