Pedagogical structure of the period of the education process in accordance with the main features of this educational technologies, the sum of its parts. You can define the structure of a period of teacher education as a result of:
2. Content, the content of the education requirements of the independent production community.
3. The democratic functioning relationship between education of participants in the educational process and observance of the norms of free thought and umuminsoniylik rules.
4. Evaluate the results achieved in the process of education exemplifies the effective teacher evaluation and analysis.
Pedagogik jarayonda tarbiyaning davriylik tuzilishi — bu tarbiya texnologiyalarining asosiy xususiyatlariga muvofiq bo‘lgan, uning tarkibiy qismlari yig‘indisidir. O‘qituvchi buning natijasida tarbiyaning davriylik tuzilmasini belgilab olishi mumkin: