2.2. Modelling the relationship
between consecutive mastitis
during the same lactation
The Poisson distribution has for a long
time been identified as the one closest to
the number of mastitis during each lacta-
tion [24] or at herd level [37]. To estimate
the parameters of a model based on this dis-
tribution, the authors generally choose GLM
models. This approach takes the relation-
ship between consecutive events into
account, in the form of an additional param-
eter, i.e., the dispersion of a fixed effect
GLM approach or the variance of an indi-
vidual random effect in a mixed GLM.
However, in both cases, the parameter is
difficult to reuse for other data and in prac-
tice raises estimation problems [11, 33]. To
explain a possible relationship between con-
secutive events, we studied the time interval
between two consecutive mastitis in the
framework of the survival models. A model
was first introduced by using an exponential
distribution for time intervals between the
events. It was then extended to a distribution
mixture which involved the parameters that
characterise the relationship between con-
secutive mastitis during the same lactation.
2.2.1. The independent event model:
Poisson’s model
In dairy cows during production, clini-
cal mastitis is diagnosed during milking.
For each milking a random variable is
observed, which can only take two modes:
an “infected” or “uninfected” udder. A cow
is subject to a large number of consecutive
milkings during one lactation. Under the
hypothesis that milkings are unrelated to
one another, it is natural to consider that the
random variable “number of milkings pro-
ducing a diagnosis of clinical mastitis during
a production interval” has a binomial dis-
tribution. Since the number of milkings is
high and the probability of an event is low,
this binomial distribution may be approxi-
mated by a Poisson distribution. We con-
sidered the occurrence times of clinical mas-
titis in the course of one lactation, in a given
cow. If n mastitis were diagnosed at times t
, …, t
, after the origin time t
date), we denote the time intervals between
consecutive times by d
= t
– t
, d
= t
with i = 2, …, n and d* denotes the time
interval between t
and the dry-out time t*.
When the number of events occurring within
nonoverlapping time intervals are indepen-
dent and have a Poisson distribution, the
random variable corresponding to the inter-
vals between two consecutive events are
independent and exponentially distributed
[25, 26].
Assuming that the durations between
mastitis are independent and have the same
distribution, the likelihood can be written:
L = f(d
) f(d
) … f(d
) S(d*), where f is the
density of the interval duration between mas-
titis, S is the associated survival function
and t* is considered as a right-censoring
time. Thus the likelihood takes the whole
productive duration into account, whether
clinical mastitis was observed or not during
that productive period. The probability that
a cow suffers mastitis at moment d, with the
condition that it had not suffered any until
then, is the hazard function h(d) = f(d)/S(d)
for any d
0. For an exponential distribution
with parameter
, the hazard function is con-
stant and h(d) =
for any d
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