Tezlik, hayajon, xavf. Bularning barchasini so'nggi 10 yil ichida ommalashib ketgan turli xil ekstremal sport turlarida topishingiz mumkin. Bungee sakrashini oling. Siz ko'prikdan sakrab tushasiz va yiqilib yiqilasiz, keyin erga yoki suvga urishdan oldin, elastik arqon sizni orqaga tortadi. Osmonda uchishda siz samolyotdan sakrab chiqasiz va o'rtada havoda gimnastika bilan shug'ullanib, havoni "surfi" uchun taxtadan foydalanasiz! Va quruqlikda ekstremal sport kabi xavfli bo'lishi mumkin. Qishki sport turlari har doim xavf elementiga ega. Masalan, snoubordda o'ynash juda hayajonli, ammo qor ustida yurish, chang'ida uchishdan ham xavflidir. Ehtimol, barcha yangi qish sport turlari ichida eng xavfli - bu qor sporti. Siz rezina qayiqda o'tirasiz va katta tezlikda tog'ni suzib o'tasiz va siz buni nazorat qila olmaysiz, albatta, suv sporti har doim qiziqarli bo'lgan. Mutlaqo aqldan ozgan odamlar uchun muzli sho'ng'in. Siz sho'ng'in uskunalarini kiyib, muzlatilgan ko'l ostida sho'ng'iysiz. Va agar bu etarli bo'lmasa, siz muz ustida aylanib yurishga harakat qilasiz! Men shunchaki bu haqda o'ylaganimda sovuq his qilyapman. Hozirgi kunda ko'p odamlar mos emas. Bugungi kunda bu katta muammo. Agar o'zingizni munosib his qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, biron bir sport turiga yoki boshqa turga murojaat qilganingiz ma'qul. Sog'lom bo'lish uchun har kim qo'lidan kelganini qilishi kerak deb o'ylayman. Yaxshi sog'liq eng yaxshi dori-darmondan afzaldir. Jismoniy mashqlarning barcha turlari tanamizni baquvvat qilish, o'zimizni sog'lom va baquvvat qilish uchun juda foydalidir. Rostini aytganda, men muntazam ravishda sport bilan shug'ullanmayman va bu ertalab juda muhim emas. Yozda 1 yoshda suzishga boring, chunki bu erda mening buvim yashaydigan toza suvli chiroyli ko'l bor. Qishda basseynda suzaman. Men o'zimni sport muxlisi deb atamasligim kerak. albatta, televizorda xokkey yoki futbol kabi sport musobaqalarini tomosha qilishni yaxshi ko'raman. Shuningdek, chang'i sporti musobaqalari, biatlon, suzish bo'yicha musobaqalarga qoyil qoling.
Change the following sentences into interrogative and negative sentences
You do not need to have any special skills.
Do not you need to have special skills
Do you need to have special skills?
You need to cooperate with a group of people.
Do not you need to cooperate
Do you need to cooperate?
It was started by inventors of another extreme sport.
Was not it started by inventors
Was it started by inventors?
You can hurt yourself whilst to stop.
Can’t you hurt yourself whilst to stop
You can hurt yourself whilst to stop?
You need to be both strong and psychologically prepared.
You do not need to be both strong and psychologically prepared
Do you need to be both strong and psychologically prepared?
It offers reasonably good protection from injury
It not offers reasonably good protection from injury
Do it offers reasonably good protection from injury?
It could get you into trouble with the police
Couldn’t get into trouble with the police
Could it get into trouble with the police?
You can make your own protection for your feet
Can’t you make your own protection for your feet
Can you make your own protection for your feet?
What would you say in these situations?
You want to know what the date is today. Ask your friend.
You what date is it today?
You’ve forgotten when the course finishes. Ask you friend.
When the course finishes?
Your friend is having a party.You’d like to know who he has invented. Ask him
Who has invented to the party?
Your favourite band are going to give a concert. Ask how you can get tickets.
How I can get a ticket?
You are in town with a friend,and you are wondering where the two of you are going to have lunch. What do you ask?
. Where we are going to has lunch?
Make up sentences with these words
Speed, extreme, sports, skysurfing, dangerous, snowrafting,medicine, physical exercise.
I like extreme sports
I like to speed
I am learning special exercise
I don’t use medicine
Skysurfing is a dangerous sport.
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