Chapter XII. Plurality of crimes. 1. The notion of the plurality of crimes and its difference from
single crimes.......................................................................304
2. The reiteration of crimes.................................................310
3. The totality of crimes......................................................314
4. The recidivism of crimes.................................................325
The third section.
The circumstances, excluding the criminal nature of the act. Chapter XIII. The notion and forms of circumstances, excluding the criminal nature of the act. 1. The notion and forms of circumstances, excluding the criminal nature of the act.........................................................337
2. The insignificance of the act............................................340
3. The necessary defense.....................................................342
4. The extreme necessity.....................................................354
5. The infliction of injury when detaining a person who committed a social dangerous act................................................358
6. The fulfillment of the order or the other statute..............363
7. The justified professional or commercial risk....................366
The fourth section. The penalty and its infliction. Chapter XIV. The notion and the aims of the penalty. 1. The notion and the aims of the penalty............................370
2. The notion and the attributes of criminal penalty..............375
Chapter XV. The system and forms of penalty. 1. The system and forms of penalty.....................................380
2. The fine (penalty)..........................................................383
3. The deprival of certain rights...........................................384
4. The corrective labour measures........................................387
5. The restriction of the service............................................417
6. The arrest.......................................................................419
7. The direction to the disciplinary unit...............................422
8. The imprisonment .........................................................424
9. The capital punishment ..................................................430
10. The deprival of military or special rank...........................433