-essere malato-kasal bo’lmoq,
-essere libero-bo’sh bo’lmoq,
-essere pronto-tayyor bo’lmoq,
-essere content-mamnun bo’lmoq,
-essere in colpa-aybdor bo’lmoq,
-essere in errori- xato qilmoq,
-essere in tempo-vaqtida bo’lmoq,
-essere stanco-charchamoq,
-essere sicuro -ishonchi komil bo’lmoq,
-essere nervosa- asabiy bo’lmoq,
-essere arrabiato- jahli chiqmoq,
-essere in ritardo- kech qolmoq,
-essere guasto- buzulmoq,
-essere presente- ishtirok etmoq,
-essere d’accordo-kelishmoq.
Italyan tilida avere yordamchi fe’lining hozirgi zamonda tuslanishi.
Avere yordamchi fe’li quyidagi hollarda ishlatiladi;
1. Avere fe’lining o’tgan zamon shaklini yasashda;
Io ho avuto un libro,
2. O’timli fe’llarning o’tgan zamon shaklini yasashda;
Questa mattina ho parlato con I miei amici.
3. Dormire, viaggiare, camminare kabi ba’zi o’timsiz fe’llarning o’tgan
zamon shaklini yasashda;
Ieri ho viaggiato.
4. Fare fe’li qatnashgan shaxssiz shakldagi so’z birikmalarining o’tgan
zamon shaklini yasashda;
Ieri ha fatto molto freddo.
Avere fe’li bilan keladigan birikmalar.
-avere fame-och qolmoq,
-avere sete- chanqamoq,
-avere voglia-xoxlamoq,
-avere bisogno-kerak bo’lmoq, muhtoj bo’lmoq,
-avere febbre-isitma qilmoq,
-avere caldo- isimoq, issib ketmoq,
-avere freddo-sovuq qotmoq,
-avere buon senso-yaxshi fikr yuritmoq,
-avere tempo-bo’sh bo’lmoq,
-avere pauro-qo’rqmoq,
-avere necessita-kerak bo’lmoq,
-avere mal di pancia\testa\denti-qorin, bosh, tish og’rig’i,
-avere soldi- puli bo’lmoq,
-avere sonno-uxlab qolmoq,
-avere cura di-qayg’urmoq.
Italyan tili boshqa tillardan o’zining jozibadorligi bilan ajralib turadi. Chunki
bu tilda ko’plab birikmalar mavjud. Xususan fare-qilmoq fe’li ham birikmalar
yasashda katta yordamchi vazifasini bajaradi. Mustaqil fe’l sifatida esa o’zining
“qilmoq” ma’nosini saqlagan holda qo’llaniladi. Quyida fare fe’li bilan keladigan
birikmalarni ko’rib chiqamiz.
-fare attenzione a -…ga e’tiborni tortmoq
-fare paura - qo’rqitmoq
-fare rumore - shovqin solmoq
-fare amicizie - do’stlashmoq
-fare vedere - ko’rsatmoq
-fare sentire - his qilmoq
-fare sapere - xabar bermoq
-fare cadere - tashlamoq
-fare bollire - qaynatmoq
-fare gli auguri - tabriklamoq
-fare il furbo - ayyorlik qilmoq
-fare conoscenza - tanishmoq
-fare le vacanze - ta’til o’tkazmoq
-fare un sbaglio - adashmoq
-fare il bagno - vanna qabul qilmoq
-fare la doccia - dush qabul qilmoq
-fare pieta’ - achinish
Fare fe’li bilan kelgan birikmalar ayrim hollarda orttirma nisbat ma’nosini
ham yuklaydi. Masalan: Non far ridere – kuldirma!
Xulosa qilib shuni aytish mumkinki, italyan tilidagi yordamchi fe’llar xuddi
ingliz tilidagi yordamchi fe’llar kabi juda muhim vazifani bajaradi. Ular gapning
mazmun mohiyatini ochib berishda, gap qismlarini grammatik jihatdan tog’ri
shakllanishidan tashqari, unga ko’chma boy ma’no berishda muhim ahamiyat kasb
1 ) Toscani M., Viale G. P. Le parti del discorso.
2) G.F.Zorko: “Dizionario Italiano-Russo”.
3) Internet materiallari.
R.U. Madjidova. UzSWLU
As its known, such humanitarian sciences as philosophy, ethics, aesthetics
laid the foundation for the evaluation category, which received further
development in linguistic science. One of the first scientists, who put forward the
principle of unity of knowledge and virtue, based on his own gnoseological
concept was the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. Further Plato also considered
the concepts of “good” and “evil” within the framework of the law of mutual
transition of opposites. Aristotle developed the doctrine of virtues, the value of
which is difficult to overestimate up to present day.
Another important kind of values – an aesthetic value – exists along with
moral values. The connection aesthetic values of with others kinds of values is due
to their universal axiological nature: all kinds of values characterize the
significance of the object for the subject, which is determined by the role of the
object in the life of a society, a social group of people or an individual. Here the
concept of “value” is related to the concept of “assessment”. Aesthetic value may
possess both objects and natural phenomena available for sensual contemplation,
and the human – his/her appearance, actions, deeds, behavior, and condition.
The main type of aesthetic evaluation is the beauty, which is correlated with
corresponding negative values and estimates presented by the notion frightful,
ugly, ignoble. Philosophy thus introduced the category of evaluation into science,
determined its dependence on human knowledge, introduced dichotomy of
estimation as “good-evil”, “beautiful-ugly”.
The teachings of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were continued in works of
philosophers of different times and directions. Many of their ideas found their
reflection in the linguistic concepts of modern linguists, since the science of
language has made a great contribution to the development evaluation category.
The main linguistic studies on the evaluation category are the works of
L.Arutyunova, E.M. Wolf, N.N. Boldyreva, and M.V. Nikitin. For example,
N.D. Arutyunova, having studied the influence of philosophy on the category of
evaluation, comes to the conclusion that evaluation is a multidimensional and
multifaceted phenomenon and she highlights the following aspects of evaluation
1) the ratio of evaluation to the natural properties of objects (evaluation and
2) the regulatory aspect of evaluation (assessment and norm);
3) the structure and semantic features of prescriptive text (assessment and
practical reasoning) (Arutyunova).
In his writings on the problems of evaluation M.V. Nikitin argues that
evaluation can take place at five levels of description denotats: ontological,
epistemic, pragmatic, emotive and representational (Nikitin). Thus, it can be said
that evaluation is associated with a person’s mindset, which is basic factor of
D. Arutyunova writes that “evaluation represents a person as a goal, on which
the world is aimed at. The world exists for human, not human for of the world
(Arutyunova). However, she emphasizes that anthropocentricity as the first, main
and important property of evaluation. This property is also marked also
M.V. Nikitin, who argues that the ability to evaluate exists in the body and builds it
into the world as an organic part” (Nikitin).
E.M. Wolf asserts that cognitiveness is also important property of evaluation,
since evaluation reflects the division of the world, it is also related to the functions
of cognition of the world (Wolf).
N.N. Boldyrev notes that evaluation refers to the cognitive processes related
to the formation of judgments and those structures of knowledge which are formed
in the mind of a human and on the basis of which there is carried out verbal
thinking and understanding statements of evaluative nature in the communication
process in this or another language (Boldyrev).
M.A. Minina distinguishes epistemological, communicative and expressive
functions of evaluation, according to the anthropocentric approach to evaluation,
that’s how she describes several types of evaluation values, based on a particular
function performed by the evaluation in that or another statement (Minina).
The epistemological function is aimed at the ratio of the subject and object of
evaluation with respect to the ideal, normative picture of the world.
The communicative function is expressed in the fact that evaluation is an
utterance perceived by the listener in this or another utterance, and also as an
information about the subject.
The expressive function has cumulative character, expressed in the
connotation of words, where the evaluation system is preserved for a long time,
which acts at a certain time in a given society. The speaker intends to influence the
listener by expressing his/her judgment about the subject.
Pragmatic nature of evaluation. Evaluation is expressed with the aim to
provide influence on the opinions of others in order to meet one’s own needs.
Pragmatic nature of evaluation, according to N.N. Boldyrev, completely correlates
with the logics of anthropocentrism, for the analysis of evaluation it is important to
mention a person, who is the beholder of a language and as the subject of
discussions in the cognition of the world. Evaluation statements are considered as
“speech product of a particular person in specific circumstances (Boldyrev).
Intuitiveness of evaluation. Evaluation category performance is associated
with the concept of intuition, since intuition generates as different reactions of a
person to different types of objects.
The value nature of evaluation. Evaluation category as a phenomenon of
cognition captures such historically specific functional beingқ of the phenomena of
objective and subjective realityб that expresse their positive significance for the
existence and development of society, certain areas and forms of its life activity.
The basis of the functioning of the estimated capacity is a phased dynamic
structureб in which there are allocated a relatively independent features as value-
normative, socio-cultural, personality-professional, situational and operational.
Binary nature of evaluation. Binary nature of evaluation have been
established by the antique philosophers. Platon described good and evil as eternal
entities, “ideas”, that exist within the law of mutual transition opposites.
In the works of modern linguists there can be found a number of synonymous
terms for positive and negative evaluation: ameliorative and peyorative evaluation,
positive estimation and negative estimation, positive and negative identifiers of
evaluation, positive and negative factors (Frenkel), also in the works of some
linguists there are mentioned such evaluation properties as emotionality; irony;
situational; communication skills; intensity.
Thus, based on the foregoing, we can select the following properties of
evaluation: anthropocentric, cognitive, pragmatic, subjectivity, intuitive, value
nature of evaluation, and binary.
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