Christina Prechtl
Imperial College London
School of Public Health
3rd Floor ICCH Building
59/61 North Warf Road
St. Mary’s Campus/ St. Mary’s Hospital
W2 1LA
Work experience
2013 - ongoing
Imperial College London, School of Public Health, St. Mary’s Hospital
Clinical Trial Manager and Dietitian (Reg No. DT27028)
2009 - 2013
A randomized controlled trial of a duodenal sleeve bypass device (Endobarrier) compared with standard medical therapy for the management of obese subjects with type 2 diabetes
Imperial College London, Department of Investigative Medicine, Imperial Weight Centre, Charing Cross Hospital
Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Dietitian (Reg No. DT27028)
Clinical Study Co-ordinator for Phase3 Trial 20110117 testing AMG145 for reduction of LDL-Cholesterol (Amgen trial)
Clinical Study Co-ordinator for Phase3 Trial NN8022-1839 testing Liraglutide and diet counselling for weight loss (NovoNordisk trial)
Study Co-ordinator for genetic obesity study 11_LO_0935 (Personalised Medicine for Morbid Obesity)
Psychological and dietetic pre-assessments prior to bariatric surgery
Psychological and dietetic post-operative support following bariatric surgery
Lifestyle and therapy treatment for obesity
Psychological and nutritional research for obesity and before and after bariatric surgery
2006 - 2011
Imperial College London, Department of Investigative Medicine, Robert Steiner MRI Unit, Hammersmith Hospital
PhD in functional MRI of Appetite
NuSISCO project: Nutrient Sensing in Satiety Control and Obesity (Marie-Curie fellowship funded by the European Commission, in collaboration with Imperial College (London), Technical University of Munich and Unilever Food and Health Research Institute (Netherlands))
Thesis on „ Modulation of food reward systems by fasting and ghrelin: Human functional MRI studies”
Designated person of the Human Tissue Act (Record keeping of all human tissue of the Metabolic and Molecular Imaging group)
2005 - 2006
German Institute of Human Nutrition, Department of Epidemiology
Research Assistant
Thesis on „ Examination of incident diseases (Diabetes mellitus type 2, Cardiovascular disease and Cancer) as predictors of dietary change – analysis of prospective data of the EPIC-Potsdam cohort “
Institute of Nutrition (‘Richtig Essen Institute’)
Student internship, Nutrition counselling
German Institute of Human Nutrition, Department of Epidemiology
Student internship, Data analysis of the EPIC-Potsdam study with main research in alcohol
Institute of Health and Veterinarian, (LUA Sachsen)
Student internships, Microbiological, chemical and histological analysis of foods especially for milk and dairy products, meat and meat products, pastries and salads
2000 - 2005
“Friedrich-Schiller” University
Student internships, laboratory work:
Nutritional Toxikology, Food Technology, Nutrional Physiology, Human Nutrition, Food Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemistry (Organic and Anorganic), Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Zoology, Botany, Physics
2011 - 2013
Sheffield Hallam University
Ascott/ UK
Practitioner Training in Cognitive Analytical Therapy (CAT), PgD
2006 - 2010
Imperial College London
London/ UK
PhD in functional MRI of Appetite
2002 - 2006
University of Jena “Friedrich-Schiller”
Study in Dietetics, MSc
2000 - 2002
University of Jena “Friedrich-Schiller”
Study in Dietetics, BSc
2002 - 2003
University of Madrid “Complutense”
Study in Biology, exchange year
Collège International de Cannes
Study in French, exchange year, DELF (Diplome d’Études en Langue Francaise)
Language school of Nimes “Vivent les Langues”
Study in French, exchange year
1994 - 1999
Grammar school “Platanengymnasium”
“Abitur” (german general certificate of education – GCE/ A-levels)
Additional Information
MS Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Endnote, SAS, SPSS, Sigma Stat, Internet, Linux, FSL, SPM5, ADI Instruments, InForm EDC
Fluently written and spoken German, English, Spanish and French
Courses, Workshops 2006-2013
Inform Data Checker Training
Inform User Acceptance Testing
Clinical Trial electronic data capturing course: “Inform system”
Clinphone RTSM (Randomisation and Trial Supply Management)
Phlebotomy (venepuncture and cannulation) 2011/2012
Good Clinical Practice February 2013
Clinical Research Associate (CRA) Training September 2013
Ethics workshop
Human Tissue Act workshop
Consent form and participant information sheet workshop
InForm level 2 training (research data management system)
Personal license for the use of animals in scientific procedures ICL
FSL course Brisbane / Australia
MRI physics
FMRI methodology for pharmaceutical research workshop
ADI Instruments Labchart
Statisitics and SPSS
PhD personal skills courses (applied writing, communication and presentation, poster presentation, perfecting literature review, writing for publications, critical appraisal of literature, preparaing for leadership)
NUGO 2008 Potsdam/Germany
ASO 2009 Managing Appetite London/ UK
ISMRM 2009 17th Sceintific meeing Honolulu/Hawaii
The Rank Prize Funds 2009, Mini-symposium on Regulation of Appetite Grasmere/UK
ICO 2010, Stockholm/Sweden
ECO 2011, Istanbul/Turkey
Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ACAT)
Health and Care and Professions Council (Reg No. DT27028)
Referee details available upon request
Abstracts, Publications, Reviews, Public Engagements
2008 Oral Communications
Increased desire for food when fasted is associated with increased fMRI activation in the ventral striatum, insula and amygdala
A.P.Goldstone, C.G. Prechtl de Hernandez, J.D. Beaver, K.Muhammed, G.Bell, G.Durighel, E.Hughes, A.D.Waldman & J.D.Bell
ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 2008
ISMRM Proceedings 100, 2008
2008 Posters
Increased desire for food when fasted is associated with increased activation of the ventral striatum, insula and amygdala in humans
A.P.Goldstone, C.G. Prechtl de Hernandez, J.D. Beaver, K. Muhammed, G.Bell, G.Durighel, E.Hughes, A.D.Waldman & J.D.Bell
British Endocrine Society, Harrogate April 2008
Fasting Biases Brain Reward Systems Towards High-Calorie Foods
A. P. Goldstone, C. G. Prechtl de Hernandez, J. D. Beaver, C. Croese, K. Muhammed G. Bell, G. Durighe, E. Hughes, A. D. Waldman, G. Frost & J. D. Bell
British Endocrine Society, Washington DC, USA, 10-13 June 2009
2008 Posters (3rd communication prize)
Skipping breakfast biases brain reward systems towards high-calorie foods
C.G. Prechtl de Hernandez, J.D. Beaver, K. Muhammed, G.Bell, G.Durighel, E.Hughes, A.D.Waldman, J.D.Bell & A.P.Goldstone
NuGOWeek 2008, 5th annual conference meeting, Potsdam, Germany, September 2008
2009 Electronic Posters
Reward Sensitivity and Positive Affect Influence Brain Activation to Food Pictures of Different Caloric Value
C.G. Prechtl de Hernandez, J.D. Beaver, C. Croese, K. Muhammed, G. Bell1, G. Durighel, E. Hughes, A.D. Waldman, G. Frost, J.D. Bell1 & A.P. Goldstone
ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting, , Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA. 18 - 24 April 2009
2009 Oral Communication
Dietary Restraint Influence Brain Activation to Food Pictures of Different Caloric Value
C.G. Prechtl de Hernandez, J.D. Beaver, C. Croese, K. Muhammed, G. Bell1, G. Durighel, E. Hughes, A.D. Waldman, G. Frost, J.D. Bell1, and A.P. Goldstone
The Rank Prize Fund, Mini-symposium on Regulation of Appetite, , Grasmere,UK. 13- 16 June 2009
2009 Publications
Fasting Biases Brain Reward Systems Towards High-Calorie Foods
A. P. Goldstone, C. G. Prechtl de Hernandez, J. D. Beaver, C. Croese, K. Muhammed G. Bell, G. Durighe, E. Hughes, A. D. Waldman, G. Frost & J. D. Bell
European Journal of Neuroscience 2009, 30(8):1625-35
2009 Posters
Dietary Restraint Influence Brain Activation to Food Pictures of Different Caloric Value
C.G. Prechtl de Hernandez, J.D. Beaver, C. Croese, K. Muhammed, G. Bell1, G. Durighel, E. Hughes, A.D. Waldman, G. Frost, J.D. Bell1, and A.P. Goldstone
MRC CSC Retreat and Neuroscience Technology symposium South Kensington, London, UK. 7th October 2009
2010 Oral Communication
Ghrelin Mimics Fasting in Biasing Food Appeal towards High-Calorie Foods.
A.P. Goldstone, C.G. Prechtl de Hernandez, S. Scholtz, G. Durighel, S.S. Deliran, T. Wong, D. Ashby, G. Frost, SR Bloom, JD Bell
American Endocrine Scociety, San Diego, USA, 19-22 June 2010
2010 Posters
Individual Diffrences in Dietary Restraint Predicts Neural Responses in Executive Control and Affective Reward Systems to High-Calorie Foods.
C.G. Prechtl de Hernandez, J.D. Beaver, C. Croese, K. Muhammed, G. Bell, G. Durighel, E. Hughes, A.D. Waldman, S. Scholtz, N.S. Chhina, G. Frost, J.D. Bell, and A.P. Goldstone
International Congress of Obesity, Stockholm, Schweden, 11-15 July 2010
Ghrelin Mimics Fasting in Biasing Food Appeal towards High-Calorie Foods.
A.P. Goldstone, C.G. Prechtl de Hernandez, S. Scholtz, G. Durighel, S.S. Deliran, T. Wong, D. Ashby, G. Frost, SR Bloom, J.D. Bell
International Congress of Obesity, Stockholm, Schweden, 11-15 July 2010
Gastric Bypass Surgery Has Beneficial Effects on Eating Behaviour and Mood.
S. Scholtz, C.W. leRoux, C.G. Prechtl de Hernandez, S. Deliran, A. Ahmed, A.P. J.D. Bell, and A.P. Goldstone.
International Congress of Obesity, Stockholm, Schweden, 11-15 July 2010
2010 Prizes
Tackling Obesity? We need to use our brain!
C.G. Prechtl de Hernandez
Postgraduate Essay Highly Commended Certificate
Society for Endocrinology, December 2010
2011 Posters
Insula and orbitofrontal cortex activation to food stimuli predicts human food intake
C.G. Prechtl de Hernandez, S. Scholtz, N.S. Chhina, G. Durighel, T. Wong, G. Frost, J.D. Bell and A.P. Goldstone
European Congress of Obesity, Istanbul, Turkey, 25-28 May 2011
2012 Posters
Salience Resting State Network Integrity is Increased in Obesity and Predicts Orbitofrontal Cortex Activation to High-Calorie Food Cues
Starke JA, Anjari MA, Prechtl CG, Scholtz S, Miras A, Chhina N, Sleeth M, Daud NM, Ismail NA, Durighel G, Leech R, Sharp DJ, Frost GS, Bell JD & Goldstone AP
Obesity Society, San Antonio, Texas USA, Sept 2012
Salience Resting State Network Integrity in the Orbitofrontal Cortex Predicts Task Activation to Viewing High-Calorie Foods when Fasted
A.P.Goldstone, C.G. Prechtl, J.A. Starke, S. Scholtz, N. Chhina, A. Miras, G. Durighel, R. Leech, D.J. Sharp, C. Beckmann, G.S Frost & J.D. Bell
Submitted to Society of Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, October 2012
Lack of Modulation of Brain Resting State Networks by Fasting and Ghrelin in Humans
J.A. Starke, C.G. Prechtl, S. Scholtz, N. Chhina, A. Miras, G. Durighel, R. Leech, D.J. Sharp, C. Beckmann, G.S Frost, S.R. Bloom, J.D. Bell & A.P.Goldstone
Submitted to Society of Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, October 2012
2013 Posters
Salience resting state network integrity is increased in obesity and predicts orbitofrontal cortex activation to high-calorie food cues
Starke JA, Anjari MA, Prechtl CG, Scholtz S, Miras AD, Chhina N, Durighel G, Sleeth ML, Frost GS, Bell JD & Goldstone AP
Obesity Society, Atlanta, USA, Nov 2013
2013 Publications
Preoperative exposure to a high-fat vs. a low-fat diet does not influence weight loss after gastric bypass surgery, but does affect patterns of food selection.
F Seyfried, AD Miras, M Bueter, C G Prechtl, AC Spector, CW le Roux
Surg Endosc May 2013
2014 Publications
Obese patients after gastric bypass surgery have lower brain-hedonic responses to food than after gastric banding
Samantha Scholtz, Alexander D Miras , Navpreet Chhina, Christina G Prechtl,
Michelle L Sleeth, Norlida M Daud, Nurhafzan A Ismail, Giuliana Durighel, Ahmed R Ahmed, Torsten Olbers, Royce P Vincent, Jamshid AlaghbandNZadeh, Mohammad A Ghatei, Adam D Waldman, Gary S Frost, Jimmy D Bell, Carel W le Roux, Anthony P Goldstone
Gut June 2014
Ghrelin mimics fasting to enhance human hedonic, orbitofrontal cortex and hippocampal responses to food
Goldstone AP, Prechtl CG, Scholtz S, Miras AD, Chhina N, Durighel G, Deliran SS, Beckmann C, Ghatei MA, Ashby DR, Waldman AD, Gaylinn BD, Thorner MO, Frost GS, Bloom SR, Bell JD
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition April 2014
Annie Bell’s Low Carb Revolution
Annie Bell and Alexander D. Miras (Christina G. Prechtl in preface of book)
Kyle Books January 2014 (ISBN-10:0857831828)
Psychological characteristics, eating behaviour and quality of life assessment of obese patients undergoing weight loss interventions
Alexander D. Miras, Werd Al-Najim, Sabrina N. Jackson, Jenny McGirr, George Tharakan, Lisa Cotter, Carel W. le Roux, Christina G. Prechtl and Samantha Scholtz
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery July 2014
Reviewer for Journals
2011 Manuscript for Clinical Obesity
A Randomized Trial of a Brief Intervention for Obesity in
College Students
Buscemi J., Yurasek, A., Dennhardt, A., Martens, M., Murphy, J.
2013 Manuscript for Clinical Obesity
Exploring uncertainty in adolescent bariatric teams: an interpretative phenomenological analysis.
Doyle, Colville, S., Brown, P., Christie, D.
2013 Manuscript for Clinical Obesity
The Effectiveness of Including Support People in a Cognitive Behavioural Weight Loss Maintenance Program for Obese Adults: Study Rationale and Design
Rieger, E., Treasure, J., Swinbourne, J., Adam, B., Manns, C., Caterson, I.
Public Engagement
2013 Television
Researcher and Dietetic Therapist on Weight Loss Programme
“The Fat Family Tree”
Broadcasted on 23rd May 2013 on Channel 4
18th August 2013
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