10 Most Famous Statues In The World

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10 Most Famous Statues In The World
1. Statue of Liberty, New York, United States – Located on Liberty Island in Manhattan, the statue was dedicated on October 28, 1886, as a gift to the United States from the people of France. It was given to celebrate the 100 years anniversary of the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence. The statue is an icon of freedom and of the United States: a welcoming signal to immigrants arriving from abroad
Most famous statues: Statue Of Liberty
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2. Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – The statue is considered the largest Art Deco statue in the world and the 5th largest statue of Jesus in the world. It is 30 meters (98 ft) tall, not including its 8 meters (26 ft) pedestal, and its arms stretch 28 meters (92 ft) wide. It is located at the peak of the 700-meter (2,300 ft) Corcovado mountain. The statue has become an icon for Rio de Janeiro and Brazil’s most famous monument. It was constructed between 1926 and 1931
Most famous statues: Christ the Redeemer on Corcovado mountain
3. The Great Sphinx Of Giza, Egypt – Commonly referred to as the Sphinx, it is a limestone statue of a mythical creature with a lion’s body and a human head. It stands on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile in Giza, Egypt. It is the largest monolith statue in the world, standing 73.5 meters (241 ft) long, 19.3 meters (63 ft) wide, and 20.22 m (66.34 ft) high. It is also the oldest known monumental sculpture and is commonly believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians around 2558–2532 BC
The Great Sphinx Of Giza, Egypt
4. Moai, Easter Island – Monolithic human figures carved by the Rapa Nui people from rock between the years 1250 and 1500. Almost all moai have overly large heads three-eighths the size of the whole statue. The tallest moai erected, called Paro, was almost 10 meters (33 ft) high and weighed 75 tonnes. The heaviest erected was a shorter but squatter moai weighing 86 tons and one unfinished sculpture, if completed, would have been approximately 21 meters (69 ft) tall with a weight of about 270 tons
Most famous statues: Moai, Easter Island
5. David Statue, Italy – David is a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture created between 1501 and 1504, by the Italian artist Michelangelo. It is a 5.17-metre (17.0 ft) marble statue of a standing male nude. The statue represents the Biblical hero David. The statue is located in the Accademia Gallery in Florence since 1873
Most famous statues: David Statue (source: Rico Heil)
6. Olmec colossal heads, Mexico – The Olmec were an ancient Pre-Columbian civilization living in the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico, in the modern-day states of Veracruz and Tabasco in Mexico. The Olmec civilization flourished roughly from 1400 BC to 400 BC. The most recognized aspect of the Olmec civilization are the enormous helmeted heads. The heads are thought to be portraits of rulers. No two heads are alike and the helmet-like headdresses are adorned with distinctive elements. 17 colossal heads have been found, and they range in size from the tallest at 3.4 m high to the shortest at 1.47 m
Olmec colossal heads, Mexico
7. The Motherland Calls, Volgograd, Russia – The Motherland Calls statue, or simply The Motherland is a statue in Volgograd (formerly known as Stalingrad) commemorating the Battle of Stalingrad. Declared the largest statue in the world in 1967 (85 meters or 279 feet tall), it is the last non-religious statue to be declared the largest; every record holder since has been a Buddhism-related sculpture. Compared with the later higher statues, The Motherland Calls is significantly more complex from an engineering point of view, due to its characteristic posture with a sword raised high in the right hand and the left hand extended in a calling gesture. The 200 steps, symbolizing the 200 days of the Battle of Stalingrad lead from the bottom of the hill to the monument
The tallest non-religious statue in the world – The Motherland Calls
8. The Thinker – A bronze sculpture by Auguste Rodin. The work shows a nude male figure at about life-size sitting on a rock with his chin resting on one hand as though deep in thought, and is often used as an image to represent philosophy. There are about 28 full-size castings, in which the figure is about 186 cm (73 in) high, though not all were made during Rodin’s lifetime and under his supervision. Rodin first conceived the figure as part of another work in 1880, but the first of the familiar monumental bronze appeared in 1904
The Thinker by Auguste Rodin – known world wide
9. The Little Mermaid, Denmark – A bronze statue depicting a mermaid, in Copenhagen, Denmark. Based on the fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen, the small and unimposing statue is a Copenhagen icon and has been a major tourist attraction since 1913. It has also become a popular target for defacement by vandals and political activists. The statue sits on a rock in a harbor and has a height of only 1.25 meters (4.1 ft).
In case you didn’t know, Denmark is considered one of the safest countries for women.
The Little Mermaid in Copenhagen – just 1.25 meters tall
10. The Terrace of the Lions, Delos Island, Greece – The island of Delos is one of the most important mythological, historical and archaeological sites in Greece. Delos had a position as a holy sanctuary for a millennium before Olympian Greek mythology made it the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis. The Terrace of the Lions was dedicated to Apollo by the people of Naxos shortly before 600 BC and had originally 9 to 12 marble guardian lions along the Sacred Way, but only 5 lions survived and there are fragments of 3 others. The originals were moved to the Delos Museum in 1999.
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At 128 m, Spring Temple Buddha stands as the world’s tallest statue. It took 11 years to complete this massive structure comprising of 1100 copper casts. The statue standing on a 20 m tall lotus throne is located in Henan province in China. The spring by the temple inspires its name. Such is the charisma of this statue that it would leave you spellbound for sure.
Most popular features of Spring Temple Buddha: The lotus-shaped pedestal also houses a monastery.
How to reach Spring Temple Buddha: Lushan is the closest town to the Spring Temple Buddha. Buses ply from Lushan to the Buddha statue. Since there are no airports nearby, it’s better to take a train from a nearby popular city. If you don’t speak Chinese it’s better to purchase a ticket online as a communication gap can lead to massive confusion at times.
The Statue of Unity, India
This 182 meters tall Bronze statue of Sardar Vallabhai Patel is the tallest statue in the whole world. Renowned as the architect of modern India who united 562 Princely States to make the Republic of India, Sardar Vallabhai Patel was the first Deputy Prime Minister of independent India. He is fondly known as ‘the Iron Man of India’ who worked for the welfare of farmers.
This giant statue is located in an Island close to the Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujarat overlooking the Narmada river. There is a museum at the foot of the statue that showcases the lifetime achievements of Sardar Vallabhai Patel. At 150 meters height, a viewing gallery has been constructed which can hold 200 people at a time. Visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of the Sardar Sarovar Dam and the surroundings from here.
1. Ozodlik Haykali, Nyu-York, Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari - Manxetten'deki Ozodlik orolida joylashgan haykal, 1886 yil 28 oktyabrda Fransiya xalqidan Qo'shma Shtatlarga sovg'a sifatida bag'ishlangan. Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari Mustaqillik Deklaratsiyasining imzolanishining 100 yilligini nishonlash uchun berilgan. Haykal erkinlik belgisi va Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari - chet eldan kelgan muhojirlar uchun yoqimli signal
Eng mashhur haykallar: Ozodlik haykali
Bepul videolarimizni tekshiring
2. Qutqaruvchi, Rio-de-Janeyro, Braziliya - Haykal dunyodagi eng katta Art Deco haykali va dunyodagi Isoning 5-katta haykali hisoblanadi. Uzunligi 30 metr, uning uzunligi 8 metr (26 fut) emas, uning uzunligi 28 metr (92 fut) kengdir. 700 metrli (270 metr) Corcovado tog'ining tepasida joylashgan. Haykal Rio-de-Janeyro va Braziliyaning eng mashhur yodgorligi uchun ramz bo'lib qoldi. 1926-1931 yillarda qurilgan
Mashhur haykallar: Corcovado tog'ida Masihni qutqaruvchi
3. Giza, Misrning buyuk sfinkxasi - Odatda Sfenks deb ataladigan bu sherning tanasi va inson boshi bilan mitik mavjudotning kalker haykali. Misrning Giza shahridagi Nil daryosining g'arbiy qirg'og'idagi Giza platosida joylashgan. Dunyodagi eng katta monolit haykali, balandligi 73,5 metr, kengligi 19,3 metr va balandligi 20,22 metr (66,34 fut) balanddir. Bundan tashqari, eng qadimiy yodgorlik haykalidir va eramizdan avvalgi 2558-2532 yillarda qadimgi misrliklar tomonidan qurilgan deb hisoblashadi.
Giza shahrining Buyuk Sfenksi, Misr
4. Moai, Fisih oroli - 1250 va 1500 yillar oralig'ida Rapa Nui xalqi tomonidan o'yilgan monolitik inson figürleridir. Deyarli barcha moai, butun haykalning kattaligi uchdan sakkizdan biriga to'g'ri keladi. Paro deb nomlangan eng baland moai, taxminan 10 metr (33 fut) balandlikda va 75 tonna og'irlikda edi. Eng og'ir qurilgan, 86 tonnalik og'irroq, lekin og'irligi taxminan 270 tonnagacha bo'lgan uzunligi taxminan 21 metr (balandligi 69 fut) bo'lar edi.
Mashhur haykallar: Moai, Fisih oroli
5. Devid haykali, Italiya - Devid italyan rassomi Mikelanjelo tomonidan 1501 va 1504 yillar orasida yaratilgan Uyg'onish haykalining asaridir. 5.17 metrli (17.0 fut) marmar haykali. Haykal Bibliya qahramoni Devidni ifodalaydi. Haykal 1873 yildan buyon Florensiyada joylashgan Accademia galereyasida joylashgan
Eng mashhur haykallar: Devid haykali (manba: Rico Heil)
6. Olmecning yirik boshlari, Meksika - Olmec Meksika janubidagi tropik pasttekisliklarda, Meksikadagi Veracruz va Tabaskodagi zamonaviy davlatlarda yashovchi qadimgi kolumbiyalik bir tsivilizatsiya edi. Olmec taraqqiyoti taxminan mil. Av. 1400 yildan mil. Olmec tsivilizatsiyasining eng taniqli tomoni buyuk dubulg'ali boshlardir. Boshliqlar hukmdorlarning portretlari sanaladi. Ikkita bosh bir-biriga o'xshamaydi va dubulg'ali kostyumlarning o'ziga xos elementlari bilan bezatilgan. 17 ta ulkan boshcha topilgan va ular uzunligi 3,4 m balandlikda, eng uzuni 1,47 m
Olmecning katta boshlari, Meksika
Vatani chaqiradi, Volgograd, Rossiya - Vatan haykali chaqiradi yoki oddiygina Vatan - bu Volgogradda (ilgari Stalingrad deb ataladigan) Stalingrad urushiga bag'ishlangan haykaldir. 1967 yilda (85 metr yoki 279 fut balandlikda) dunyodagi eng katta haykal e'lon qilib, bu eng yirik deb e'lon qilinadigan diniy bo'lmagan so'nggi haykaldir; har bir rekord egasi buddizm bilan bog'liq haykal bo'ldi.

Keyinchalik yuqori haykallar bilan solishtirilganda, Vatanga qarsaklar qo'ng'iroqning muhandislik nuqtai nazaridan sezilarli darajada murakkabroqdir, chunki uning o'ng qo'lida baland ko'tariluvchi qilich, chap qo'lni esa qo'ng'iroq qilish harakati bilan kengaytiriladi. Stalingrad urushining 200 kunini tasvirlaydigan 200 qadam tepalikning pastki qismidan yodgorlikgacha olib boradi

Dunyodagi eng baland diniy haykal - Vatan
8. Thinker - Avgust Rodinning bronza haykalchasi. Ishda jasadga o'ralgan bir jinsdagi jinsiy olamda yalang'och bir erkak figürü, bir tomondan, chuqur fikrda bo'lganidek, chinni bilan o'ralgan va ko'pincha falsafani namoyon etish uchun tasvir sifatida ishlatiladi. Rodinning hayoti davomida va uning nazorati ostida barchasini bajarmasa ham, taxminan 186 sm (73 dyuym) balandlikda taxminan 28 to'liq o'lchamli kasting bor. Roden dastlab 1880-yilda boshqa bir asarning bir qismi sifatida raqamni o'ylab topdi, ammo taniqli monumental bronzadan birinchi bo'lib 1904 yilda paydo bo'ldi.
Avgust Rodinning o'yinchi - butun dunyoga mashhur
9. The Little Mermaid, Daniya - Kopengagenda (Danimarka) suv parisi tasvirlangan bronza haykal. Xans Kristian Andersenning aytishicha, kichkina va hayajonli haykal Kopengagen belgisidir va 1913 yildan beri asosiy sayyohlik joyidir. U vandallar va siyosiy faollarning haqoratli maqsadi bo'lib kelgan. Haykal portdagi toshga o'tiradi va faqat 1,25 metr (4.1 fut) balandlikda.
Agar bilmasangiz, Daniya ayollar uchun eng xavfsiz mamlakatlardan biri hisoblanadi.
Kopengagendagi Kichik Mermaid - atigi 1,25 metr balandlikda
10. Aslanlarning terası, Delos orolining, Gretsiya - Delos oroli Gretsiyadagi eng muhim mifologik, tarixiy va arxeologik joylardan biridir. Olimlar yunon mifologiyasidan oldin Apollon va Artemisning tug'ilgan joyi bo'lgan Delos ming yillar davomida muqaddas ma'bad bo'lgan. Arslonlarning Terasi mil. Avv. 600 dan oldin Naxos xalqi tomonidan Apollonga bag'ishlangan va asosan Qadimiy yo'l bo'ylab 9-12 ta marmar ashyo sherlari bo'lgan, lekin faqat 5 ta sher qolgan va 3 ta qismi qolgan. Asllari 1999 yilda Delos muzeyiga ko'chirildi.
Rasm manbai
128 m bahorda Temple Buddha, dunyodagi eng baland haykaldir. 1100 misdan iborat ushbu massiv strukturani qurish uchun 11 yil kerak bo'ldi. 20 metr balandlikdagi lotus taxtasida turgan haykal Xitoyning Henan provintsiyasida joylashgan. Ma'badning bahori uning nomini ilhomlantiradi. Bu haykalning xursandchiligi shundaki, u sizni aniq sehrlashni qoldiradi.
Bahorgi Ma'badning Buddaning eng mashhur xususiyatlari: Lotus shaklidagi podshoh ham monastir uyi.
Bahor Temple Budaga qanday erishish mumkin: Lushan Bahor Ma'badidagi Buddaning eng yaqin shahri. Avtobuslar Lushanni Budda haykali tomon tortadi. Yaqin atrofdagi aeroportlar yo'qligi sababli yaqin atrofdagi mashhur shaharlardan poezdni olib borish yaxshi bo'ladi. Agar siz xitoy tilida gaplashmasangiz, aloqa uchun bo'sh joy vaqti-vaqti bilan katta tartibsizlikka olib kelishi mumkinligi sababli, chiptani onlayn xarid qilish yaxshiroqdir.

Birlik haykali, Hindiston

Sardar Vallabhai Patelning 182 metr balandlikdagi Bronza haykali butun dunyodagi eng baland haykaldir. Hindistonni tuzish uchun 562 davlatni birlashtirgan zamonaviy Hindistonning me'mori sifatida mashhur bo'lgan Sardar Vallabhai Patel mustaqil Hindiston Bosh vazirining birinchi o'rinbosari bo'ldi. U fermerlar farovonligi uchun ishlagan "Hindistonning temir odami" sifatida tanilgan.
Bu ulkan haykal Navarra daryosiga qarashli Gujaratdagi Sardor Sarovar to'g'oniga yaqin bir orolda joylashgan. Haykalning tagida Sardar Vallabhai Patelning hayotiy yutuqlarini namoyish qiluvchi muzey mavjud. 150 metr balandlikda bir vaqtning o'zida 200 kishini tashkil etadigan ko'rgazma galereyasi qurildi. Mehmonlar Sardor Sarovar to'g'onining panoramik ko'rinishini va bu yerdan atrofni bahramand bo'lishlari mumkin.
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